1000 resultados para 325-M0042A
Notes tironiennes.
Découverts en 1993 dans Caenorhabditis elegans, les microARNs sont une nouvelle famille¦de molécules, simples brin d'ARN non-codant d'environ 20 nucléotides. Ce sont des régulateurs,¦capables d'inhiber l'expression de gènes dans les cellules eucaryotes. Ils jouent un rôle dans¦d'importants processus comme la prolifération cellulaire, l'apoptose, l'inflammation, et la¦différenciation tissulaire. C'est pour cela que des variations de la quantité de microARNs dans le¦corps humain peuvent engendrer diverses maladies comme le diabète, le cancer et différentes¦pathologies cardiovasculaires. Dans le futur, une meilleure compréhension des microARNs et de¦leurs mécanismes d'action pourrait aider à découvrir de nouveaux outils pour traiter ou prévenir¦certaines maladies. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient de faire une recherche de¦littérature sur les microARNs et leurs implications dans le diabète dans un premier temps, puis de¦poursuivre avec des manipulations de laboratoire pour mesurer l'activité et la fonction de¦microARNs dans la cellule bêta pancréatique dans le modèle de la gestation. La méthode utilisée¦pour l'étude bibliographique a été une recherche sur la base de données Pubmed. Pour les¦manipulations au laboratoire, deux microARNs ont été étudiés miR-325-5p et miR-874, afin¦d'évaluer l'impact de la surexpression ou le knock down de ces deux microARNs sur les fonctions¦de cellules bêta pancréatiques comme la prolifération et l'apoptose. Ces techniques étaient¦parfaitement au point dans le laboratoire d'accueil. En ce qui me concerne, ce travail m'a permis¦d'approfondir mes connaissances sur un sujet nouveau et de mettre un pied dans le milieu de la¦recherche fondamentale.
OBJECTIVE: Sleep disordered breathing with central apnea or hypopnea frequently occurs at high altitude and is thought to be caused by a decrease in blood CO(2) level. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of added respiratory dead space on sleep disordered breathing.¦METHODS: Full polysomnographies were performed on 12 unacclimatized swiss mountaineers (11 males, 1 female, mean age 39±12 y.o.) in Leh, Ladakh (3500m). In random order, half of the night was spent with a 500ml increase in dead space through a custom designed full face mask and the other half without it.¦RESULTS: Baseline data revealed two clearly distinct groups: one with severe sleep disordered breathing (n=5, AHI>30) and the other with moderate to no disordered breathing (n=7, AHI<30). DS markedly improved breathing in the first group (baseline vs DS): apnea hypopnea index (AHI) 70.3±25.8 vs 29.4±6.9 (p=0.013), oxygen desaturation index (ODI): 72.9±24.1/h vs 42.5±14.4 (p=0.031), whereas it had no significant effect in the second group or in the total population. Respiratory events were almost exclusively central apnea or hypopnea. Microarousal index, sleep efficiency, and sleep architecture remained unchanged with DS. A minor increase in mean PtcCO(2) (n=3) was observed with DS.¦CONCLUSION: A 500ml increase in dead space through a fitted mask may improve nocturnal breathing in mountaineers with severe altitude-induced sleep disordered breathing.
Vitamin D deficiency rickets became a rare disease in industrialized countries due to vitamin D supplementation in infants and nutritional guidelines. Symptoms of hypocalcemia due to vitamin D deficiency rickets may be life threatening. We report a case of a 16 months old infant who initially presented with stridor that was misdiagnosed as viral laryngitis. He presented, two weeks later, a cardiorespiratory arrest related to a laryngospasm secondary to severe hypocalcemia (ionized calcium level: 0.42 mmol/l,total calcium level: 1.15 mmol/). He was successfully resuscitated and vitamin D deficiency rickets was diagnosed. The medical history revealed that the infant was exclusively breast fed without vitamin D supplementation till the age of 10 months and also deprived from other milk products intentionally by the parents due to cultural habits. The laboratory investigations showed an elevated alkaline phosphatase level at 577 U/l, a normal phosphatemia level at 2 mmol/l, a decreased 25 (OH) cholecalciferol at 5.7 mcg/l,a normal calciuria level at 0.35 mol/mol of creatinine and an increased parathyroid hormone level at 325 ng/l. Cardiocirculatory arrest secondary to vitamin D deficiency rickets is very rare. The aim of this presentation is to highlight the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency rickets and to raise pediatricians' awareness to the necessity of including the diagnosis of hypocalcemia in case of stridor especially if the nutritional history or ethnic origin of the infant predispose to vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D supplementation is important for some ethnic minority population, whom are faced with the risk of developing this disease
