899 resultados para social relations of domination
Public participation is an integral part of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and as such, has been incorporated into regulatory norms. Assessment of the effectiveness of public participation has remained elusive however. This is partly due to the difficulty in identifying appropriate effectiveness criteria. This research uses Q methodology to discover and analyze stakeholder's social perspectives of the effectiveness of EIAs in the Western Cape, South Africa. It considers two case studies (Main Road and Saldanha Bay EIAs) for contextual participant perspectives of the effectiveness based on their experience. It further considers the more general opinion of provincial consent regulator staff at the Department of Environmental Affairs and the Department of Planning (DEA&DP). Two main themes of investigation are drawn from the South African National Environmental Management Act imperative for effectiveness: firstly, the participation procedure, and secondly, the stakeholder capabilities necessary for effective participation. Four theoretical frameworks drawn from planning, politics and EIA theory are adapted to public participation and used to triangulate the analysis and discussion of the revealed social perspectives. They consider citizen power in deliberation, Habermas' preconditions for the Ideal Speech Situation (ISS), a Foucauldian perspective of knowledge, power and politics, and a Capabilities Approach to public participation effectiveness. The empirical evidence from this research shows that the capacity and contextual constraints faced by participants demand the legislative imperatives for effective participation set out in the NEMA. The implementation of effective public participation has been shown to be a complex, dynamic and sometimes nebulous practice. The functional level of participant understanding of the process was found to be significantly wide-ranging with consequences of unequal and dissatisfied stakeholder engagements. Furthermore, the considerable variance of stakeholder capabilities in the South African social context, resulted in inequalities in deliberation. The social perspectives revealed significant differences in participant experience in terms of citizen power in deliberation. The ISS preconditions are highly contested in both the Saldanha EIA case study and the DEA&DP social perspectives. Only one Main Road EIA case study social perspective considered Foucault's notion of governmentality as a reality in EIA public participation. The freedom of control of ones environment, based on a Capabilities approach, is a highly contested notion. Although agreed with in principle, all of the social perspectives indicate that contextual and capacity realities constrain its realisation. This research has shown that Q method can be applied to EIA public participation in South Africa and, with the appropriate research or monitoring applications it could serve as a useful feedback tool to inform best practice public participation.
One-atmosphere melting experiments, controlled to approximately the fayalite-magnetite-quartz oxygen buffer, performed on a basalt from Hole 797C crystallized olivine and plagioclase nearly simultaneously from about 1235°C and augite from about 1175°C. The liquid compositions indicate systematic trends of increasing FeO and TiO2 and decreasing Al2O3 with decreasing MgO. Experimental olivine compositions vary from Fo90 to Fo78, plagioclase from An79 to An67, and augite from En49 to En46. The KD value for the Fe2+ and Mg distribution between olivine and liquid is 0.31. The KD value for the distribution of Fetotal and Mg between augite and liquid averages 0.24. These KD values suggest experimental equilibrium. The KD values for Na and Ca distribution between plagioclase and liquid range between 0.55 and 0.99 and are dependent on crystallization temperature. Projected on pseudoternary basaltic phase diagrams, the liquid line of descent moves toward increasing quartz normative compositions, revealing a typical tholeiitic crystallization trend with marked Fe and Ti enrichments. Such enrichments are a reflection of the dominance of plagioclase in the crystallizing assemblage. The experimental results can explain the marked Fe- and Ti-enrichment trends observed for the sills of the lower part of Hole 797C, but have no direct bearing on the origin of the relatively evolved high-Al basalts of Hole 794C.
The paper examines policies and activities of cultural exchange carried out by Japanese national, local and private agents since the end of WWII. Methodologically, we distinctively use the notion culture as a tool and as an object of study, and to synthesize the two in full intention, based on the debate among IR students about so called Cultural Turn in IR theories. As case studies, the Japanese experiences are examined from two points. Firstly, it is compared with the German experiences in Europe, with special attention to the construction of national identity.In both countries, the peoples tried to make use of cultural exchange activities in the management of international relations. The actual developments of cultural relations by the two countries, however, were in striking contrast to each other. Secondly, our study focuses on the explosive expansion of private sector's international cultural exchange in the 1980s in association with so called "emerging civil society" phenomenon observed worldwide throughout 1970s and 1980s. By using our original approach mentioned in the Chapter 1, the paper tries to sketch out that the increase of the private organizations is largely the response of the Japanese society to outside influences, not something genuinely outgrown from within the society itself due to mainly domestic causes.
