1000 resultados para relação (extra)conjugal


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A supressão de paisagens naturais tem dizimado populações e/ou reduzido a área de ocorrência de muitas espécies de anuros, caso do Cerrado, dado o grande potencial econômico e velocidade de descaracterização por atividades humanas. Por este motivo, inventários de espécies são extremamente necessários nessas regiões que dependendo do grau de alteração ambiental podem prejudicar as atividades de dispersão e reprodução dos anuros. Este estudo tem por objetivo determinar a riqueza e a diversidade de modos reprodutivos da anurofauna da bacia do Rio Tijuco e comparar a composição da taxocenose dessa região com taxocenoses de anfíbios de outras regiões do bioma Cerrado e da floresta estacional semidecidual anteriormente estudadas. O estudo foi desenvolvido ao longo da bacia do Rio Tijuco numa extensão aproximada de 80 km. Através de quatro métodos de amostragem, foram registradas 40 espécies de anuros pertencentes a seis famílias, o que corresponde a 20% das espécies de anuros registradas para o Cerrado. As condições da paisagem favorecem espécies mais tolerantes e adaptadas ao clima mais seco, o que reflete numa taxocenose que possui baixa proporção de modos reprodutivos e uma elevada representatividade de modos generalizados, dependentes de água ou com adaptações contra dessecação. Em comparação com outras 15 localidades verificou-se que a anurofauna do Cerrado é típica, com baixa similaridade taxonômica com ecossistemas adjacentes. A diversidade de habitats e a expressiva riqueza de espécies tornam a bacia do Rio Tijuco de grande importância para a conservação da anurofauna do bioma Cerrado.


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Dans l'intoxication expérimentale du pigeon avec les venins de Crotalus terrificus, de Lachesis jararaca et de Naya tripudians, nous avons étudié l'action de 12 médicaments, possédant des affinités neurotropes plus ou moins accusées, arrivant aux conclusions suivantes: 1 - Quelques-uns des ces médicaments exercent une action protectrice spéciale contre ces venins, permettant, injectés une heure avant le vénin, d'eviter tout symptôme d'intoxication chez le pigeon. Certains n'agissent qu'injectés em même temps que le vénin. D'autres sont complètement inactifs. Aucun d'êntre eux ne possède de propriétés curatives. 2 - En plus de ce pouvoir protecteur, ou phylactique, un certain nombre d'entre eux possède sur les venins, une action neutralisante "in vitro", s'accentuant après une heure de contact. 3 - Les conditions dans lesquelles s'exercent ces deux actions, protectrice et neutralisante, sont très variables suivant les venins et les médicaments. Sur leur mécanisme très complexe, on ne peut actuellement formuler que des hypothèses. 4 - Au point de vue pratique, certains de ces médicaments, surtout la spartéine et l'adrénaline, peuvent être utilisés avec avantage comme complément du traitement sérotérapique spécifique dans les accidents déterminés par les animaux venimeux.


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Recapitulamos, neste trabalho, os principais dados que documentam a existencia de portadores de parasitos na ancilostomose, o papel da nutrição nesta doença e nas anemias em geral, e tambem as diversas concepções sôbre a patogenia dessa verminose. Apresentamos cinco casos de ancilostomose com graves anemias (Hb. de 13 a 30%), curados e assim conservados mediante diaria administração de ferro, durante lomgo tempo (3 a 10 mêses), apesár da persistencia de infestações muito intensas (25 a 40 mil ovos de ancilostomo por gr. de fezes). No periodo da manutenção fôram feitos diferentes exames, que mostraram quasi sempre cifras normais ou muito proximamente normais, persistindo, entretanto, uma intensa eosinofilia no sangue periferico. Fica assim constatado quais as perturbações corrigidas pelo ferro e quais as derivadas de uma ação direta do verme parasito. Discutimos, finalmente, a pouca ação dos processos diretos resultante da atividade do helminto, em relação á influencia preponderante da alimentação, salientando-se nesta última a importancia essencial da riqueza em ferro.


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The present work is part of the studies realized under the authority of the National Service of Malaria (Brazil), with the collaboration of scientists of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, in some forests of the southern part of Brazil.This is the first of a series and its subject is the development of the Anopheles mosquitoes of the kerteszia in water collected in Bromeliaceae leaves. The ecology of Bromeliaceae was studied in a previous work. The botanical material was classified by specialists from several botanical institutions from Europe and the United States of America. The most important ecological relations of the “bromeliad-kerteszia” problem were presented through four indices: 1st Positivity index – Relative frequency of bromeliad with watery forms in the bromeliad examined. 2nd Larval index – Mean number of watery forms in the positive bromeliad. 3rd Ovoposition index – Product of the Positivy index by the Larval index. 4th MK index – Product of the Ovoposition index by the total number of bromeliad, positive or not, in a unity of area (1.000 m²). The capture of flying forms in relation to the relative humidity was also studied. From the several forests of the Brusque region we have selected one community of each type, which were the most representative forests in Southern Brazil. Conclusions on the “bromeliad-kerteszia” problem – From a general point of view only a few factors are really important and these are listed below: 1°) The volum of water on the bromeliad. 2°) The level where the bromeliad is fixed. 3°) The number of bromeliad in unity of area. The distribution of microclimas in the forest through the considered levels has a direct influence on the species of subgenus Kerteszia (qualitative influence) and an indirect influence through the ecological distribution of the more frequent bromeliad with best qualities as biotope for the watery forms (qualitative influence). The MK index is roughly proportional to the square of half the total number of Bromeliaceae in a certain type of forest. Then the MK index would be a certain function of the ecological type of the forest and of the total number of bromeliad in a unity of area. MK approximately α x (x/10)² . x = n° of bromeliad in a unity of área (1.000 m²); α = qualitative factor. It would be interesting to see if this proportion is maintained when we have examined a greater number of forests of different types.


