939 resultados para 100404 Regenerative Medicine (incl. Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering)


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Infection of plant cells by potyviruses induces the formation of cytoplasmic inclusions ranging in size from 200 to 1000 nm. To determine if the ability to form these ordered, insoluble structures is intrinsic to the potyviral cytoplasmic inclusion protein, we have expressed the cytoplasmic inclusion protein from Potato virus Y in tobacco under the control of the chrysanthemum ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit promoter, a highly active, green tissue promoter. No cytoplasmic inclusions were observed in the leaves of transgenic tobacco using transmission electron microscopy, despite being able to clearly visualize these inclusions in Potato virus Y infected tobacco leaves under the same conditions. However, we did observe a wide range of tissue and sub-cellular abnormalities associated with the expression of the Potato virus Y cytoplasmic inclusion protein. These changes included the disruption of normal cell morphology and organization in leaves, mitochondrial and chloroplast internal reorganization, and the formation of atypical lipid accumulations. Despite these significant structural changes, however, transgenic tobacco plants were viable and the results are discussed in the context of potyviral cytoplasmic inclusion protein function.


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Advances in tissue engineering have traditionally led to the design of scaffold- or matrix-based culture systems that better reflect the biological, physical and biochemical environment of the natural extracellular matrix. Although their clinical applications in regenerative medicine tend to receive most of the attention, it is obvious that other areas of biomedical research could be well served by the powerful tools that have already been developed in tissue engineering. In this article, we review the recent literature to demonstrate how tissue engineering platforms can enhance in vitro and in vivo models of tumorigenesis and thus hold great promise to contribute to future cancer research.


