1000 resultados para 7140-218


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The death-inducing receptor Fas is activated when cross-linked by the type II membrane protein Fas ligand (FasL). When human soluble FasL (sFasL, containing the extracellular portion) was expressed in human embryo kidney 293 cells, the three N-linked glycans of each FasL monomer were found to be essential for efficient secretion. Based on the structure of the closely related lymphotoxin alpha-tumor necrosis factor receptor I complex, a molecular model of the FasL homotrimer bound to three Fas molecules was generated using knowledge-based protein modeling methods. Point mutations of amino acid residues predicted to affect the receptor-ligand interaction were introduced at three sites. The F275L mutant, mimicking the loss of function murine gld mutation, exhibited a high propensity for aggregation and was unable to bind to Fas. Mutants P206R, P206D, and P206F displayed reduced cytotoxicity toward Fas-positive cells with a concomitant decrease in the binding affinity for the recombinant Fas-immunoglobulin Fc fusion proteins. Although the cytotoxic activity of mutant Y218D was unaltered, mutant Y218R was inactive, correlating with the prediction that Tyr-218 of FasL interacts with a cluster of three basic amino acid side chains of Fas. Interestingly, mutant Y218F could induce apoptosis in murine, but not human cells.


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El siguiente trabajo repasa los procesos y acontecimientos clave de la incidencia de Roma en la península Ibérica –en las denominadas «provincias hispanas»–, con especial atención al espacio comprendido entre el desembarco de Escipión en Emporion (218 a.C.) y el reinado de Adriano, por tanto, durante la República y el Alto Imperio. A partir de la documentación arqueológica y, en ocasiones, epigráfica, se esboza un panorama de la romanización peninsular partiendo de los acontecimientos más representativos de la misma y de sus huellas más evidentes. De igual modo, la bibliografía ofrecida pretende aportar la luz de las últimas novedades sobre la cuestión.


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La investigación arqueológica de los campamentos de campaña romano-republicanos localizados en el curso inferior del río Ebro permite una nueva perspectiva de estudio sobre los inicios de la conquista romana en la península ibérica.


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Objective information for the groups exposed to the disease and the public in general is the only step that is currently possible in the prevention of AIDS. A certain number of information and support actions have been developed as a consequence of the appearance of AIDS in Switzerland. The AIDS information hot-line at the CHUV is one of these actions with the aim of orienting the information according to demand and examining the utility of this means, we made a prospective evaluation of the calls (between 23 October 1985-inception of the line and 31 March 1986). Out of a total of 535 calls, 317 requests for appointments (tests, consultation) or written documentation, and 218 (41%) were transferred to the doctor; 39% of the calls came from people who were directly concerned (ill, with a positive test, exposed groups), 11% from health professionals, and 47% from the general public. 56% of the calls were concerned with transmission of the disease (sexual, blood, indirect), 22% with the meaning of the detection test, 22% referred to the symptoms of the disease. According to the doctor's estimate, although the standard of knowledge is satisfactory in 55% of the cases, a considerable number of false ideas, that generate irrational fear, still persist. This hot-line thus provides a sympathetic ear and individual support, particularly for the exposed groups, rather than information about the disease. The existence of this action, therefore, appears justified, but must be integrated into a global strategy of information promotion.


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Collection : Archives de la linguistique française ; 218


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Prosessijohtaminen eli liiketoimintaprosessien uudelleenjärjestely on liiketoiminnan kehittämismuoto. Prosessijohtamisen perusideana on, että perinteisen organisaatiorakenteen päälle rakennetaan organisaatiorajat ylittäviä toimintaprosesseja, joiden mukaan yritys toimii. Prosessista vastuussaovat prosessitiimit, jotka kootaan yrityksen organisationaalisista yksiköistä. Prosessitiimiä johtaa prosessinomistaja. Oikein implementoituna prosessimainen toiminta voi parantaa dramaattisesti laatua, lyhentää läpimenoaikoja, vähentää kustannuksia ja tuoda näin ollen kilpailuetua. Prosessien suorituskykyä voidaan mitata perinteisillä talouden mittareilla, kuten läpimenoajoilla, virheprosenteilla ja tuottavuudella. Prosessijohtamisen impelementointi on hankalaa ja monet yritykset ovat epäonnistuneet siinä. Menestyksellinen prosessijohtamisen käyttöönotto vaatii mm. johdon ja työntekijöiden sitoutumista, prosessien syvällistä ymmärtämistä ja yrityksen IT-järjestelmän kytkemistä BPR:ään


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Aquest projecte tracta sobre la millora d’arranjament del camí de la Tossa – camí de Rosselló, ubicat als termes municipals de Vilanova i Benavent de Segrià (Segrià). Els aspectes que s’han volgut millorar són la poca amplada del camí, eliminar i/o modificar revolts perillosos i asfaltar el camí amb un acabat del ferm amb mescla bituminosa. A la Memòria com a punts més rellevants s’hi pot trobar l’objectiu i condicionants del projecte, estudi d’alternatives i enginyeria dels projecte entre d’altres. En aquest últim, s’hi descriuen les opcions adoptades en quant a trànsit, traçat, esplanació, ferm, drenatge i senyalització. Alguns d’aquests punts es troben a més, desglossats detalladament en l’annex a memòria, en aquest annex també hi figuren altres documents rellevants com l’Estudi de Seguretat i Salut i la Justificació de preus.


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L’objecte del present projecte és el condicionament i millora del “Camí de les Comes Llargues” , de 3.917,6 metres de longitud i que té el seu inici al punt quilomètric 70+500 de la carretera C-12 i el seu fi a la partida de Les Comes Llargues. En aquest interval el camí passa durant tot el seu recorregut pel terme municipal de Garcia, Ribera d’Ebre.


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Warsha : Iosaf Shuhman 1905


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Kiev : J.Sh. Bohuslavsqi 1910


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O objetivo do trabalho foi a caracterização de acessos de laranja-doce [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Citros (BAG Citros) do IAPAR, em Londrina-PR. Foram estudados os acessos I-02 'Piralima'; I-03 'Barão'; I-11 'Natal', I-16 'Hamlin', I-17 'Seleta-Vermelha', I-60 'Natal', enxertados sobre limão- 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osbeck). As plantas foram conduzidas em espaçamento de 7,0 m x 7,0 m e sem irrigação. Os dados de produção (de 1983 a 1997) e as características físico-químicas dos frutos (de 1984 a 2000), como massa (MF), sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez titulável total (ATT), ratio (SST/ATT), rendimento em suco (Suco) e índice tecnológico (IT) foram submetidos à análise de variância, complementada pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. O acesso I-16 'Hamlin' foi o mais produtivo (218,1 kg por planta) e diferiu-se dos demais. Para a massa do fruto, destacaram-se os acessos I-17 'Seleta-Vermelha' (208,8 g) e I-11 'Natal' (142,0 g), sem diferença entre si. Com relação às características químicas dos frutos, os acessos apresentaram resultados semelhantes, dentro dos padrões considerados adequados para as cultivares, exceto o acesso I-17, 'Seleta- Vermelha', que teve índice tecnológico menor que 2,0 kg.caixa-1 de SST.