960 resultados para A1 noradrenergic neurons
The β-Amyloid (βA) peptide is the major component of senile plaques that are one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). It is well recognized that Aβ exists in multiple assembly states, such as soluble oligomers or insoluble fibrils, which affect neuronal viability and may contribute to disease progression. In particular, common βA-neurotoxic mechanisms are Ca2+ dyshomeostasis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, altered signaling, mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal death such as necrosis and apoptosis. Recent study shows that the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway play a crucial role in the degradation of short-lived and regulatory proteins that are important in a variety of basic and pathological cellular processes including apoptosis. Guanosine (Guo) is a purine nucleoside present extracellularly in brain that shows a spectrum of biological activities, both under physiological and pathological conditions. Recently it has become recognized that both neurons and glia also release guanine-based purines. However, the role of Guo in AD is still not well established. In this study, we investigated the machanism basis of neuroprotective effects of GUO against Aβ peptide-induced toxicity in neuronal (SH-SY5Y), in terms of mitochondrial dysfunction and translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS), a marker of apoptosis, using MTT and Annexin-V assay, respectively. In particular, treatment of SH-SY5Y cells with GUO (12,5-75 μM) in presence of monomeric βA25-35 (neurotoxic core of Aβ), oligomeric and fibrillar βA1-42 peptides showed a strong dose-dependent inhibitory effects on βA-induced toxic events. The maximum inhibition of mitochondrial function loss and PS translocation was observed with 75 μM of Guo. Subsequently, to investigate whether neuroprotection of Guo can be ascribed to its ability to modulate proteasome activity levels, we used lactacystin, a specific inhibitor of proteasome. We found that the antiapoptotic effects of Guo were completely abolished by lactacystin. To rule out the possibility that this effects resulted from an increase in proteasome activity by Guo, the chymotrypsin-like activity was assessed employing the fluorogenic substrate Z-LLL-AMC. The treatment of SH-SY5Y with Guo (75 μM for 0-6 h) induced a strong increase, in a time-dependent manner, of proteasome activity. In parallel, no increase of ubiquitinated protein levels was observed at similar experimental conditions adopted. We then evaluated an involvement of anti and pro-apoptotic proteins such as Bcl-2, Bad and Bax by western blot analysis. Interestingly, Bax levels decreased after 2 h treatment of SH-SY5Y with Guo. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Guo neuroprotective effects against βA-induced apoptosis are mediated, at least partly, via proteasome activation. In particular, these findings suggest a novel neuroprotective pathway mediated by Guo, which involves a rapid degradation of pro-apoptotic proteins by the proteasome. In conclusion, the present data, raise the possibility that Guo could be used as an agent for the treatment of AD.
ABSTRACT This works aim was to test whether LTP-like features can also be measured in cell culture and by methods that allow to analyse a alrger number of cells. A suitable method for this purpose is calcium imaging. The rationale for this approach lies in the fact that LTP/LTD are dependent on changes in intracellular calcium concentrations. Calcium levels have been measured using the calcium sensitive dye fura-2, whose fluorescence spectrum changes upon formation of the [fura-2-Ca2+] complex. Our LTP-inducing protocol comprised of two glutamate stimuli of identical size and duration (50 mM, 30 s) which were separated by 35 min. We could demonstrate that such a stimulation pattern gives rise to approx. 25% larger calcium influx at the second stimulus. It has been shown than such a stimulation pattern gives rise to an average of 25% augmentation (potentiation) of the second response, with 69% of potentiated cells. This experimental paradigm shows the pharmacological properties of LTP, established by previous electrophysiological studies:- blocking of NMDARs and mGluRs eliminates LTP induction;- blocking of AMPARs and L-type VGCCs does not eliminate LTP induction. Having obtained a system for induction and following of LTP-like changes, a preliminary application example was performed. Its purpose was to investigate possible influence of nicotine and galanthamine on our potentiation effect. Nicotine (100 mM) was shown both to increase and to eliminate glutamate-induced potentiation. Galanthamine coapplication (0.5 mM) with nicotine and glutamate exerted no effect on nicotinic modulation. However, galanthamine coapplied with glutamate alone seems to augment glutamate-induced potentiation. An LTP model system presented here could be additionally refined, by variation of glutamate application times, and testing for dependence on various forms of protein kinases. Galanthamine effect would probably be better addressed by cell-to-cell measurements instead of statistical approach, with subsequent identification of the cell type. Alternatively, combined calcium imaging â electrophysiological experiments could be performed. Spatial and temporal properties of intracellular ion dynamics could be utilised as diagnostic tools of the physiological state of the cells, thereby finding its application in functional proteomics.
