940 resultados para rogers, antico-nuovo


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The boxicity (cubicity) of a graph G is the minimum natural number k such that G can be represented as an intersection graph of axis-parallel rectangular boxes (axis-parallel unit cubes) in R-k. In this article, we give estimates on the boxicity and the cubicity of Cartesian, strong and direct products of graphs in terms of invariants of the component graphs. In particular, we study the growth, as a function of d, of the boxicity and the cubicity of the dth power of a graph with respect to the three products. Among others, we show a surprising result that the boxicity and the cubicity of the dth Cartesian power of any given finite graph is, respectively, in O(log d/ log log d) and circle dot(d/ log d). On the other hand, we show that there cannot exist any sublinear bound on the growth of the boxicity of powers of a general graph with respect to strong and direct products. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, motivated by observations of non-exponential decay times in the stochastic binding and release of ligand-receptor systems, exemplified by the work of Rogers et al on optically trapped DNA-coated colloids (Rogers et al 2013 Soft Matter 9 6412), we explore the general problem of polymer-mediated surface adhesion using a simplified model of the phenomenon in which a single polymer molecule, fixed at one end, binds through a ligand at its opposite end to a flat surface a fixed distance L away and uniformly covered with receptor sites. Working within the Wilemski-Fixman approximation to diffusion-controlled reactions, we show that for a flexible Gaussian chain, the predicted distribution of times f(t) for which the ligand and receptor are bound is given, for times much shorter than the longest relaxation time of the polymer, by a power law of the form t(-1/4). We also show when the effects of chain stiffness are incorporated into this model (approximately), the structure of f(t) is altered to t(-1/2). These results broadly mirror the experimental trends in the work cited above.


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The boxicity (respectively cubicity) of a graph G is the least integer k such that G can be represented as an intersection graph of axis-parallel k-dimensional boxes (respectively k-dimensional unit cubes) and is denoted by box(G) (respectively cub(G)). It was shown by Adiga and Chandran (2010) that for any graph G, cub(G) <= box(G) log(2) alpha(G], where alpha(G) is the maximum size of an independent set in G. In this note we show that cub(G) <= 2 log(2) X (G)] box(G) + X (G) log(2) alpha(G)], where x (G) is the chromatic number of G. This result can provide a much better upper bound than that of Adiga and Chandran for graph classes with bounded chromatic number. For example, for bipartite graphs we obtain cub(G) <= 2(box(G) + log(2) alpha(G)] Moreover, we show that for every positive integer k, there exist graphs with chromatic number k such that for every epsilon > 0, the value given by our upper bound is at most (1 + epsilon) times their cubicity. Thus, our upper bound is almost tight. (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Surface coatings and treatments have been used to reduce material loss of components in bubbling fluidized bed combustors (FBCs). The performance of protective coatings in FBC boilers and laboratory simulations is reviewed. Important coating properties to minimize wastage appear to be high hardness, low oxidation rate, low porosity, high adhesion and sufficient thickness to maintain protection for a long period. Economic considerations and criteria for choosing a suitable coating or treatment are discussed for the different types of bubbling FBC. © 1995.


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Thinning of heat-exchanger tubes by erosion-corrosion has been a problem in fluidized bed combustors (FBCs), particularly at lower metal temperatures where thicker, mechanically protective oxide scales are unable to form. Many laboratory-scale tests have shown a decrease in material loss at higher temperatures, in a similar manner to FBC boilers, but also show a decrease in wastage at low temperatures (e.g. 200°C) which has not been detected in boilers. It has been suggested that this difference is due to laboratory tests being carried out isothermally whereas in a FBC boiler the fluidized bed is considerably hotter than the metal heat exchanger tubing. In this laboratory study the simulation was therefore improved by internally cooling one of the two low carbon steel specimens. These were rotated in a horizontal plane within a lightly fluidized bed with relative particle velocities of 1.3-2.5 m s-1. Tests were carried out over a range of bed temperatures (200-500°C) and cooled specimen surface temperatures (115-500°C), with a maximum temperature difference between the two of 320°C. Although specimens exposed isothermally still showed maximum wastage at intermediate temperatures (about 350°C), those which were cooled showed high levels of wastage at temperatures as low as 200°C in a similar manner to FBC boilers. Cooling may modify the isothermal erosion-corrosion curve, causing it to broaden and the maximum wastage rate to shift to lower temperatures. © 1995.


