912 resultados para quantum molecular dynamics model


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In den vergangenen Jahren wurden einige bislang unbekannte Phänomene experimentell beobachtet, wie etwa die Existenz unterschiedlicher Prä-Nukleations-Strukturen. Diese haben zu einem neuen Verständnis von Prozessen, die auf molekularer Ebene während der Nukleation und dem Wachstum von Kristallen auftreten, beigetragen. Die Auswirkungen solcher Prä-Nukleations-Strukturen auf den Prozess der Biomineralisation sind noch nicht hinreichend verstanden. Die Mechanismen, mittels derer biomolekulare Modifikatoren, wie Peptide, mit Prä-Nukleations-Strukturen interagieren und somit den Nukleationsprozess von Mineralen beeinflussen könnten, sind vielfältig. Molekulare Simulationen sind zur Analyse der Formation von Prä-Nukleations-Strukturen in Anwesenheit von Modifikatoren gut geeignet. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt einen Ansatz zur Analyse der Interaktion von Peptiden mit den in Lösung befindlichen Bestandteilen der entstehenden Kristalle mit Hilfe von Molekular-Dynamik Simulationen.rnUm informative Simulationen zu ermöglichen, wurde in einem ersten Schritt die Qualität bestehender Kraftfelder im Hinblick auf die Beschreibung von mit Calciumionen interagierenden Oligoglutamaten in wässrigen Lösungen untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass große Unstimmigkeiten zwischen etablierten Kraftfeldern bestehen, und dass keines der untersuchten Kraftfelder eine realistische Beschreibung der Ionen-Paarung dieser komplexen Ionen widerspiegelte. Daher wurde eine Strategie zur Optimierung bestehender biomolekularer Kraftfelder in dieser Hinsicht entwickelt. Relativ geringe Veränderungen der auf die Ionen–Peptid van-der-Waals-Wechselwirkungen bezogenen Parameter reichten aus, um ein verlässliches Modell für das untersuchte System zu erzielen. rnDas umfassende Sampling des Phasenraumes der Systeme stellt aufgrund der zahlreichen Freiheitsgrade und der starken Interaktionen zwischen Calciumionen und Glutamat in Lösung eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Daher wurde die Methode der Biasing Potential Replica Exchange Molekular-Dynamik Simulationen im Hinblick auf das Sampling von Oligoglutamaten justiert und es erfolgte die Simulation von Peptiden verschiedener Kettenlängen in Anwesenheit von Calciumionen. Mit Hilfe der Sketch-Map Analyse konnten im Rahmen der Simulationen zahlreiche stabile Ionen-Peptid-Komplexe identifiziert werden, welche die Formation von Prä-Nukleations-Strukturen beeinflussen könnten. Abhängig von der Kettenlänge des Peptids weisen diese Komplexe charakteristische Abstände zwischen den Calciumionen auf. Diese ähneln einigen Abständen zwischen den Calciumionen in jenen Phasen von Calcium-Oxalat Kristallen, die in Anwesenheit von Oligoglutamaten gewachsen sind. Die Analogie der Abstände zwischen Calciumionen in gelösten Ionen-Peptid-Komplexen und in Calcium-Oxalat Kristallen könnte auf die Bedeutung von Ionen-Peptid-Komplexen im Prozess der Nukleation und des Wachstums von Biomineralen hindeuten und stellt einen möglichen Erklärungsansatz für die Fähigkeit von Oligoglutamaten zur Beeinflussung der Phase des sich formierenden Kristalls dar, die experimentell beobachtet wurde.


