931 resultados para transported semen


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Sheep transport within Europe involves 9.5 million animals yearly, 63% of which travel over longjourneys (> 8 h). Livestock transport, particularly over long journeys, gives rise to concern about the welfare of transported animals. The European Commission stimulates the development of market-oriented animal welfare standards for all phases of livestock production, providing an alternative to the 'regulatory approach'. This study aimed to develop and test a new sheep welfare assessment protocol to be used following transport, irrespective of the journey purpose. The protocol included outcome (animal-based measures) and input variables (resource-based and management-based measures), being welfare-relevant aspects of both transport and unloading procedures. Weighted Cohen's Kappa and Heiss' Kappa index of agreement were calculated to evaluate the raters accuracy and the inter-observer reliability.Overall, good agreement levels were found. The protocol was tested on 40 commercial transports arriving at previously selected assembly centres and slaughterhouses in Italy and Greece. The protocol was found to be feasible when applied to commercial transports, allowing for a comprehensive and quick sheep welfare assessment during unloading, without impairing stockman work. Univariate analysis was carried out to evaluate associations between outcome and input variables. In this study, significant association between outcome measures and risk factors were identified when associated to unloading procedures but not to travel conditions. In collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, this protocol might be developed into a tool for routine checks for certification purposes and could provide direct feedback to all professionals involved in animal transportation on the weaknesses and strengths of their work.


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Este trabalho refere-se às atividades do estágio de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária, apresentando-se casuística no âmbito dos planos sanitários e atividade clínica acompanhados. Como tema para discussão optou-se pela avaliação de touros através do exame andrológico. Após revisão bibliográfica analisaram-se dados obtidos pela VetAl (2008- 2012) caracterizando a população dos touros de carne no Sul de Portugal. Dos 184 touros avaliados foram aprovados 72,28 %, aumentando a probabilidade de reprovação tendencialmente com idade. Em parâmetros reprodutivos importantes como perímetro testicular existe influência de: idade (p<0,001), raça (p<0,05) e Pontuação da Condição Corporal (PCC) (p<0,05). Encontraram-se correlações significativas entre parâmetros tais como perímetro testicular e idade (p<0,001; r=0,52), PCC e parâmetros seminais microscópicos (p<0,05) e dos vários parâmetros entre si. O exame andrológico é essencial para estimar o potencial reprodutivo dos touros e importa fomentar a sua realização em Portugal para melhorar os níveis de fertilidade e rentabilidade das explorações; Abstract Rating of bulls’ reproductive potential through breeding soundness evaluation This document reports the activities of the traineeship for the Master in Veterinary Medicine, including the presentation of the number of cases attended during herd health plans and clinical activity. The theme chosen for discussion was bull fertility through breeding soundness evaluation. Data obtained by Vetal (2008-2012) were analyzed, according to the state of the art, with the aim of characterizing beef bulls’ population in Southern Portugal. Out of 184 bulls evaluated, 72,28 % were approved, unsuccessful outcome apparently increases with age. Scrotal circumference was significantly influenced by: age (p<0,001), breed (p<0,05) and Body Condition Scoring (BCS) (p<0,05). Correlations were significant between scrotal circumference and age (p<0,001; r=0,52), between BCS and microscopic semen evaluation parameters (p<0,05) and between these semen evaluation parameters. The breeding soundness evaluation is essential to assess bulls’ reproductive potential and routine performance of this exam should be encouraged in Portugal to improve fertility and herd profitability.


