908 resultados para tendência temporal


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Recent evidence suggests the human auditory system is organized,like the visual system, into a ventral 'what' pathway, devoted toidentifying objects and a dorsal 'where' pathway devoted to thelocalization of objects in space w1x. Several brain regions have beenidentified in these two different pathways, but until now little isknown about the temporal dynamics of these regions. We investigatedthis issue using 128-channel auditory evoked potentials(AEPs).Stimuli were stationary sounds created by varying interaural timedifferences and environmental real recorded sounds. Stimuli ofeach condition (localization, recognition) were presented throughearphones in a blocked design, while subjects determined theirposition or meaning, respectively.AEPs were analyzed in terms of their topographical scalp potentialdistributions (segmentation maps) and underlying neuronalgenerators (source estimation) w2x.Fourteen scalp potential distributions (maps) best explained theentire data set.Ten maps were nonspecific (associated with auditory stimulationin general), two were specific for sound localization and two werespecific for sound recognition (P-values ranging from 0.02 to0.045).Condition-specific maps appeared at two distinct time periods:;200 ms and ;375-550 ms post-stimulus.The brain sources associated with the maps specific for soundlocalization were mainly situated in the inferior frontal cortices,confirming previous findings w3x. The sources associated withsound recognition were predominantly located in the temporal cortices,with a weaker activation in the frontal cortex.The data show that sound localization and sound recognitionengage different brain networks that are apparent at two distincttime periods.References1. Maeder et al. Neuroimage 2001.2. Michel et al. Brain Research Review 2001.3. Ducommun et al. Neuroimage 2002.


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In a medieval Barcelonan side-street, urine, rubbish, and a bewildering array of graphic imagery splatters the narrowing walls between two major thoroughfares. A contemporary conflict between residents, unknown artists and others is played out using banners, bottles, stickers, posters, stencils, spray paint, and bodily substances. In this shadowed liminality, local and global debates are superimposed upon substructures constructed from disease, prostitution, and the Saint of the Plague. The continuing urban struggle constitutes temporal statements of dirt and purity, violence and humour, dominance and resistance, death and salvation. Like the renovated facades masking the crumbling remains of structures long neglected, the government’s literal whitewashing of the art is a temporal cover-up of a discursive symptom stretching from deeply embedded preconditions. However, from his niche in the angular bend of the alley bearing his name, the statue of St. Rock remains unblinkingly staring, raised above the contestations expressed below.


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Accurate perception of the temporal order of sensory events is a prerequisite in numerous functions ranging from language comprehension to motor coordination. We investigated the spatio-temporal brain dynamics of auditory temporal order judgment (aTOJ) using electrical neuroimaging analyses of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) recorded while participants completed a near-threshold task requiring spatial discrimination of left-right and right-left sound sequences. AEPs to sound pairs modulated topographically as a function of aTOJ accuracy over the 39-77ms post-stimulus period, indicating the engagement of distinct configurations of brain networks during early auditory processing stages. Source estimations revealed that accurate and inaccurate performance were linked to bilateral posterior sylvian regions activity (PSR). However, activity within left, but not right, PSR predicted behavioral performance suggesting that left PSR activity during early encoding phases of pairs of auditory spatial stimuli appears critical for the perception of their order of occurrence. Correlation analyses of source estimations further revealed that activity between left and right PSR was significantly correlated in the inaccurate but not accurate condition, indicating that aTOJ accuracy depends on the functional decoupling between homotopic PSR areas. These results support a model of temporal order processing wherein behaviorally relevant temporal information--i.e. a temporal 'stamp'--is extracted within the early stages of cortical processes within left PSR but critically modulated by inputs from right PSR. We discuss our results with regard to current models of temporal of temporal order processing, namely gating and latency mechanisms.