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The wastage behaviour of four low alloy steels, suitable for use as evaporator tubing in industrial atmospheric fluidized bed combustors (AFBCs), was examined in a laboratory-scale test rig. Specimens exposed in the test apparatus experienced a high flux of impacts at low particle velocities similar to conditions in a FBC boiler. The influence of time, velocity and temperature on the wastage behaviour was examined and incubation times and velocity exponents were determined and their values discussed. Since high-temperature oxidation played an important role in this process, the short-term oxidation rate of each of the steels was measured. The mechanisms of material loss across the temperature range were discussed and the behaviour of the low alloy steels in the current work was compared with that of high alloy and stainless steels in earlier studies. © 1995.


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Abstract: The late antique destruction of two bronze statues of Pausanias - the Spartan general responsible for the Greek victory at the Battle of Plataea (479 BC) - housed in the temple of Athena Chalkioikos in Sparta (Lib. Ep. 1518), has been interpreted as one of the few cases of a violent conflict between pagan and Christian population in Greece. Nevertheless the sources suggest that late antique Sparta was a bastion of Hellenic paganism and give a picture of a small and quiet town ruled by a pagan educated élite, where pagans like Libanius wanted to live. Since there is no evidence of a violent conflict between pagans and Christians in Sparta, and Libanius confirms that in 365 AD all the temples and cult statues were still in place, this paper addresses the issue from a different point of view and offers a new contribution to the history of Sparta in Late Antiquity. By using literary, archaeological and epigraphic evidence the paper explores: 1) the relationship between Roman administration and Spartan élite in the IVth century AD; 2) the historical memory of Pausanias in Late Antiquity. It will be emphasized that the obscure burning of the two statues helped to remove from Sparta the memory of Pausanias - a controversial figure, misrepresented in Late Antiquity and connected to the ancient staseis in Laconia - in order to promote a positive image of Sparta as a city without conflicts and ruled by the political system of Lycurgus (eunomia). As documented by local inscriptions in praise of late Roman governors, the mythical lawgiver Lycurgus was the paradigm of the imperial governors who rebuilded the town in the IVth cent. AD. It can be assumed that while Rome, Constantinople, Antioch and Athens were troubled by political and religious violence or by seditions between different factions, Sparta aimed to revive its traditional model of civic order in the new historical context of Late Antiquity.


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Resumen: Il saggio esamina il rapporto anima, mente, corpo alla luce delle sfide del nuovo naturalismo che molto spesso incorpora un secco riduzionismo ed un’opzione materialistica. Questa risulta un apriori, non l’esito di un argomento: J. Searle la chiama “la religione del nostro tempo”. Vengono poi esaminati l’attuale oblio dell’anima, la riduzione del suo tema al mind-body problem, la qualità della tesi ilemorfica, illustrata in specie attraverso le soluzioni dell’Aquinate, l’equivoco del dualismo cartesiano. Chiude il saggio uno sguardo sulla questione dell’immortalità dell’anima.


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The authors have endeavored to create a verified a-posteriori model of a planktonic ecosystem. Verification of an empirically derived set of first-order, quadratic differential equations proved elusive due to the sensitivity of the model system to changes in initial conditions. Efforts to verify a similarly derived set of linear differential equations were more encouraging, yielding reasonable behavior for half of the ten ecosystem compartments modeled. The well-behaved species models gave indications as to the rate-controlling processes in the ecosystem.


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Microcosms containing planktonic communities from Chesapeake Bay responded to enrichment with sewage by developing larger standing crops of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Data suggest that increased productivity would be reflected up the food chain but might increase existing problems with dissolved oxygen and might lead to qualitative changes in the composition of the zooplankton. Either phosphorus or nitrogen was removed more rapidly from solution depending on where and when the experimental water was obtained. Increases in standing crop of algae were associated with loss of nitrogen from solution in two experiments and losses of both nitrogen and phosphorus from solution in one experiment.


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