One of the main outputs of the project is a collaborative platform which integrates a myriad of research and learning resources. This article presents the first prototype of this platform: the AFRICA BUILD Portal (ABP 1.0). The ABP is a Web 2.0 platform which facilitates the access, in a collaborative manner, to these resources. Through a usable web interface, the ABP has been designed to avoid, as much as possible, the connectivity problems of African institutions. In this paper, we suggest that the access to complex systems does not imply slow response rates, and that their development model guides the project to a natural technological transfer, adaptation and user acceptance. Finally, this platform aims to motivate research attitudes during the learning process and stimulate user?s collaborations.
The Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp hereby presents the results of two pilot distance learning training programmes, developed under the umbrella of the AFRICA BUILD project (FP7). The two courses focused on evidence-based medicine (EBM): with the aim of enhancing research and education, via novel approaches and to identify research needs emanating from the field. These pilot experiences, which were run both in English-speaking (Ghana), and French-speaking (Mali and Cameroon) partner institutions, produced targeted courses for the strengthening of research methodology and policy. The courses and related study materials are in the public domain and available through the AFRICA BUILD Portal (http://www.africabuild.eu/taxonomy/term/37); the training modules were delivered live via Dudal webcasts. This paper assesses the success and difficulties of transferring EBM skills with these two specific training programmes, offered through three different approaches: fully online facultative courses, fully online tutor supported courses or through a blended approach with both online and face-to-face sessions. Key factors affecting the selection of participants, the accessibility of the courses, how the learning resources are offered, and how interactive online communities are formed, are evaluated and discussed.
El artículo analiza las relaciones entre los cambios de uso en el territorio rural de la región del Biobío y sus efectos en el crecimiento urbano y demográfico de una ciudad de tamaño medio. En forma específica se estudia el desarrollo de la industria forestal y sus efectos sobre el proceso urbano de Los Angeles.
Esta pesquisa busca uma aproximação ao capítulo 11 da profecia atribuída a Oséias. Dedica-se, em especial, ao resgate da memória histórica das mulheres. Por isso não se limita apenas à percepção da sua presença, mas também busca perceber sua participação ativa, criativa e decisiva na caminhada histórica e profética do povo de Israel, no final do século oitavo a.C. A proposição que reside na recuperação desta memória é de que se reconheça as mulheres como sujeito teológico, enquanto co-participantes da produção dos textos bíblicos e, como sujeito social, na resistência ativa às relações de dominação e subordinação das mulheres camponesas e demais minorias oprimidas. Em destaque no cap.11 está o projeto de reconstrução da casa. Esta não é concebida como espaço idealizado, mas como lugar propício para a retomada do projeto libertador do êxodo. Ela torna-se espaço social onde acontece a articulação da oposição ao projeto monárquico, e de construção de alternativas sociais que viabilizam a esperança firmada no valor da vida. É a partir deste espaço concreto viabilizado pela casa, de confronto e resistência, que a história do povo e, da própria monarquia é avaliada. A denúncia profética enfoca a religião colocada a serviço do projeto econômico da monarquia, através da prática do sacrifício, apontada pela profecia com responsável pela desestruturação da casa e por levar Israel à ruína. A profecia também enfoca a denúncia das violências praticadas pelas estruturas de poder monárquico, firmadas na religião. É também neste espaço social da casa que a perspectiva teológica é re-significada e que permite a reconstrução da imagem de Deus. De uma imagem patriarcal monárquica, ela se move em direção a uma imagem feminina maternal, que manifesta a dinâmica diária do cuidado da mãe pelo filho ou pela filha. Nesta representação de Deus está implícita a prática da misericórdia que se concretiza nas relações comunitárias, necessária para a efetivação do projeto de reconstrução que privilegia a casa como espaço concreto que viabiliza perspectivas de esperança.(AU)
Esta pesquisa busca uma aproximação ao capítulo 11 da profecia atribuída a Oséias. Dedica-se, em especial, ao resgate da memória histórica das mulheres. Por isso não se limita apenas à percepção da sua presença, mas também busca perceber sua participação ativa, criativa e decisiva na caminhada histórica e profética do povo de Israel, no final do século oitavo a.C. A proposição que reside na recuperação desta memória é de que se reconheça as mulheres como sujeito teológico, enquanto co-participantes da produção dos textos bíblicos e, como sujeito social, na resistência ativa às relações de dominação e subordinação das mulheres camponesas e demais minorias oprimidas. Em destaque no cap.11 está o projeto de reconstrução da casa. Esta não é concebida como espaço idealizado, mas como lugar propício para a retomada do projeto libertador do êxodo. Ela torna-se espaço social onde acontece a articulação da oposição ao projeto monárquico, e de construção de alternativas sociais que viabilizam a esperança firmada no valor da vida. É a partir deste espaço concreto viabilizado pela casa, de confronto e resistência, que a história do povo e, da própria monarquia é avaliada. A denúncia profética enfoca a religião colocada a serviço do projeto econômico da monarquia, através da prática do sacrifício, apontada pela profecia com responsável pela desestruturação da casa e por levar Israel à ruína. A profecia também enfoca a denúncia das violências praticadas pelas estruturas de poder monárquico, firmadas na religião. É também neste espaço social da casa que a perspectiva teológica é re-significada e que permite a reconstrução da imagem de Deus. De uma imagem patriarcal monárquica, ela se move em direção a uma imagem feminina maternal, que manifesta a dinâmica diária do cuidado da mãe pelo filho ou pela filha. Nesta representação de Deus está implícita a prática da misericórdia que se concretiza nas relações comunitárias, necessária para a efetivação do projeto de reconstrução que privilegia a casa como espaço concreto que viabiliza perspectivas de esperança.(AU)
