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瑶岗仙钨矿床位于湘东南后加里东隆起和湘、桂、粤北海西—印支坳陷带的交接部位,是南岭地区最典型的石英脉型钨矿床之一。为了深入研究瑶岗仙钨矿的成矿机制,本文在野外地质工作基础上,选取有代表性的样品,进行了氦、氩同位素以及碳、氧、硫稳定同位素研究,探讨了矿床成矿流体的来源,成岩成矿的关系,并初步讨论了矿床的成因模式。论文主要获得以下认识: (1)对瑶岗仙矿区不同硫化物中流体包裹体的氦、氩同位素系统测定表明,该矿床毒砂流体包裹体中3He/4He比值为0.58~2.60 Ra;黄铁矿和黄铜矿流体包裹体中3He/4He比值分别为0.41~1.26 Ra 和0.37~0.43 Ra,黑钨矿流体包裹体中氦同位素组成相对变化较大,其3He/4He比值为0.05~0.49 Ra,这些He同位素组成均明显高于地壳相应值;毒砂流体包裹体中的40Ar/36Ar变化范围在309.94~454.39;黄铁矿流体包裹体中的40Ar/36Ar变化范围在409.12~1822.31;黄铜矿和黑钨矿流体包裹体中的40Ar/36Ar变化范围分别为673~886和325~903,明显高于饱和大气雨水的40Ar/36Ar值。上述氦、氩同位素组成揭示瑶岗仙钨矿床中的成矿流体具有壳、幔两端元混合的特点。结合区域地质构造演化和成矿年代学的研究成果,本文认为瑶岗仙钨矿床的成矿流体是瑶岗仙花岗岩浆分异出的含有地幔He的岩浆流体与大气成因地下水二端元混合的产物。 (2)层解石和方解石的C、O同位素显示,该矿方解石的13CPDB和18OSMOW的变化范围为-2.2‰~ -7.0‰(均值为-4.8‰)和5.6‰~14.4‰(均值为11.3‰);层解石的13CPDB和18OSMOW的变化范围为-5.5‰~ -6.3‰(均值为-5.8‰)和12.7‰~14.3‰(均值为13.8‰);该矿方解石、层解石的C、O同位素组成与赣南西华山钨矿床非常类似。这些C、O同位素指示,该矿的成矿流体主要来自岩浆水,后期有少量大气降水的参与。 (3)对瑶岗仙矿区不同硫化物的硫同位素研究表明,该矿硫化物δ34S值的变化范围很窄,为-2.0‰~1.5‰之间,且具有明显的塔式分布。这些特征暗示,该矿的硫来源单一,主要来自岩浆。 (4)瑶岗仙花岗岩过去被视为典型的S型花岗岩,但本文研究发现该花岗岩普遍含有地幔He。结合区域构造背景的最新研究成果,本文认为,原来被认为“由地壳物质重熔形成的”瑶岗仙S型花岗岩体,实际上也是一种岩石圈伸展背景条件下壳幔相互作用的产物,地幔物质和能量的参与在该花岗岩的形成过程中发挥了重要作用。 (5)瑶岗仙钨矿床与矿区复式花岗岩体具有密切时空关系,而且该矿的主要成矿流体和成矿物质均来自矿区花岗岩,故两者亦应具成因联系。
This thesis examines a complete design framework for a real-time, autonomous system with specialized VLSI hardware for computing 3-D camera motion. In the proposed architecture, the first step is to determine point correspondences between two images. Two processors, a CCD array edge detector and a mixed analog/digital binary block correlator, are proposed for this task. The report is divided into three parts. Part I covers the algorithmic analysis; part II describes the design and test of a 32$\time $32 CCD edge detector fabricated through MOSIS; and part III compares the design of the mixed analog/digital correlator to a fully digital implementation.
