979 resultados para random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)


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DNA exhibits a surprising multiplicity of structures when it is packed into dense aggregates. It undergoes various polymorphous transitions (e.g., from the B to A form) and mesomorphous transformations (from hexagonal to orthorhombic or monoclinic packing, changes in the mutual alignment of nearest neighbors, etc). In this report we show that such phenomena may have their origin in the specific helical symmetry of the charge distribution on DNA surface. Electrostatic interaction between neighboring DNA molecules exhibits strong dependence on the patterns of molecular surface groups and adsorbed counter-ions. As a result, it is affected by such structural parameters as the helical pitch, groove width, the number of base pairs per helical turn, etc. We derive expressions which relate the energy of electrostatic interaction with these parameters and with the packing variables characterizing the axial and azimuthal alignment between neighboring macromolecules. We show, in particular, that the structural changes upon the B-to-A transition reduce the electrostatic energy by ≈kcal/mol per base pair, at a random adsorption of counter ions. Ion binding into the narrow groove weakens or inverts this effect, stabilizing B-DNA, as it is presumably the case in Li+-DNA assemblies. The packing symmetry and molecular alignment in DNA aggregates are shown to be affected by the patterns of ion binding.


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DNA and other biopolymers differ from classical polymers because of their torsional stiffness. This property changes the statistical character of their conformations under tension from a classical random walk to a problem we call the “torsional directed walk.” Motivated by a recent experiment on single lambda-DNA molecules [Strick, T. R., Allemand, J.-F., Bensimon, D., Bensimon, A. & Croquette, V. (1996) Science 271, 1835–1837], we formulate the torsional directed walk problem and solve it analytically in the appropriate force regime. Our technique affords a direct physical determination of the microscopic twist stiffness C and twist-stretch coupling D relevant for DNA functionality. The theory quantitatively fits existing experimental data for relative extension as a function of overtwist over a wide range of applied force; fitting to the experimental data yields the numerical values C = 120 nm and D = 50 nm. Future experiments will refine these values. We also predict that the phenomenon of reduction of effective twist stiffness by bend fluctuations should be testable in future single-molecule experiments, and we give its analytic form.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe sod2 gene, located near the telomere on the long arm of chromosome I, encodes a Na+ (or Li+)/H+ antiporter. Amplification of sod2 has previously been shown to confer resistance to LiCl. We analyzed 20 independent LiCl-resistant strains and found that the only observed mechanism of resistance is amplification of sod2. The amplicons are linear, extrachromosomal elements either 225 or 180 kb long, containing both sod2 and telomere sequences. To determine whether proximity to a telomere is necessary for sod2 amplification, a strain was constructed in which the gene was moved to the middle of the same chromosomal arm. Selection of LiCl-resistant strains in this genetic background also yielded amplifications of sod2, but in this case the amplified DNA was exclusively chromosomal. Thus, proximity to a telomere is not a prerequisite for gene amplification in S. pombe but does affect the mechanism. Relative to wild-type cells, mutants with defects in the DNA damage aspect of the rad checkpoint control pathway had an increased frequency of sod2 amplification, whereas mutants defective in the S-phase completion checkpoint did not. Two models for generating the amplified DNA are presented.


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Ciliates are unicellular eukaryotic organisms containing two types of nuclei: macronuclei and micronuclei. After the sexual pathway takes place, a new macronucleus is formed from a zygote nucleus, whereas the old macronucleus is degraded and resorbed. In the course of macronuclear differentiation, polytene chromosomes are synthesized that become degraded again after some hours. Most of the DNA is eliminated, and the remaining DNA is fragmented into small DNA molecules that are amplified to a high copy number in the new macronucleus. The protein Pdd1p (programmed DNA degradation protein 1) from Tetrahymena has been shown to be present in macronuclear anlagen in the DNA degradation stage and also in the old macronuclei, which are resorbed during the formation of the new macronucleus. In this study the identification and localization of a Pdd1p homologous protein in Stylonychia (Spdd1p) is described. Spdd1p is localized in the precursor nuclei in the DNA elimination stage and in the old macronuclei during their degradation, but also in macronuclei and micronuclei of starved cells. In all of these nuclei, apoptotic-like DNA breakdown was detected. These data suggest that Spdd1p is a general factor involved in programmed DNA degradation in Stylonychia.


