734 resultados para self directed learning environment


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Objetivo: desenvolver um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) para alunos do ensino fundamental sobre síndromes genéticas. Método: o AVA, conhecido como Cybertutor, possibilita o aprendizado do aluno pela internet de forma interativa. A metodologia deste estudo foi composta de duas etapas, a de desenvolvimento e a de disponibilização do AVA. O desenvolvimento do conteúdo educacional, gráfico e audiovisual do Cybertutor contou com o auxílio de um geneticista do HRAC/ USP e de informações científicas disponibilizadas em livros, artigos, teses e dissertações nacionais e internacionais. O Cybertutor foi disponibilizado na plataforma do Projeto Jovem Doutor (http://www. jovemdoutor.org.br/jdr/) pela equipe técnica da DTM/FMUSP. Resultados: o Cybertutor elaborado possibilitou estruturar o conteúdo educacional, gráfico e audiovisual em tópicos, inserir questões de reforço, lista de discussão e verificar o desempenho dos alunos. Conclusão: o AVA desenvolvido pode ser uma importante ferramenta de educação em saúde em Síndromes Genéticas, abrangendo as mais diversas regiões do país.


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O presente trabalho visa descrever os passos para desenvolvimento de um curso e sua estrutura em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle. Para tanto, a pesquisa consistiu na aplicação de conteúdos de enfermagem para oferecimento de curso online em workshop internacional para grupo de estudantes de graduação e licenciatura em enfermagem do Brasil e de Portugal. Durante a pesquisa foram registradas etapas distintas, desde o planejamento do curso passando pela construção e transformação dos conteúdos, até a disponibilização aos estudantes. As atividades interativas e conteúdos foram elaborados pelos professores com participação de equipe técnica. No trabalho são apresentados procedimentos específicos e papéis a serem desempenhados por professores, especialistas, estudantes e técnicos. Os resultados do desenvolvimento e oferecimento do curso online apontaram alguns aspectos a serem aperfeiçoados no processo de trabalho, no formato dos conteúdos e na utilização das ferramentas.


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Novas Tecnologias da Informação/Comunicação oferecem a opção do uso do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA), o qual possibilita maior interatividade no cotidiano do ensino de enfermagem instigando os educadores a repensarem suas práticas pedagógicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar a experiência do emprego do ambiente virtual no ensino de enfermagem na perspectiva dos estudantes. A disciplina "Educação em Enfermagem: Tendências e Desafios" foi ministrada a 78 estudantes do 4º semestre do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem, dos quais 48 responderam um questionário com questões fechadas e, dentre estes, 33 responderam uma questão aberta sobre o uso do AVA. Os alunos consideraram o AVA uma ferramenta facilitadora da aprendizagem, do processo de construção do conhecimento e interação entre alunos, professores e tutores enriquecendo, assim, o compartilhamento de idéias e permitindo uma aprendizagem significativa e colaborativa. O estudo revelou a necessidade de potencialização do uso de AVA no ensino de graduação em enfermagem.


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Im Forschungsgebiet der Künstlichen Intelligenz, insbesondere im Bereich des maschinellen Lernens, hat sich eine ganze Reihe von Verfahren etabliert, die von biologischen Vorbildern inspiriert sind. Die prominentesten Vertreter derartiger Verfahren sind zum einen Evolutionäre Algorithmen, zum anderen Künstliche Neuronale Netze. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung eines Systems zum maschinellen Lernen, das Charakteristika beider Paradigmen in sich vereint: Das Hybride Lernende Klassifizierende System (HCS) wird basierend auf dem reellwertig kodierten eXtended Learning Classifier System (XCS), das als Lernmechanismus einen Genetischen Algorithmus enthält, und dem Wachsenden Neuralen Gas (GNG) entwickelt. Wie das XCS evolviert auch das HCS mit Hilfe eines Genetischen Algorithmus eine Population von Klassifizierern - das sind Regeln der Form [WENN Bedingung DANN Aktion], wobei die Bedingung angibt, in welchem Bereich des Zustandsraumes eines Lernproblems ein Klassifizierer anwendbar ist. Beim XCS spezifiziert die Bedingung in der Regel einen achsenparallelen Hyperquader, was oftmals keine angemessene Unterteilung des Zustandsraumes erlaubt. Beim HCS hingegen werden die Bedingungen der Klassifizierer durch Gewichtsvektoren beschrieben, wie die Neuronen des GNG sie besitzen. Jeder Klassifizierer ist anwendbar in seiner Zelle der durch die Population des HCS induzierten Voronoizerlegung des Zustandsraumes, dieser kann also flexibler unterteilt werden als beim XCS. Die Verwendung von Gewichtsvektoren ermöglicht ferner, einen vom Neuronenadaptationsverfahren des GNG abgeleiteten Mechanismus als zweites Lernverfahren neben dem Genetischen Algorithmus einzusetzen. Während das Lernen beim XCS rein evolutionär erfolgt, also nur durch Erzeugen neuer Klassifizierer, ermöglicht dies dem HCS, bereits vorhandene Klassifizierer anzupassen und zu verbessern. Zur Evaluation des HCS werden mit diesem verschiedene Lern-Experimente durchgeführt. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des Ansatzes wird in einer Reihe von Lernproblemen aus den Bereichen der Klassifikation, der Funktionsapproximation und des Lernens von Aktionen in einer interaktiven Lernumgebung unter Beweis gestellt.