Com o objetivo de levantar a freqüência preliminar de bovinos de corte não vacinados do Pantanal, foram visitados, no período de 1994 a 1996, 16 rebanhos e 309 animais, sorteados dentre as fazendas cadastradas na Embrapa Pantanal. A freqüência foi estimada com base no número de animais que apresentavam resultados positivos em ambos os testes (AAT e soroaglutinação lenta/2 mercaptoetanol (2ME)) Os resultados do testes diagnósticos confirmatórios foram positivos, negativos ou inconclusivos e classificou-se como positiva a propriedade que apresentou pelo menos um animal positivo no teste confirmatório (2ME); negativa, quando todas os animais apresentaram-se negativos nos testes sorológicos e inconclusiva, quando existiram resultados sorológicos negativos e inconclusivo em pelo menos um dos animais.
Cap. 1 Origem, evolução e melhoramento genético; Cap. 2 Bioclimatologia e zoneamento agrícola; Cap. 3 Manejo do solo e sistema plantio direto; Cap. 4 Calagem, adubação de base e inoculação em sementes; Cap. 5 Semeadura, práticas de manejo e adubação nitrogenada em cobertura; Cap. 6 Manejo e controle de plantas daninhas; Cap. 7 Controle de doenças; Cap. 8 Manejo integrado de pragas; Cap. 9 Mecanização, colheita, secagem e armazenamento; Cap. 10 O trigo na integração lavoura pecuária; Cap. 11 Trigo no Brasil central; Cap. 12 Biotecnologia; Cap. 13 Produção de sementes; Cap. 14 Qualidade tecnológica do trigo; Cap. 15 Produção integrada e gestão da qualidade na pós colheita; Cap. 16 Aspectos comerciais e econômicos do trigo.
On a Dreyfusian account performers choke when they reflect upon and interfere with established routines of purely embodied expertise. This basic explanation of choking remains popular even today and apparently enjoys empirical support. Its driving insight can be understood through the lens of diverse philosophical visions of the embodied basis of expertise. These range from accounts of embodied cognition that are ultra conservative with respect to representational theories of cognition to those that are more radically embodied. This paper provides an account of the acquisition of embodied expertise, and explanation of the choking effect, from the most radically enactive, embodied perspective, spelling out some of its practical implications and addressing some possible philosophical challenges. Specifically, we propose: (i) an explanation of how skills can be acquired on the basis of ecological dynamics; and (ii) a non-linear pedagogy that takes into account how contentful representations might scaffold skill acquisition from a radically enactive perspective.
M.A. Fortes et al., Instabilities in two-dimensional flower and chain clusters of bubbles, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Volume 309, Issues 1-3, 1 November 2007, Pages 64-70 A Collection of Papers Presented at the 6th Eufoam Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 2-6 July, 2006
Hutzler, S., Cox, S.J., Janiaud, E. and Weaire, D. (2007) Drainage induced convection rolls in foams. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Volume 309, Issues 1-3, 1 November 2007, Pages 33-37 A Collection of Papers Presented at the 6th Eufoam Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 2-6 July, 2006 Sponsorship: European Space Agency (14914/02/NL/SH, 14308/00/NL/SG) (AO-99-031) CCN 002 MAP Project AO-99-075); Science Foundation Ireland (RFP 05/RFP/PHY0016); Royal Society; UWA Learned Societies.
Peron, N., Cox, S.J., Hutzler, S. and Weaire, D. (2007) Steady drainage in emulsions: corrections for surface Plateau borders and a model for high aqueous volume fraction. The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter. 22: 341-351. Sponsorship: This research was supported by the European Space Agency (14914/02/NL/SH, 14308/00/NL/SG) (AO-99-031) CCN 002 MAP Project AO-99-075) and Science Foundation Ireland (RFP 05/RFP/PHY0016). SJC acknowledges support from EPSRC (EP/D071127/1).
Binding, David; Couch, M.A., (2003) 'An experimental study of the peeling of dough from solid surfaces', Journal of Food Engineering 58(2) pp.299-309 RAE2008
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Mestre em Psicologia especialização em Psicologia da Saúde e Intervenção Comunitária.
20 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color.