969 resultados para 4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl-benzenesulfonate


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CONTEXTO: A doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE) é uma doença crônica na qual o conteúdo gastroduodenal reflui para o esôfago. O quadro clínico da DRGE é usualmente referido como pirose e regurgitação (manifestações típicas). Manifestações atípicas (distúrbios da voz e asma) podem também ser referidas. OBJETIVO: Analisar os aspectos clínicos, endoscópicos, manométricos e pHmétricos de pacientes portadores da DRGE com distúrbios da voz. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 50 pacientes com a DRGE, sendo 25 com distúrbios da voz (grupo 1 - G1) e 25 sem estes sintomas (controles, grupo 2 - G2). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a endoscopia, manometria e pHmetria esofágica (dois sensores). Os pacientes do G1 foram submetidos a videolaringoscopia. RESULTADOS: Achados endoscópicos: DRGE não-erosiva foi observada em 95% dos pacientes de G1 e em 88% de G2. Videolaringoscopia: congestão das pregas vocais, assimetria, nódulos e pólipos foram diagnosticados nos pacientes do G1. Manometria esofágica: pressão no esfíncter inferior do esôfago (mm Hg): 11,6 ± 5,2 em G1 e 14,0 ± 6,2 em G2 (P = 0,14); pressão no esfíncter superior do esôfago (mm Hg): 58,4 ± 15,9 em G1 e 69,5 ± 30,7 nos controles. Achados pHmétricos: índice de DeMeester: 34,0 ± 20,9 em G1 e 15,4 ± 9,4 em G2 (P<0,001); número de episódios de refluxo no sensor distal: 43,0 ± 20,4 em G1 e 26, 4 ± 17,2 em G2 (P<0,003); percentagem do tempo com pH esofágico menor que 4 unidades (sensor distal): 9,0% ± 6,4% em G1 e 3,4% ± 2,1% em G2 (P<0,001); número de episódios de refluxo no sensor proximal: 7,5 ± 10,9 em G1 e 5,3 ± 5,7 em G2 (P = 0,38); percentagem de tempo com pH esofágico menor que quatro unidades (sensor proximal): 1,2% ± 2,7% em G1 e 0,5% ± 0,7% em G2 (P = 0,210). CONCLUSÕES: Os aspectos clínicos, endoscópicos e manométricos em pacientes com a DRGE e distúrbios da voz não diferem dos pacientes sem estes sintomas. A intensidade do refluxo gastroesofágico é maior nos pacientes com distúrbios da voz. Os pacientes sem distúrbios da voz podem também apresentar episódios de refluxo gastroesofágico no sensor proximal.


