974 resultados para property tax appeal
Jacket platform is the most widely used offshore platform. Steel rubber vibration isolator and damping isolation system are often used to reduce or isolate the ice-induced and seismic-induced vibrations. The previous experimental and theoretical studies concern mostly with dynamic properties, vibration isolation schemes and vibration-reduction effectiveness analysis. In this paper, the experiments on steel rubber vibration isolator were carried out to investigate the compressive properties and fatigue properties in different low temperature conditions. The results may provide some guidelines for design of steel rubber vibration isolator for offshore platform in a cold environment, and for maintenance and replacement of steel rubber vibration isolator, and also for fatigue life assessment of the steel rubber vibration isolator. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two common goals of this meeting are to arrest the effects of sea level rise and other phenomena caused by Greenhouse Gases from anthropogenic sources ("GHG",) and to mitigate the effects. The fundamental questions are: (1) how to get there and (2) who should shoulder the cost? Given Washington gridlock, states, NGO's and citizens such as the Inupiat of the Village of Kivalina have turned to the courts for solutions. Current actions for public nuisance seek (1) to reduce and eventually eliminate GHG emissions, (2) damages for health effects and property damage—plus hundreds of millions in dollars spent to prepare for the foregoing. The U.S. Court of Appeals just upheld the action against the generators of some 10% of the CO2 emissions from human activities in the U.S., clearing the way for a trial featuring the state of the art scientific linkage between GHG production and the effects of global warming. Climate change impacts on coastal regions manifest most prominently through sea level rise and its impacts: beach erosion, loss of private and public structures, relocation costs, loss of use and accompanying revenues (e.g. tourism), beach replenishment and armoring costs, impacts of flooding during high water events, and loss of tax base. Other effects may include enhanced storm frequency and intensity, increased insurance risks and costs, impacts to water supplies, fires and biological changes through invasions or local extinctions (IPCC AR4, 2007; Okmyung, et al., 2007). There is an increasing urgency for federal and state governments to focus on the local and regional levels and consistently provide the information, tools, and methods necessary for adaptation. Calls for action at all levels acknowledge that a viable response must engage federal, state and local expertise, perspectives, and resources in a coordinated and collaborative effort. A workshop held in December 2000 on coastal inundation and sea level rise proposes a shared framework that can help guide where investments should be made to enable states and local governments to assess impacts and initiate adaptation strategies over the next decade. (PDF contains 5 pages)
How is climate change affecting our coastal environment? How can coastal communities adapt to sea level rise and increased storm risk? These questions have garnered tremendous interest from scientists and policy makers alike, as the dynamic coastal environment is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Over half the world population lives and works in a coastal zone less than 120 miles wide, thereby being continuously affected by the changes in the coastal environment [6]. Housing markets are directly influenced by the physical processes that govern coastal systems. Beach towns like Oak Island in North Carolina (NC) face severe erosion, and the tax assesed value of one coastal property fell by 93% in 2007 [9]. With almost ninety percent of the sandy beaches in the US facing moderate to severe erosion [8], coastal communities often intervene to stabilize the shoreline and hold back the sea in order to protect coastal property and infrastructure. Beach nourishment, which is the process of rebuilding a beach by periodically replacing an eroding section of the beach with sand dredged from another location, is a policy for erosion control in many parts of the US Atlantic and Pacific coasts [3]. Beach nourishment projects in the United States are primarily federally funded and implemented by the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) after a benefit-cost analysis. Benefits from beach nourishment include reduction in storm damage and recreational benefits from a wider beach. Costs would include the expected cost of construction, present value of periodic maintenance, and any external cost such as the environmental cost associated with a nourishment project (NOAA). Federal appropriations for nourishment totaled $787 million from 1995 to 2002 [10]. Human interventions to stabilize shorelines and physical coastal dynamics are strongly coupled. The value of the beach, in the form of storm protection and recreation amenities, is at least partly capitalized into property values. These beach values ultimately influence the benefit-cost analysis in support of shoreline stabilization policy, which, in turn, affects the shoreline dynamics. This paper explores the policy implications of this circularity. With a better understanding of the physical-economic feedbacks, policy makers can more effectively design climate change adaptation strategies. (PDF contains 4 pages)
According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’s chapter “Coastal Systems” (Agardy and Alder 2005), 40% of the world population falls within 100 km of the coast. Agardy and Alder report that population densities in coastal regions are three times those of inland regions and demographic forecasts suggest a continued rise in coastal populations. These high population levels can be partially traced to the abundance of ecosystem services provided in the coastal zone. While populations benefit from an abundance of services, population pressure also degrades existing services and leads to increased susceptibility of property and human life to natural hazards. In the face of these challenges, environmental administrators on the coast must pursue agendas which reflect the difficult balance between private and public interests. These decisions include maintaining economic prosperity and personal freedoms, protecting or enhancing the existing flow of ecosystem services to society, and mitigating potential losses from natural hazards. (PDF contains 5 pages)
The influence of atomic densities on the propagation property for ultrashort pulses in a two-level atom (TLA) medium is investigated. With higher atomic densities, the self-induced transparency (SIT) cannot be recovered even for 2π ultrashort pulses. New features such as pulse splitting, red-shift and blue-shift of the corresponding spectra arise, and the component of central frequency gradually disappears.