A pesquisa tecnológica para suporte do setor sucroalcooleiro nacional mostra que são esporádicos os trabalhos desenvolvidos com cana-de-açúcar irrigada envolvendo a exigência nutricional. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se quantificar, durante o ciclo de cana-planta de 11 variedades de cana-de-açúcar (SP79-1011, RB813804, RB863129, RB872552, RB943365, RB72454, RB763710, SP78-4764, SP81-3250, RB867515 e RB92579) cultivadas sob irrigação plena, a capacidade de extração e exportação de N, P, K, Ca e Mg, bem como a exigência nutricional para produção de uma tonelada de colmo por hectare (TCH). A pesquisa foi realizada em campo, no município de Carpina, PE, durante a safra agrícola 2006/2007. O delineamento experimental empregado foi de blocos casualizados, com 11 tratamentos e quatro repetições. A extração e exportação de nutrientes, assim como a exigência nutricional, foram avaliadas aos 360 dias após o plantio (DAP) na parte aérea das plantas. A extração de nutrientes na parte aérea da cana-planta apresentou, em média, valores de 179, 25, 325, 226 e 87 kg ha-1 de N, P, K, Ca e Mg, respectivamente, o que proporcionou a seguinte ordem decrescente de extração: K > Ca > N > Mg > P. A exportação média de N, P, K, Ca e Mg pelo colmo das variedades irrigadas foi de 92; 15; 188; 187; e 66 kg ha-1; correspondendo, respectivamente, a 51, 60, 58, 83 e 76 % de todo o nutriente extraído na parte aérea da cana-planta, com destaque para as variedades RB92579 e SP81-3250 para o N, RB813804, RB863129, RB872552, RB763710, RB92579, SP78-4764, SP81-3250 e SP79-1011 para o P, SP79-1011, SP81-3250, RB813804, RB872552 e RB763710 para o K, RB92579 e RB863129 para o Ca e RB92579 para o Mg. Para produção de uma TCH, foram exigidos pelas variedades durante o ciclo de cana-planta valores médios de 0,91; 0,13; 1,71; 1,18; e 0,44 kg de N, P, K, Ca e Mg, respectivamente.
INTRODUCTION: Auscultatory nonmercury manual devices seem good alternatives for the mercury sphygmomanometers in the clinic and for research settings, but individual internal validation of each device is time-consuming. The aim of this study was to validate a new technique capable of testing two devices simultaneously, based on the International protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. METHODS: The concept of the new technique is to measure blood pressure alternatively by two observers using a mercury sphygmomanometer and by two observers using the A&D UM-101 and Accoson Greenlight 300 devices, connected by Y-tube to obtain simultaneous readings with both nonmercury devices. Thirty-three participants were enrolled (mean age 47.2±14.0 years). Nine sequential blood pressure measurements were performed for each participant. RESULTS: Both devices passed phase 1 using 15 participants. In phase 2.1 (n=33), on a maximum of 99 measurements, the Accoson device produced 81/95/99 measurements within 5/10/15 mmHg for systolic blood pressure (SBP) and 87/98/99 for diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The A&D device produced 86/96/99 for SBP and 94/99/99 for DBP. In phase 2.2 (n=33), 30 participants had at least 2 out of 3 SBP obtained with Accoson device within 5 mmHg of the mercury device, as compared with 29 of 33 participants with the A&D device. For DBP, this was 33 of 33 participants for both devices. CONCLUSION: Both the nonmercury devices passed the International protocol. The new technique of simultaneous device testing using a Y-tube represents a time saving application of the International protocol.
Endotoxin causes an inflammation at the bronchial and alveolar level. The inflammation-induced increase in permeability of the bronchoalveolar epithelial barrier is supposed to cause a leakage of pneumoproteins. Therefore, their concentrations are expected to increase in the bloodstream.This study aimed at examining the association between occupational exposure to endotoxin and a serum pneumoprotein, surfactant protein A, to look for nonoccupational factors capable of confounding this association, and examine the relation between surfactant protein A and spirometry. There were 369 control subjects, 325 wastewater workers, and 84 garbage collectors in the study. Exposure to endotoxin was assessed through personal sampling and the Limulus amebocytes lysate assay. Surfactant protein A was determined by an in house sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 697 subjects. Clinical and smoking history were ascertained and spirometry carried out according to American Thoracic Society criteria. Multiple linear regression was used for statistical analysis. Exposure was fairly high during some tasks in wastewater workers but did not influence surfactant protein A. Surfactant protein A was lower in asthmatics. Interindividual variability was large. No correlation with spirometry was found. Endotoxin has no effect on surfactant protein A at these endotoxin levels and serum surfactant protein A does not correlate with spirometry. The decreased surfactant protein A secretion in asthmatics requires further study.
Soil compaction can be minimized either mechanically or biologically, using plant species with vigorous root systems. An experiment was carried out with soybean (Glycine max) in rotation with triticale (X Triticosecale) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in fall-winter associated with pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) or sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) in spring. Crop rotation under no-till was compared with mechanical chiseling. The experiment was carried out in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. Soil quality was estimated using the S index and soil water retention curves (in the layers of 0-0.05, 0.075-0.125, 0.15-0.20, 0.275-0.325, and 0.475-0.525 m deep). Crop rotation and chiseling improved soil quality, increasing the S index to over 0.035 to a depth of 20 cm in the soil profile. The improved soil quality, as shown by the S index, makes the use of mechanical chiseling unnecessary, since after 3 years the soil physical quality under no-tilled crop rotation and chiseling was similar.
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