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O presente trabalho foi conduzido na Pista de Ensaios de Semeadura do Laboratório de Máquinas e Mecanização Agrícola (LAMMA) da UNESP/Jaboticabal - SP, para o estudo da ação da roda compactadora de semeadoras sob cargas verticais, na deformação do solo, com dois teores de água. Os tratamentos consistiram da combinação de dois teores de água e seis cargas verticais, totalizando 12 tratamentos, com três repetições, em dois ensaios, analisando-se a resistência mecânica do solo à penetração e a deformação do solo provocada pela roda compactadora. A roda compactadora utilizada era de alumínio, com massa de 6,4 kg, 40 cm de diâmetro e 10 cm de largura, sob a ação de cargas verticais de 63; 161; 259; 357; 455 e 553 N, obtidas acoplando-se lastros de chumbo sobre a roda compactadora, sendo os teores de água do solo de 15,4 e 9,2%. Os resultados permitem concluir que o teor de água do solo tem grande influência na deformação e compactação do solo, que aumentam proporcionalmente com as cargas verticais sobre a roda compactadora, e que, quanto maior o teor de água do solo, mais suscetível o mesmo fica à compactação e deformação.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sobrevida e complicações associadas à prematuridade em recém-nascidos com menos de 32 semanas. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo do tipo coorte. Foram incluídos os nascidos vivos, com idade gestacional entre 25 semanas e 31 semanas e 6 dias, sem anomalias congênitas admitidos em UTI Neonatal, entre 1º de agosto de 2009 e 31 de outubro de 2010. Os recém-nascidos foram estratificados em três grupos: G25, 25 a 27 semanas e 6 dias; G28, 28 a 29 semanas e 6 dias; G30, 30 a 31 semanas e 6 dias, e acompanhados até 28 dias. Foram avaliadas a sobrevida aos 28 dias e a morbidade associadas à prematuridade. Para análise dos resultados, utilizou-se o teste do c², análise de variância, teste de Kruskal-Wallis, razão de risco com intervalo de confiança (IC) e regressão logística múltipla, com significância em 5%. RESULTADOS: A coorte compreendeu 198 prematuros, sendo G25=59, G28=43 e G30=96. O risco de óbito foi significativamente maior em G25 e G28, em relação ao G30 (RR=4,1; IC95% 2,2-7,6 e RR=2,8; IC95% 1,4-5,7). A sobrevida encontrada foi, respectivamente, 52,5, 67,4 e 88,5%. A partir da 26ª semana e peso >700 g, a sobrevida foi superior a 50%. A morbidade foi inversamente proporcional à idade gestacional, exceto para enterocolite necrosante e leucomalácia, que não diferiram entre os grupos. A análise de regressão logística mostrou que a hemorragia pulmonar (OR=3,3; IC95% 1,4-7,9) e a síndrome do desconforto respiratório (OR=2,5; IC95% 1,1-6,1) foram fatores independentes de risco para óbito. Houve predomínio das lesões cerebrais hemorrágicas graves em G25. CONCLUSÕES: Sobrevivência superior a 50% ocorreu a partir da 26ª semana de gravidez e peso >700 g. A hemorragia pulmonar e a síndrome do desconforto respiratório foram preditores independentes de óbito. Há necessidade de identificar e instituir práticas para melhorar a sobrevida de prematuros extremos.


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O pinhão-manso é uma espécie arbustiva que está se destacando pelo interesse para produção de biocombustível, porém, os estudos sobre controle de qualidade das sementes estão se iniciando. Neste trabalho objetivou-se estudar o efeito da temperatura e do tempo de contagem na germinação de sementes de pinhão-manso, conduzido em papel toalha bem como avaliar a qualidade sanitária das sementes, desinfestadas ou não com hipoclorito de sódio, a 2%. O estudo foi conduzido, com sementes de pinhão-manso extraídas de frutos maduros, coletados na planta. O teste de germinação foi conduzido nas temperaturas de 25 ºC e alternadas de 20-30 ºC, com contagens aos 6, 9 e 12 dias. O teste de sanidade foi conduzido a 20 ºC com fotoperíodo de 12 h por 7 dias. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições e empregado o teste F na análise de variância dos dados de germinação e do índice de velocidade de germinação. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. O potencial máximo de germinação das sementes de pinhão-manso foi obtido na temperatura de 25 ºC, com contagens aos seis, nove e 12 dias, entretanto não apresentou diferença significativa com as temperaturas de 20-30 ºC, nas contagens aos 9 e 12 dias. As sementes de pinhão-manso analisadas apresentaram alta frequência de espécies fúngicas, independente da desinfestação superficial. A incidência de fungos em ordem decrescente foi dos gêneros: Alternaria, Macrophomina, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Fusarium, Pestalotiopsis, Phoma, Helminthosporium, Epicocum e Nigrospora a maioria destes fungos apresenta potencial patogênico.