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La tesi affronta il tema dell'innovazione della scuola, oggetto di costante attenzione da parte delle organizzazioni internazionali e dei sistemi educativi nazionali, per le sue implicazioni economiche, sociali e politiche, e intende portare un contributo allo studio sistematico e analitico dei progetti e delle esperienze di innovazione complessiva dell'ambiente di apprendimento. Il concetto di ambiente di apprendimento viene approfondito nelle diverse prospettive di riferimento, con specifica attenzione al framework del progetto "Innovative Learning Environments" [ILE], dell’Organisation For Economic And Cultural Development [OECD] che, con una prospettiva dichiaratamente olistica, individua nel dispositivo dell’ambiente di apprendimento la chiave per l’innovazione dell’istruzione nella direzione delle competenze per il ventunesimo Secolo. I criteri presenti nel quadro di riferimento del progetto sono stati utilizzati per un’analisi dell’esperienza proposta come caso di studio, Scuola-Città Pestalozzi a Firenze, presa in esame perché nell’anno scolastico 2011/2012 ha messo in pratica appunto un “disegno” di trasformazione dell’ambiente di apprendimento e in particolare dei caratteri del tempo/scuola. La ricerca, condotta con una metodologia qualitativa, è stata orientata a far emergere le interpretazioni dei protagonisti dell’innovazione indagata: dall’analisi del progetto e di tutta la documentazione fornita dalla scuola è scaturita la traccia per un focus-group esplorativo attraverso il quale sono stati selezionati i temi per le interviste semistrutturate rivolte ai docenti (scuola primaria e scuola secondaria di primo grado). Per quanto concerne l’interpretazione dei risultati, le trascrizioni delle interviste sono state analizzate con un approccio fenomenografico, attraverso l’individuazione di unità testuali logicamente connesse a categorie concettuali pertinenti. L’analisi dei materiali empirici ha permesso di enucleare categorie interpretative rispetto alla natura e agli scopi delle esperienze di insegnamento/apprendimento, al processo organizzativo, alla sostenibilità. Tra le implicazioni della ricerca si ritengono particolarmente rilevanti quelle relative alla funzione docente.


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Reconciliation is the occurrence of friendly behaviour between opponents shortly after an aggressive conflict. In primate groups, reconciliation reduces aggression and post-conflict arousal. Aggression within a group can also increase arousal of bystanders (e.g. increase bystanders’ rates of self-directed behaviour). Since reconciliation reduces aggression between opponents, we tested whether it also reduces self-directed behaviour in bystanders. Following aggression in a captive group of hamadryas baboons, one observer conducted a focal sample on one of the combatants to document reconciliation and a second observer simultaneously conducted a focal sample on a randomly selected bystander. Matched control observations were then collected on the same individuals in a nonaggressive context to obtain baseline levels of behaviour. The self-directed behaviour of bystanders was elevated after witnessing a fight compared to baseline levels. If combatants reconciled aggression, bystander rates of self-directed behaviour significantly decreased. If combatants did not reconcile aggression, bystander rates of self-directed behaviour remained at elevated levels, significantly higher than after reconciliation. If combatants affiliated with partners other than their original opponent, bystander rates of self-directed behaviour did not decrease. The rate of bystander self-directed behaviour after a combatant affiliated with its opponent was significantly lower than the rate after a combatant affiliated with other animals. Witnessing aggression increased arousal in bystanders, and reconciliation between the combatants was accompanied by reduced bystander arousal. The reduction was specific to contexts in which former opponents interacted. We suggest that bystanders recognized the functional significance of this conflict resolution mechanism when it occurred in their group.