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O nemátode da madeira do pinheiro (NMP), Bursaphelenchus xylophiius, tem uma extensa distribuição na América do Norte, e encontra-se atualmente distribuído ao longo da maioria dos territórios de Canadá e dos Estados Unidos. Durante o último século, esta espécie foi transportada pelo Homem para outras regiões do mundo (não-nativas), associadas com o comércio e o fluxo global de produtos de origem florestal. Atualmente, esta espécie invasiva está reportada para algumas regiões do SE asiático (China, Japão, Coreia e Taiwan) e mais recentemente para a Europa (Portugal). Devido ao impacto que este organismo agente da doença da murchidão dos pinheiros causa nas florestas nativas destas regiões esta espécie assume uma elevada importância económica a nível mundial Em Portugal, a distribuição do NMP encontra-se confinada a uma área restrita e limitada (500 000 ha), a sul de Lisboa (península de Setúbal); contudo, constitui uma das maiores ameaças às florestas de pinheiro do país e da UE. Ate recentemente, nenhum consenso existia quanto à origem do NMP em Portugal. Diversas hipóteses têm sido colocadas para explicar esta introdução, nomeadamente a partir de zonas onde o nematode ocorre naturalmente (América do Norte), ou de outras áreas (não-nativas) onde o nematode se comporta como uma espécie invasiva (Leste da Ásia). A fim de avaliar a variabilidade genética do NMP proveniente da área afetada em Portugal, foram utilizadas várias técnicas moleculares, designadamente o random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR) e o satellite DNA (satDNA). No caso do RAPD-PCR, foram utilizados 24 isolados do NMP provenientes de Portugal, 1 proveniente da América do Norte e 1 da Ásia, tendo sido utilizado como out-group um isolado de B. mucronatus. A partir dos 28 RAPD primers utilizados obtiveram-se 640 fragmentos. No caso do satDNA, foram utilizados 21 isolados do NMP provenientes de Portugal, obtendo-se no total 206 sequências da família MspI. Ambos os métodos revelaram uma elevada similaridade genética entre os vários isolados do NMP da área afetada em Portugal O nível reduzido de diversidade genética obtido entre os isolados portugueses do NMP, permite concluir que se trata de uma única introdução deste organismo em Portugal, e proveniente de uma região asiática. A inexistência de uma de correlação entre a variabilidade genética e a distribuição geográfica do NMP dentro da área afetada em Portugal, indica que o NMP se encontra distribuído de forma uniforme ao longo de toda a área afetada, provavelmente relacionado com a distribuição e a expansão natural do inseto vector. The pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, has a wide distribution in North America, and is present throughout most of the territories of Canada and the United Stata. During the last century, this species has been transported by man to several non-native regions of the world, associated with trade and the global flow of forest products. Up to date, this invasive species has been reported from Asia (PR China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan) and more recently in Europe (Portugal). Due to the impact on native pine forests of these regions, this nematode species, the causal agent of pine wilt disease, is of great economic importance worldwide. In Portugal, the distribution of the PWN has been constrained to a relatively small area (500 000 ha) in the south of Lisbon (Setúbal Peninsula); however, it has become the most serious threat to pine forests in the country. Until recently, no consensus had emerged on the possible pathway of the PWN introduction in Portugal. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this introduction, such as an origin from endemic areas where the nematode naturally occurs (North America), or non-endemic areas where the nematode behaves as an exotic pest (East Asia). Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR) and satellite DNA (satDNA) techniques were used in order to assess the level of genetic variability and genetic relationships, among several isolates of the PWN, representative of the entire affected area in Portugal. In the case of RAPD-PCR, 24 Portuguese isolates, plus two additional isolates of B. xylophilus, representing North America and East Asia were included. B. mucronatus was used as an out-group. Twenty-eight random primers generated a total of 640 DNA fragments. With satDNA, 206 Mspl sequence repeats were obtained from 21 Portuguese isolates of B. xylophilus. Both molecular methods revealed a high genetic similarity among the Portuguese isolates, and the low level of genetic diversity strongly suggests that they were dispersed recently from a single introduction, and from East Asia. The lack of apparent relationship between the genetic variability and the geographic distribution of the PWN within the affected area, suggests that the recent introduction of this pest (and pathogen) in Portugal has been uniformly distributed since its establishment, probably following the natural distribution and expansion of the insect vector.