The observation of high frequencies of certain inherited disorders in the population of Saguenay–Lac Saint Jean can be explained in terms of the variance and the correlation of effective family size (EFS) from one generation to the next. We have shown this effect by using the branching process approach with real demographic data. When variance of EFS is included in the model, despite its profound effect on mutant allele frequency, any mutant introduced in the population never reaches the known carrier frequencies (between 0.035 and 0.05). It is only when the EFS correlation between generations is introduced into the model that we can explain the rise of the mutant alleles. This correlation is described by a c parameter that reflects the dependency of children’s EFS on their parents’ EFS. The c parameter can be considered to reflect social transmission of demographic behavior. We show that such social transmission dramatically reduces the effective population size. This could explain particular distributions in allele frequencies and unusually high frequency of certain inherited disorders in some human populations.
This study was a qualitative examination of Black college students' experiences with the Acting White label. In conducting this study, two gaps in literature were addressed: (1) the lack of literature on Black college students and the acting white label, and (2) lack of attention to a US racial history and current structures which allow a label such as "acting white" to exist. Thus, the purpose of this study was to call attention to the experiences of Black college students as it relates to the acting white label. Additionally, the study calls attention to social constructions that allow the acting white label to exist and to be sustained. Data was collected from 14 Black college students at a predominantly white, private, liberal arts university in the west. Based on responses from students in the study, Black college students do hear that they are acting white. Yet, their reaction to hearing the label does not cause them to underachieve academically, but does have an impact on their social actions. The ways in which Black college students in the study were labeled as acting white was based on academic pursuits, speech patterns, dress, and hobbies. Student reactions to the label ranged from ignoring the label to challenging the accuser. In regards to how the acting white label is sustained, students in the study expressed that they learned what it meant to act white or black from family interactions, social interactions and observations from family and friends, and from media sources. It was concluded that Black college students, despite reactions, do hear the label and that the label seems to be used as a means to attack Black students and their identity.
This capstone reviews uses of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. Policies governing use of the trail appear to be ambiguous, especially regarding mountain bicycles. Mountain biking has grown since the trail was created, but is not fully addressed in existing or proposed policy. 382 people on five segments of the trail in Colorado were interviewed for this capstone. Mountain bikes, hiking, and motorized recreation were observed uses. User conflict, overcrowding, degraded recreation experiences, or user displacement was not reported. User satisfaction was high and most would return. Interviewees requested increased public involvement and recognition of user needs in setting policy. Trail degradation occurs, but is unassociated with any particular use. Recommendations for trail improvement and maintenance are presented.
Objectives: To analyse the association between self-perceived discrimination and social determinants (social class, gender, country of origin) in Spain, and further to describe contextual factors which contribute to self-perceived discrimination. Methods: Cross-sectional design using data from the Spanish National Health Survey (2006). The dependent variable was self-perceived discrimination, and independent and stratifying variables were sociodemographic characteristics (e.g. sex, social class, country of origin, educational level). Logistic regression was used. Results: The prevalence of self-perceived discrimination was 4.2% for men and 6.3% for women. The likelihood of self-perceived discrimination was higher in people who originated from low-income countries: men, odds ratio (OR) 5.59 [95% confidence interval (CI) 4.55–6.87]; women, OR 4.06 (95% CI 3.42–4.83). Women were more likely to report self-perceived discrimination by their partner at home than men [OR 8.35 (95% CI 4.70–14.84)]. The likelihood of self-perceived discrimination when seeking work was higher among people who originated from low-income countries than their Spanish counterparts: men, OR 13.65 (95% CI 9.62–19.35); women, OR 10.64 (95% CI 8.31–13.62). In comparison with Spaniards, male white-collar workers who originated from low-income countries [OR 11.93 (95% CI 8.26–17.23)] and female blue-collar workers who originated from low-income countries (OR 1.6 (95% CI 1.08–2.39)] reported higher levels of self-perceived discrimination. Conclusions: Self-perceived discrimination is distributed unevenly in Spain and interacts with social inequalities. This particularly affects women and immigrants.
Paper submitted to IRSES II Symposium, Kokaeli, Turkey, June 16-20, 2014.