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Prostate cancer is an important male health issue. The strategies used to diagnose and treat prostate cancer underscore the cell and molecular interactions that promote disease progression. Prostate cancer is histologically defined by increasingly undifferentiated tumour cells and therapeutically targeted by androgen ablation. Even as the normal glandular architecture of the adult prostate is lost, prostate cancer cells remain dependent on the androgen receptor (AR) for growth and survival. This project focused on androgen-regulated gene expression, altered cellular differentiation, and the nexus between these two concepts. The AR controls prostate development, homeostasis and cancer progression by regulating the expression of downstream genes. Kallikrein-related serine peptidases are prominent transcriptional targets of AR in the adult prostate. Kallikrein 3 (KLK3), which is commonly referred to as prostate-specific antigen, is the current serum biomarker for prostate cancer. Other kallikreins are potential adjunct biomarkers. As secreted proteases, kallikreins act through enzyme cascades that may modulate the prostate cancer microenvironment. Both as a panel of biomarkers and cascade of proteases, the roles of kallikreins are interconnected. Yet the expression and regulation of different kallikreins in prostate cancer has not been compared. In this study, a spectrum of prostate cell lines was used to evaluate the expression profile of all 15 members of the kallikrein family. A cluster of genes was co-ordinately expressed in androgenresponsive cell lines. This group of kallikreins included KLK2, 3, 4 and 15, which are located adjacent to one another at the centromeric end of the kallikrein locus. KLK14 was also of interest, because it was ubiquitously expressed among the prostate cell lines. Immunohistochemistry showed that these 5 kallikreins are co-expressed in benign and malignant prostate tissue. The androgen-regulated expression of KLK2 and KLK3 is well-characterised, but has not been compared with other kallikreins. Therefore, KLK2, 3, 4, 14 and 15 expression were all measured in time course and dose response experiments with androgens, AR-antagonist treatments, hormone deprivation experiments and cells transfected with AR siRNA. Collectively, these experiments demonstrated that prostatic kallikreins are specifically and directly regulated by the AR. The data also revealed that kallikrein genes are differentially regulated by androgens; KLK2 and KLK3 were strongly up-regulated, KLK4 and KLK15 were modestly up-regulated, and KLK14 was repressed. Notably, KLK14 is located at the telomeric end of the kallikrein locus, far away from the centromeric cluster of kallikreins that are stimulated by androgens. These results show that the expression of KLK2, 3, 4, 14 and 15 is maintained in prostate cancer, but that these genes exhibit different responses to androgens. This makes the kallikrein locus an ideal model to investigate AR signalling. The increasingly dedifferentiated phenotype of aggressive prostate cancer cells is accompanied by the re-expression of signalling molecules that are usually expressed during embryogenesis and foetal tissue development. The Wnt pathway is one developmental cascade that is reactivated in prostate cancer. The canonical Wnt cascade regulates the intracellular levels of β-catenin, a potent transcriptional co-activator of T-cell factor (TCF) transcription factors. Notably, β-catenin can also bind to the AR and synergistically stimulate androgen-mediated gene expression. This is at the expense of typical Wnt/TCF target genes, because the AR:β-catenin and TCF:β-catenin interactions are mutually exclusive. The effect of β-catenin on kallikrein expression was examined to further investigate the role of β-catenin in prostate cancer. Stable knockdown of β-catenin in LNCaP prostate cancer cells attenuated the androgen-regulated expression of KLK2, 3, 4 and 15, but not KLK14. To test whether KLK14 is instead a TCF:β-catenin target gene, the endogenous levels of β-catenin were increased by inhibiting its degradation. Although KLK14 expression was up-regulated by these treatments, siRNA knockdown of β-catenin demonstrated that this effect was independent of β-catenin. These results show that β-catenin is required for maximal expression of KLK2, 3, 4 and 15, but not KLK14. Developmental cells and tumour cells express a similar repertoire of signalling molecules, which means that these different cell types are responsive to one another. Previous reports have shown that stem cells and foetal tissues can reprogram aggressive cancer cells to less aggressive phenotypes by restoring the balance to developmental signalling pathways that are highly dysregulated in cancer. To investigate this phenomenon in prostate cancer, DU145 and PC-3 prostate cancer cells were cultured on matrices pre-conditioned with human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Soft agar assays showed that prostate cancer cells exposed to hESC conditioned matrices had reduced clonogenicity compared with cells harvested from control matrices. A recent study demonstrated that this effect was partially due to hESC-derived Lefty, an antagonist of Nodal. A member of the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) superfamily, Nodal regulates embryogenesis and is re-expressed in cancer. The role of Nodal in prostate cancer has not previously been reported. Therefore, the expression and function of the Nodal signalling pathway in prostate cancer was investigated. Western blots confirmed that Nodal is expressed in DU145 and PC-3 cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed greater expression of Nodal in malignant versus benign glands. Notably, the Nodal inhibitor, Lefty, was not expressed at the mRNA level in any prostate cell lines tested. The Nodal signalling pathway is functionally active in prostate cancer cells. Recombinant Nodal treatments triggered downstream phosphorylation of Smad2 in DU145 and LNCaP cells, and stably-transfected Nodal increased the clonogencity of LNCaP cells. Nodal was also found to modulate AR signalling. Nodal reduced the activity of an androgen-regulated KLK3 promoter construct in luciferase assays and attenuated the endogenous expression of AR target genes including prostatic kallikreins. These results demonstrate that Nodal is a novel example of a developmental signalling molecule that is reexpressed in prostate cancer and may have a functional role in prostate cancer progression. In summary, this project clarifies the role of androgens and changing cellular differentiation in prostate cancer by characterising the expression and function of the downstream genes encoding kallikrein-related serine proteases and Nodal. Furthermore, this study emphasises the similarities between prostate cancer and early development, and the crosstalk between developmental signalling pathways and the AR axis. The outcomes of this project also affirm the utility of the kallikrein locus as a model system to monitor tumour progression and the phenotype of prostate cancer cells.


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Hydroxyapatite (HAP) is a major component of bone and has osteoconductive and -inductive properties. It has been successfully applied as a substrate in bone tissue engineering, either with or without a biodegradable polymer such as polycaprolactone or polylactide. Recently, we have developed a stereolithography resin based on poly(D,L-lactide) (PDLLA) and a non-reactive diluent, that allows for the preparation of tissue engineering scaffolds with designed architectures. In this work, designed porous composite structures of PDLLA and HAP are prepared by stereolithography.