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Reconciliation is the occurrence of friendly behaviour between opponents shortly after an aggressive conflict. In primate groups, reconciliation reduces aggression and postconflict arousal. Aggression within a group can also increase arousal of bystanders (e.g. increase bystanders' rates of self-directed behaviour). Since reconciliation reduces aggression between opponents, we tested whether it also reduces self-directed behaviour in bystanders. Following aggression in a captive group of hamadryas baboons, one observer conducted a focal sample on one of the combatants to document reconciliation and a second observer simultaneously conducted a focal sample on a randomly selected bystander. Matched control observations were then collected on the same individuals in a nonaggressive context to obtain baseline levels of behaviour. The self-directed behaviour of bystanders was elevated after witnessing a fight compared to baseline levels. If combatants reconciled aggression, bystander rates of self-directed behaviour significantly decreased. If combatants did not reconcile aggression, bystander rates of self-directed behaviour remained at elevated levels, significantly higher than after reconciliation. If combatants affiliated with partners other than their original opponent, bystander rates of self-directed behaviour did not decrease. The rate of bystander self-directed behaviour after a combatant affiliated with its opponent was significantly lower than the rate after a combatant affiliated with other animals. Witnessing aggression increased arousal in bystanders, and reconciliation between the combatants was accompanied by reduced bystander arousal. The reduction was specific to contexts in which former opponents interacted. We suggest that bystanders recognized the functional significance of this conflict-resolution mechanism when it occurred in their group. (c) 2013 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Self-directed behavior (SDB), such as scratching, is a reliable indicator of emotional arousal in non-human primates. In contrast, affiliative behavior, such as social grooming, has been shown to have a calming effect in primates and reduce arousal. In order to test whether the expression of SDB was related to arousal, the scratching behavior of eight captive squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) was compared across four social contexts (huddling, proximity to others, solitary and post-conflict). In addition,rates of scratching were examined before and after affiliative behavior during the postconflict context. I tested for this effect by using the post-conflict/matched control(PC/MC) method in which post-conflict (PC) behavior of an animal is compared to thebehavior of the same animal in a baseline, nonaggressive situation or a matched control(MC). Context and associated scratching data were obtained from a total of 98 hours of focal sample data. Scratching was significantly lower while animals were huddling thanthe other two contexts. Scratching rates while solitary were significantly higher than those occurring while animals were in proximity. Scratching was also higher in PC than MC. Following conflict, animals were significantly more likely to make contact withthird parties not involved in aggression. Most of these (79%) were a third party approaching a combatant. Further, scratching rates decreased following post-conflict third party contacts and the decrease was not due to a general decrease in scratching thatmight have been occurring after the aggressive interaction. Huddling behavior appears to reduce arousal in squirrel monkeys and may act as a tension-reduction mechanism. The elevated scratching in the solitary context may suggest that squirrel monkeys may be engaged in activities while solitary, such as vigilant behavior that may increase arousal. The third party post conflict affiliative contacts observed were the first such interactions observed in squirrel monkeys. The fact that these third contacts reduced scratching ratesin the combatants indicates that 'consolation' may have been demonstrated in this species. The overall pattern of results suggested that scratching was reliable behavioral indicator of anxiety in squirrel monkeys. These results indicate that overt behavior can be used to assess emotional states in this and other species, acting as a mediator to understanding how emotions regulate social behavior.


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In autumn 2005 InWEnt (Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung/Capacity Building International gGmbH) on behalf of the EU invited to tender for three web based trainings (WBT). The precondition: either the open-source-platform Stud.IP or ILIAS should be used. The company data-quest decided not to offer the use of either Stud.IP or ILIAS, but both in combination - and won the contract. Several month later, the new learning environment with the combined powers of Stud.IP and ILIAS was ready to serve WBT-participants from all over the world. The following text describes the EU-Project "Efficient Management of Wastewater, its Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Countries" (EMWater), the WBT concept and the experiences with the new Stud.IP-ILIAS-interface.