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Nesta tese investigam-se e desenvolvem-se dispositivos para processamento integralmente óptico em redes com multiplexagem densa por divisão no comprimento de onda (DWDM). O principal objectivo das redes DWDM é transportar e distribuir um espectro óptico densamente multiplexado com sinais de débito binário ultra elevado, ao longo de centenas ou milhares de quilómetros de fibra óptica. Estes sinais devem ser transportados e encaminhados no domínio óptico de forma transparente, sem conversões óptico-eléctrico-ópticas (OEO), evitando as suas limitações e custos. A tecnologia baseada em amplificadores ópticos de semicondutor (SOA) é promissora graças aos seus efeitos não-lineares ultra-rápidos e eficientes, ao potencial para integração, reduzido consumo de potência e custos. Conversores de comprimento de onda são o elemento óptico básico para aumentar a capacidade da rede e evitar o bloqueio de comprimentos de onda. Neste trabalho, são estudados e analisados experimentalmente métodos para aumentar a largura de banda operacional de conversores de modulação cruzada de ganho (XGM), a fim de permitir a operação do SOA para além das suas limitações físicas. Conversão de um comprimento de onda, e conversão simultânea de múltiplos comprimentos de onda são testadas, usando interferómetros de Mach-Zehnder com SOA. As redes DWDM de alto débito binário requerem formatos de modulação optimizados, com elevada tolerância aos efeitos nefastos da fibra, e reduzida ocupação espectral. Para esse efeito, é vital desenvolver conversores integramente ópticos de formatos de modulação, a fim de permitir a interligação entre as redes já instaladas, que operam com modulação de intensidade, e as redes modernas, que utilizam formatos de modulação avançados. No âmbito deste trabalho é proposto um conversor integralmente óptico de formato entre modulação óptica de banda lateral dupla e modulação óptica de banda lateral residual; este é caracterizado através de simulação e experimentalmente. Adicionalmente, é proposto um conversor para formato de portadora suprimida, através de XGM e modulação cruzada de fase. A interligação entre as redes de transporte com débito binário ultra-elevado e as redes de acesso com débito binário reduzido requer conversão óptica de formato de impulso entre retorno-a-zero (RZ) e não-RZ. São aqui propostas e investigadas duas estruturas distintas: uma baseada em filtragem desalinhada do sinal convertido por XGM; uma segunda utiliza as dinâmicas do laser interno de um SOA com ganho limitado (GC-SOA). Regeneração integralmente óptica é essencial para reduzir os custos das redes. Dois esquemas distintos são utilizados para regeneração: uma estrutura baseada em MZI-SOA, e um método no qual o laser interno de um GC-SOA é modulado com o sinal distorcido a regenerar. A maioria dos esquemas referidos é testada experimentalmente a 40 Gb/s, com potencial para aplicação a débitos binários superiores, demonstrado que os SOA são uma tecnologia basilar para as redes ópticas do futuro.


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A associação simbiótica de plantas leguminosas com bactérias do género Rhizobium é o maior e mais eficiente contribuinte de azoto fixado biologicamente (Somasegaran e Hoben, 1994; Zahran, 1999). No entanto, o constante aumento da poluição em solos agrícolas, nomeadamente a contaminação por metais devido à aplicação de fertilizantes e de lamas, está a tornar-se um problema ambiental cada vez mais preocupante (Alloway, 1995a; Giller et al., 1998; Permina et al., 2006; Thorsen et al., 2009; Wani et al., 2008), influenciando de forma negativa a persistência destas bactérias nos solos agrícolas, assim como a sua eficácia de nodulação (Broos et al., 2005; Wani et al., 2008;. Zhengwei et al., 2005). Desta forma, o estudo dos mecanismos de tolerância de Rhizobium a metais tornou-se uma área de investigação de elevada importância. Com o trabalho apresentado nesta tese pretendeu-se perceber melhor a tolerância Rhizobium leguminosarum ao cádmio (Cd), dando particular atenção a um mecanismo de tolerância previamente descrito em R. leguminosarum (Lima et al., 2006): a complexação intracelular de Cd pelo tripéptido glutationa (GSH). Assim, o principal objectivo deste trabalho foi perceber melhor qual a importância deste mecanismo nos níveis de tolerância de rizóbio ao Cd. Como já tinha sido descrito em trabalhos anteriores (Figueira et al., 2005; Lima et al., 2006), foi possível verificar que a estirpe mais tolerante ao metal apresenta níveis mais elevados de Cd e GSH intracelulares. Demonstrou-se ainda que a tolerância ao Cd está dependente da maior eficiência no mecanismo de complexação observada na estirpe tolerante, logo durante as primeiras 12 h de crescimento. Gomes et al. (2002) verificou que a acumulação de complexos GSH-Cd no citoplasma inibe a entrada de metal na célula. Como neste trabalho se observou um aumento nos níveis de Cd intracelular na estirpe tolerante ao longo do tempo, surgiu a hipótese dos complexos serem excretados para o espaço periplasmático. Os elevados níveis de GSH e de Cd determinados no espaço periplasmático corroboraram esta hipótese. Neste trabalho demonstrou-se ainda que a eficácia do mecanismo de complexação, depende da actividade enzimática de uma isoforma específica de GST, que apresentou um elevado acréscimo de actividade na presença do metal. Desta forma, os resultados desta tese indicam que, a maior tolerância de R. leguminosarum ao Cd, depende da capacidade das estirpes para induzir a síntese de GSH na presença de Cd e, simultaneamente aumentar a actividade enzimática da GST específica, optimizando assim o mecanismo de complexação de Cd intracelular.


