898 resultados para slaked lime


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The patient's diet has been considered an important etiological factor of dentin hypersensitivity. The frequent ingestion of acidic substances can promote the loss of dental structure or remove the smear layer. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of smear layer removal and dentinal tubules exposure by different natural orange juices. Extracted human teeth were submitted to manual scaling in order to develop the smear layer. Seventy dentin samples were obtained and distributed into the following groups: Control, lime orange, lime, valência orange, navel orange, mandarin, and tangerine. Each group included 2 methods of application: Topical and topical + friction. After preparation for SEM analysis, photomicrographs were assessed by a blind calibrated examiner using an index system. The Kruskal-Wallis test indicated a significant influence of the orange juices on smear layer removal. Significant difference was observed between navel orange, valência orange, mandarin and the control group (p < 0.05). These orange juices resulted in greater removal of the smear layer and greater opening of dentinal tubules. The comparison between the application methods for each group using the Mann-Whitney test showed that friction increased smear layer removal significantly only for lime orange and lime. The data suggest that certain natural orange juices are more effective in terms of smear layer removal and dentinal tubules exposure than others.


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Casing layer is one of the most important components of Agaricus spp. production and it directly affects mushroom productivity, size and mass. The aim of this study was to evaluate potential raw materials as a casing layer and their effect on Agaricus brasiliensis productivity. Raw materials from Brazil with potential use were selected and characterized, and the most promising ones were tested as casing layers for mushroom yield. Evaluated raw materials included lime schist, vermiculite, eucalyptus sawdust, sand, São Paulo peat, Santa Catarina peat, subsoil and charcoal. Particle size, porosity and water absorption in relation to mushroom yield for casing layers were determined. Lime schist, an alternate casing layer to peat, is presented and the effects of the casing layer on the mushroom yield are discussed. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of surface application of lime rates on soil chemical attributes and soybean yield in a no-tillage system. It was installed a field experiment in a factorial 2×4, and the factors were: two types of lime (calcitic and dolomitic); four rates (0.0 - 0.5 - 1.0 and 1.5 t ha-1 of CaCO3), in a completely randomized blocks experimental design, with four replications. The experiment was located in Matupá, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, being the work developed between November 2006 and May 2007. The evaluations were chemical attributes in the soil layers (0,0-2,5 cm, 2,5-5,0 cm and 5,0-10,0 cm), and the productive characteristics of soybean. Application of lime increased the soil pH (CaCl 2), the exchangeable Ca and Mg, the effective CEC and the base saturation only in the soil surface layer. The two limes were different only for Ca and Mg values in the first layer of soil, and only for the Mg values in the layer of 2,5-5,0 cm. The surface liming in no-tillage system did not change soybean yield.


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This work aimed to evaluate the effect of cattle manure levels in the phase of implementation Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson (Eucalyptus citriodora) seedlings in field, produced from seeds collected from four mother trees. The experiment was carried out in green house, in pots filled with 5 dm 3 of Oxisol. Five cattle manure levels were applied 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 t ha -1 (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 g pot -1). All treatments received lime levels which were calculated to increase the base saturation degree to 50%. The soil fertility was evaluated after 30 days of soil incubation with manure and lime. The seeds were collected from mother trees called 2, 8, 20 and 29. Sowing was performed directly in rigid plastic containers of 50 cm 3 and seedlings were transplanted when they were around 17 cm height. The experimental design was entirely randomized, in a factorial 5 × 4 (five doses of cattle manure and seeds of four mother trees) scheme and four repetitions. Each parcel was a pot with two plants. At 90 days the height, foliar area, stalk diameter, shoot and root dry matter. The plants responded positively to application of manure, but differently for each evaluated growth characteristic linearly or quadratically. The manure levels had linear effects on growth characteristics and dry matter production of the plants from mother trees 2 and 20 moreover these plants require more cattle manure levels than ones from mother trees 8 and 29. The cattle manure promoted the best development of plants from mother trees 8 and 29, in relationship with dry matter production of shoot components was approximately 27 t ha-1, equivalent to 67.5 g pot.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance, consumption and feed conversion of Angus x Nellore heifers fed hydrolyzed sugarcane. Twenty-four (1/2 Angus x Nellore crossbred) heifers were used with average body weight of 242 kg ± 23 kg, confined in individual pens with total area of 15 m2. The study consisted of six treatments distributed as follows: T1-in natura sugarcane: sugarcane was given to animals after being chopped; T2-hydrolyzed sugarcane with 0.5 % lime and 24 hours of air exposure; T3-hydrolyzed sugarcane with 0.5 % lime and 48 hours of air exposure; T4-hydrolyzed sugarcane with 1.0 % lime and 24 hours of air exposure; T5-hydrolyzed sugarcane with 1.0 % lime and 48 hours of air exposure; T6-hydrolyzed sugarcane with 1.0 % lime and 72 hours of air exposure. We used a completely randomized design with four replicates per treatment, and averages were compared by Tukey test at 5 % significant level of probability. No statistical difference was found for any of the treatments (P>0.05). The processing of sugarcane with lime did not increase the intake and performance of animals evaluated in this study.