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In recent years interactive media and tools, like scientific simulations and simulation environments or dynamic data visualizations, became established methods in the neural and cognitive sciences. Hence, university teachers of neural and cognitive sciences are faced with the challenge to integrate these media into the neuroscientific curriculum. Especially simulations and dynamic visualizations offer great opportunities for teachers and learners, since they are both illustrative and explorable. However, simulations bear instructional problems: they are abstract, demand some computer skills and conceptual knowledge about what simulations intend to explain. By following two central questions this article provides an overview on possible approaches to be applied in neuroscience education and opens perspectives for their curricular integration: (i) How can complex scientific media be transformed for educational use in an efficient and (for students on all levels) comprehensible manner and (ii) by what technical infrastructure can this transformation be supported? Exemplified by educational simulations for the neurosciences and their application in courses, answers to these questions are proposed a) by introducing a specific educational simulation approach for the neurosciences b) by introducing an e-learning environment for simulations, and c) by providing examples of curricular integration on different levels which might help academic teachers to integrate newly created or existing interactive educational resources in their courses.


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Fehlende Grundkenntnisse in der Mathematik zählen zu den größten Hindernissen für einen erfolgreichen Start in ein Hochschulstudium. Studienanfänger in einem MINT-Studium bringen inzwischen deutlich unterschiedliche Vorrausetzungen mit: „Mathe-Angst“ gilt als typisches Phänomen und der Übergang in ein selbstbestimmtes Lernverhalten stellt eine große Herausforderung dar. Diese Fall-Studie beschreibt, wie mit Hilfe einer Mathe-App bereits zu Beginn des Studiums aktives Lernen unterstützt und selbstbestimmtes Lernen eingeübt werden kann. Das neue Kurskonzept mit App-Unterstützung stößt an der Hochschule Offenburg auf breite Akzeptanz. Der mobile BYOD-Ansatz ermöglicht Lern-Szenarien, die über PC- bzw.- Laptop-gebundene eLearning-Lösungen nicht realisierbar sind. Der Inhalt des MassMatics-Vorbereitungskurs orientiert sich am Mindestanforderungskatalog des cosh-Arbeitskreises für den Übergang Schule-Hochschule. In der Zwischenzeit wurde der App-gestützte Kurs mit seinen über 500 Aufgaben von mehr als 1000 Studierenden besucht.


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Die Fähigkeit zum Lernen durch Abstraktion aus Erfahrungen unterscheidet Experten von Novizen. Wir stellen einen Prozess für individuelles abstrahierendes Lernen und eine diesen Prozess unterstützende Lernumgebung vor. Die Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie zeigen, dass Lernende unter Nutzung der Lernumgebung aus Fallbeispielen ein abstraktes Modell erstellen und über ihren Prozess reflektieren konnten. Dies fiel ihnen leichter, wenn die Fallbeispiele wenige gemeinsame Oberflächenmerkmale aufwiesen. Im Gegensatz zum intendierten Lernprozess wandten manche Lernende einen anderen Prozess an.


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Clinical observations suggest abnormal gaze perception to be an important indicator of social anxiety disorder (SAD). Experimental research has yet paid relatively little attention to the study of gaze perception in SAD. In this article we first discuss gaze perception in healthy human beings before reviewing self-referential and threat-related biases of gaze perception in clinical and non-clinical socially anxious samples. Relative to controls, socially anxious individuals exhibit an enhanced self-directed perception of gaze directions and demonstrate a pronounced fear of direct eye contact, though findings are less consistent regarding the avoidance of mutual gaze in SAD. Prospects for future research and clinical implications are discussed.


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BACKGROUND: Studies of the professional development of physicians highlight the important effect that the learning environment, or \"hidden curriculum,\" has in shaping student attitudes, behaviors, and values. We conducted this study to better understand the role that relationships have in mediating these effects of the hidden curriculum. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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This project designed, developed, implemented and is currently evaluating the effectiveness of an interactive, multi-media website designed to encourage adolescents to consider careers in mental health. This Web-based learning environment features biographies of mental health scientists. Evaluation is conducted in a systematic, structured way using cognitive achievement, usability (ease of use), and affective scales (e.g., fun to use) as outcome measures