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In this thesis different approaches for the modeling and simulation of the blood protein fibrinogen are presented. The approaches are meant to systematically connect the multiple time and length scales involved in the dynamics of fibrinogen in solution and at inorganic surfaces. The first part of the thesis will cover simulations of fibrinogen on an all atom level. Simulations of the fibrinogen protomer and dimer are performed in explicit solvent to characterize the dynamics of fibrinogen in solution. These simulations reveal an unexpectedly large and fast bending motion that is facilitated by molecular hinges located in the coiled-coil region of fibrinogen. This behavior is characterized by a bending and a dihedral angle and the distribution of these angles is measured. As a consequence of the atomistic detail of the simulations it is possible to illuminate small scale behavior in the binding pockets of fibrinogen that hints at a previously unknown allosteric effect. In a second step atomistic simulations of the fibrinogen protomer are performed at graphite and mica surfaces to investigate initial adsorption stages. These simulations highlight the different adsorption mechanisms at the hydrophobic graphite surface and the charged, hydrophilic mica surface. It is found that the initial adsorption happens in a preferred orientation on mica. Many effects of practical interest involve aggregates of many fibrinogen molecules. To investigate such systems, time and length scales need to be simulated that are not attainable in atomistic simulations. It is therefore necessary to develop lower resolution models of fibrinogen. This is done in the second part of the thesis. First a systematically coarse grained model is derived and parametrized based on the atomistic simulations of the first part. In this model the fibrinogen molecule is represented by 45 beads instead of nearly 31,000 atoms. The intra-molecular interactions of the beads are modeled as a heterogeneous elastic network while inter-molecular interactions are assumed to be a combination of electrostatic and van der Waals interaction. A method is presented that determines the charges assigned to beads by matching the electrostatic potential in the atomistic simulation. Lastly a phenomenological model is developed that represents fibrinogen by five beads connected by rigid rods with two hinges. This model only captures the large scale dynamics in the atomistic simulations but can shed light on experimental observations of fibrinogen conformations at inorganic surfaces.


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Der Fokus dieser Doktorarbeit liegt auf der kontrollierten Benetzung von festen Oberflächen, die in vielen Bereichen, wie zum Beispiel in der Mikrofluidik, für Beschichtungen und in biologischen Studien von Zellen oder Bakterien, von großer Bedeutung ist.rnDer erste Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, wie Nanorauigkeit das Benetzungsverhalten, d.h. die Kontaktwinkel und die Pinningstärke, von hydrophoben und superhydrophoben Beschichtungen beeinflusst. Hierfür wird eine neue Methode entwickelt, um eine nanoraue Silika-Beschichtung über die Gasphase auf eine superhydrophobe Oberfläche, die aus rauen Polystyrol-Silika-Kern-Schale-Partikeln besteht, aufzubringen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Topographie und Dichte der Nanorauigkeiten bestimmt, ob sich die Superhydrophobizität verringert oder erhöht, d.h. ob sich ein Flüssigkeitstropfen im Nano-Wenzel- oder Nano-Cassie-Zustand befindet. Das verstärkte Pinning im Nano-Wenzel-Zustand beruht auf dem Eindringen von Flüssigkeitsmolekülen in die Nanoporen der Beschichtung. Im Nano-Cassie-Zustand dagegen sitzt der Tropfen auf den Nanorauigkeiten, was das Pinning vermindert. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse werden mit molekulardynamischen Simulationen in Bezug gesetzt, die den Einfluss der Oberflächenbeschichtungsdichte und der Länge von fluorinierten Silanen auf die Hydrophobizität einer Oberfläche untersuchen. rnEs wurden bereits verschiedenste Techniken zur Herstellung von transparenten superhydrophoben, d.h. extrem flüssigkeitsabweisenden, Oberflächen entwickelt. Eine aktuelle Herausforderung liegt darin, Funktionalitäten einzuführen, ohne die superhydrophoben Eigenschaften einer Oberfläche zu verändern. Dies ist extrem anspruchsvoll, da funktionelle Gruppen in der Regel hydrophil sind. In dieser Arbeit wird eine innovative Methode zur Herstellung von transparenten superhydrophoben Oberflächen aus Janus-Mikrosäulen mit variierenden Dimensionen und Topographien entwickelt. Die Janus-Säulen haben hydrophobe Seitenwände und hydrophile Silika-Oberseiten, die anschließend selektiv und ohne Verlust der superhydrophoben Eigenschaften der Oberfläche funktionalisiert werden können. Diese selektive Oberflächenfunktionalisierung wird mittels konfokaler Mikroskopie und durch das chemische Anbinden von fluoreszenten Molekülen an die Säulenoberseiten sichtbar gemacht. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass das Benetzungsverhalten durch Wechselwirkungen zwischen Flüssigkeit und Festkörper in der Nähe der Benetzungslinie bestimmt wird. Diese Beobachtung widerlegt das allgemein akzeptierte Modell von Cassie und Baxter und beinhaltet, dass hydrophile Flächen, die durch mechanischen Abrieb freigelegt werden, nicht zu einem Verlust der Superhydrophobizität führen müssen, wie allgemein angenommen.rnBenetzung kann auch durch eine räumliche Beschränkung von Flüssigkeiten kontrolliert werden, z.B. in mikrofluidischen Systemen. Hier wird eine modifizierte Stöber-Synthese verwendet, um künstliche und natürliche Faser-Template mit einer Silika-Schicht zu ummanteln. Nach der thermischen Zersetzung des organischen Templat-Materials entstehen wohldefinierte Silika-Kanäle und Kanalkreuzungen mit gleichmäßigen Durchmessern im Nano- und Mikrometerbereich. Auf Grund ihrer Transparenz, mechanischen Stabilität und des großen Länge-zu-Durchmesser-Verhältnisses sind die Kanäle sehr gut geeignet, um die Füllgeschwindigkeiten von Flüssigkeiten mit variierenden Oberflächenspannungen und Viskositäten zu untersuchen. Konfokale Mikroskopie ermöglicht es hierbei, die Füllgeschwindigkeiten über eine Länge von mehreren Millimetern, sowie direkt am Kanaleingang zu messen. Das späte Füllstadium kann sehr gut mit der Lucas-Washburn-Gleichung beschrieben werden. Die anfänglichen Füllgeschwindigkeiten sind jedoch niedriger als theoretisch vorhergesagt. Wohingegen die vorhergehenden Abschnitte dieser Arbeit sich mit der quasistatischen Benetzung beschäftigen, spielt hier die Dynamik der Benetzung eine wichtige Rolle. Tatsächlich lassen sich die beobachteten Abweichungen durch einen geschwindigkeitsabhängigen Fortschreitkontaktwinkel erklären und durch dynamische Benetzungstheorien modellieren. Somit löst diese Arbeit das seit langem diskutierte Problem der Abweichungen von der Lucas-Washburn-Gleichung bei kleinen Füllgeschwindigkeiten.


