911 resultados para 200405 Language in Culture and Society (Sociolinguistics)


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The recent establishment of a digital culture and society, together with current financial crisis and urgent energetic and climatic needs, has radically changed the architectural scene from the optimism of some years ago to a situation of uncertainty and huge social demands and challenges. In this context, it is suggested to rethink the role of structure in architecture, such as an enabler, a guide and a catalyst. The purpose of this paper is to present the economic, cultural and social context in which architecture develops nowadays. The method, to suggest a discussion on which role the structure may adopt in the architecture to come. The achievement, to highlight its potential to face current requirements and challenges.


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© 2016 The Authors. Conservation Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Society for Conservation Biology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Acknowledgments The authors thank H. H. Nguyen for his early development work on the BeeWatch interface; E. O'Mahony, I. Pearce, and R. Comont for identifying numerous photographed bumblebees; B. Darvill, D. Ewing, and G. Perkins for enabling our partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust; and S. Blake for his investments in developing the NLG feedback. The study was part of the Digital Conservation project of dot.rural, the University of Aberdeen's Digital Economy Research Hub, funded by RCUK (grant reference EP/G066051/1).


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Although human and rodent telomeres have been studied extensively, very little is known about telomere dynamics in other vertebrates. Moreover, our current dependence on mice as a model for human tumorigenesis and aging poses a problem because human and mouse telomere biology is very different. To explore whether chickens might provide a more useful model, we have examined telomerase activity and telomere length in chicken tissues as well as in primary cell cultures. Although chicken telomeres resemble human telomeres in that they are 8–20 kb in length, the distribution of telomerase activity in chickens resembles what is found in mice. Active enzyme is present in germline tissue as well as in a wide range of somatic tissues. Because chicken cells exhibit extremely low rates of spontaneous immortalization, this finding indicates that constitutive telomerase expression does not necessarily lead to an increased immortalization frequency. Finally, we found that telomerase activity is greatly down-regulated when primary cultures are established from chicken embryos. Although this down-regulation explains the telomere loss and replicative senescence that we observed in fibroblast cultures, it raises questions concerning how relevant studies of senescence in primary cell cultures are to aging in whole animals.


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Research is presented on the semantic structure of 15 emotion terms as measured by judged-similarity tasks for monolingual English-speaking and monolingual and bilingual Japanese subjects. A major question is the relative explanatory power of a single shared model for English and Japanese versus culture-specific models for each language. The data support a shared model for the semantic structure of emotion terms even though some robust and significant differences are found between English and Japanese structures. The Japanese bilingual subjects use a model more like English when performing tasks in English than when performing the same task in Japanese.


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Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) like other herpesviruses, expresses sequentially immediate early (IE), early, and late genes during lytic infection. Evidence of ability to establish latent infection has not been available, but by analogy with other herpesviruses it could be expected that IE genes that regulate and transactivate late genes would not be expressed. We report that peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy individuals infected with HHV-6 express the U94 gene, transcribed under IE conditions. Transcription of other IE genes (U16/17, U39, U42, U81, U89/90, U91) was not detected. To verify that U94 may play a role in the maintenance of the latent state, we derived lymphoid cell lines that stably expressed U94. HHV-6 was able to infect these cells, but viral replication was restricted. No cytopathic effect developed. Furthermore, viral transcripts were present in the first days postinfection and declined thereafter. A similar decline in the level of intracellular viral DNA also was observed. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the U94 gene product of HHV-6 regulates viral gene expression and enables the establishment and/or maintenance of latent infection in lymphoid cells.


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Normal human diploid fibroblasts have a finite replicative lifespan in vitro, which has been postulated to be a cellular manifestation of aging in vivo. Several studies have shown an inverse relationship between donor age and fibroblast culture replicative lifespan; however, in all cases, the correlation was weak, and, with few exceptions, the health status of the donors was unknown. We have determined the replicative lifespans of 124 skin fibroblast cell lines established from donors of different ages as part of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. All of the donors were medically examined and were declared “healthy,” according to Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging protocols, at the time the biopsies were taken. Both long- and short-lived cell lines were observed in all age groups, but no significant correlation between the proliferative potential of the cell lines and donor age was found. A comparison of multiple cell lines established from the same donors at different ages also failed to reveal any significant trends between proliferative potential and donor age. The rate of [3H]thymidine incorporation and the initial rates of growth during the first few subcultivations were examined in a subset of cell lines and were found to be significantly greater in fetal lines than in postnatal lines. Cell lines established from adults did not vary significantly either in initial growth rate or in [3H]thymidine incorporation. These results clearly indicate that, if health status and biopsy conditions are controlled, the replicative lifespan of fibroblasts in culture does not correlate with donor age.