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Gatos eliminam proglotes de Taenia taeniaeformis vinte dias após a ingestão de Cysticercus fasciolares obtidos de ratos albinos infectados dois meses e meio após a ingestão de ovos viáveis. A resposta imunológica humoral de gatos e ratos foi detectada a partir da segunda semana de infecção, sendo observado maiores níveis de anticorpos circulares na quarta e quinta semanas respectivamente.


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Como já descrevemos em publicação anterior (Conceição, 1985), foram isoladas 20 amostras de S. mansoni de pacientes do sexo masculino com idades entre 13 e 30 anos, autóctones do distrito de Capitão Andrade, município de Itanhomi, no Vale do Rio Doce, em Minas Gerais. Das amostras, seis eram portadores de esquistossomose-infecção (tipo I), seis da forma hepatointestinal (tipo II) e oito da forma hepatoesplênica (tipo III), adaptadas inicialmente, à B. glabrata da mesma área. Cada uma das amostras foi inoculada em 48 camundongos em lotes de 16, respectivamente com 25,50 e 100 cercárias, mantendo-se 12 animais não infectados, com controles. Após 90 dias perfundiu-se o sistema porta de 12 animais (quatro de cada lote). Os animais mortos naturalmente em diversos períodos e a metade de cada lote sacrificada aos 90 e 180 dias foram estudados através dos seguintes parâmetros: 1§) determinação dos pesos de fígado, baço, pulmão e intestino; 2§) contagem de ovos em intestinos (proximal e mediano) e grosso (distal). O número de vermes obtidos pela perfusão nos três grupos em média de 21,9%, 22% e 17,8%% para os tipos I, II e III. A mortalidde natural média dos camundongos submetidos à infecção com 25, 50 e 100 cercárias, foi respectivamente, 12,4%, 23,2% para o grupo I; de 4,7% 19,3% e 22,2% para o grupo II e 11,4%, 29,5% e 41,6% para o grupo III, apresentando-se, portanto, proporcional aos inóculos. O peso dos órgãos dos animais infectados bem como o número de ovos de S. mansoni foi sempre proporcional ao inóculo e a contagem mais elevada nas partes mediana e proximal do intestino nos três grupos. Concluiu-se que não houve correlação entre as formas clínicas da esquistossomose e o comportamento das amostras de S. mansoni em camundongo, ressaltando-se que as alterações parasitológicas encontradas foram proporcionais ao inóculo empregado e ao tempo de infecção, evidenciando os aspectos quantitativos na determinação da doença.


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The predominant clinical and radiological features of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (LCH) in children are due to osseous involvement. Extra-osseous disease is far less common, occurring in association with bone disease or in isolation; nearly all anatomical sites may be affected and in very various combinations. The following article is based on a multicentre review of 31 children with extra-osseous LCH. The objective is to summarise the diverse possibilities of organ involvement. The radiological manifestations using different imaging modalities are rarely pathognomonic on their own. Nevertheless, familiarity with the imaging findings, especially in children with systemic disease, may be essential for early diagnosis.


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The presence of Schistosoma mansoni eggs surrounded by inflammatory cells were detected within the peritoneal cavity of experimentally infected mice. The histological and ultrastructural analysis revealed the predominantly macrophagic composition of these structures. The presence of epithelioid cells, macrophages in different stages of activation and the architectural pattern of the cells, characterize these structures as extra-tissular true granulomas. Granulomas much similar to those observed in the peritoneal cavity of infected mice were also detected after the intraperitoneal injection of viable eggs in non-infected mice. Collagen fibers were observed in between the inflammatory cells of granulomas obtained 10 weeks after infection and 48 hours after the injection of viable eggs into the peritoneal cavity. In later times of infection or injection the amount of collagen fibers increases resulting in a typical pattern of healed schistosoma egg granulomas. The possible influence of the immune response on the genesis of the granulomatous reaction as well as the influence of the vascularized connective tissue on this process is discussed.


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In paralel with several other epidemiologic and entomologic data of 19 Municipalities of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, the feeding pattern of 222 Triatoma vitticeps is studied through precipitin tests. Very high levels of natural infection with Trypanosoma cruzi are observed in adult insects, in contrast with the abscence or minimum degrees of infection among nymphs and human individuals. The precipitin tests showed the contact of the insects with multiple blood sources, chiefly human and birds, followed by rodents and marsupials. The data suggest that T. vitticeps in spite of being highly antropophilic, become infected by T. cruzi in sylvatic ambient and occasionally invade houses. The species doesn't seem to be - at least until now - a good vector in the domestic cycle of Chagas' disease. Several factors seem to be involved in this conclusion, mainly the low density of the insect in the houses, its hardness to coloniza them, its slowness concerning to suction and defecation and possibly its low susceptibility to different T. cruzi strains.