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In the past 20 years, mesoporous materials have been attracted great attention due to their significant feature of large surface area, ordered mesoporous structure, tunable pore size and volume, and well-defined surface property. They have many potential applications, such as catalysis, adsorption/separation, biomedicine, etc. [1]. Recently, the studies of the applications of mesoporous materials have been expanded into the field of biomaterials science. A new class of bioactive glass, referred to as mesoporous bioactive glass (MBG), was first developed in 2004. This material has a highly ordered mesopore channel structure with a pore size ranging from 5–20 nm [1]. Compared to non-mesopore bioactive glass (BG), MBG possesses a more optimal surface area, pore volume and improved in vitro apatite mineralization in simulated body fluids [1,2]. Vallet-Regí et al. has systematically investigated the in vitro apatite formation of different types of mesoporous materials, and they demonstrated that an apatite-like layer can be formed on the surfaces of Mobil Composition of Matters (MCM)-48, hexagonal mesoporous silica (SBA-15), phosphorous-doped MCM-41, bioglass-containing MCM-41 and ordered mesoporous MBG, allowing their use in biomedical engineering for tissue regeneration [2-4]. Chang et al. has found that MBG particles can be used for a bioactive drug-delivery system [5,6]. Our study has shown that MBG powders, when incorporated into a poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) film, significantly enhance the apatite-mineralization ability and cell response of PLGA films. compared to BG [7]. These studies suggest that MBG is a very promising bioactive material with respect to bone regeneration. It is known that for bone defect repair, tissue engineering represents an optional method by creating three-dimensional (3D) porous scaffolds which will have more advantages than powders or granules as 3D scaffolds will provide an interconnected macroporous network to allow cell migration, nutrient delivery, bone ingrowth, and eventually vascularization [8]. For this reason, we try to apply MBG for bone tissue engineering by developing MBG scaffolds. However, one of the main disadvantages of MBG scaffolds is their low mechanical strength and high brittleness; the other issue is that they have very quick degradation, which leads to an unstable surface for bone cell growth limiting their applications. Silk fibroin, as a new family of native biomaterials, has been widely studied for bone and cartilage repair applications in the form of pure silk or its composite scaffolds [9-14]. Compared to traditional synthetic polymer materials, such as PLGA and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), the chief advantage of silk fibroin is its water-soluble nature, which eliminates the need for organic solvents, that tend to be highly cytotoxic in the process of scaffold preparation [15]. Other advantages of silk scaffolds are their excellent mechanical properties, controllable biodegradability and cytocompatibility [15-17]. However, for the purposes of bone tissue engineering, the osteoconductivity of pure silk scaffolds is suboptimal. It is expected that combining MBG with silk to produce MBG/silk composite scaffolds would greatly improve their physiochemical and osteogenic properties for bone tissue engineering application. Therefore, in this chapter, we will introduce the research development of MBG/silk scaffolds for bone tissue engineering.


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Angiogenesis, or neovascularization, is a finely balanced process controlled by pro- and anti-angiogenic factors. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a major pro-angiogenic factor, whereas pigment epithelial-derived factor (PEDF) is the most potent natural angiogenesis inhibitor. In this study, the regulatory role of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) during angiogenesis was assessed by the endothelial differentiation potential, VEGF/PEDF production and responses to pro-angiogenic and hypoxic conditions. The in vivo regulation of blood vessel formation by BMSCs was also explored in a SCID mouse model. Results showed that PEDF was expressed more prominently in BMSCs compared to VEGF. This contrasted with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) where the expression of VEGF was higher than that of PEDF. The ratio of VEGF/PEDF gene expression in BMSCs increased when VEGF concentration reached 40 ng/ml in the culture medium, but decreased at 80 ng/ml. Under CoCl2- induced hypoxic conditions, the VEGF/PEDF ratio of BMSCs increased significantly in both normal and angiogenic culture media. There was no expression of endothelial cell markers in BMSCs cultured in either pro-angiogenic or hypoxia culture conditions when compared with HUVECs. The in vivo study showed that VEGF/PEDF expression closely correlated with the degree of neovascularization, and that hypoxia significantly induced pro-angiogenic activity in BMSCs. These results indicate that, rather than being progenitors of endothelial cells, BMSCs play an important role in regulating the neovascularization process, and that the ratio of VEGF and PEDF may, in effect, be an indicator of the pro- or antiangiogenic activities of BMSCs.