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The citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, is one of the main citrus diseases and has threatened the world's citriculture. In this study, the damage caused by citrus canker was quantified in a sweet orange culture, cv. Valencia [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.], grafted over 15 year-old Rangpur lime (C. limonia Osb.), in the municipality of Guatambu, SC, Brazil, in the crop of 2004/05. Evaluations of the number of fruits per plant (NF), fruit yield per plant (P), citrus canker incidence on the fruit (IFR), and incidence (IL) and severity (SV) of citrus canker on 80 leaves per orange tree were performed in the harvest period, applying diagrammatical scales. Plants had large variation in SV (0.16%-1.09%), IL (12.50%-56.25%) and IFR (12.30%-56.09%). Linear regressions were significant between IL x SV, NF x SV, P x IFR, and NF x IFR. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the mean estimated values of IL in different quadrants of the crowns of the orange trees (N, S, L and O). Each 1% increase in IFR reduced 2.16 kg and 21.3 fruits per tree.


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The texture of concrete blocks is very important and is often the decisive factor when choosing a product, particularly if the building specifications call for high-strength blocks allied to low-cost finish, in which case exposed blocks with a closer texture are often preferred. Furthermore, a closer texture, especially for exteriors, may be a vital factor in ensuring the building's durability. At present, however, there is no standard to quantify the texture of a structural block. Further, when studying masonry blocks compressive strength should never be overlooked. This article discusses a procedure to produce concrete block textures with and without the addition of lime, but still to achieve the required compressive strength. The method used in this study, to evaluate texture, proved to be simpler and cheaper than methods reported by other authors in the literature. The addition of small quantities of lime proved beneficial for both texture and compressive strength. Increasing the amount of lime further, however, only improved texture.


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The texture of concrete blocks is very important and is often the decisive factor when choosing a product, particularly if the building specifications does not dispense with the high resistance of the blocks, but has the purpose of reducing costs with finishing, therefore preferring exposed blocks with a closer texture. Furthermore, a closer texture, especially for exteriors,may be the vital factor of the building's pathology.However, there is so far no standard to quantify the texture of a structural block. This article proposes to apply the freely available UTHSCSA-Image ToolTM program developed by the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio to evaluate the texture of masonry blocks. One aspect that should never be overlooked when studying masonry blocks is compressive strength. Therefore, this work also gets the compressive strength of the blocks with and without the addition of lime. The addition of small quantities of lime proved beneficial for both texture and compressive strength. However, increasing the amount of lime proved to be feasible only to improve texture. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Soil acidity and low natural fertility are the main problems for grain production in Brazilian 'cerrado'. Although lime has been the most applied source for soil correction, silicate may be an alternative material due to its lower solubility and Si supply, which is beneficial to several crops. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of superficial liming and calcium/magnesium silicate application on soil chemical attributes, plant nutrition, yield components and final yield of a soybean/white oat/maize/bean rotation under no-tillage system in a dry-winter region. The experiment was conducted under no tillage system in a deep acid clayey Rhodic Hapludox, Botucatu-SP, Brazil. The design was the completely randomized block with sixteen replications. Treatments consisted of two sources for soil acidity correction (dolomitic lime: ECC=90%, CaO=36% and MgO=12%; calcium/magnesium silicate: ECC=80%, CaO=34%, MgO=10% and SiO2=22%) applied in October 2006 to raise base saturation up to 70% and a control, with no soil correction. Soybean and white oat were sown in 2006/2007 as the main crop and off-season, respectively. Maize and bean were cropped in the next year (2007/2008). Products from silicate dissociation reach deeper soil layers after 18months from the application, compared to liming. Additionally, silicate is more efficient than lime to increasing phosphorus availability and reducing toxic aluminum. Such benefits in soil chemical attributes were only evidenced during bean cropping, when grain yield was higher after silicate application comparatively to liming. Both correction sources were improved mineral nutrition of all the other crops, mainly Ca and Mg levels and agronomical characteristics, reflecting in higher yield. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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This work aimed to evaluate the effects of liming and phosphate fertilizer for the production of sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth.) seedlings without thorns under a greenhouse. Seedlings 10 days old were transferred to plastic bags containing 2.0 kg of psamitic Dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol (Typic Haplustox) collected from 40 to 70 cm layer. The experiment was carried out in Teresina county, Piauí state, Brazil, from July to October of 2008. Two liming doses (with and without liming) and five phosphorus doses combined in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme were used. The experimental design used was the randomized blocks with four replications having each plot three seedlings. The calculated lime amount was enough to elevate the base saturation to 50 % and the phosphorus doses were: 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 mg kg-1 of soil. One seedling per pot was cultivated and the pot dimension was 10 by 23 cm. The evaluated variables were height, diameter, leaves number, leaf area, and shoot and roots dry matter. For the studied soil condition, the liming is not necessary to produce 'Sabiá' seedlings. The application, on average, from 72 to 107 mg kg-1 of P promote, respectively, from 90 to100 % of maximum values of height, diameter, leaf area and shoots and roots biomass.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate different citrus leprosis management tactics during seven seasons, based in pruning and acaricide applications, considering technical and economic aspects of each tactic. The trial was conducted from October 2003 to August 2010 in an orange plantation of Pera cv. located in the municipality of Reginópolis-SP, Brazil. The plants of citrus used were12 years old and grafted onto Cleopatra tangerine. The experimental design used was randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme, made up of factors type of pruning (A), with six levels: (1) drastic pruning, (2) intermediate pruning without leprosis lesions, (3) intermediate pruning with leprosis lesions (4) light pruning, (5) without pruning and (6) replant; acaricide applications factor (B), with three levels: (1) without acaricides applications, (2) with lime sulfur applications and (3) spirodiclofen or cyhexatin applied in rotation; pruning factor to remove leprosis symptomatic branches (C), with two levels: (1) with pruning for removal, (2) without removal pruning. The combination of factors, with respective levels (6 x 3 x 2), resulted in 36 treatments that were repeated four times, with each parcel being made up of three plants in a row. After seven years, it was observed that the types of the pruning and remove of leprosis symptomatic branches used as single management tactic, is not sufficient to leprosis control. Therefore, the results demonstrated that for leprosis management, it is essential the association between tactics, especially the control mite vector. For ensuring the citrus production economically, the use of acaricides highly efficient is essential in B. phoenicis control. The recommendation of the type of pruning should be in function of the leprosis incidence and severity in the orchard. In orchards with low leprosis incidence and severity the light pruning is more appropriate, because it is efficient and ensures greater financial balance. However, in orchards with high leprosis incidence and severity it is indicated the severe pruning for reducing or eliminating inoculum source. Between the severe prunings, the intermediate pruning with leprosis lesions is the most relevant, because the financial return will be faster. Replant is indicated only for young orchards, because does not imply in changes onto cultural practices.