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Desde tempos históricos que diferentes tipos de lama são utilizados para aplicações externas no corpo humano, para fins terapêuticos e cosméticos. As lamas cuja beneficiação e caracterização físico-química são apresentadas nesta dissertação são formadas no ambiente hipersalino que existe nas salinas da Troncalhada e de São Tiago da Fonte, localizadas no estuário do rio Vouga, em Aveiro, Portugal. As salinas são constituídas por uma sequência de tanques onde, no período de verão, da água do mar e por evaporação natural, se produz sal marinho que precipita no último tanque (o cristalizador) do qual é extraído. Na base dos tanques ocorrem lamas que correspondem a sedimentos constituídos por material argiloso de cor preto-cinzento e que incorporam argila, silte, areia, bioclastos, sal, matéria orgânica e gás. A componente inorgânica da lama extraída do cristalizador foi estudada por Difracção de Raios-X (DRX) e Fluorescência de Raios-X (FRX), enquanto a componente orgânica da mesma lama foi estudada por Cromatografia de Gás- Espectrometria de Massa (GC-MS). Os estudos efectuados incidiram sobre amostras representativas de lama, obtidas antes e após refinação e beneficiação a que foi submetida a lama tal-qual colhida nas salinas. Foram utilizados métodos geofísicos para caracterizar e distinguir as lamas depositadas na época de safra e no período de interregno. Para o efeito, foram cravados tubos amostradores no sedimento que reveste o fundo dos tanques, tubos que seguidamente foram transportados para o laboratório para medição da condutividade eléctrica do topo até à base da coluna de sedimento amostrado. A refinação foi efectuada por elutriação de suspensões aquosas de lama utilizando um equipamento desenvolvido para o efeito e que permitiu concentrar a lama fina no overflow. Após floculação, sifonagem da água sobrenadante, dessalinização e centrifugação a lama refinada e beneficiada pôde ser incorporada em formulações com objectivos terapêuticos e cosméticos. O estudo microbiológico efectuado nas amostras de lama com sal e sem sal e na água das salinas permitiu identificar diversos tipos de bactérias e colónias presentes na lama e avaliar também os processos de esterilização testados. Concluiu-se que a lama hipersalina ou dessalinizada resultante do processamento a que foram submetidas, não deve ser aplicada ou incorporada em formulações tal-qual, pelo facto de em ambas terem sido identificadas bactérias como é o caso de Clostridium perfringens. Não obstante, se submetidas a esterilização utilizando autoclave a lama salina refinada e beneficiada poderá ser aplicada como peloide extemporâneo. Assim sendo foram desenvolvidas formulações dermoterapêuticas e dermocosméticas contendo lama beneficiada e dessalinizada e esterilizada termicamente.


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According to the World Health Organization, around 8.2 million people die each year with cancer. Most patients do not perform routine diagnoses and the symptoms, in most situations, occur when the patient is already at an advanced stage of the disease, consequently resulting in a high cancer mortality. Currently, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death among males worldwide. In Portugal, this is the most diagnosed type of cancer and the third that causes more deaths. Taking into account that there is no cure for advanced stages of prostate cancer, the main strategy comprises an early diagnosis to increase the successful rate of the treatment. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is an important biomarker of prostate cancer that can be detected in biological fluids, including blood, urine and semen. However, the commercial kits available are addressed for blood samples and the commonly used analytical methods for their detection and quantification requires specialized staff, specific equipment and extensive sample processing, resulting in an expensive process. Thus, the aim of this MSc thesis consisted on the development of a simple, efficient and less expensive method for the extraction and concentration of PSA from urine samples using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ionic liquids. Initially, the phase diagrams of a set of aqueous biphasic systems composed of an organic salt and ionic liquids were determined. Then, their ability to extract PSA was ascertained. The obtained results reveal that in the tested systems the prostate specific antigen is completely extracted to the ionic-liquid-rich phase in a single step. Subsequently, the applicability of the investigated ABS for the concentration of PSA was addressed, either from aqueous solutions or urine samples. The low concentration of this biomarker in urine (clinically significant below 150 ng/mL) usually hinders its detection by conventional analytical techniques. The obtained results showed that it is possible to extract and concentrate PSA, up to 250 times in a single-step, so that it can be identified and quantified using less expensive techniques.