P19 is a mouse-derived embryonal carcinoma cell line capable of differentiation toward ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal lineages and could thus be differentiated into neurons. Different culture conditions were tested to optimise and increase the efficiency of neuronal differentiation since the population of P19-derived neurons was reported to be heterogeneous with respect to the morphology and neurotransmitters they synthesise. P19-derived neurons were cultured on microelectrode arrays as cell aggregates and as dissociated cells. Improved neuronal maturation was shown by the presence of microtubule associated protein 2, neurofilament and synaptophysin formation when initiation of neuronal differentiation was prolonged. High initial cell density cultures and coating of surfaces with polyethylenimine-laminin further improved neuronal maturation of differentiated P19 cells. Increased spontaneous activities of the P19-derived neurons were correspondingly recorded. Two to three hours recordings were performed between 17 and 25 days when extracellular signals were stabilised. It was found that P19-derived neurons developed network properties as partially synchronised network activities. P19-derived neurons appeared to give inhomogenous response to the 2 major neurotransmitters, -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate. The P19-derived neuronal networks obtained from optimised protocol in this thesis were predominantly GABAergic. The reproducible long term extracellular recordings performed showed that neurons derived from P19 embryonal carcinoma cells could be applied as a model for cell based biosensor in corporation with microelectrode arrays.
Die Neurotrophine aus Säugetiere BDNF und NT-3 sind von Neuronen sekretierte Wachstumsfaktoren. Ferner sind Neurotrophine in verschiedene Formen der aktivitätsabhängigen synaptische Plastizität involviert. Obwohl die Ausschüttung von Neurotrophine aus Synapsen beschrieben worden ist, sind die intrazellulären Signalkaskaden, die die synaptische Ausschüttung von Neurotrophine regulieren, bei weitem nicht verstanden. Deswegen ist die Analyse der Sekretion von Neurotrophine auf subzellulärer Ebene erforderlich, um die genaue Rolle von präsynaptische und postsynaptische NT-Sekretion in der synaptischen Plastizität aufzudecken. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Kulturen von dissoziierten hippocampalen Neuronen aus Ratten mit grün fluoreszierenden Protein-markierten Konstrukten von BDNF und NT-3 transfiziert und Neurotrophine-enthaltenden Vesikeln durch die Colokalisierung mit dem cotransfizierten postsynaptischen Marker PSD-95-DsRed an glutamatergen Synapsen identifiziert. Depolarisationsinduzierte Sekretion von BDNF und NT-3 wurde per Direktaufnahme am Fluoreszenzmikroskop beobachtet. Die unvermittelte postsynaptische Depolarisation mit erhöhtem Kalium, in Gegenwart von Inhibitoren der synaptischen Transmission, erlaubte die Untersuchung der Signalwege, die am postsynaptischen Sekretionsprozess der Neurotrophinvesikel beteiligt sind. