998 resultados para route maintenance protocols


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The thesis developed here is that reasoning programs which take care to record the logical justifications for program beliefs can apply several powerful, but simple, domain-independent algorithms to (1) maintain the consistency of program beliefs, (2) realize substantial search efficiencies, and (3) automatically summarize explanations of program beliefs. These algorithms are the recorded justifications to maintain the consistency and well founded basis of the set of beliefs. The set of beliefs can be efficiently updated in an incremental manner when hypotheses are retracted and when new information is discovered. The recorded justifications also enable the pinpointing of exactly whose assumptions which support any particular belief. The ability to pinpoint the underlying assumptions is the basis for an extremely powerful domain-independent backtracking method. This method, called Dependency-Directed Backtracking, offers vastly improved performance over traditional backtracking algorithms.


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Reactions of selenium with imines ((RRC)-C-1=NR2) of aldehydes and ketones in the presence of carbon monoxide, water and triethylamine lead to reductive selenation, on aerobic work-up, to afford symmetrical diselenides ((RRCHSe)-C-1)(2) in good to excellent yields. The proposed mechanism suggests that both in situ generated carbonyl selenide (SeCO) and hydrogen selenide (H2Se) are involved in the reaction.


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HSAPO-34 molecular sieve was employed in chloromethane conversion and showed high performance in activity and selectivity in production of light olefins. Our detailed IR investigation allowed the identification of the active sites and the adsorbed species and demonstrated that the conversion started from 350 degrees C with alkoxy group as the intermediate. The fixed-bed catalytic testing evidenced that in the range of 350-500 degrees C, 70-80% of chloromethane was transferred to ethylene, propylene and butenes. Increasing reaction temperature favors the conversion and enhances the yield of lighter olefins. A very important reversible phenomenon, the breaking of Al-O-P bonds upon adsorption of HCl, a main product of reaction to generate a large amount of P-OH groups and the recovery of Al-O-P upon removal of HCI was revealed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The putative 5-HT6 receptor agonist ST1936 has been shown to increase extracellular dopamine (DA) in the n.accumbens (NAc) Shell and in the medial prefrontal cortex (PFCX). These observations suggest that 5-HT6 receptors modulate DA transmission in mesolimbic and mesocortical terminal DA areas. To investigate the behavioral counterpart of this interaction I studied in rats the effect of 5-HT6 receptor blockade on cocaine stimulated overflow of DA in dialysates from the PFCX and from the NAc Shell and on cocaine i.v. selfadministration. Pretreatment with the 5-HT6 antagonist SB271046 reduced cocaine-induced increase of dialysate DA in the NAc Shell but not in the PFCX and impaired i.v. cocaine selfadministration. These suggest that 5-HT6 receptors play a role in cocaine reinforcement via their facilitatore interaction with DA projections to the NAc Shell. This 5-HT/DA interaction might provide the basis for a new pharmacotherapeutic strategy of cocaine addiction. Caffeine is one of the psychoactive substances most widely used as adulterant in illicit drugs, such as cocaine. Animal studies have demonstrated that caffeine is able to potentiate cocaine actions, although the enhancement of the cocaine reinforcing property by caffeine is less reported, and the results depend on the paradigms and experimental protocols used. In the present study I examined the ability of caffeine to enhance the motivational and rewarding properties of cocaine using the intravenous self-administration paradigm in rats. Additionally, the role of caffeine as a primer cue during extinction was evaluated. To this end, we assessed in naïve rats: 1) the ability of the combination of cocaine (0,125 mg/kg/infusion) and caffeine (0,0625 mg/kg/infusion) to maintain self-administration in fixed ratio (FR) and progressive ratio (PR) schedules of reinforcement compared with cocaine and caffeine alone; 2) the effect of caffeine in the maintenance of responding in the animals exposed to the combination of the drugs during cocaine extinction. Cocaine and the combination of cocaine and caffeine were self-administered on a FR and PR schedules of reinforcement, and the responding for the combination of the drugs was higher than cocaine alone. Caffeine was not reliably self-administered, but was able to maintain a drug-seeking behavior in rats previously exposed to cocaine plus caffeine. These findings suggest that the presence of caffeine enhances the reinforcing effects of cocaine and the motivational value of the drug. Our results highlight the role of active adulterants commonly used in illicit street drugs.


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Soldatova, L. N., Aubrey, W., King, R. D., Clare, A. J. (2008). The EXACT description of biomedical protocols. Bioinformatics, 24 (13), i295-i303 Sponsorship: BBSRC / RAEng / EPSRC specialissue: ISMB


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Recent measurements of local-area and wide-area traffic have shown that network traffic exhibits variability at a wide range of scales self-similarity. In this paper, we examine a mechanism that gives rise to self-similar network traffic and present some of its performance implications. The mechanism we study is the transfer of files or messages whose size is drawn from a heavy-tailed distribution. We examine its effects through detailed transport-level simulations of multiple TCP streams in an internetwork. First, we show that in a "realistic" client/server network environment i.e., one with bounded resources and coupling among traffic sources competing for resources the degree to which file sizes are heavy-tailed can directly determine the degree of traffic self-similarity at the link level. We show that this causal relationship is not significantly affected by changes in network resources (bottleneck bandwidth and buffer capacity), network topology, the influence of cross-traffic, or the distribution of interarrival times. Second, we show that properties of the transport layer play an important role in preserving and modulating this relationship. In particular, the reliable transmission and flow control mechanisms of TCP (Reno, Tahoe, or Vegas) serve to maintain the long-range dependency structure induced by heavy-tailed file size distributions. In contrast, if a non-flow-controlled and unreliable (UDP-based) transport protocol is used, the resulting traffic shows little self-similar characteristics: although still bursty at short time scales, it has little long-range dependence. If flow-controlled, unreliable transport is employed, the degree of traffic self-similarity is positively correlated with the degree of throttling at the source. Third, in exploring the relationship between file sizes, transport protocols, and self-similarity, we are also able to show some of the performance implications of self-similarity. We present data on the relationship between traffic self-similarity and network performance as captured by performance measures including packet loss rate, retransmission rate, and queueing delay. Increased self-similarity, as expected, results in degradation of performance. Queueing delay, in particular, exhibits a drastic increase with increasing self-similarity. Throughput-related measures such as packet loss and retransmission rate, however, increase only gradually with increasing traffic self-similarity as long as reliable, flow-controlled transport protocol is used.