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Supramolecular two-dimensional engineering epitomizes the design of complex molecular architectures through recognition events in multicomponent self-assembly. Despite being the subject of in-depth experimental studies, such articulated phenomena have not been yet elucidated in time and space with atomic precision. Here we use atomistic molecular dynamics to simulate the recognition of complementary hydrogen-bonding modules forming 2D porous networks on graphite. We describe the transition path from the melt to the crystalline hexagonal phase and show that self-assembly proceeds through a series of intermediate states featuring a plethora of polygonal types. Finally, we design a novel bicomponent system possessing kinetically improved self-healing ability in silico, thus demonstrating that a priori engineering of 2D self-assembly is possible.


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For (H2O)n where n = 1–10, we used a scheme combining molecular dynamics sampling with high level ab initio calculations to locate the global and many low lying local minima for each cluster. For each isomer, we extrapolated the RI-MP2 energies to their complete basis set limit, included a CCSD(T) correction using a smaller basis set and added finite temperature corrections within the rigid-rotor-harmonic-oscillator (RRHO) model using scaled and unscaled harmonic vibrational frequencies. The vibrational scaling factors were determined specifically for water clusters by comparing harmonic frequencies with VPT2 fundamental frequencies. We find the CCSD(T) correction to the RI-MP2 binding energy to be small (<1%) but still important in determining accurate conformational energies. Anharmonic corrections are found to be non-negligble; they do not alter the energetic ordering of isomers, but they do lower the free energies of formation of the water clusters by as much as 4 kcal/mol at 298.15 K.


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Tamoxifen is the preferred drug for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer treatment, yet many of these cancers are intrinsically resistant to tamoxifen or acquire resistance during treatment. Therefore, scientists are searching for breast cancer drugs that have different molecular targets. Previous work revealed that 8-mer and cyclic 9-mer peptides inhibit breast cancer in mouse and rat model systems, interacting with an unknown receptor, while peptides smaller than eight amino acids did not inhibit breast cancer. We have shown that the use of replica exchange molecular dynamics predicts structure and dynamics of active peptides, leading to the discovery of smaller peptides with full biological activity. These simulations identified smaller peptide analogs with a conserved turn, a β-turn formed in the larger peptides. These analogs inhibit estrogen-dependent cell growth in a mouse uterine growth assay, a test showing reliable correlation with human breast cancer inhibition. We outline the computational methods that were tried and used with the experimental information that led to the successful completion of this research.


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Gaussian-3 and MP2/aug-cc-pVnZ methods have been used to calculate geometries and thermochemistry of CS2(H2O)n, where n = 1–4. An extensive molecular dynamics search followed by optimization using these two methods located two dimers, six trimers, six tetramers, and two pentamers. The MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ structure matched best with the experimental result for the CS2(H2O) dimer, showing that diffuse functions are necessary to model the interactions found in this complex. For larger CS2(H2O)n clusters, the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ minima are significantly different from the MP2(full)/6-31G* structures, revealing that the G3 model chemistry is not suitable for investigation of sulfur containing van der Waals complexes. Based on the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ free energies, the concentration of saturated water in the atmosphere and the average amount of CS2 in the atmosphere, the concentrations of these clusters are predicted to be on the order of 105CS2(H2O) clusters∙cm−3 and 102 CS2(H2O)2 clusters∙cm−3 at 298.15 K. The MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ scaled harmonic and anharmonic frequencies of the most abundant dimer cluster at 298 K are presented, along with the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ scaled harmonic frequencies for the CS2(H2O)n structures predicted to be present in a low-temperature molecular beam experiment.