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Adult articular cartilage has depth-dependent mechanical and biochemical properties which contribute to zone-specific functions. The compressive moduli of immature cartilage and tissue-engineered cartilage are known to be lower than those of adult cartilage. The objective of this study was to determine if such tissues exhibit depth-dependent compressive properties, and how these depth-varying properties were correlated with cell and matrix composition of the tissue. The compressive moduli of fetal and newborn bovine articular cartilage increased with depth (p < 0.05) by a factor of 4-5 from the top 0.1 mm (28 +/- 13 kPa, 141 +/- 10 kPa, respectively) to 1 mm deep into the tissue. Likewise, the glycosaminoglycan and collagen content increased with depth (both p < 0.001), and correlated with the modulus (both p < 0.01). In contrast, tissue-engineered cartilage formed by either layering or mixing cells from the superficial and middle zone of articular cartilage exhibited similarly soft regions at both construct surfaces, as exemplified by large equilibrium strains. The properties of immature cartilage may provide a template for developing tissue-engineered cartilage which aims to repair cartilage defects by recapitulating the natural development and growth processes. These results suggest that while depth-dependent properties may be important to engineer into cartilage constructs, issues other than cell heterogeneity must be addressed to generate such tissues. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Porous SiO2 scaffolds with mesopore structure (named as MS scaffolds) have been proposed as suitable for bone tissue engineering due to their excellent drug-delivery ability; however, the mineralization and cytocompatibility of MS scaffolds are far from optimal for bone tissue engineering, and it is also unclear how the delivery of drugs from MS scaffolds affects osteoblastic cells. The aims of the present study were to improve the mineralization and cytocompatibility of MS scaffolds by coating mussel-inspired polydopamine on the pore walls of scaffolds. The effects of polydopamine modification on MS scaffolds was investigated with respect to apatite mineralization and the attachment, proliferation and differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs), as was the release profile of the drug dexamethasone (DEX). Our results show that polydopamine can readily coat the pore walls of MS scaffolds and that polydopamine-modified MS scaffolds have a significantly improved apatite-mineralization ability as well as better attachment and proliferation of BMSCs in the scaffolds, compared to controls. Polydopamine modification did not alter the release profile of DEX from MS scaffolds but the sustained delivery of DEX significantly improved alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of BMSCs in the scaffolds. These results suggest that polydopamine modification is a viable option to enhance the bioactivity of bone tissue engineering scaffolds and, further, that DEX-loaded polydopamine MS scaffolds have potential uses as a release system to enhance the osteogenic properties of bone tissue engineering applications.


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Two major difficulties facing widespread clinical implementation of existing Tissue Engineering (TE) strategies for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders are (1) the cost, space and time required for ex vivo culture of a patient’s autologous cells prior to re-implantation as part of a TE construct, and (2) the potential risks and availability constraints associated with transplanting exogenous (foreign) cells. These hurdles have led to recent interest in endogenous TE strategies, in which the regenerative potential of a patient’s own cells is harnessed to promote tissue regrowth without ex vivo cell culture. This article provides a focused perspective on key issues in the development of endogenous TE strategies, progress to date, and suggested future research directions toward endogenous repair and regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues and organs.


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Strontium (Sr), Zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), and silicon (Si) are reported to be essential trace elements for the growth and mineralization of bone. We speculated that the combination of these bioactive elements in bioceramics may be effective to regulate the osteogenic property of boneforming cells. In this study, two Sr-containing silicate bioceramics, Sr2ZnSi2O7 (SZS) and Sr2MgSi2O7 (SMS), were prepared. The biological response of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) to the two bioceramics (in the forms of powders and dense ceramic bulks) was systematically studied. In powder form, the effect of powder extracts on the viability and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of BMSCs was investigated. In ceramic disc form, both direct and indirect coculture of BMSCs with ceramic discs were used to investigate their biological response, including attachment, proliferation, ALP activity, and bone-related genes expression. Beta-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP) and akermanite (Ca2MgSi2O7, CMS) were used as control materials. The results showed that the Sr, Zn, and Si (or Sr, Mg, and Si)-containing ionic products from SZS and SMS powders enhanced ALP activity of BMSCs, compared to those from b-TCP. Both SZS and SMS ceramic discs supported the growth of BMSCs, and most importantly, significantly enhanced the ALP activity and bone-related genes expression of BMSCs as compared to b-TCP. The results suggest that the specific combination of bioactive ions (Sr, Zn, Si, e.g.) in bioceramics is a viable way to improve the biological performance of biomaterials, and the form of materials and surface properties were nonnegligible factors to influence cell response.