965 resultados para prism-waveguide coupler


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The use of guided ultrasonic waves (GUW) has increased considerably in the fields of non-destructive (NDE) testing and structural health monitoring (SHM) due to their ability to perform long range inspections, to probe hidden areas as well as to provide a complete monitoring of the entire waveguide. Guided waves can be fully exploited only once their dispersive properties are known for the given waveguide. In this context, well stated analytical and numerical methods are represented by the Matrix family methods and the Semi Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) methods. However, while the former are limited to simple geometries of finite or infinite extent, the latter can model arbitrary cross-section waveguides of finite domain only. This thesis is aimed at developing three different numerical methods for modelling wave propagation in complex translational invariant systems. First, a classical SAFE formulation for viscoelastic waveguides is extended to account for a three dimensional translational invariant static prestress state. The effect of prestress, residual stress and applied loads on the dispersion properties of the guided waves is shown. Next, a two-and-a-half Boundary Element Method (2.5D BEM) for the dispersion analysis of damped guided waves in waveguides and cavities of arbitrary cross-section is proposed. The attenuation dispersive spectrum due to material damping and geometrical spreading of cavities with arbitrary shape is shown for the first time. Finally, a coupled SAFE-2.5D BEM framework is developed to study the dispersion characteristics of waves in viscoelastic waveguides of arbitrary geometry embedded in infinite solid or liquid media. Dispersion of leaky and non-leaky guided waves in terms of speed and attenuation, as well as the radiated wavefields, can be computed. The results obtained in this thesis can be helpful for the design of both actuation and sensing systems in practical application, as well as to tune experimental setup.


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Advanced optical biosensor platforms exploiting long range surface plasmons (LRSPs) and responsive N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm) hydrogel binding matrix for the detection of protein and bacterial pathogen analytes were carried out. LRSPs are optical waves that originate from coupling of surface plasmons on the opposite sites of a thin metallic film embedded between two dielectrics with similar refractive indices. LRSPs exhibit orders of magnitude lower damping and more extended profile of field compared to regular surface plasmons (SPs). Their excitation is accompanied with narrow resonance and provides stronger enhancement of electromagnetic field intensity that can advance the sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) biosensors. Firstly, we investigated thin gold layers deposited on fluoropolymer surface for the excitation of LRSPs. The study indicates that the morphological, optical and electrical properties of gold film can be changed by the surface energy of fluoropolymer and affect the performance of a SPFS biosensor. A photo-crosslinkable NIPAAm hydrogel was grafted to the sensor surface in order to serve as a binding matrix. It was modified with bio-recognition elements (BREs) via amine coupling chemistry and offered the advantage of large binding capacity, stimuli responsive properties and good biocompatibility. Through experimental observations supported by numerical simulations describing diffusion mass transfer and affinity binding of target molecules in the hydrogel, the hydrogel binding matrix thickness, concentration of BREs and the profile of the probing evanescent field was optimized. Hydrogel with a up to micrometer thickness was shown to support additional hydrogel optical waveguide (HOW) mode which was employed for probing affinity binding events in the gel by means of refractometric and fluorescence measurements. These schemes allow to reach limits of detection (LODs) at picomolar and femtomolar levels, respectively. Besides hydrogel based experiments for detection of molecular analytes, long range surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (LRSP-FS) was employed for detection of bacterial pathogens. The influence of capture efficiency of bacteria on surfaces and the profile of the probing field on sensor response were investigated. The potential of LRSP-FS with extended evanescent field is demonstrated for detection of pathogenic E. coli O157:H7 on sandwich immunoassays . LOD as low as 6 cfu mL-1 with a detection time of 40 minutes was achieved.rn


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In this report a new automated optical test for next generation of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) is provided by the test-bed design and assessment. After a briefly analysis of critical problems of actual optical tests, the main test features are defined: automation and flexibility, relaxed alignment procedure, speed up of entire test and data reliability. After studying varied solutions, the test-bed components are defined to be lens array, photo-detector array, and software controller. Each device is studied and calibrated, the spatial resolution, and reliability against interference at the photo-detector array are studied. The software is programmed in order to manage both PIC input, and photo-detector array output as well as data analysis. The test is validated by analysing state-of-art 16 ports PIC: the waveguide location, current versus power, and time-spatial power distribution are measured as well as the optical continuity of an entire path of PIC. Complexity, alignment tolerance, time of measurement are also discussed.


