970 resultados para production process


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Sustainability has been moving up on the business agenda in recent decades, and many methods to assess corporate sustainability have already been created. One of the most used and reliable methods is the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Given the importance of sustainability for society and organizations, this study examined sustainability reports published by mining companies – Alcoa, Vale and Samarco – since 2006. The objective was to verify the indicators that contribute most to the minimization of environmental impacts and the improvement of environmental performance. The methodology consisted of collecting and analyzing data from the GRI sustainability reports. It was discovered that the sustainability reports helped the companies to identify improvement opportunities and it is essential companies provide in their reports an economic, environmental and social context of their activities. Furthermore, it was found out that the indicators related to atmospheric emissions, solid waste generation, environmental protection expenditure, and the consumption of raw materials, energy and water are the ones more attached to the production process, which means they are the main contributors for the environmental performance improvement


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Large electric motors require greater care when driving, especially during continuous operation since they are part of day-to-day manufacturing sector, acting essentially to ensure that no damage occurs to the production process and equipment that are part of the same system. This work includes the analysis of electrical protection in a system comprised of a three phase induction motor driven by a frequency converter as well as an analysis of the functions of a multifunction electronic relay. It is presented a comparison between the existing functions in a converter and a relay and a real case is described in order to exemplify the use of an electric motor and features that are aimed at their protection, and the system in which it is inserted. Based on the results, it is of great importance in this field of performance studies, generating relevant results, which may be exposed in order to unify into a single document, different sources of information that are arranged randomly, improve utilization motor and extend the life of equipment forming part of the electrical installation


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The competitiveness among global markets, the constant need for reducing manufacturing costs and also the growing environmental commitments are fueling the development of techniques for recovery residual parts generated by industrial processes. Among the various areas of a company, we highlight those that involve the processing of raw materials derived from oil, such as polymers (resins), which may take centuries to decompose in the environment and also present as a economic and environmentally strategic point. Thus, this study would examine the recovery of waste polypropylene, from the injection process of a major multinational in the field of home appliances through the recycling by a process comprising the milling, extrusion and chipping of waste material. Easy to deploy, this proposal aims to reduce levels negligible disposal (scrap) of these residues as well as the reintegration of the production process into pieces no visual and no structural importance, aimed at cutting costs and reducing environmental impacts caused. After the survey data in kilograms of waste material generated in a given period of time, and the study of changes in material properties, it would enable the reuse steadily in the injection process


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The current competitiveness of the market has generated the need to minimize the cost of production companies in any field of activity, aimed at reducing the cost of production, the cost of purchasing and manufacturing processes interruption of manufacturing processes for possible maintenance. In this sense, companies are seeking methods to improve and streamline their production line. In ceramics industries, cooking the pieces is the portion of the production process that influences the total costs. The oven construction and maintenance represent a large portion embedded in the cost of the final ceramic product. The proposal for a type of oven for baking the parts that takes into account a better burning process, knowledge of the causes of disease and cost analysis of purchasing both of the constituent materials and labor for its construction, can be significant importance to the composition of final product costs or time analysis of ROI. It is proposed a streamlined design of an oven that takes into account the positive characteristics of the furnaces already built and that the experience has endorsed, and also others that are added at the end, lead to a reduction in production cost, the cost income and the number of pathologies arising from wear of the furnace along the lifespan. Therefore, according to the experiences gained over the years in the construction of furnaces and experience of manufacturing of ceramic, it is proposed a project that has an oven improvement over those now being built and that include, among other topics, economy in fuel burning, streamlining the building process


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The growing demand for quality at competitive prices and fast production process put to the test function in the industrial Maintenance. The need for equipment with high availability to fit this fierce competitiveness makes maintenance becomes essentially reliable. Despite this current context, many companies still have an old view of maintenance, focused only on corrective services, and proposals for change are often neglected due to the sense of urgency day to day. Thus, this study aims to demonstrate through theoretical applicability of simple tool, but of great value in increasing reliability within the maintenance sector of an industry, applying the concepts of Reliability Centered Maintenance – RCM and Analysis tool Failure Modes and Effects – FMEA in equipment of a chemical company directly involved in the manufacturing process of the brake fluid, which this product is used in vehicles around the country. That way, you can identify the types, occurrence and criticality of each failure and evaluate assertively decision making for each device, avoiding unnecessary downtime and potential failures of the same