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Utilizaram-se 13 cabras gestantes da raça Saanen, para estudo das características da gestação a partir do 60º dia, segundo as técnicas de fetometria e avaliação morfológica fetal, utilizando-se ultra-sonografia em modo-B. Analisaram-se: diâmetro orbital (DO), diâmetro interorbital (DIO), diâmetro biorbital (DBO), diâmetro biparietal (DBP), comprimento do fêmur (CF), comprimento da tíbia (CT), comprimento do rádio (CR), diâmetro do tórax (DT), diâmetro abdominal transversal (DAT), diâmetro abdominal anteroposterior (DAP), diâmetro occípito-frontal (DOF), diâmetro transversal renal (RIMT), diâmetro longitudinal renal (RIML), comprimento da escápula (ESC), comprimento do metacarpo (MEC), medida da pelve (COX) e comprimento do úmero (CU). As médias dos valores achados foram correlacionadas com a idade fetal. As equações de regressão inversa foram criadas para cada parâmetro, sendo que DBP (R²=0,93), CF (R²=0,95), CU (R²=0,96), do (R²= 0,84) e DAT (R²= 0,91) foram as variáveis de melhor correlação estatística, cuja equação pode ser representada pela fórmula: idade fetal = 34,5 + 4,8DBP + 9,9 CF - 7,5 CU - 2,3 do + 6,1 DAT.


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Dez vacas multíparas, secas, foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos de cinco animais cada. Nos dias 8 a 12 do diestro, o primeiro grupo recebeu 100 ml de anti-soro contra líquido folicular livre de esteróides (anti-LFb) produzido em ovelhas ovariectomizadas. O segundo grupo (controle) recebeu 100 ml de soro de ovelhas não-imunizadas. Seis horas após a aplicação, os dois grupos foram superovulados com FSH (18 NIH-FSH-S1 unidades) e LH (0,29 NIH-LH-S1 unidades) administrados em quantidades decrescentes durante quatro dias. Na manhã do terceiro dia, foi administrada uma dose luteolítica de cloprostenol. Duas inseminações foram realizadas 48 e 60 horas após. Os embriões foram recuperados pelo método cervical 7 dias após a primeira inseminação. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas durante todo o período experimental para determinar, por radioimunoensaio, as concentrações plasmáticas de FSH, LH e progesterona. Todas as vacas do grupo imunizado e 3 do grupo controle apresentaram mais de 2 CL. Não existiu diferença significativa (P>0,05) na taxa de ovulação entre os grupos imunizado e controle (14,4 e 9,9, respectivamente). O número de embriões recuperado não foi significativamente diferente (P>0,05) entre os grupos, embora o grupo imunizado tenha apresentado maior número de embriões transferíveis (3,4 ± 1,0 versus 0,8 ± 0,4, P<0,05). As concentrações de gonadotrofinas plasmáticas não foram correlacionadas com a taxa de ovulação ou com o número de embriões recuperados. As concentrações de progesterona plasmática foram positivamente correlacionadas (r = 0,88, P<0,01) com a taxa de ovulação. Os resultados sugerem que o anti-LFb, aplicado antes da superovulação, não reduz a variabilidade da resposta ovariana.