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The distribution of larvae of Simulium goeldii was studies in four streams in upland tropical forest near Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. In each month 32 points were sampled, each with an area of 30 x 50 cm. The areas of all substrates available were measured at each point. The larvae of S. goeldii were collected and later counted for all substrate types where larvae of this species were found. The available substrates were classified into eight types: dry leaves, green leaves, branches, fruits, detritus, rocks and sand; anly the first four types had larvae present. The Kruskal-Wallis test and analysis of variance indicated that the larvae occupy these substrates differently; the Newman-Keuls identified the following differences in intensity of occupation of the susbstrates: branchs differ from roots, dry leaves and green leaves, and green leaves differ from roots and dry leaves. The highest density of larvae was observed on green leaves. However, because the most abundant substrates in the study area were roots and dry leaves, I suggest that the latter two substrates are the most important ones for the esteblishment of this population of S. goeldii.


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Contexte¦- Les métastases hépatiques hypovasculaires sont parfois difficile à détecter car très polymorphiques et fréquemment irrégulières. Leurs contrastes sur CT scan hépatique sont souvent faibles.¦- Lors d'un diagnostic, le radiologue ne fixe pas sa vision fovéale sur chaque pixel de l'image. Les expériences de psychophysique avec eye-tracker montrent en effet que le radiologue se concentre sur quelques points spécifiques de l'image appelés fixations. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéresserons aux capacités de détection de l'oeil lorsque l'observateur effectue une saccade entre deux points de fixation. Plus particulièrement, nous nous intéresserons à caractériser les capacités de l'oeil à détecter les signaux se trouvant en dehors de sa vision fovéale, dans ce qu'on appelle, la vision périphérique.¦Objectifs¦- Caractériser l'effet de l'excentricité de la vision sur la détectabilité des contrastes dans le cas de métastases hépatiques hypovasculaires.¦- Récolter des données expérimentales en vue de créer un modèle mathématique qui permettra, à terme, de qualifier le système d'imagerie.¦- → objectifs du TM en soit :¦o prendre en main l'eyetracker¦o traduire une problématique médicale en une expérience scientifique reproductible, quantifiable et qualifiable.¦Méthode¦Nous effectuons une expérience 2AFC (2 Alternative Forced-Choice experiment) afin d'estimer la détectabilité du signal. Pour cela, nous forcerons l'observateur à maintenir son point de fixation à un endroit défini et vérifié par l'eye-tracker. La position del'excentricité du signal tumoral généré sur une coupe de CT hépatique sera le paramètre varié. L'observateur se verra présenté tour à tour deux coupes de CT hépatique, l'une comportant le signal tumoral standardisé et l'autre ne comportant pas le signal. L'observateur devra déterminer quelle image contient la pathologie avec la plus grande probabilité.¦- Cette expérience est un modèle simplifié de la réalité. En effet, le radiologue ne fixe pas un seul point lors de sa recherche mais effectue un "scanpath". Une seconde expérience, dite en free search sera effectuée dans la mesure du temps à disposition. Lors de cette expérience, le signal standardisé sera connu de l'observateur et il n'y aura plus de point de fixation forcée. L'eyetracker suivra le scanpath effectué par l'oeil de l'observateur lors de la recherche du signal sur une coupe de CT scan hépatique. L'intérêt de cette expérience réside dans l'observation de la corrélation entre les saccades et la découverte du signal. Elle permet aussi de vérifier les résultats obtenus lors de la première expérience.¦Résultats escomptés¦- Exp1 : Quantifier l'importance de l'excentricité en radiologie et aider à améliorer la performance de recherche.¦- Exp 2 : tester la validité des résultats obtenus par la première expérience.¦Plus value escomptée¦- Récolte de données pour créer un modèle mathématique capable de déterminer la qualité de l'image radiologique.¦- Possibilité d'extension à la recherche dans les trois dimensions du CT scan hépatique.


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As life expectancy continues to rise, the prevalence of chronic conditions is increasing in our society. However, we do not know if the extra years of life gained are being spent with disability and illness, or in good health. Furthermore, it is unclear if all groups in society experience their extra years of life in the same way. This report examines patterns of health expectancies across the island of Ireland, examining any North-South and socio-economic differences as well looking at differences in data sources. The older population (aged 65 or over) on the island of Ireland is growing and becoming a larger percentage of the total  population. Republic of Ireland Census 2011 revealed that 12% of the RoI population was aged 65 or over (CSO, 2012), and Northern Ireland Census 2011 revealed that 13% of the NI population was aged 65 or over (NISRA, 2012). By 2041 the population aged 65 or over is projected to reach 22% in RoI and 24% in NI (McGill, 2010). It is unclear, however, if this increasing longevity will be enjoyed equally by all strata of society.