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The goal of this work is to report some problems that occur in the in the production of aluminum billets (series 6XXX) produced by the hot top process in the Alcoa aluminum Inc. The aluminum fabrication process is described from its first stage, since the mining until the reduction, smelting and treatment of the metal. One of the plant’s final product, are billets for clients that produce profiles by extrusion. The product’s final quality highly depends on the whole production process. Therefore it’s necessary to use good practices in the treatment of the metal, follow up its fabrication and control its thermal treatment, in order to meet the required standards to satisfy the clients. The billet’s production method and its variables will be detailed through temperature and casting speed, cone of water flow, cooling rate, duration of thermal treatment, degassing and metal “in line “filtering, in other words when it’s still found in its liquid state. The non-conformities of the process were studied by metallographic analysis, both macrostutural and microstructural that will be described and discussed in this work


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The sustainable development is the center of many discussions about the environment, economy and society. Environmental issues bring out problems with the fauna and flora, water resources, land use, population growth, residues, basic sanitation, and others. In this sense, the aim of the present work was to develop an environmental diagnostics and propose measures to mitigate the most significant environmental impacts generated by four enterprises in Antonio Crepaldi Industrial District, located at the city of Presidente Prudente/SP. In the study, it was used the methodology proposed by Moreira (2006), and it was done the following activities: monitoring and analyses of the production process, identification of potential environmental aspects and impacts; assessment of the impacts according to its nature, relevance and significance; proposition of measures to mitigate the critical impacts. As a final result, it was obtained an environmental diagnosis about the situation of each of the four companies studied, and it was possible to know the level of criticality of the impacts in each one, and proposing mitigation measures to control or minimizing them, bringing many benefits to the organization


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Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a foodborne pathogen associated with enteritis in humans, ranging from a mild to bloody diarrhea to hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and even death. Large E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks have been reported worldwide and are frequently associated with consumption of undercooked beef. Cattle are a major reservoir of the pathogen, which is found in the intestinal tract of the animal. The carcasses can be contaminated with feces during the slaughter and production process. Ground beef remains the most common vehicle. The purpose of this study was to determine the E. coli O157:H7 importance associated to human illness and productivity losses to the meat industry, as well as identifying mechanisms of contamination related to beef and strategies to improve the safety of beef products


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Through observation of production process of a Vale do Paraiba’s automobile industry, one can encounter in need of improvement related to large uncertainties and variations in the production environment, a fact that inspired the search for solutions that can respond quickly to these changes. This way, the paper describes the development of a flexible manufacturing model, which aims to optimize the process in an automotive sub-assembly industry of the Paraíba Valley. The main objective is to propose a method to promote viable alternatives to easing the assembly of parallel sub performed the assembly of cars. For the construction of the model was necessary to explore concepts of flexible manufacturing and making the data presented in literature, which were vital to ensure the development of the method. The concepts discussed are usually presented at an undergraduate degree in Engineering. Data compiled by the model are able to serve as a strategic benchmark for decision making by managers. Featuring alternative response variables and uncertainties of the organizational environment, a fact that facilitates the management of human resources and productive


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TThis work deals with present how to increase the accuracy of productivity indicators, aiming to increase the information accuracy of performance indicators and propose improvements to the process in question, more specifically to improve the visualization of information from these indicators for all hierarchical levels of the company, and then make possible use them to assist in the processes of decision making and planning of the production process. We start with an analysis of the current process to be studied seeking sources of information losses during the production process. Afterwards, a specific analysis of the points considered critical, so alternatives are raised for improvements to these points. This project has some specific tools and methodologies that guide the development of work which are required of any project carried out in the company


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This work has in its outline the analysis of the mechanical properties of the composition of plastic residues, denominated “plastic wood”, aiming at establishing technical parameters for application of this material in substitution to the natural wood. Plastic-Wood is basically, a combination of several kind of plastic, previously selected, washed, dried and without metallic particles, which are agglomerated, extruded or introduced into a mold. The manufacturer can choose different formats and colors. During this monograph it can be observed the use of several kind of plastic, their mechanical properties and the plastic-wood production process. Also are presented features and applications of natural wood, in order to better compare their uses in several applications


