984 resultados para 312.272
Cell-phone based imaging flow cytometry can be realized by flowing cells through the microfluidic devices, and capturing their images with an optically enhanced camera of the cell-phone. Throughput in flow cytometers is usually enhanced by increasing the flow rate of cells. However, maximum frame rate of camera system limits the achievable flow rate. Beyond this, the images become highly blurred due to motion-smear. We propose to address this issue with coded illumination, which enables recovery of high-fidelity images of cells far beyond their motion-blur limit. This paper presents simulation results of deblurring the synthetically generated cell/bead images under such coded illumination.
Remote sensing of physiological parameters could be a cost effective approach to improving health care, and low-power sensors are essential for remote sensing because these sensors are often energy constrained. This paper presents a power optimized photoplethysmographic sensor interface to sense arterial oxygen saturation, a technique to dynamically trade off SNR for power during sensor operation, and a simple algorithm to choose when to acquire samples in photoplethysmography. A prototype of the proposed pulse oximeter built using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components is tested on 10 adults. The dynamic adaptation techniques described reduce power consumption considerably compared to our reference implementation, and our approach is competitive to state-of-the-art implementations. The techniques presented in this paper may be applied to low-power sensor interface designs where acquiring samples is expensive in terms of power as epitomized by pulse oximetry.
Activation of apoptosis signal regulating kinase 1 (ASK1)-p38 MAPK death signaling cascade is irn plicated in the death of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease (PD). We investigated upstream activators of ASK1 using an MPTP mouse model of parkinsonism and assessed the temporal cascade of death signaling in ventral midbrain (VMB) and striatum (ST). MPTP selectively activated ASK1 and downstream 1)38 MAPK in a time dependent manner in VMB alone. This occurred through selective protein thiol oxidation of the redox-sensitive thiol disulfide oxidoreductase, thiorcdoxin (Trxl), resulting in release of its inhibitory association with ASK1, while glutathione-S-transferase ji 1 (GSTM1) remained in reduced form in association with ASK1. Levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), a known activator of ASK1, increased early after MPTP in VMB. Protein ovariation netvvork analysis (PCNA) using protein states as nodes revealed TNF to be an important node regulating the ASK1 signaling cascade. In confirmation, blocking MPTP-mecliated TNF signaling through intrathecal administration of TNFneutralizing antibody prevented Trxl oxidation and downstream ASK1-p38 MAPK activation. Averting an early increase in TNF, which leads to protein thiol oxidation resulting in activation of ASK1-p38 signaling, may be critical for neuroprotection in PD. Importantly, network analysis can help in understanding the cause/effect relationship within protein networks in complex disease states. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc.
The flow characteristics of a near-eutectic heat-treated Al-Si based cast alloy have been examined in compression at strain rates varying from 3 x 10(-4) to 10(2) s(-1) and at three different temperatures, i.e., room temperature (RT), 100 degrees C and 200 degrees C. The dependence of flow behavior on modification is examined by testing the alloy in both the unmodified and modified conditions. Modification has strong influence on strain rate sensitivity (SRS), strength and work hardening behavior of the alloy. The strength of the alloy is found to increase with increase in strain rate for both the conditions. The increase is more rapid above the strain rate of 10(-1) s(-1) for the unmodified alloy at all the temperatures. This rapid increase is observed at 1 s(-1) at RT and 100 degrees C, and at 10(-2) s(-1) at 200 degrees C for the modified alloy. The thermally dependent process of the Al matrix is rate controlling in the unmodified alloy. On the other hand, the thermally dependent process of both Al matrix and Si particles are rate controlling, which is responsible for the higher strain rate sensitivity (SRS) in the modified alloy. The unmodified alloy exhibits a larger work hardening rate than the modified alloy during the initial stages of straining due to fiber loading of unmodified Si particles. However, the hardening rate decreases sharply at higher strains for the unmodified alloy due to a higher rate of Si particle fracture. Thermal softening is observed for both alloys at 200 degrees C due to precipitate coarsening, which leads to a decrease in SRS at higher temperatures. Stress simulations by microstructure based finite element method support the experimentally observed particle and matrix fracture behavior. Negative SRS and serrated flow are observed at lower strain rate regime (3 x 10(-4) to 10(-2) s(-1)) at RT and 100 degrees C, in both alloys. The critical onset strain is found to be lower and the magnitude of serration is found to be higher for the modified alloy, which suggests that, in addition to dynamic strain aging, Si particle size and morphology also play a role in serrated flow. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.
