917 resultados para wireless communication technology
Broadband and the Knowledge Society: Interconnecting South America Jorge Atton Palma .-- Broadband deployment and digital integration Sergio Scarabino .-- “Broadband rates could fall by over 50%”, interview with Cezar Alvarez .-- Interregional cooperation to promote broadband School for Policymakers and Regional Dialogue .-- “It is important for comparisons to be made based on quantifiable and comparable aspects”, interview with Omar de León .-- “ORBA has helped generate cooperation mechanisms between countries”, interview with Fernando Rojas .-- “Ideally, the region should harmonize the use of the spectrum”, interview with René Bustillo .-- Mobile broadband will spur a new wave of innovation in Latin America Sebastián Cabello.
Building a regional future Marcelo Bosch .-- ICTs as a tool for overcoming asymmetries in Latin American agriculture Mônica Rodrigues .-- “The impact of ICTs on agriculture is huge”, interview with Raúl Hopkins .-- Priorities and policies for ICT use in the Bolivian agricultural sector Víctor Vásquez Mamani .-- “To strengthen the impact of ICTs on public institutions, the end user must be established as the central objective”, interview with Hugo Chavarría .-- “ICT development must be focused on the small producer”, interview with Blas Espinel .-- “Our experiences can be replicated in the region”, interview with Francine Brossard .-- facts and figures.
The “Implementation of the National Data Centre” project, Augusto Espín, Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and Information Society, Ecuador .-- Cloud computing and public policy in Brazil, Rafael Henrique Rodrigues Moreira, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil .-- “The cloud is being taken up more quickly in Latin America than in the rest of the world”, interview to Lalo Steinmann, Microsoft .-- The impact of education and research networks on the development of cloud computing Eduardo Vera, University of Chile .-- “The cloud helps to narrow divides by providing access to technology resources that used to be unaffordable”, interview to Luis Urzúa, Movistar Chile .-- “Cloud computing will be a strategic sector of the economy in the coming years”, interview to Jean-Bernard Gramunt, France’s digital strategy .-- “If take-up in Latin America is as strong as predicted, it will be a good opportunity to create and export technology”, interview to Flavio Junqueira, Yahoo! Labs.
NFC technology: progress, obstacles and forecasts, report .-- Downloads of records and books are increasing, report .-- Broadband promotion law in Peru, interview to Roberto Ortiz , Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru .-- “What Rio has done is truly ground-breaking”, interview to Guruduth Banavar, IBM .-- “The idea is to enable people who have a device but no Internet to connect securely and free of charge” interview to Oliver Flögel, Digital Development Chile .-- “The advent of big data makes communications infrastructure even more important”, interview to José Miguel Piquer, INRIA Chile.
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La brecha digital exacerba desigualdades en el acceso a información y conocimiento, socialización con pares, visibilidad y manejo de herramientas básicas para desempeñarse en la sociedad. Reducir esta brecha permite sinergias virtuosas de inclusión social y cultural entre niños, niñas y adolescentes, con impactos positivos en el desarrollo de capacidades y generación de oportunidades para toda su vida. Si bien las nuevas generaciones están conectadas y sus miembros son nativos digitales, persisten desigualdades entre grupos socioeconómicos, aun cuando se han reducido gracias a los programas de conectividad en las escuelas públicas de la región. El artículo central de esta edición de Desafíos aborda –con información actualizada– las brechas y los avances en esta materia. El acceso es solo un primer paso; luego, es necesario proteger a niños y adolescentes contra los riesgos de la conectividad y potenciar los aprendizajes pertinentes y plenos de sentido, promoviendo usos más articulados con el currículo educativo. Por último, el artículo plantea que hay que vincular las políticas de conectividad con el cumplimiento de los derechos de la infancia en el marco de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño. Junto al artículo central, y como es habitual, se informa de encuentros y conferencias en la región durante el año y de publicaciones recientes en la materia. También se presentan buenas prácticas en el Perú para reducir brechas de género y una iniciativa conjunta de los operadores móviles y el UNICEF para proteger a la infancia en la era digital. En Puntos de vista se incluye la opinión de especialistas acerca de la potencialidad de las TIC como una herramienta a tener en cuenta para el ejercicio o vulneración de los derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes.
The two main forces affecting economic development are the ongoing technological revolution and the challenge of sustainability. Technological change is altering patterns of production, consumption and behaviour in societies; at the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure the sustainability of these new patterns because of the constraints resulting from the negative externalities generated by economic growth and, in many cases, by technical progress itself. Reorienting innovation towards reducing or, if possible, reversing the effects of these externalities could create the conditions for synergies between the two processes. Views on the subject vary widely: while some maintain that these synergies can easily be created if growth follows an environmentally friendly model, summarized in the concept of green growth, others argue that production and consumption patterns are changing too slowly and that any technological fix will come too late. These considerations apply to hard technologies, essentially those used in production. The present document explores the opportunities being opened up by new ones, basically information and communication technologies, in terms of increasing the effectiveness (outcomes) and efficiency (relative costs) of soft technologies that can improve the way environmental issues are handled in business management and in public policy formulation and implementation.
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The digital divide exacerbates inequalities in access to information and knowledge, making it more difficult to socialize with peers and limiting awareness of and the ability to use basic tools for life in society. Reducing this gap sets in motion virtuous synergies of social and cultural inclusion for children and adolescents, facilitating skills development and generating lifelong opportunities. Although the younger generations are connected digital natives, inequalities persist among socioeconomic groups, though these have been tempered by connectivity programmes in public schools in the region. The main article of this edition of Challenges uses current information to examine the progress made and the gaps that remain in this area. Providing children and adolescents with access is merely a first step. They then need to be protected from the risks associated with information and communications technologies (ICTs), which must be harnessed for purposes of meaningful learning, promoting uses that are more in line with the educational curriculum. Lastly, the article posits that connectivity policies must be linked to the fulfilment of children’s rights in the framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. As is customary, this issue also contains information on meetings and conferences held in the region during the year and recent publications in this field. Mention is also made of good practices from Peru in reducing gender gaps and a joint initiative between mobile operators and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to protect children in the digital age. Viewpoints includes expert opinion on the potential of ICTs as tools that can facilitate the exercise of the rights of children and adolescents, but also lead to violations of these rights.
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