1000 resultados para 161-977A
Stable isotope ratios and paleoceanaographic reconstructions from sediment cores 80-548 and 161-978A
Largely continuous millennial-scale records of benthic d18O, Mg/Ca-based temperature, and salinity variations in bottom waters were obtained from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 548 (eastern Atlantic continental margin south of Ireland, 1250 m water depth) for the period between 3.7 and 3.0 million years ago. This site monitored mid-Pliocene changes in Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) documented by continuously high Nd values between -10.7 and -9. Site 978 (Alboran Sea, 1930 m water depth) provides a complementary record of bottom water variability in the westernmost Mediterranean Sea, which is taken to represent MOW composition at its source. Both sites are marked by a singular and persistent rise in bottom water salinities by 0.7-1.4 psu and in densities by ~1 kg m-3 from 3.5 to 3.3 Ma, which is matched by an average 3 °C increase in bottom water temperatures at Site 548. This event suggests the onset of strongly enhanced deep-water convection in the Mediterranean Sea and a related strengthened MOW flow, which implies a major aridification of the Mediterranean source region. In harmony with model suggestions, the enhanced MOW flow has possibly intensified Upper North Atlantic Deep Water formation.
DSDP 161 is located on the lower west flank of the East Pacific Rise about midway between the Clipperton and Clarion fracture zones which define the boundaries of a large structural block in the eastern Pacific. The site is about 4,000 km west of the present crest of the Rise. It is located near the northern edge of a zone of thick Cenozoic sediments which marks the general location of the equatorial zone of high biological productivity.
Analysis of the molecular composition of the organic matter (OM) from whole sediment samples can avoid analytical bias that might result from isolation of components from the sediment matrix, but has its own analytical challenges. We evaluated the use of GC * GC-ToFMS to analyze the pyrolysis products of six whole sediment samples obtained from above, within and below a 1 million year old OM-rich Mediterranean sapropel layer. We found differences in pyrolysis products
Interstitial waters recovered from Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 161, site 976 in the western Mediterranean Sea are used in conjunction with a numerical model to constrain the delta18O of seawater in the basin since the Last Glacial Maximum, including Sapropel Event 1. To resolve the oxygen isotopic composition of the deep Mediterranean, we use a model that couples fluid diffusion with advective transport, thus producing a profile of seawater delta18O variability that is unaffected by glacial-interglacial variations in marine temperature. Comparing our reconstructed seawater delta18O to recent determinations of 1.0 per mil for the mean ocean change in glacial-interglacial delta18O due to the expansion of global ice volume, we calculate an additional 0.2 per mil increase in Mediterranean delta18O caused by local evaporative enrichment. This estimate of delta18O change, due to salinity variability, is smaller than previous studies have proposed and demonstrates that Mediterranean records of foraminiferal calcite delta18O from the last glacial period include a strong temperature component. Paleotemperatures determined in combination with a stacked record of foraminiferal calcite depict almost 9°C of regional cooling for the Last Glacial Maximum. Model results suggest a decrease of ~1.1 per mil in seawater delta18O relative to the modern value caused by increased freshwater input and reduced salinity accompanying the formation of the most recent sapropel. The results additionally indicate the existence of isotopically light water circulating down to bottom water depths, at least in the western Mediterranean, supporting the existence of an 'anti-estuarine' thermohaline circulation pattern during Sapropel Event 1.