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The lactate minimum test (LACmin) has been considered an important indicator of endurance exercise capacity and a single session protocol can predict the maximal steady state lactate (MLSS). The objective of this study was to determine the best swimming protocol to induce hyperlactatemia in order to assure the LACmin in rats (Rattus norvegicus), standardized to four different protocols (P) of lactate elevation. The protocols were PI: 6 min of intermittent jumping exercise in water (load of 50% of the body weight - bw); P2: two 13% bw load swimming bouts until exhaustion (thin); P3: one thin 13% bw load swimming bout; and P4: two 13% bw load swimming bouts (1st 30 s, 2nd to thin), separated by a 30 s interval. The incremental phase of LACmin beginning with initial loads of 4% bw, increased in 0.5% at each 5 min. Peak lactate concentration was collected after 5, 7 and 9 min (mmol L-1) and differed among the protocols P 1 (15.2 +/- 0.4, 14.9 +/- 0.7, 14.8 +/- 0.6) and P2 (14.0 +/- 0.4, 14.9 +/- 0.4, 15.5 +/- 0.5) compared to P3 (5.1 +/- 0.1, 5.6 +/- 0.3, 5.6 +/- 0.3) and P4 (4.7 +/- 0.2, 6.8 +/- 0.2, 7.1 +/- 0.2). The LACmin determination success rates were 58%, 55%, 80% and 91% in P1, P2, P3 and P4 protocols, respectively. The MLSS did not differ from LACmin in any protocol. The LACmin obtained from P4 protocol showed better assurance for the MLSS identification in most of the tested rats. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) has been evaluated by analyzing rich-humic water samples from tropical rivers. The samples were spiked with atrazine at ppb level Different pHs (4 to 9) and humic concentrations (2.5 to 40 mg L-1) were investigated. The assay performance showed a strong dependence on the pH values and amount of humic matter at low atrazine concentration. From all the conditions studied the low pH (pH 4) and high humic substances concentrations (40 mg L-1) showed the greatest influence. The IC50 value to control sample (no humic) diminished from 0.28 nmol L-1 to 0.64 nmol L-1 to humic acid solution. This effect is specially noted for the humic acid fractions, since fulvic acid fractions showed no significant change on the immunoassay results. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that at basic pH the matrix effect produced by the natural Brazilian water sample containing humic substances even at 40 mg L-1 disappears. Therefore, the ELISA method used to determine atrazine, can be employed to determine this pesticide in water samples containing humic substances without prior preparation.


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The objective of this study was to verify the effect of the passive recovery time following a supramaximal sprint exercise and the incremental exercise test on the lactate minimum speed (LMS). Thirteen sprinters and 12 endurance runners performed the following tests: 1) a maximal 500 m sprint followed by a passive recovery to determine the time to reach the peak blood lactate concentration; 2) after the maximal 500 m sprint, the athletes rested eight mins, and then performed 6 x 800 m incremental test, in order to determine the speed corresponding to the lower blood lactate concentration (LMS1) and; 3) identical procedures of the LMS1, differing only in the passive rest time, that was performed in accordance with the time to peak lactate (LMS2). The time (min) to reach the peak blood lactate concentration was significantly higher in the sprinters (12.76+/-2.83) than in the endurance runners (10.25+/-3.01). There was no significant difference between LMS1 and LMS2, for both endurance (285.7+/-19.9; 283.9+/-17.8 m/min; r= 0.96) and sprint runners (238.0+/-14.1; 239.4+/-13.9 m/min; r= 0.93), respectively. We can conclude that the LMS is not influenced by a passive recovery period longer than eight mins (adjusted according with the time to peak blood lactate), although blood lactate concentration may differ at this speed. The predominant type of training (aerobic or anaerobic) of the athletes does not seem to influence the phenomenon previously described.