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Through observation of the production process industries today, one can encounter the needs of the large uncertainties related improvements and changes in the production environment, a fact that inspired the search for solutions that can respond quickly to these changes. Thus, this paper describes the review of implementation of TPM (total productivity management), which aims to optimize two distinct processes in the Vale do Paraíba´s pharmaceutical industry one of through the pillar of specific improvement. The main objective is to propose an efficient alternative to proposing loss management processes by identifying and eliminating the same in a systematic process. To develop this analysis was necessary to explore concepts of TPM and tools that help in taking data, identification and clarification of the phenomena that cause failures in the process, which were essential to ensure the development of the analysis. The concepts covered are usually presented during an undergraduate degree in Engineering. Data compiled by the analysis are able to serve as a strategic benchmark for decision making by managers, providing alternative response variables and uncertainty of the organizational environment, a fact that facilitates the management of human resources and productive


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As we focusing in the Brazilian rural area we see that it presents the spatial diversity and the different organization forms of the space arising from its diversity, tied to the different economic, social, politic and cultural contexts .These contextual diversities bring results that is not limited to the agrarian sector, but get beyond the border of the rural world, taking different ways of organization and structuring in the urban areas. The building and management of the rural spaces are constituted as an attribute of the agricultural production that in the course of the centuries made disappear and reduce significant proportions from the natural areas. In many places, the intensification of the production process gives satisfaction to the globalized markets and that return allows the reproduction of the productive conditions. In other areas the access difficulties to the market and the proximity to the developed urban centers cause the abandonment of the agricultural activity and the maintenance of property without production or with specific services (tourism, for example). That process triggers a multiplicity of factors that are defining the pace of the rural areas in Brazil. This work sought to understand all the deals of the ‘’rural’’ county of Rio Claro-SP and what’s the role and the situation that we find the familiar agriculture in the advanced urban areas, which is the case of this study. Where the agriculture doesn’t represent the flagship of the economy. It was the intention, identify what activities and practices socio-spatial are developed in the county rural area. Trying to understand the public politics acts in the promotion and encouragement to the already developed activities or even other activities that can represent the possibility of a social and territorial reproduction of the families on the country


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In today's competitive environment of automakers, it is essential to obtain the highest efficiency of the production process. This paper presents a study in a pre-assembly of brake pipes and fuel of a vehicle where the value stream maps and information (VSM – Value Stream Mapping) were designed in order to improve the process by reducing the Lead Time Production of a product, reducing waste and decrease time between processes. This work can be divided into three stages, the first building the VSM of the initial state, the second VSM of the proposed state and finally the VSM than was actually performed and to present the gains were achieved effectively. The proposed VSM would lead to a gain of 54% in lead time and 61% in processing time, since the VSM implemented had gains of 47% in lead time and 48% in processing time even without major investments as originally proposed. Concluding that even without big investment, using the techniques of lean manufacturing is possible to achieve high levels of process efficiency


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This study aimed to evaluate the physico-mechanical performance of three PVA adhesive formulations according to the Brazilian standards for plywood testing and to evaluate the results with those presented in the technical literature and specified in normative documents. The study presents the production process of the panels, the obtaining of samples and, finally, the implementation of physico-mechanical characterization tests based on plywood Brazilian standards. For the panels production it was used a gramature of 120 g / m² and applied a pressure of 15 bars and two temperature combinations and pressing time for each adhesive. The commercial adhesives used were PVA 1810, PVA 1060 and Vinyltec 239. The physical tests conducted were thickness swelling, density, moisture content and water absorption. The mechanical tests were static flexion, for the determination of elasticity modulus (MOE) and rupture modulus (MOR), and shear in the glue line. Among the three formulations studied none showed good performance in the presence of water. However, other trials in the adhesive showed better results and closer to the commercially equivalent used, in the case the urea-formaldehyde, was the PVA 1810, that can be applied in non-structural uses and in environments without the presence of moisture