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According to the World Health Organization, around 8.2 million people die each year with cancer. Most patients do not perform routine diagnoses and the symptoms, in most situations, occur when the patient is already at an advanced stage of the disease, consequently resulting in a high cancer mortality. Currently, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death among males worldwide. In Portugal, this is the most diagnosed type of cancer and the third that causes more deaths. Taking into account that there is no cure for advanced stages of prostate cancer, the main strategy comprises an early diagnosis to increase the successful rate of the treatment. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is an important biomarker of prostate cancer that can be detected in biological fluids, including blood, urine and semen. However, the commercial kits available are addressed for blood samples and the commonly used analytical methods for their detection and quantification requires specialized staff, specific equipment and extensive sample processing, resulting in an expensive process. Thus, the aim of this MSc thesis consisted on the development of a simple, efficient and less expensive method for the extraction and concentration of PSA from urine samples using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ionic liquids. Initially, the phase diagrams of a set of aqueous biphasic systems composed of an organic salt and ionic liquids were determined. Then, their ability to extract PSA was ascertained. The obtained results reveal that in the tested systems the prostate specific antigen is completely extracted to the ionic-liquid-rich phase in a single step. Subsequently, the applicability of the investigated ABS for the concentration of PSA was addressed, either from aqueous solutions or urine samples. The low concentration of this biomarker in urine (clinically significant below 150 ng/mL) usually hinders its detection by conventional analytical techniques. The obtained results showed that it is possible to extract and concentrate PSA, up to 250 times in a single-step, so that it can be identified and quantified using less expensive techniques.


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Tick-borne relapsing fever is an endemic disease in Iran, with most cases attributed to infection by B. persica, which is transmitted by Ornithodoros tholozani soft ticks. Here, we report spirochetemia in blood of a puppy residing in Tehran, Iran. The causative species was identified by use of highly discriminative IGS sequencing; the 489 bp IGS sequence obtained in our study showed 99% identity (100% coverage) when compared with Borrelia persica sequences derived from clinical cases or from Ornithodoros tholozani ticks. Our IGS sequence also showed 99% similarity over 414 bp (85% coverage) with a strain from a domestic dog, and 96% over 328 bp (69% coverage) with a strain from a domestic cat. Pet-keeping in cosmopolitan cities like Tehran has become increasingly popular in recent years. Animals are often transported into the city in cages or cardboard boxes that might also harbour minute tick larvae and/or early stages of the nymphs bringing them into the urban environment. This may pose a threat to household members who buy and keep these puppies and as a result may come into close contact with infected ticks.


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The pollen grains of ragweed are important aeroallergens that have the potential to be transported longdistances through the air. The arrival of ragweed pollen in Nordic countries from the Pannonian Plain canoccur when certain conditions are met, which this study aims to describe for the first time. Atmosphericragweed pollen concentrations were collected at 16 pollen-monitoring sites. Other factors included inthe analysis were the overall synoptic weather situation, surface wind speeds, wind direction and tem-peratures as well as examining regional scale orography and satellite observations. Hot and dry weatherin source areas on the Pannonian Plain aid the release of ragweed pollen during the flowering seasonand result in the deep Planetary Boundary Layers needed to lift the pollen over the Carpathian Moun-tains to the north. Suitable synoptic conditions are also required for the pollen bearing air masses tomove northward. These same conditions produce the jet-effect Kosava and orographic foehn winds thataid the release and dispersal of ragweed pollen and contribute towards its movement into Poland andbeyond.


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This study aims to determine the potential origin of Olea pollen recorded in Badajoz in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula during 2009–2011. This was achieved using a combination of daily average and diurnal (hourly) airborne Olea pollen counts recorded at Badajoz (south-western Spain) and Évora (south-eastern Portugal), an inventory of olive groves in the studied area and air mass trajectory calculations computed using the HYSPLIT model. Examining olive pollen episodes at Badajoz that had distinctly different diurnal cycles in olive pollen in relation to the mean, allowed us to identify three different scenarios where olive pollen can be transported to the city from either distant or nearby sources during conditions with slow air mass movements. Back trajectory analysis showed that olive pollen can be transported to Badajoz from the West on prevailing winds, either directly or on slow moving air masses, and from high densities of olive groves situated to the Southeast (e.g. Andalucía). Regional scale transport of olive pollen can result in increased nighttime concentrations of this important aeroallergen. This could be particularly important in Mediterranean countries where people can be outdoors during this time due to climate and lifestyle. Such studies that examine sources and the atmospheric transport of pollen are valuable for allergy sufferers and health care professionals because the information can be incorporated into forecasts, the outputs of which are used for avoiding exposure to aeroallergens and planning medication. The results of studies of this nature can also be used for examining gene flow in this important agricultural crop.