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Recent studies have shown the existence of two important inhibitory mechanisms for the control of NaCl and water intake: one mechanism involves serotonin in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) and the other depends on alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline receptors probably in the forebrain areas. In the present study we investigated if alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline and serotonergic inhibitory mechanisms interact to control NaCl and water intake. Male Holtzman rats with cannulas implanted simultaneously into the lateral ventricle (LV) and bilaterally into the LPBN were used. The ingestion of 0.3 M NaCl and water was induced by treatment with the diuretic furosemide (10 mg/kg of body weight)+the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (5 mg/kg) injected subcutaneously 1 h before the access of rats to water and 0.3 M NaCl. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of the alpha(1)-adrenergic/imidazoline agonist clonidine (20 nmol/l RI) almost abolished water (1.6 +/- 1.2, vs. vehicle: 7.5 +/- 2.2 ml/2 h) and 0.3 M NaCl intake (0.5 +/- 0.3, vs. vehicle: 2.2 0.8 ml/2 h). Similar effects were produced by bilateral injections of the 5HT(2a/2b) serotonergic agonist 2,5-dimetoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (DOI, 5 mug/0.2 mul each site) into the LPBN on water (3.6 +/- 0.9 ml/2 h) and 0.3 M NaCl intake (0.4 +/- 0.2 m1/2 h). Injection of the (alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline antagonist idazoxan (320 nmol) i.c.v. completely blocked the effects of clonidine on water (8.4 +/- 1.5 ml/2 h) and NaCl intake (4.0 +/- 1.2 ml/2 h), but did not change the effects of LPBN injections of DOI on water (4.2 +/- 1.0 ml/2 h) and NaCl intake (0.7 +/- 0.2 ml/2 h). Bilateral injections of methysergide (4 mug/0.2 mul each site) into the LPBN increased 0.3 M NaCl intake (6.4 +/- 1.9 ml/2 h), not water intake. The inhibitory effect of i.c.v. clonidine on water and 0.3 M NaCl was still present after injections of methysergide into the LPBN (1.5 +/- 0.8 and 1.7 +/- 1.4 ml/2 h, respectively). The results show that the inhibitory effects of the activation of a,-adrenergic/imidazoline receptors in the forebrain are still present after blockade of the LPBN serotonergic mechanisms and vice versa for the activation of serotonergic mechanisms of the LPBN. Therefore, each system may act independently to inhibit NaCl and water intake. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We performed comparative studies of the pathogenicity of six strains of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Bt-9, Bt-4, Pb-9, Pb-18, Bt-7 and B-1183) for young adult male ddY mice and growth rate of each strain under different oxygen atmospheres (aerobic, micro-aerobic and anaerobic atmospheres) at 37-degrees-C. 10(6) units of yeast cells were intravenously injected into each mouse. The pathogenicity of each isolate was determined by a scoring system based on organ culture and histopathological findings. The growth rates under different oxygen atmospheres were determined by a scoring system in which 300 fungal units per strain were counted. The strain Bt-9 showed the greatest pathogenicity, followed by Bt-4. Pb-9 and Pb-18 had on intermediate rank of pathogenicity. Bt-7 and B-1183 were the least pathogenic of the strains tested. Except for strain Bt-7 all strains showed an excellent growth under an aerobic atmosphere. Bt-4 and Bt-9 also showed excellent growth under a micro-aerobic atmosphere, followed by Pb-9, whereas the growth of Pb-18, Bt-7 and B-1183 was limited. There was a correlation between the growth rate under a micro-aerobic atmosphere and the pathogenicity of a strain. The growth rate of P. brasiliensis under a micro-aerobic atmosphere strongly correlated to its pathogenicity.


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The temperature dependence of photoinduced birefringence was investigated for mixed Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films from the homopolymer poly[4'-[[2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl]ethyl-amino]-2-chloro-4-nitroazobenzene] (HPDR13) and cadmium stearate (Cdst) and from the copolymer 4-[N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)]amino-2'-chloro-4'-nitroazobenzene (MMA-DR13) and CdSt. Birefringence was achieved by impinging a linearly polarized light on the LB films. The maximum birefringence achieved decreased with temperature as thermal relaxation of the chromophores was facilitated. The buildup curves for birefringence were fitted with biexponential functions representing distinctly different mechanisms with time constants. The first, fast process is thermally activated and may be represented by an Arrhenius process. The decay of birefringence after switching off the laser source was described by a Kohlraush-Williams-Watts (KWW) function, consistent with a distribution of relaxation times for the polymer system. Activation energies were obtained from Arrhenius plots of the rate constant of the exponential functions and KWW function, which showed that the buildup of birefringence was very similar for the two polymer systems. The decay, however, was slower for the LB film from MMA-DR13/CdSt. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.