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For (H2O)n where n = 1–10, we used a scheme combining molecular dynamics sampling with high level ab initio calculations to locate the global and many low lying local minima for each cluster. For each isomer, we extrapolated the RI-MP2 energies to their complete basis set limit, included a CCSD(T) correction using a smaller basis set and added finite temperature corrections within the rigid-rotor-harmonic-oscillator (RRHO) model using scaled and unscaled harmonic vibrational frequencies. The vibrational scaling factors were determined specifically for water clusters by comparing harmonic frequencies with VPT2 fundamental frequencies. We find the CCSD(T) correction to the RI-MP2 binding energy to be small (


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We present ab initio quantum calculation of the optical properties of formamide in vapor phase and in water solution. We employ time dependent density functional theory for the isolated molecule and many-body perturbation theory methods for the system in solution. An average over several molecular dynamics snapshots is performed to take into account the disorder of the liquid. We find that the excited stateproperties of the gas-phase formamide are strongly modified by the presence of the water solvent: the geometry of the molecule is distorted and the electronic and optical properties are severely modified. The important interaction among the formamide and the water molecules forces us to use fully quantum methods for the calculation of the excited stateproperties of this system. The excitonic wave function is localized both on the solute and on part of the solvent.


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The abundance of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a natural protein produced by the fetal yolk sac during pregnancy, correlates with lower incidence of estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer. The pharmacophore region of AFP has been narrowed down to a four amino acid (AA) region in the third domain of the 591 AA peptide. Our computational study focuses on a 4-mer segment consisting of the amino acids threonine-proline-valine-asparagine (TPVN). We have run replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations and used 120 configurational snapshots from the total trajectory as starting configurations for quantum chemical calculations. We optimized structures using semiempirical (PM3, PM6, PM6-D2, PM6-H2, PM6-DH+, PM6-DH2) and density functional methods (TPSS, PBE0, M06-2X). By comparing the accuracy of these methods against RI-MP2 benchmarks, we devised a protocol for calculating the lowest energy conformers of these peptides accurately and efficiently. This protocol screens out high-energy conformers using lower levels of theory and outlines a general method for predicting small peptide structures.


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Signal proteins are able to adapt their response to a change in the environment, governing in this way a broad variety of important cellular processes in living systems. While conventional molecular-dynamics (MD) techniques can be used to explore the early signaling pathway of these protein systems at atomistic resolution, the high computational costs limit their usefulness for the elucidation of the multiscale transduction dynamics of most signaling processes, occurring on experimental timescales. To cope with the problem, we present in this paper a novel multiscale-modeling method, based on a combination of the kinetic Monte-Carlo- and MD-technique, and demonstrate its suitability for investigating the signaling behavior of the photoswitch light-oxygen-voltage-2-Jα domain from Avena Sativa (AsLOV2-Jα) and an AsLOV2-Jα-regulated photoactivable Rac1-GTPase (PA-Rac1), recently employed to control the motility of cancer cells through light stimulus. More specifically, we show that their signaling pathways begin with a residual re-arrangement and subsequent H-bond formation of amino acids near to the flavin-mononucleotide chromophore, causing a coupling between β-strands and subsequent detachment of a peripheral α-helix from the AsLOV2-domain. In the case of the PA-Rac1 system we find that this latter process induces the release of the AsLOV2-inhibitor from the switchII-activation site of the GTPase, enabling signal activation through effector-protein binding. These applications demonstrate that our approach reliably reproduces the signaling pathways of complex signal proteins, ranging from nanoseconds up to seconds at affordable computational costs.


