836 resultados para quality management system, organizational culture assessment instrument, construction company, Indonesia


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal describir el funcionamiento y la manera como opera el área de RSE en BBVA Colombia. A razón de ello, suscitó un interés por ofrecer un marco de referencia teórico sobre la responsabilidad social, y sus implicaciones dentro de las organizaciones, en cuanto a cambios en el sistema de gestión, diseño estructural, y en la elaboración de nuevas políticas corporativas; derivando en una investigación más profunda sobre su aplicación práctica en las empresas, en términos de herramientas y esquemas.


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"A Administração Pública visa a prossecução do interesse público, no respeito pelos direitos e interesses legalmente protegidos dos Cidadãos" (art.º266 Constituição da República Portuguesa). Este estudo subordinado ao tema: "Satisfação dos utilizadores de um Serviço Público - Caso: Direcção Regional de Mobilidade e Transportes do Alentejo” centra-se na investigação, da satisfação e percepção do utilizador dos serviços, na sequência da sua utilização, como forma de satisfazer as suas necessidades. Esta investigação foi desenvolvida em duas partes, a primeira reflecte uma pesquisa teórica sobre a temática, objecto de estudo. A segunda, incidiu na análise e no tratamento dos dados, obtidos através de um questionário, distribuído aos utilizadores da D.R.M.T. Alentejo (Évora, Beja e Portalegre). /ABSTRACT: "The Government aims to further the public interest, while respecting the rights and legally protected interests of citizens" (Article 266 Constitution ofthe Portuguese). This study entitled "Users Satisfaction of a Public Service - Case: Regional Direction of Mobility and Transports of Alentejo" focuses on research, customer satisfaction and perception of the service user, following its use as a way to meet their needs. This research was conducted in two parts, the first reflects a theoretical research on the subject, the subject of study. The second, focused on analyzing and processing data, obtained through a questionnaire distributed to users.


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Diabetes is an increasing concern worldwide, including in developing countries such as Indonesia. It has often been suggested that the rise in this condition is associated with a “westernization” of behavior in developing societies as well as social change that is tending away from traditional lifestyles. In many cases, however, the nature and extent of such behavior change, as well as the segment of the population likely to be affected, is unclear. In Indonesia, for example, there is evidence that certain aspects of traditional behavior and food preferences are, in fact, likely to increase risk for diabetes, suggesting that factors such as increased life expectancy and increased standard of living are more significant in the rise in this illness than the adoption of an outside way of life. This paper will discuss the relationship of traditional behaviorand food preferences in the context of recent social and economic change to rising incidence of diabetes in Indonesia. Specifically, the situation in the province of West Sumatra will be considered as a case study of social change and cultural context in relation to diabetes.


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The paper charts the history and development of the Hong Kong Housing Department (HKHD) Performance Assessment Scoring System (PASS) from 1990 to the present day and examines its effect on facilitating change to the quality of construction work of building contractors engaged in the production of public sector housing projects Hong Kong. The paper builds partly on empirical research carried out by the author as part of a doctoral thesis from 2000 to 2005, on experiential knowledge and also on some relevant case studies. The outcomes from this earlier research and validation of PASS based on results derived from the system since the research was originally undertaken are of benefit to practitioners and academics working and studying in the areas of performance assessment and organisational culture and change. The conclusions presented in the paper further underpin the connection established in previous research between strong organisational culture and project and corporate success. Organisational culture was measured using a survey instrument originally developed by Denison and Neale (1994), adapted for the environment of the study, and corporate success was measured by the PASS system mentioned above. The major results of the original study indicate that there is significant linkage between strong organisational cultures and business success and the detailed findings were that, (1) strong organisational culture was positively associated a high level of company effectiveness, (2) a high level of company effectiveness was positively associated with the cultural traits of ‘consistency’, ‘adaptability’ and ‘mission’, and (3) a high level of company effectiveness was positively associated with the combined cultural traits represented by the dimensions of ‘external focus’ and ‘stable culture’. Several opportunities to take forward this research have been identified, including extending the study to other countries and also longitudinally re-evaluating some of the original case studies to ascertain how organisational cultures have changed or further developed in relation to the changing construction climate in Hong Kong.


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The purpose of Business Process Management (BPM) is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational processes through improvement and innovation. Despite a common understanding that culture is an important element in these efforts, there is a dearth of theoretical and empirical research on culture as a facilitator of successful BPM. We develop the BPM culture construct and propose a validated instrument with which to measure organizational cultures’ support of BPM. The operationalization of the BPM culture concept provides a theoretical foundation for future research and a tool to assist organizations in developing a cultural environment that supports successful BPM.


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This study examines the process by which newly recruited nuclear engineering and technical staff came to understand, define, think, feel and behave within a distinct group that has a direct contribution to the organization's overall emphasis on a culture of reliability and system safety. In the field of organizational behavior the interactive model of social identity formation has been recently proposed to explain the process by which the internalization of shared norms and values occurs, an element critical in identity formation. Using this rich model of organizational behavior we analyzed multiple sources of data from nine new hires over a period of three years. This was done from the time they were employed to investigate the construction of social identity by new entrants entering into a complex organizational setting reflected in the context of a nuclear facility. Informed by our data analyses, we found support for the interactive model of social identity development and report the unexpected finding that a newly appointed member's age and level of experience appears to influence the manner in which they adapt, and assimilate into their surroundings. This study represents an important contribution to the safety and reliability literature as it provides a rich insight into the way newly recruited employees enact the process by which their identities are formed and hence act, particularly under conditions of duress or significant organizational disruption in complex organizational settings.


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Observing the working procedure of construction workers is an effective means of maintaining the safety performance of a construction project. It is also difficult to achieve due to a high worker-to-safety-officer ratio. There is an imminent need for the development of a tool to assist in the real-time monitoring of workers, in order to reduce the number of construction accidents. The development and application of a real time locating system (RTLS) based on the Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) technique is described in this paper for tracking the real-time position of workers on construction sites. Experiments and tests were carried out both on- and off-site to verify the accuracy of static and dynamic targets by the system, indicating an average error of within one metre. Experiments were also carried out to verify the ability of the system to identify workers’ unsafe behaviours. Wireless data transfer was used to simplify the deployment of the system. The system was deployed in a public residential construction project and proved to be quick and simple to use. The cost of the developed system is also reported to be reasonable (around 1800USD) in this study and is much cheaper than the cost of other RTLS. In addition, the CCS technique is shown to provide an economical solution with reasonable accuracy compared with other positioning systems, such as ultra wideband. The study verifies the potential of the CCS technique to provide an effective and economical aid in the improvement of safety management in the construction industry.


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[Support Institutions:] Department of Administration of Health, University of Montreal, Canada Public Health School of Fudan University, Shanghai, China