998 resultados para 02101800 CTD-35
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar parâmetros genéticos da população CMS 35 submetida a três ciclos de seleção entre e dentro de progênies de meios-irmãos, em diferentes municípios do Estado de Sergipe, no período de 1998 a 2000. Foram avaliadas 196 progênies de meios-irmãos em cada ciclo de seleção, em látice simples 14x14, em dois locais, realizando-se as recombinações das progênies selecionadas dentro do mesmo ano agrícola, de modo a se obter um ciclo/ano. A variabilidade genética foi reduzida do ciclo I para o ciclo II, e aumentou do ciclo II para o ciclo III. Os valores das estimativas dos parâmetros genéticos associados às médias de produtividade de espigas e ao ganho médio esperado, por ciclo de seleção, evidenciam o potencial da população CMS 35 em responder à seleção para aumento da produtividade, o que possibilitará a obtenção de uma variedade melhor adaptada para divulgação na região.
Comprend : Oeuvres choisies de Vico
A snapshot of water resource trends prepared by the Iowa DNR in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the U.S. Geological Survey, and The Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department.
CIRAS is to enhance the performance of Iowa industry, and associated entities, through education and technology-based services. This newsletter holds information regarding these services.
CIRAS is to enhance the performance of Iowa industry, and associated entities, through education and technology-based services. This newsletter holds information regarding these services.
CIRAS is to enhance the performance of Iowa industry, and associated entities, through education and technology-based services. This newsletter holds information regarding these services.
CIRAS is to enhance the performance of Iowa industry, and associated entities, through education and technology-based services. This newsletter holds information regarding these services.
CIRAS is to enhance the performance of Iowa industry, and associated entities, through education and technology-based services. This newsletter holds information regarding these services.
CIRAS is to enhance the performance of Iowa industry, and associated entities, through education and technology-based services. This newsletter holds information regarding these services.
En aquest treball es porta a terme l’anàlisi del comportament dels índexs IBEX-35 i DAX-30 en el període comprès entre els anys 2008 – 2012. L’objectiu del treball és analitzar com han evolucionat determinades mesures del risc, com són, la Volatilitat, el VaR i el CVaR en els dos índexs. Aquest anàlisi té la finalitat d’aconseguir evidències del diferent comportament d’aquests índexs en el període analitzat, i així veure el diferent impacte que ha tingut la crisis econòmica actual en l’economia espanyola i alemanya.
En aquest treball es porta a terme l’anàlisi del comportament i l’anàlisi del risc del preu de l’índex borsari IBEX-35 i de la matèria primera Or de 24 quirats, durant el període comprès entre els anys 2008-2012. Concretament s’analitza com han evolucionat determinades mesures del risc, com la Volatilitat, el VaR i el CVaR, en IBEX-35 i en l’Or de 24 quirats. La finalitat d’aquests càlculs, és aconseguir evidencies del diferent comportament del preu de l’IBEX-35 i de l’Or de 24 quirats entre els anys 2008 i 2012, i poder tenir arguments a favor de la idea de que l’Or és un valor refugi, sobretot en temps de crisi.
The current study was initiated to quantify the stresses induced in critical details on the reinforcing jacket and the tower itself through the use of field instrumentation, load testing, and long-term monitoring. Strain gages were installed on the both the tower and the reinforcing jacket. Additional strain gages were installed on two anchor rods. Tests were conducted with and without the reinforcing jacket installed. Data were collected from all strain gages during static load testing and were used to study the stress distribution of the tower caused by known loads, both with and without the reinforcing jacket. The tower was tested dynamically by first applying a static load, and then quickly releasing the load causing the tower to vibrate freely. Furthermore, the tower was monitored over a period of over 1 year to obtain stress range histograms at the critical details to be used for a fatigue evaluation. Also during the long-term monitoring, triggered time-history data were recorded to study the wind loading phenomena that excite the tower.