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Transpositions of mtDNA sequences to the nuclear genome have been documented in a wide variety of individual taxa, but little is known about their taxonomic frequency or patterns of variation. We provide evidence of nuclear sequences homologous to the mtDNA control region in seven species of diving ducks (tribe Aythyini). Phylogenetic analysis places each nuclear sequence as a close relative of the mtDNA haplotypes of the specie(s) in which it occurs, indicating that they derive from six independent transposition events, all occurring within the last ≈1.5 million years. Relative-rate tests and comparison of intraspecific variation in nuclear and mtDNA sequences confirm the expectation of a greatly reduced rate of evolution in the nuclear copies. By representing mtDNA haplotypes from ancestral populations, nuclear insertions may be valuable in some phylogenetic analyses, but they also confound the accurate determination of mtDNA sequences. In particular, our data suggest that the presumably nonfunctional but more slowly evolving nuclear sequences often will not be identifiable by changes incompatible with function and may be preferentially amplified by PCR primers based on mtDNA sequences from related taxa.


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens can transfer part of its Ti plasmid, the T-DNA, to plant cells where it integrates into the nuclear genome via illegitimate recombination. Integration of the T-DNA results in small deletions of the plant target DNA, and may lead to truncation of the T-DNA borders and the production of filler DNA. We showed previously that T-DNA can also be transferred from A. tumefaciens to Saccharomyces cerevisiae and integrates into the yeast genome via homologous recombination. We show here that when the T-DNA lacks homology with the S. cerevisiae genome, it integrates at random positions via illegitimate recombination. From 11 lines the integrated T-DNA was cloned back to Escherichia coli along with yeast flanking sequences. The T-DNA borders and yeast DNA flanking the T-DNA were sequenced and characterized. It was found that T-DNA integration had resulted in target DNA deletions and sometimes T-DNA truncations or filler DNA formation. Therefore, the molecular mechanism of illegitimate recombination by which T-DNA integrates in higher and lower eukaryotes seems conserved.


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We describe a method for cloning nucleic acid molecules onto the surfaces of 5-μm microbeads rather than in biological hosts. A unique tag sequence is attached to each molecule, and the tagged library is amplified. Unique tagging of the molecules is achieved by sampling a small fraction (1%) of a very large repertoire of tag sequences. The resulting library is hybridized to microbeads that each carry ≈106 strands complementary to one of the tags. About 105 copies of each molecule are collected on each microbead. Because such clones are segregated on microbeads, they can be operated on simultaneously and then assayed separately. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, we show how to label and extract microbeads bearing clones differentially expressed between two libraries by using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Because no prior information about the cloned molecules is required, this process is obviously useful where sequence databases are incomplete or nonexistent. More importantly, the process also permits the isolation of clones that are expressed only in given tissues or that are differentially expressed between normal and diseased states. Such clones then may be spotted on much more cost-effective, tissue- or disease-directed, low-density planar microarrays.


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An approach was developed for the quantification of subtle gains and losses of genomic DNA. The approach relies on a process called molecular combing. Molecular combing consists of the extension and alignment of purified molecules of genomic DNA on a glass coverslip. It has the advantage that a large number of genomes can be combed per coverslip, which allows for a statistically adequate number of measurements to be made on the combed DNA. Consequently, a high-resolution approach to mapping and quantifying genomic alterations is possible. The approach consists of applying fluorescence hybridization to the combed DNA by using probes to identify the amplified region. Measurements then are made on the linear hybridization signals to ascertain the region's exact size. The reliability of the approach first was tested for low copy number amplifications by determining the copy number of chromosome 21 in a normal and trisomy 21 cell line. It then was tested for high copy number amplifications by quantifying the copy number of an oncogene amplified in the tumor cell line GTL-16. These results demonstrate that a wide range of amplifications can be accurately and reliably quantified. The sensitivity and resolution of the approach likewise was assessed by determining the copy number of a single allele (160 kb) alteration.


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Molecular beacons are DNA probes that form a stem-and-loop structure and possess an internally quenched fluorophore. When they bind to complementary nucleic acids, they undergo a conformational transition that switches on their fluorescence. These probes recognize their targets with higher specificity than probes that cannot form a hairpin stem, and they easily discriminate targets that differ from one another by only a single nucleotide. Our results show that molecular beacons can exist in three different states: bound to a target, free in the form of a hairpin structure, and free in the form of a random coil. Thermodynamic analysis of the transitions between these states reveals that enhanced specificity is a general feature of conformationally constrained probes.


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Random walks have been used to describe a wide variety of systems ranging from cell colonies to polymers. Sixty-five years ago, Kuhn [Kuhn, W. (1934) Kolloid-Z. 68, 2–11] made the prediction, backed later by computer simulations, that the overall shape of a random-walk polymer is aspherical, yet no experimental work has directly tested Kuhn's general idea and subsequent computer simulations. By using fluorescence microscopy, we monitored the conformation of individual, long, random-walk polymers (fluorescently labeled DNA molecules) at equilibrium. We found that a polymer most frequently adopts highly extended, nonfractal structures with a strongly anisotropic shape. The ensemble-average ratio of the lengths of the long and short axes of the best-fit ellipse of the polymer was much larger than unity.