Lanthanide complexes Ln(DTPAAQ)(DMF)] (1-3) (Ln - Pr (1), Eu (2), Tb (3), H(3)DTPAAQ - N, N `'-bis(3-amidoquinolyl) diethylenetriamine-N, N', N `'-triacetic acid, DMF - N, N-dimethylformamide) were studied for their structures, photophysical properties, DNA and protein binding, DNA photocleavage, photocytotoxicity and cellular internalization. The crystal structures of complexes Ln(DTPAAQ)(DMF)] (1-3) display a discrete mononuclear nine-coordinate {LnN(3)O(6)} tricapped-trigonal prism (TTP) coordination geometry. The europium and terbium complexes show strong luminescence properties in the visible region having a long luminescence lifetime (tau = 0.51-0.64 ms). The conjugated 3-aminoquinoline moieties act as efficient light harvesting antennae, which upon photoexcitation transfer their energy to Eu(III) or Tb(III) for their characteristic D-5(0) -> F-7(J) or D-5(4) -> F-7(J) f-f transitions respectively. The complexes display efficient binding affinity to DNA (K-b = 3.4 x 10(4) - 9.8 x 10(4) M-1) and BSA (KBSA = 3.03 x 10(4) - 6.57 x 10(4) M-1). Europium and terbium complexes give enhanced luminescence upon interacting with CT-DNA suggesting possible luminescence-based sensing applications for these complexes. Complexes 1-3 show moderate cleavage of supercoiled (SC) DNA to its nicked circular (NC) form on exposure to UV-A light of 312 nm involving formation of singlet oxygen (O-1(2)) and hydroxyl radicals (cOH) in type-II and photoredox pathways. Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes exhibit remarkable photocytotoxicity with human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa) (IC50 = 20.7-28.5 mM) while remaining essentially noncytotoxic up to 150 mM in the dark. Complexes are nontoxic in nature thus suitable for designing cellular imaging agents. Fluorescence microscopy data reveal primarily cytosolic localization of the Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes in HeLa cells.
El presente trabajo se realizó en la Finca "Santa Rosa" propiedad de las UNA, ubicada en Sabana Grande, Managua. El objetivo general del estudio fue: Evaluar el uso del Marango
El presente estudio se realizó en la Cooperativa Ornar Torrijos Herrera, localizada en el Valle de Sébaco, departamento de Matagalpa, con el objetivo de evaluar la adaptabilidad y comportamiento agronómico de doce líneas y cuatro variedades promisorias de arroz como prueba observacional de rendimiento, sembrándose en condiciones de riego, con el método de siembra a chorrillo. Para el presente estudio se tomó como parámetro el del Sistema de Evaluación Estandar del CIAT de Colombia evaluandose características como floración, altura de planta, acame, exerción, desgrane, senescencia, aceptabilidad fenotípica y la determinación del rendimiento y sus componentes. En base a los resultados obtenidos en las evaluaciones de las características agronómicas y componentes del rendimiento se seleccionaron 9 líneas A3046, A3047, A3048, A3050, A3051, A3052, A3055 A3057 y A3065 lo que da un total de 75 por ciento de selección del material evaluado. En el caso de las variedades se seleccionaron IR-64, IR-72, IR 59682 y PSBRC-10, equivalente a un 100 por ciento. La línea con rendimiento más alto fue A3047 con 7 272.73 kg/ha y la del menor rendimiento A3034 con 4 090.91 kglha. Respecto a las variedades la de mayor rendimeintofue IR-72 con 7 712.12 kglha y la de menor fue IR-64 con 5424.24 kglha. El material seleccionado se evaluará en una prueba preliminar y avanzada de rendimiento debido a que estos materiales se mantuvieron por encima de los 5 424.24 kglha y no se observaron enfermedades.