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As new multi-party edge services are deployed on the Internet, application-layer protocols with complex communication models and event dependencies are increasingly being specified and adopted. To ensure that such protocols (and compositions thereof with existing protocols) do not result in undesirable behaviors (e.g., livelocks) there needs to be a methodology for the automated checking of the "safety" of these protocols. In this paper, we present ingredients of such a methodology. Specifically, we show how SPIN, a tool from the formal systems verification community, can be used to quickly identify problematic behaviors of application-layer protocols with non-trivial communication models—such as HTTP with the addition of the "100 Continue" mechanism. As a case study, we examine several versions of the specification for the Continue mechanism; our experiments mechanically uncovered multi-version interoperability problems, including some which motivated revisions of HTTP/1.1 and some which persist even with the current version of the protocol. One such problem resembles a classic degradation-of-service attack, but can arise between well-meaning peers. We also discuss how the methods we employ can be used to make explicit the requirements for hardening a protocol's implementation against potentially malicious peers, and for verifying an implementation's interoperability with the full range of allowable peer behaviors.


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Transport protocols are an integral part of the inter-process communication (IPC) service used by application processes to communicate over the network infrastructure. With almost 30 years of research on transport, one would have hoped that we have a good handle on the problem. Unfortunately, that is not true. As the Internet continues to grow, new network technologies and new applications continue to emerge putting transport protocols in a never-ending flux as they are continuously adapted for these new environments. In this work, we propose a clean-slate transport architecture that renders all possible transport solutions as simply combinations of policies instantiated on a single common structure. We identify a minimal set of mechanisms that once instantiated with the appropriate policies allows any transport solution to be realized. Given our proposed architecture, we contend that there are no more transport protocols to design—only policies to specify. We implement our transport architecture in a declarative language, Network Datalog (NDlog), making the specification of different transport policies easy, compact, reusable, dynamically configurable and potentially verifiable. In NDlog, transport state is represented as database relations, state is updated/queried using database operations, and transport policies are specified using declarative rules. We identify limitations with NDlog that could potentially threaten the correctness of our specification. We propose several language extensions to NDlog that would significantly improve the programmability of transport policies.


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Version 1.1 of the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) was principally developed as a means for reducing both document transfer latency and network traffic. The rationale for the performance enhancements in HTTP/1.1 is based on the assumption that the network is the bottleneck in Web transactions. In practice, however, the Web server can be the primary source of document transfer latency. In this paper, we characterize and compare the performance of HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 in terms of throughput at the server and transfer latency at the client. Our approach is based on considering a broader set of bottlenecks in an HTTP transfer; we examine how bottlenecks in the network, CPU, and in the disk system affect the relative performance of HTTP/1.0 versus HTTP/1.1. We show that the network demands under HTTP/1.1 are somewhat lower than HTTP/1.0, and we quantify those differences in terms of packets transferred, server congestion window size and data bytes per packet. We show that when the CPU is the bottleneck, there is relatively little difference in performance between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1. Surprisingly, we show that when the disk system is the bottleneck, performance using HTTP/1.1 can be much worse than with HTTP/1.0. Based on these observations, we suggest a connection management policy for HTTP/1.1 that can improve throughput, decrease latency, and keep network traffic low when the disk system is the bottleneck.


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A neural model is developed to explain how humans can approach a goal object on foot while steering around obstacles to avoid collisions in a cluttered environment. The model uses optic flow from a 3D virtual reality environment to determine the position of objects based on motion discotinuities, and computes heading direction, or the direction of self-motion, from global optic flow. The cortical representation of heading interacts with the representations of a goal and obstacles such that the goal acts as an attractor of heading, while obstacles act as repellers. In addition the model maintains fixation on the goal object by generating smooth pursuit eye movements. Eye rotations can distort the optic flow field, complicating heading perception, and the model uses extraretinal signals to correct for this distortion and accurately represent heading. The model explains how motion processing mechanisms in cortical areas MT, MST, and VIP can be used to guide steering. The model quantitatively simulates human psychophysical data about visually-guided steering, obstacle avoidance, and route selection.


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A neural model is developed to explain how humans can approach a goal object on foot while steering around obstacles to avoid collisions in a cluttered environment. The model uses optic flow from a 3D virtual reality environment to determine the position of objects based on motion discontinuities, and computes heading direction, or the direction of self-motion, from global optic flow. The cortical representation of heading interacts with the representations of a goal and obstacles such that the goal acts as an attractor of heading, while obstacles act as repellers. In addition the model maintains fixation on the goal object by generating smooth pursuit eye movements. Eye rotations can distort the optic flow field, complicating heading perception, and the model uses extraretinal signals to correct for this distortion and accurately represent heading. The model explains how motion processing mechanisms in cortical areas MT, MST, and posterior parietal cortex can be used to guide steering. The model quantitatively simulates human psychophysical data about visually-guided steering, obstacle avoidance, and route selection.