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Pollen grains from the genus ragweed (Ambrosia spp.) are important aeroallergens. In Europe, the largest sources of atmospheric ragweed pollen are the Rhône Valley (France), parts of Northern Italy, the Pannonian Plain and Ukraine. Episodes of Long Distance Transport (LDT) of ragweed pollen from these centres can cover large parts of Europe and are predominantly studied using receptor based models (Smith et al., (2013) and references therein). The clinical impact of allergenic ragweed pollen arriving from distant sources remains unclear (Cecchi et al. 2010). Although a recent study has found the major allergens of ragweed in air samples collected in Poznań, Poland, during episodes of long-distance transport from the Pannonian Plain (Grewling et al. 2013). The source orientated models SILAM, DEHM, COSMO-Art, METRAS and ENVIRO-HIRLAM currently report having the capability of modelling atmospheric concentrations of pollen in Europe. The performance of such source-orientated models is strongly dependent on the quality of the emissions data, which is a focus of current research (e.g. Thibaudon et al. (2014)). The output from these models are important for warning allergy sufferers in areas polluted by ragweed, but could also be used to warn the public of ragweed pollen being transported into areas where the plant is not abundant. Areas outside of the main areas of ragweed infection that contain considerable local populations must, however, also include local scale models. These models can be used to predict local concentrations, even when LDT is not present. This concept of combined LDT and local scale calculations has been shown to be work for air pollutants and is considered usable for urban scale calculations of aeroallergens once urban scale maps of aeroallergen sources have been produced.


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The paper addresses the use of Life Cycle Assessment as a tool for analysing freight transport activity in product supply chains. Published works that have assessed freight transport energy use in supply chain operations are reviewed and their results summarized. A case study of the energy use in the supply chains for jeans sold in both the UK and France is presented. The results of this case study indicate that the location from which cotton is sourced can have a major impact on the total energy used in commercial transport in the jeans supply chain. However, overall, this has a limited impact on the total energy used in producing and supplying jeans. This is because the vast majority of total energy used in the supply chain is consumed during cotton cultivation, denim production and jeans manufacture. The work also demonstrates that the amount of energy used by consumers transporting jeans to their homes by car can be greater than the total commercial transport energy used in the supply chain (per kg of jeans transported).


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The paper addresses the transport activities and associated energy consumption involved in the production and supply of two products: jeans and yoghurt. In the case of jeans, the analysis is from the locations in which cotton is grown, to retail outlets in the UK; in the case of yoghurt, the analysis is from the supply of milk on farms, to retail outlets in France. The results show that the transport stages from the point of jeans manufacture to UK port are responsible for the greatest proportion of transport energy use per kilogram of jeans in the UK supply chain. In the case of the French yoghurt supply chains, the results indicate that each of the three transport stages from farm to third-party distribution centre consume approximately the same proportion of total freight transport energy. The energy used on the transport stage for yoghurt from third-party distribution centre to retail outlet varies depending on the type of retail outlet served. Far greater quantities of energy are used in transporting jeans than yoghurts from farm/field to retail outlet. This is explained by the distances involved in the respective supply chains. Both case studies demonstrate that the energy used by consumers transporting goods to their homes by car can be as great as total freight transport energy used in the supply chain from farm/field to retail outlet (per kilogram of product transported).


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Allergenic ragweed (Ambrosia spp.) pollen grains, after being released from anthers, can be dispersed by air masses far from their source. However, the action of air temperature,humidity and solar radiation on pollen grains in the atmosphere could impact on the ability of long distance transported (LDT) pollen to maintain allergenic potency. Here, we report that the major allergen of Ambrosia artemisiifolia pollen (Amb a 1) collected in ambient air during episodes of LDT still have immunoreactive properties. The amount of Amb a 1 found in LDT ragweed pollen grains was not constant and varied between episodes. In addition to allergens in pollen sized particles, we detected reactive Amb a 1 in subpollen sized respirable particles. These findings suggest that ragweed pollen grains have the potential to cause allergic reactions, not only in the heavily infested areas but, due to LDT episodes, also in the regions unaffected by ragweed populations.