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Emerging nanogenerators have attracted the attention of the research community, focusing on energy generation using piezoelectric nanomaterials. Nanogenerators can be utilized for powering NEMS/MEMS devices. Understanding the piezoelectric properties of ZnO one-dimensional materials such as ZnO nanobelts (NBs) and Nanowires (NWs) can have a significant impact on the design of new devices. The goal of this dissertation is to study the piezoelectric properties of one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures both experimentally and theoretically. First, the experimental procedure for producing the ZnO nanostructures is discussed. The produced ZnO nanostructures were characterized using an in-situ atomic force microscope and a piezoelectric force microscope. It is shown that the electrical conductivity of ZnO NBs is a function of applied mechanical force and its crystalline structure. This phenomenon was described in the context of formation of an electric field due to the piezoelectric property of ZnO NBs. In the PFM studies, it was shown that the piezoelectric response of the ZnO NBs depends on their production method and presence of defects in the NB. Second, a model was proposed for making nanocomposite electrical generators based on ZnO nanowires. The proposed model has advantages over the original configuration of nanogenerators which uses an AFM tip for bending the ZnO NWs. Higher stability of the electric source, capability for producing larger electric fields, and lower production costs are advantages of this configuration. Finally, piezoelectric properties of ZnO NBs were simulated using the molecular dynamics (MD) technique. The size-scale effect on piezoelectric properties of ZnO NBs was captured, and it is shown that the piezoelectric coefficient of ZnO NBs decreases by increasing their lateral dimensions. This phenomenon is attributed to the surface charge redistribution and compression of unit cells that are placed on the outer shell of ZnO NBs.


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Ocean observing systems and satellites routinely collect a wealth of information on physical conditions in the ocean. With few exceptions, such as chlorophyll concentrations, information on biological properties is harder to measure autonomously. Here, we present a system to produce estimates of the distribution and abundance of the copepod Calanus finmarchicus in the Gulf of Maine. Our system uses satellite-based measurements of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll concentration to determine the developmental and reproductive rates of C. finmarchicus. The rate information then drives a population dynamics model of C. finmarchicus that is embedded in a 2-dimensional circulation field. The first generation of this system produces realistic information on interannual variability in C. finmarchicus distribution and abundance during the winter and spring. The model can also be used to identify key drivers of interannual variability in C. finmarchicus. Experiments with the model suggest that changes in initial conditions are overwhelmed by variability in growth rates after approximately 50 d. Temperature has the largest effect on growth rate. Elevated chlorophyll during the late winter can lead to increased C. finmarchicus abundance during the spring, but the effect of variations in chlorophyll concentrations is secondary to the other inputs. Our system could be used to provide real-time estimates or even forecasts of C. finmarchicus distribution. These estimates could then be used to support management of copepod predators such as herring and right whales.


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Balancing human uses of the marine environment with the recovery of protected species requires accurate information on when and where species of interest are likely to be present. Here, we describe a system that can produce useful estimates of right whale Eubalaena glacialis presence and abundance on their feeding grounds in the Gulf of Maine. The foundation of our system is a coupled physical-biological model of the copepod Calan us finmarchicus, the preferred prey of right whales. From the modeled prey densities, we can estimate when whales will appear in the Great South Channel feeding ground. Based on our experience with the system, we consider how the relationship between right whales and copepods changes across spatial scales. The scale-dependent relationship between whales and copepods provides insight into how to improve future estimates of the distribution of right whales and other pelagic predators.


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CONTEXT The autosomal dominant form of GH deficiency (IGHD II) is characterized by markedly reduced GH secretion combined with low concentrations of IGF-1 leading to short stature. OBJECTIVE Structure-function analysis of a missense mutation in the GH-1 gene converting codon 76 from leucine (L) to proline (P) yielding a mutant GH-L76P peptide. DESIGN, SETTINGS, AND PATIENTS Heterozygosity for GH-L76P/wt-GH was identified in a nonconsanguineous Spanish family. The index patients, two siblings, a boy and a girl, were referred for assessment of their short stature (-3.2 and -3.8 SD). Their grandmother, father, and aunt were also carrying the same mutation and showed severe short stature; therefore, IGHD II was diagnosed. INTERVENTIONS AND RESULTS AtT-20 cells coexpressing both wt-GH and GH-L76P showed a reduced GH secretion (P < .001) after forskolin stimulation when compared with the cells expressing only wt-GH. In silico mutagenesis and molecular dynamics simulations presented alterations of correct folding and mutant stability compared with wt-GH. Therefore, further structural analysis of the GH-L76P mutant was performed using expressed and purified proteins in Escherichia coli by thermofluor assay and fast degradation proteolysis assay. Both assays revealed that the GH-L76P mutant is unstable and misfolded compared to wt-GH confirming the bioinformatic model prediction. CONCLUSIONS This is the first report of a family suffering from short stature caused by IGHD II, which severely affects intracellular GH folding and stability as well as secretion, highlighting the necessity of functional analysis of any GH variant for defining new mechanisms as a cause for IGHD II.