This paper details the design and enhanced electrical transduction of a bulk acoustic mode resonator fabricated in a commercial foundry MEMS process utilizing 2.5 μm gaps. The I-V characteristics of electrically addressed silicon resonators are often dominated by capacitive parasitics, inherent to hybrid technologies. This paper benchmarks a variety of drive and detection principles for electrostatically driven square-extensional mode resonators operating in air via analytical models accompanied by measurements of fabricated devices with the primary aim of enhancing the ratio of the motional to feedthrough current at nominal operating voltages. In view of ultimately enhancing the motional to feedthrough current ratio, a new detection technique that combines second harmonic capacitive actuation and piezoresistive detection is presented herein. This new method is shown to outperform previously reported methods utilizing voltages as low as ±3 V in air, providing a promising solution for low voltage CMOS-MEMS integration. To elucidate the basis of this improvement in signal output from measured devices, an approximate analytical model for piezoresistive sensing specific to the resonator topology reported here is also developed and presented. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
En la época de postrera 2005, se realizó la evaluación de 9 genotipos de arroz procedentes de Colombia y una variedad comercial de Nicaragua (INTA DORADO). El experimento se realizó en la localidad de Paso Real, de San Isidro, Matagalpa, ubicado a los 12º54 ́ latitud norte y 86º11 ́ longitud oeste, a una altura de 457 msnm. La finalidad del ensayo fue identificar líneas con buen rendim iento de grano, calidad molinera, tolerancia a enfermedades y buena adaptabilidad a las condiciones de riego. El diseño experimental fue el de bloque completo al azar (BCA) con 10 tratamientos y 4 repeti ciones. Utilizándose ANDEVA y separación de media SNK ( ∞ =0.05). En la mayoría de las variables evaluadas se determino que existe efecto significativo y altamente significativo entre los diferent es tratamientos. Los principales resultados evidencian que los genotipos L-9, L-39, POB L1-34, POBL 3- 13, alcanzaron los mayores rendimie ntos con producciones de 5,312, 5,193, 5,082.50, 5,044 kg ha -1 respectivamente superando al testigo INTA DORADO que obtuvo el menor rendimiento con 3,506 kg ha -1 . Los componentes del rendimiento: núme ro de granos por panículas, porcentaje de fertilidad de las panículas, peso de 1000 granos y macollamiento por planta definieron la mayor productividad de los genotipos de mayor rendimiento (L-9, L-39, POBL1-34, POBL 3-13), siendo estos los genotipos que presentaron mayor resistencia a enfermedades. Además estos genotipo s presentan; buen porte de planta (tipo semienano), tolerancia al acame y ciclo intermedio. El testigo INTA DORADO y las líneas L-9, POBL 1-34 presentaron una calidad industrial de 94/06, 92/08 y 92/08, con respecto a la relación de grano entero/quebrado.
Se evaluó la variación somaclonal de plantas de los cultivares Blanco (Bco), Casitas (CS), San Ramón (SR), La Escalera (LE) y Ticuantepe (TC) regeneradas del cultivo de callos y callos multiplicados. El medio MS + 3 mg l-1 de 2,4-D se utilizó para inducir callos. 50% de los callos regeneraron plantas en el medio MS simple (I). El 50% restante fueron multiplicados en 4 medios (II, III, IV y V) y luego colocados en el medio MS simple para regenerar plantas. Los cultivares produjeron 100% de callos en el medio inductor y regeneraron 100-260 plantas en los callos inducidos. Los medios IV y V registraron mayores valores de callos friables y grandes. Los cultivares produjeron multiyemas en casi todos los medios; puntos de crecimiento en los medios IV y V y plantas en el medio V. Los callos multiplicados del medio V regeneraron plantas en todos los cultivares, los del medio IV en tres. Los callos multiplicados en los medios II y III no regeneraron plantas, a excepción de Bco que regeneró (10) en el medio II. Las plantas en sombreadero provenían de los medios I, IV y V. LE regeneró y aclimatizó 839 plantas, Bco 586, TC300, CS 272 y SR 200. Los cultivares excepto Bco presentaron hojas redondeadas, en forma de basto, con borde rugoso, alargada, decoloración, punta enrollada, lóbulo deforme y pecíolo alargado. SR-I presentó 17.4% de variaciones, LE-IV 13.9% y TC-I 10.9%.
Tbe present study was carried out in the strip of land coast between Pearls Lagoon community and the Caribbean sea, in the nearness of Pinar lagoon, 25 km to the north of Bluefields. The geographical coordinates of the area are 12" 13' N and 83" 42' west. Tbe climate presents an annua! rninfall of 4 250 mm, an avera· ge temperature of 26 "C and a relative humidity of 89 %. The topography is plain and tbe elevation oscillates between O· 10 masl. The ma.in objective of the study was to evaluate the forest conditions in which forest of P. Caribaea var .. Jwndurei'ISis ealled the Pinal are found. The methodology employed consisted of gathering all information using air pllotographs and topograpbieal maps to defined the area and stands group (designed A, B, C, D, E, F and G). Two block and seven stands were found, in which invent.ory lines with sample plots of 500 m1 each one were employed to measure the indivíduals with DBH over 10 cm. The intensily it shows ís of !5% and was measured diameter, height, age and other. In tbis forest there where found seven stands with a total area covered with pine of 312.42 has. The average age is 23 years and estirnated total volume of 97.4 ms of wood. The density is of 60,61 trees hectare, with an average volume of 13.02 m3 /has and a commercial volume of 8.29 m' 1 has. Where found lndices of place 12 (stands G), 9 y 6. Besides, the 6.3.64 % of the trees has a satisfactory tendency of growlh (quality l and 2). lt can be concluded that the resource is in badly state due to intensive exploitations and annual f!fCS; is a young forest (23 years old), dotninated by índi viduals of small diameters (10-25 cm) and medium height (5-25 m); the available areas or with possibilities of being planting are: estimated in 468.64 has. This forest has a half annual increment of 1.4.3 cm/year, which is considered excellent and is c1assified with Clas P-III, FAO Classification by forests stratification.