4 p.
A presente tese tem por objetivo defender, sob a visão do direito civil-constitucional e da função promocional do direito, a inter-relação entre os direitos de posse, propriedade e do meio ambiente e a possibilidade de uma ponderação harmoniosa em caso de desequilíbrio entre esses direitos. Utiliza-se para tanto a dimensão analítica, empírica e normativa. A dimensão analítica tem por objetivo investigar os conceitos jurídicos envolvidos na pesquisa, especialmente em relação à propriedade e à sua função socioambiental. A relação entre tais conceitos sobressai através da análise da função socioambiental da propriedade, da posse enfatizando-se os aspectos da legislação ambiental. O direito fundamental ao meio ambiente é estudado como direito e dever de todos conforme disposto no art. 225 da Constituição de 1988, e, nesse ponto, diretamente eficaz nas relações interprivadas. Aborda-se, na dimensão empírica e normativa essencialmente aspectos práticos, com foco na jurisprudência, especialmente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ). A ponderação harmoniosa entre a propriedade, a posse e o meio ambiente, busca o equilíbrio na efetivação desses direitos, inclusive mediante a aplicação dos princípios do direito econômico. Por meio da ponderação, é possível alcançar, de forma mais eficiente do que o modelo tradicional de subsunção, uma resposta adequada e fundamentada para os casos difíceis, especialmente na efetivação e na restauração do equilíbrio entre a posse, a propriedade e o meio ambiente quando esses princípios, no caso concreto, colidem uns com os outros. Sobretudo, pretende-se concretizar os direitos fundamentais segundo exigências do pós-positivismo, por meio da aproximação entre o Direito e a Ética, com o fim de se alcançar a Justiça para o caso concreto.
This thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter we study the smooth sets with respect to a Borel equivalence realtion E on a Polish space X. The collection of smooth sets forms σ-ideal. We think of smooth sets as analogs of countable sets and we show that an analog of the perfect set theorem for Σ11 sets holds in the context of smooth sets. We also show that the collection of Σ11 smooth sets is ∏11 on the codes. The analogs of thin sets are called sparse sets. We prove that there is a largest ∏11 sparse set and we give a characterization of it. We show that in L there is a ∏11 sparse set which is not smooth. These results are analogs of the results known for the ideal of countable sets, but it remains open to determine if large cardinal axioms imply that ∏11 sparse sets are smooth. Some more specific results are proved for the case of a countable Borel equivalence relation. We also study I(E), the σ-ideal of closed E-smooth sets. Among other things we prove that E is smooth iff I(E) is Borel.
In chapter 2 we study σ-ideals of compact sets. We are interested in the relationship between some descriptive set theoretic properties like thinness, strong calibration and the covering property. We also study products of σ-ideals from the same point of view. In chapter 3 we show that if a σ-ideal I has the covering property (which is an abstract version of the perfect set theorem for Σ11 sets), then there is a largest ∏11 set in Iint (i.e., every closed subset of it is in I). For σ-ideals on 2ω we present a characterization of this set in a similar way as for C1, the largest thin ∏11 set. As a corollary we get that if there are only countable many reals in L, then the covering property holds for Σ12 sets.
If E and F are saturated formations, we say that E is strongly contained in F if for any solvable group G with E-subgroup, E, and F-subgroup, F, some conjugate of E is contained in F. In this paper, we investigate the problem of finding the formations which strongly contain a fixed saturated formation E.
Our main results are restricted to formations, E, such that E = {G|G/F(G) ϵT}, where T is a non-empty formation of solvable groups, and F(G) is the Fitting subgroup of G. If T consists only of the identity, then E=N, the class of nilpotent groups, and for any solvable group, G, the N-subgroups of G are the Carter subgroups of G.
We give a characterization of strong containment which depends only on the formations E, and F. From this characterization, we prove:
If T is a non-empty formation of solvable groups, E = {G|G/F(G) ϵT}, and E is strongly contained in F, then
(1) there is a formation V such that F = {G|G/F(G) ϵV}.
(2) If for each prime p, we assume that T does not contain the class, Sp’, of all solvable p’-groups, then either E = F, or F contains all solvable groups.
This solves the problem for the Carter subgroups.