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The metabolism of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) changed during the culture period of the thermoacidophilic red alga Galdieria sulphuraria. Seven days after inoculation, the amount of PIP2 in the cells was 910 ± 100 pmol g−1 fresh weight; by 12 d, PIP2 levels increased to 1200 ± 150 pmol g−1 fresh weight. In vitro assays indicated that phosphatidylinositol monophosphate (PIP) kinase specific activity increased from 75 to 230 pmol min−1 mg−1 protein between d 7 and 12. When G. sulphuraria cells were osmostimulated, transient increases of up to 4-fold could be observed in inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) levels within 90 s, regardless of the age of the cells. In d-12 cells, the increase in IP3 was preceded by a transient increase of up to 5-fold in specific PIP kinase activity, whereas no such increase was detected after osmostimulation of d-7 cells. The increase in PIP kinase activity before IP3 signaling in d-12 cells indicates that there is an additional pathway for regulation of phosphoinositide metabolism after stimulation other than an initial activation of phospholipase C. Also, the rapid activation of PIP2 biosynthesis in cells with already-high PIP2 levels suggests that the PIP2 present was not available for signal transduction. By comparing the response of the cells at d 7 and 12, we have identified two potentially distinct pools of PIP2.


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Hippocampal neurons in culture develop morphological polarity in a sequential pattern; axons form before dendrites. Molecular differences, particularly those of membrane proteins, underlie the functional polarity of these domains, yet little is known about the temporal relationship between membrane protein polarization and morphological polarization. We took advantage of viral expression systems to determine when during development the polarization of membrane proteins arises. All markers were unpolarized in neurons before axonogenesis. In neurons with a morphologically distinguishable axon, even on the first day in culture, both axonal and dendritic proteins were polarized. The degree of polarization at these early stages was somewhat less than in mature cells and varied from cell to cell. The cellular mechanism responsible for the polarization of the dendritic marker protein transferrin receptor (TfR) in mature cells centers on directed transport to the dendritic domain. To examine the relationship between cell surface polarization and transport, we assessed the selectivity of transport by live cell imaging. TfR-green fluorescent protein-containing vesicles were already preferentially transported into dendrites at 2 days, the earliest time point we could measure. The selectivity of transport also varied somewhat among cells, and the amount of TfR-green fluorescent protein fluorescence on intracellular structures within the axon correlated with the amount of cell surface expression. This observation implies that selective microtubule-based transport is the primary mechanism that underlies the polarization of TfR on the cell surface. By 5 days in culture, the extent of polarization on the cell surface and the selectivity of transport reached mature levels.


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Pollen tubes navigate the route from stigma to ovule with great accuracy, but the cues that guide them along this route are not known. We reproduced the environment on the stigma of Nicotiana alata by immersing pollen in stigma exudate or oil close to an interface with an aqueous medium. The growth of pollen in this culture system mimicked growth on stigmas: pollen grains hydrated and germinated, and pollen tubes grew toward the aqueous medium. The rate-limiting step in pollen germination was the movement of water through the surrounding exudate or oil. By elimination of other potential guidance cues, we conclude that the directional supply of water probably determined the axis of polarity of pollen tubes and resulted in growth toward the interface. We propose that a gradient of water in exudate is a guidance cue for pollen tubes on the stigma and that the composition of the exudate must be such that it is permeable enough for pollen hydration to occur but not so permeable that the supply of water becomes nondirectional. Pollen tube penetration of the stigma may be the most frequently occurring hydrotropic response of higher plants.


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Mutations in the endothelin 3 (EDN3) gene severely affect the development of neural crest-derived melanocytes. In this paper, we report the action of EDN3 on neural crest cells in vitro. The presence of EDN3 leads to a large increase in the number of cells, the majority of which eventually differentiate into melanocytes that aggregate to form a reproducible pigmentation pattern. Quantitative analysis of the effect of different culture conditions revealed that EDN3 initially promotes neural crest cell proliferation. This phase of expansion, which can be prolonged for a few weeks if the cells are replaced regularly, is followed by both a decrease in cell proliferation and the onset of melanocytic differentiation. Therefore, EDN3 is a potent mitogen for early neural crest cell precursors that can give rise to melanocytes.