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Els incendis forestals són actualment les majors pertorbacions del sistema mediterrani, ocasionant pèrdues econòmiques, ambientals i alarma social. La nostra àrea d’estudi és la Serra de Cardó, serra prelitoral i meridional catalana representativa de l’ecosistema mediterrani, on llur règim d’incendis de baixa intensitat ha canviat en els últims anys. L’èxode rural i l' abandonament agrícola han augmentat considerablement la colonització d’aquests espais per brolles mediterrànies i masses arbrades de pi blanc, amb la conseqüent acumulació de combustible i continuïtat entre estrats. A més, l’abandonament dels aprofitaments forestals tradicionals i les polítiques medi ambientals dels últims temps, han contribuït a canviar el règim d’incendis d’aquesta zona generant sovint episodis de Grans Incendis Forestals (GIF), provocant incendis intensos, de grans proporcions i d’altes velocitats de propagació que sobrepassen la capacitat de treball dels nostres mitjans d’extinció. Partint d’una anàlisi profunda de tot el territori i per tal d’optimar la planificació territorial i la gestió forestal, analitzarem el context espacio-temporal en el que es donaren els episodis de grans incendis forestals per tal de caracteritzar el nou règim d’incendis. També analitzarem la dinàmica vegetal que afronta el territori per albirar la tendència vegetal futura. Com a resultat d’aquesta anàlisi determinarem punts estratègics de gestió i planificarem infraestructures de prevenció d’acord amb els resultats obtinguts. Analitzarem les zones d’interfície urbano-forestal i classificarem els tipus d’interfase existents, analitzarem el comportament del foc i finalment, d’acord amb els resultats obtinguts i amb la normativa vigent justificarem i pressupostarem les obres de prevenció d’incendis planificades, contribuint a la defensa de la Serra davant possibles focs forestals.


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En aquest treball s’ha estudiat la variabilitat temporal i espacial en l’acumulació de sediment fi a la llera del riu Isàbena (Conca de l’Ebre) al llarg d’un any (1 de Juny de 2007 al 31 de maig de 2008) així com la seva relació amb l’arribada de sediments a l’embassament de Barasona, amb el mètode directe de camp, en aquest cas el cilindre de resuspensió. Aquesta tècnica s’ha aplicat a quatre seccions ubicades al tram baix de l’Isàbena. Amb les dades obtingudes, s’ha analitzat la dinàmica de les acumulacions a les diferents estacions de l’any, tractant de trobar patrons característics.


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The concept of temporal 'plus' epilepsy (T+E) is not new, and a number of observations made by means of intracerebral electrodes have illustrated the complexity of neuronal circuits that involve the temporal lobe. The term T+E was used to unify and better individualize these specific forms of multilobar epilepsies, which are characterized by electroclinical features primarily suggestive of temporal lobe epilepsy, MRI findings that are either unremarkable or show signs of hippocampal sclerosis, and intracranial recordings which demonstrate that seizures arise from a complex epileptogenic network including a combination of brain regions located within the temporal lobe and over closed neighbouring structures such as the orbitofrontal cortex, the insulo-opercular region, and the temporo-parieto-occipital junction. We will review here how the term of T+E has emerged, what it means, and which practical consideration it raises.


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Seizures can be an early symptom of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and can precede cognitive decline. Early epilepsy in AD can mimic transient epileptic amnesic syndrome (TEAS) or epileptic amnesic syndrome. We report the case of a patient who started a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-proven AD with partial seizures and TEAS that secondarily became a cortical posterior atrophy syndrome. CSF biomarkers showed a high amyloid production, amyloidopathy, and high level of total tau and p-Tau. This observation adds data to the complex AD-early epilepsy interactions and illustrates that atypical AD can cause a TEAS. Possible red flags for an underlying neurodegenerative process in TEAS are discussed.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o progresso da ferrugem do pessegueiro e a eficiência de fungicidas no controle de da ferrugem e do furo-de-bala em pomares da região metropolitana de Curitiba-PR. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em pomar comercial com o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, Cultivar Chimarrita, com quatro tratamentos (mancozebe, tiofanato metílico, clorotalonil e testemunha, sem pulverização) e quatro repetições, nas safras de 2004/2005 e 2005/2006. Cada fungicida foi pulverizado oito vezes, com intervalo de 15 a 20 dias entre as aplicações. A avaliação do progresso da epidemia de ferrugem e a eficiência dos fungicidas no controle das doenças foram feitas com base na incidência e severidade da doença nas folhas e na porcentagem de desfolha das plantas. A taxa de progresso da doença e o inóculo inicial na testemunha não diferiram significativamente entre os anos. Todos os fungicidas reduziram a desfolha e a severidade da ferrugem, mas o clorotalonil foi melhor e também reduziu a incidência em ambos os anos. Os fungicidas mancozebe e tiofanato metílico reduziram a incidência de furo-de-bala.