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die depolarisationsinduzierte postsynaptische Ausschüttung der Neurotrophine durch Calcium-Einstrom ausgelöst wird, entweder über L-Typ-spannungsabhängige Calcium-Kanäle oder über NMDA-Rezeptoren. Eine anschließende Freisetzung von Calcium aus intrazellulären Speichern über Ryanodin-Rezeptoren ist für den Sekretionsprozess erforderlich. Die postsynaptische Neurotrophinausschüttung wird durch KN-62 und KN-93 gehemmt, was auf eine unmittelbare Abhängigkeit von aktiver alpha-Calcium-Calmodulin-abhängige Proteinkinase II (CaMKII) hinweist. Der Inhibitor der cAMP/Proteinkinase A (PKA), Rp-cAMP-S, sowie der NO-Donor, SNP, minderten die Neurotrophinausschüttung. Hingegen blieben die Erhöhung des intrazellulären cAMP und der NO-Synthase-Inhibitor L-NMMA ohne Wirkung. Mit dem Trk-Inhibitor K252a konnte gezeigt werden, dass autokrine Neurotrophin-induzierte Neurotrophinausschüttung nicht an der synaptischen Freisetzung der Neurotrophine beiträgt und, dass BDNF seine eigene postsynaptische Sekretion nicht auslöst. Freisetzungsexperimente mit dem Fluoreszenz-Quencher Bromphenolblau konnten den Nachweis erbringen, dass asynchrone und anhaltende Fusionsporenöffnung von Neurotrophinvesikeln während der Sekretion stattfindet. Wegen der im Vergleich zum komplexen Sekretionsprozess schnellen Fusionsporenöffnung, scheint die Freisetzungsgeschwindigkeit von Neurotrophine durch ihre Diffusion aus dem Vesikel begrenzt. Zusammenfassend zeigen diese Ergebnisse eine starke Abhängigkeit der aktivitätsabhängigen postsynaptischen Neurotrophinausschüttung vom Calcium-Einstrom, von der Freisetzung von Calcium aus internen Speichern, von der Aktivierung der CaMKII und einem intakten Funktion der PKA, während der Trk-Signalweg, die Aktivierung von Natrium-Kanäle und NO-Signale nicht erforderlich sind.
A seguito di grandi eruzioni esplosive, le ceneri emesse possono coprire un areale molto ampio depositandosi nei mari, sui continenti e nei ghiacciai generando livelli chiamati tefra la cui caratteristica peculiare è quella di possedere un’età isocrona. L’isocronia di questi depositi rende la tefrostratigrafia un potente strumento grazie al quale è possibile datare/correlare eventi geologico-stratigrafici e paleoclimatici con una buona precisione. Questo lavoro ha come obiettivo l’analisi di livelli di tefra presenti in una carota lunga circa 430 cm prelavata nella fossa del Mare Adriatico Meridionale. In totale sono stati trovati 15 livelli di tefra, 9 appartenenti a Campi Flegrei e 6 al Somma-Vesuvio. Correlando le composizioni chimiche delle glass shard (ottenute tramite microanalisi SEM/EDS) con i dati presenti in letteratura e, sfruttando marker stratigrafici come il sapropel S1, sono state individuate le eruzioni corrispondenti. Il livello più antico ritrovato è Pomici di Base del Somma-Vesuvio con un età di circa 18 ka.
We aimed to induce neural stem (NSC) and progenitor cells (NPC) from human placental tissues.
Incorporation of enediynes into anticancer drugs remains an intriguing yet elusive strategy for the design of therapeutically active agents. Density functional theory was used to locate reactants, products, and transition states along the Bergman cyclization pathways connecting enediynes to reactive para-biradicals. Sum method correction to low-level calculations confirmed B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) as the method of choice in investigating enediynes. Herein described as MI:Sum, calculated reaction enthalpies differed from experiment by an average of 2.1 kcal·mol−1 (mean unsigned error). A combination of strain energy released across the reaction coordinate and the critical intramolecular distance between reacting diynes explains reactivity differences. Where experimental and calculated barrier heights are in disagreement, higher level multireference treatment of the enediynes confirms lower level estimates. Previous work concerning the chemically reactive fragment of esperamcin, MTC, is expanded to our model system MTC2.