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The objective of this study was to determine the critical speed (CS) for track cycling and to assess whether a lactate steady state occurs at this speed. Fourteen competitive cyclists performed the following tests on an official cycling track (333.3 m): 1) incremental test for determination of the intensity corresponding to 4 mM of blood lactate (onset of blood lactate accumulation, OBLA) and maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2)max); 2) CS: 3 maximal bouts for distances of 2, 4 and 6 km executed in random order and with a period of recovery of 40 to 50 min between bouts. CS was determined for each subject from the linear regression between the distance and the time taking to cycle it; 3) Endurance test in which subjects were instructed to pedal at 100% of their individually determined CS for 30 min. At the 10(th) and 30(th) min (or upon exhaustion), 25 mul of blood were collected from ear lobe for later analysis of blood lactate [Lac]b. An increase less than or equal to1 mM between 10 and 30 min of exercise was considered as the criterion for the occurrence of the lactate steady state. CS (49.6 +/- 8.6 ml.kg(-1).min(-1); 36.9 +/- 2.7 km.h(-1)) was significantly higher than OBLA (43.7 8.0 ml.kg(-1).min(-1); 35.24 +/- 2.6 km.h(-1)) although the two parameters were highly correlated (r=0.97). During the endurance test, only 8 of the 14 subjects completed the 30 min period at CS. of these 8 subjects, only 2 presented a lactate steady state. Time to exhaustion at CS was 20.3 +/- 1.6 min for the remaining 6 subjects. The 12 subjects who did not reach a lactate steady state presented mean [Lac]b values of 7.4 +/- 1.3 mM at 10 min and of 9.4 +/- 1.9 mM at the end of the test (exhaustion), characterizing an exercise intensity of high lactacidemia. on the basis of the present results, we can conclude that CS determined by a track cycling test seems to overestimate the intensity of the maximal lactate steady state for most subjects.


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The effect of changes in left ventricular (LV) shape and dimensions due to acute arterial hypertension induced by mechanical obstruction of the aorta for 10 min on LV mass values estimated by M-mode echocardiogram was studied in 14 anesthetized dogs. Although the systolic pressure increased from 117.5 +/- 19.9 to 175.4 +/- 22.9 mmHg altered ventricular diameter from 2.77 +/- 0.49 cm to 3.17 +/- 0.67 cm (P<0.05) and wall thickness from 0.83 +/- 0.09 to 0.75 +/- 0.09 cm (P<0.05), LV mass estimated before (73.5 +/- 19.1 g) and after (78.3 +/- 26.4 g) hypertension was not significantly different. We demonstrate here for the first time that changes in LV dimensions induced by acute arterial hypertension do not modify LV mass values estimated by the M-mode electrocardiogram method.


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Difficulties in reproducing the citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) disease symptoms in expertmental plants have delayed implementation of studies to better understand the essential aspects of this important disease. In an extensive Study, cultivars of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) were inoculated with Xylella fastidiosa using procedures that included root immersion, and stein absorption, pricking, or infiltration of the inoculum into plants of different ages. Inoculum consisted of 5-day-old cultures or cell suspensions of CVC strain 9a5c diluted in phosphate-buffered saline. Inoculated plants and controls were grown, or transferred just after inoculation, to 5-liter pots or 72-cell foam trays. Approximately 4, 5, 9, and 12 months after inoculation, leaves were collected and processed for polymerase chain reaction analysis or X. fastidiosa isolation on BCYE agar medium. Root immersion and stem inoculation of 4- and 6-month-old plants resulted in low percentages of symptomatic (0 to 7%) and plants positive by isolation (0 to 9%). Pinpricked or injected stems of I-month-old seedlings resulted in high percentages of plants symptomatic (29 and 90% in Pera Rio, 75, 59, and 83% in Valencia, and 77% in Natal) or positive by isolation (26 and 93% in Pera Rio, 98, 96, and 83% in Valencia, and 77% in Natal), In foam trays, the seedlings grew less, the incubation period was shorter. and disease severity was higher than in pots. This system allows testing of higher numbers of plants in a reduced space with a more precise reproduction of the experimental conditions.