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A major goal of experimental and clinical hematology is the identification of mechanisms and conditions that support the expansion of transplantable hematopoietic stem cells. In normal marrow, such cells appear to be identical to (or represent a subset of) a population referred to as long-term-culture-initiating cells (LTC-ICs) so-named because of their ability to produce colony-forming cell (CFC) progeny for > or = 5 weeks when cocultured with stromal fibroblasts. Some expansion of LTC-ICs in vitro has recently been described, but identification of the factors required and whether LTC-IC self-renewal divisions are involved have remained unresolved issues. To address these issues, we examined the maintenance and/or generation of LTC-ICs from single CD34+ CD38- cells cultured for variable periods under different culture conditions. Analysis of the progeny obtained from cultures containing a feeder layer of murine fibroblasts engineered to produce steel factor, interleukin (IL)-3, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor showed that approximately 20% of the input LTC-ICs (representing approximately 2% of the original CD34+ CD38- cells) executed self-renewal divisions within a 6-week period. Incubation of the same CD34+ CD38- starting populations as single cells in a defined (serum free) liquid medium supplemented with Flt-3 ligand, steel factor, IL-3, IL-6, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and nerve growth factor resulted in the proliferation of initial cells to produce clones of from 4 to 1000 cells within 10 days, approximately 40% of which included > or = 1 LTC-IC. In contrast, in similar cultures containing methylcellulose, input LTC-ICs appeared to persist but not divide. Overall the LTC-IC expansion in the liquid cultures was 30-fold in the first 10 days and 50-fold by the end of another 1-3 weeks. Documentation of human LTC-IC self-renewal in vitro and identification of defined conditions that permit their extensive and rapid amplification should facilitate analysis of the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes and their exploitation for a variety of therapeutic applications.


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Neurite outgrowth across spinal cord lesions in vitro is rapid in preparations isolated from the neonatal opossum Monodelphis domestica up to the age of 12 days. At this age oligodendrocytes, myelin, and astrocytes develop and regeneration ceases to occur. The role of myelin-associated neurite growth-inhibitory proteins, which increase in concentration at 10-13 days, was investigated in culture by applying the antibody IN-1, which blocks their effects. In the presence of IN-1, 22 out of 39 preparations from animals aged 13-17 days showed clear outgrowth of processes into crushes. When 34 preparations from 13-day-old animals were crushed and cultured without antibody, no axons grew into the lesion. The success rate with IN-1 was comparable to that seen in younger animals but the outgrowth was less profuse. IN-1 was shown by immunocytochemistry to penetrate the spinal cord. Other antibodies which penetrated the 13-day cord failed to promote fiber outgrowth. To distinguish between regeneration by cut neurites and outgrowth by developing uncut neurites, fibers in the ventral fasciculus were prelabeled with carbocyanine dyes and subsequently injured. The presence of labeled fibers in the lesion indicated that IN-1 promoted regeneration. These results show that the development of myelin-associated growth-inhibitory proteins contributes to the loss of regeneration as the mammalian central nervous system matures. The definition of a critical period for regeneration, coupled with the ability to apply trophic as well as inhibitory molecules to the culture, can permit quantitative assessment of molecular interactions that promote spinal cord regeneration.


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Fil: Starcenbaum, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina.


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Many works have already dealt with anglicisms in Spanish, especially in science and information technologies. However, despite the high and growing number of English terms incorporated daily by the language of fashion, it has received comparative less attention in lexicographic and terminological studies than that of other areas, such as science or business. For several reasons, which include prestige or peer pressure, Spanish has not only adopted English words with new meanings and usage, but also contains other forms based on English patterns which users seem to consider more accurate or expressive. This paper concentrates on false anglicisms as indicators of some of the special relationships and influences between languages arising from the pervasive presence of English. We shall look at the Spanish language of fashion, which, in addition to genuine anglicisms, has for some time been using English words with different meanings, or even created items of its own (or imported them from other languages) with the appearance of English words. These false anglicisms, which have proven extremely popular in receiving languages (not only in Spanish) have frequently been disseminated by youth magazines and the new digital media, both in general spheres and in fashion-specific contexts.