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Transposable elements are ubiquitous in plant genomes, where they frequently comprise the majority of genomic DNA. The maize genome, which is believed to be structurally representative of large plant genomes, contains single genes or small gene islands interspersed with much longer blocks of retrotransposons. Given this organization, it would be desirable to identify molecular markers preferentially located in genic regions. In this report, the features of a newly described family of miniature inverted repeat transposable elements (MITEs) (called Heartbreaker), including high copy number and polymorphism, stability, and preference for genic regions, have been exploited in the development of a class of molecular markers for maize. To this end, a modification of the AFLP procedure called transposon display was used to generate and display hundreds of genomic fragments anchored in Hbr elements. An average of 52 markers were amplified for each primer combination tested. In all, 213 polymorphic fragments were reliably scored and mapped in 100 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between the maize inbreds B73 × Mo17. In this mapping population, Hbr markers are distributed evenly across the 10 maize chromosomes. This procedure should be of general use in the development of markers for other MITE families in maize and in other plant and animal species where MITEs have been identified.


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DNA breaks occur during many processes in mammalian cells, including recombination, repair, mutagenesis and apoptosis. Here we report a simple and rapid method for assaying DNA breaks and identifying DNA breaksites. Breaksites are first tagged and amplified by ligation-mediated PCR (LM-PCR), using nested PCR primers to increase the specificity and sensitivity of amplification. Breaksites are then mapped by batch sequencing LM-PCR products. This allows easy identification of multiple breaksites per reaction without tedious fractionation of PCR products by gel electrophoresis or cloning. Breaksite batch mapping requires little starting material and can be used to identify either single- or double-strand breaks.


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ALFRED (the ALelle FREquency Database) is designed to store and disseminate frequencies of alleles at human polymorphic sites for multiple populations, primarily for the population genetics and molecular anthropology communities. Currently ALFRED has information on over 180 polymorphic sites for more than 70 populations. Since our initial release of the database we have focussed on increasing the quantity and quality of data, making reciprocal links between ALFRED and other related databases, and providing useful tools to make the data more comprehensible to the end user. ALFRED is accessible from the Kidd Lab home page (http://info.med.yale.edu/genetics/kkidd/) or from ALFRED directly (http://alfred.med.yale.edu/alfred/index.asp).


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We describe a method to screen pools of DNA from multiple transposon lines for insertions in many genes simultaneously. We use thermal asymmetric interlaced–PCR, a hemispecific PCR amplification protocol that combines nested, insertion-specific primers with degenerate primers, to amplify DNA flanking the transposons. In reconstruction experiments with previously characterized Arabidopsis lines carrying insertions of the maize Dissociation (Ds) transposon, we show that fluorescently labeled, transposon-flanking fragments overlapping ORFs hybridize to cognate expressed sequence tags (ESTs) on a DNA microarray. We further show that insertions can be detected in DNA pools from as many as 100 plants representing different transposon lines and that all of the tested, transposon-disrupted genes whose flanking fragments can be amplified individually also can be detected when amplified from the pool. The ability of a transposon-flanking fragment to hybridize declines rapidly with decreasing homology to the spotted DNA fragment, so that only ESTs with >90% homology to the transposon-disrupted gene exhibit significant cross-hybridization. Because thermal asymmetric interlaced–PCR fragments tend to be short, use of the present method favors recovery of insertions in and near genes. We apply the technique to screening pools of new Ds lines using cDNA microarrays containing ESTs for ≈1,000 stress-induced and -repressed Arabidopsis genes.


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Experimental studies of complete mammalian genes and other genetic domains are impeded by the difficulty of introducing large DNA molecules into cells in culture. Previously we have shown that GST–Z2, a protein that contains three zinc fingers and a proline-rich multimerization domain from the polydactyl zinc finger protein RIP60 fused to glutathione S-transferase (GST), mediates DNA binding and looping in vitro. Atomic force microscopy showed that GST–Z2 is able to condense 130–150 kb bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) into protein–DNA complexes containing multiple DNA loops. Condensation of the DNA loops onto the Z2 protein–BAC DNA core complexes with cationic lipid resulted in particles that were readily transferred into multiple cell types in culture. Transfer of total genomic linear DNA containing amplified DHFR genes into DHFR– cells by GST–Z2 resulted in a 10-fold higher transformation rate than calcium phosphate co-precipitation. Chinese hamster ovarian cells transfected with a BAC containing the human TP53 gene locus expressed p53, showing native promoter elements are active after GST–Z2-mediated gene transfer. Because DNA condensation by GST–Z2 does not require the introduction of specific recognition sequences into the DNA substrate, condensation by the Z2 domain of RIP60 may be used in conjunction with a variety of other agents to provide a flexible and efficient non-viral platform for the delivery of large genes into mammalian cells.