We prove the following result to show that the hypothesis of (2) is not redundant:
If R = {G|G/F(G) ϵSr’}, then there are infinitely many formations which strongly contain R.
O cálculo da área de poligonais geodésicas é um desafio matemático instigante. Como calcular a área de uma poligonal sobre o elipsóide, se seus lados não possuem parametrização conhecida? Alguns trabalhos já foram desenvolvidos no intuito de solucionar este problema, empregando, em sua maioria, sistemas projetivos equivalentes ou aproximações sobre esferas autálicas. Tais métodos aproximam a superfície de referência elipsoidal por outras de mais fácil tratamento matemático, porém apresentam limitação de emprego, pois uma única superfície não poderia ser empregada para todo o planeta, sem comprometer os cálculos realizados sobre ela. No Código de Processo Civil, Livro IV, Título I, Capítulo VIII, Seção III artigo 971 diz, em seu parágrafo único, que não havendo impugnação, o juiz determinará a divisão geodésica do imóvel. Além deste, existe ainda a Lei 10.267/2001, que regula a obrigatoriedade, para efetivação de registro, dos vértices definidores dos limites dos imóveis rurais terem suas coordenadas georreferenciadas ao Sistema Geodésico Brasileiro (SGB), sendo que áreas de imóveis menores que quatro módulos fiscais terão garantida isenção de custos financeiros.Este trabalho visa fornecer uma metodologia de cálculo de áreas para poligonais geodésicas, ou loxodrômicas, diretamente sobre o elipsóide, bem como fornecer um programa que execute as rotinas elaboradas nesta dissertação. Como a maioria dos levantamentos geodésicos é realizada usando rastreadores GPS, a carga dos dados é pautada em coordenadas (X, Y, Z), empregando o Sistema Geodésico WGS-84, fornecendo a área geodésica sem a necessidade de um produto tipo SIG. Para alcançar o objetivo deste trabalho, foi desenvolvida parametrização diferente da abordagem clássica da Geodésia geométrica, para transformar as coordenadas (X, Y, Z) em geodésicas.
Com o crescimento desordenado das cidades, surgiu a necessidade de um planejamento urbano adequado, que garantisse a dignidade da pessoa humana e o respeito aos direitos fundamentais. Em um sistema tributário inchado, com reformas desastrosas e o colapso financeiro de Municípios, alternativas de solução para o problema do crescimento das cidades são essenciais. A contribuição de melhoria, tributo pioneiramente previsto na Constituição Federal de 1934, é uma dessas alternativas, na medida em que pode representar importante e justo meio de obtenção de recursos públicos que financiem políticas urbanas. Ademais, o tributo em questão atende aos princípios jurídicos, como o da capacidade contributiva e aquele que veda o enriquecimento sem causa. A contribuição de melhoria, inspirada particularmente no special assessment do direito norte-americano e na betterment tax inglesa, também é uma expressiva forma de consagração da função social da propriedade. A depender de vontade política e de iniciativas administrativas, a contribuição de melhoria pode gerar resultados inusitados para a ordenação do crescimento das cidades no Brasil, para o atendimento da função social da propriedade e para o respeito aos direitos fundamentais, daí dever-se reconhecer seu caráter de relevante instrumento de política urbana.
We studied the phagocytic-like capacity of human CD34+ stromal cells/telocytes (TCs). For this, we examined segments of the colon after injection of India ink to help surgeons localize lesions identified at endoscopy. Our results demonstrate that CD34+ TCs have endocytic properties (phagocytic-like TCs: phTCs), with the capacity to uptake and store India ink particles. phTCs conserve the characteristics of TCs (long, thin, bipolar or multipolar, moniliform cytoplasmic processes/telopodes, with linear distribution of the pigment) and maintain their typical distribution. Likewise, they are easily distinguished from pigment-loaded macrophages (CD68+ macrophages, with oval morphology and coarse granules of pigment clustered in their cytoplasm). A few c-kit/CD117+ interstitial cells of Cajal also incorporate pigment and may conserve the phagocytic-like property of their probable TC precursors. CD34+ stromal cells in other locations (skin and periodontal tissues) also have the phagocytic-like capacity to uptake and store pigments (hemosiderin, some components of dental amalgam and melanin). This suggests a function of TCs in general, which may be related to the transfer of macromolecules in these cells. Our ultrastructural observation of melanin-storing stromal cells with characteristics of TCs (telopodes with dichotomous branching pattern) favours this possibility. In conclusion, intestinal TCs have a phagocytic-like property, a function that may be generalized to TCs in other locations. This function (the ability to internalize small particles), together with the capacity of these cells to release extracellular vesicles with macromolecules, could close the cellular bidirectional cooperative circle of informative exchange and intercellular interactions.