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Citrus fruits are affected by diverse diseases, mainly the fungal infections, which affect productivity and quality, especially when it targets the market of fresh fruit. Among the fungal diseases that occur in postharvest, there is the green mold caused by Penicillium digitatum. The control measures are based mainly in the treatment of fruits with different combinations of fungicides in packing-house. Due to restrictions on the presence of residues of fungicides in citrus fruits and the increasing development of resistant strains of pathogens to the fungicide used, it is necessary to search for control alternatives such as biological control. Therefore, this study aimed to: (i) verify the antagonistic effect of biological control agents (BCA), being 13 isolates of Bacillus subtilis and 06 isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae against P. digitatum, (ii) study in vitro interactions between pathogen and BCA (iii) determine the effect of integration of antagonists with sodium bicarbonate and carnauba wax in the control of green mold. The results showed that the majority of the isolates, and all yeast isolates inhibited the mycelial growth of the phytopathogen. Only one isolate of B. subtilis (ACB-84) was able to inhibit the germination of P. digitatum (72% of inhibition), whereas ACB-K1 and ACB-CR1 (S. cerevisiae) were the most effective with inhibition from 78 and 85.7% respectively. The addition of sucrose (0.5%) favored the inhibition of conidia germination by the yeast isolates. The results from the in vivo control showed the viability of S. cerevisiae ACB-K1 and ACB-CR1 to control P. digitatum in 'Tahiti' lime fruits and orange 'Hamlin' fruits, respectively. The combination of sodium bicarbonate and biocontrol agents did not result in improvements in the curative control of the green mold. Carnauba wax (18% of TSS) favored the antagonistic activity of S. cerevisiae, and this effect depended on the variety of fruits in the study and of the yeast isolate used for the biocontrol.


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Alumina thin films have been obtained by resistive evaporation of Al layer, followed by thermal oxidation by means of annealing in appropriate atmosphere (air or O2-rich), with variation of annealing time and temperature. Optical and structural properties of the investigated films reveal that the temperature of 550 °C is responsible for reasonable oxidation, which is accelerated up to 8 times for O2-rich atmosphere. Results of surface electrical resistivity and Raman spectroscopy are in good agreement with these findings. Surprisingly, X-ray and Raman data suggest also the crystallization of Si nuclei at glass substrate-alumina interface, which would come from the soda-lime glass used as substrate. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.