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Hydrogels are used in a variety of applications in daily life, such as super absorbers, contact lenses and in drug delivery. Functional hydrogels that allow the incorporation of additional functionalities have enormous potential for future development. The properties of such hydrogels can be diversified by introducing responsiveness to external stimuli. These crosslinked polymers are known to respond to changes in temperature, pH and pressure, as well as chemical and electrical stimuli, magnetic fields and irradiation. From this responsive behavior possible applications arise in many fields like drug delivery, tissue engineering, purification and implementation as actuators, biosensors or for medical coatings. However, their interaction with biomaterial and way of functioning are yet not fully understood. Therefore, thorough investigations regarding their optical, mechanical and chemical nature have to be conducted. A UV-crosslinkable polymer, consisting of N-isopropylacrylamide, methacrylic acid and the UV-crosslinker 4-benzoylphenyl methacrylate was synthesized. Its composition, determined by a comprehensive NMR study, is equivalent to the composition of the monomer mixture. The chemical characteristics were preserved during the subsequently formation of hydrogel films by photo-crosslinking as proved by XPS. For the optical characterization, e.g. the degree of swelling of very thin films, the spectroscopy of coupled long range surface plasmons is introduced. Thicker films, able to guide light waves were analyzed with combined surface plasmon and optical waveguide mode spectroscopy (SPR/OWS). The evaluation of the data was facilitated by the reverse Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation. The meshsize and proper motion of the surface anchored hydrogels were investigated by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), micro photon correlation spectroscopy (µPCS) and SPR/OWS. The studied gels exhibit a meshsize that allowed for the diffusion of small biomolecules inside their network. For future enhancement of probing diffusants, a dye that enables FRET in FCS was immobilized in the gel and the diffusion of gold-nanoparticles embedded in the polymer solution was studied by PCS. These properties can be conveniently tuned by the crosslinking density, which depends on the irradiation dose. Additionally, protocols and components for polymer analogous reactions based on active ester chemistry of the hydrogel were developed. Based on these syntheses and investigations, the hydrogel films are applied in the fields of medical coatings as well as in biosensing as matrix and biomimetic cushion. Their non-adhesive properties were proved in cell experiments, SPR/OWS and ToF-SIMS studies. The functionality and non-fouling property of the prepared hydrogels allowed for adaption to the needs of the respective application.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung und Erprobung zweier neuer dynamischer Lichtstreumethoden: Die Resonanz verstärkte Lichtstreuung (REDLS: resonance enhanced dynamic light scattering) und die Wellenleiter verstärkte Lichtstreuung (WEDLS: waveguide enhanced dynamic light scattering). Beide Methoden verwenden eine Kombination aus evaneszenten Wellen und dynamischer Lichtstreuung: Bei der REDLS-Technik wird das evaneszentes Feld eines Oberflächenplasmons verwendet, bei der WEDLS-Technik handelt es sich um das evaneszente Feld von Metallfilm verstärkten Leckwellenleitermoden. Die neuen Methoden liefern Informationen über die Dynamik an Grenzflächen über ein breites Zeitfenster (einige Nanosekunden bis hin zu mehreren Sekunden) mit einer räumlichen Auflösung im sub-Mikrometerbereich. Sie erweitern somit das Gebiet der dynamischen Lichtstreuung in evaneszenter Geometrie, bei dem bislang nur die evanescent wave dynamic light scattering (EWDLS) - Technik zur Verfügung stand. Bei der EWDLS-Technik wird das evaneszente Feld der Totalreflexion als kohärenter Lichtstrahl für die dynamische Lichtstreuung verwendet. Ein Vergleich mit der EWDLS-Technik zeigt ein stark erhöhtes Signal/Rausch-Verhältnis bei den neu entwickelten Techniken aufgrund der resonanten Anregung. Zusätzlich ist es sowohl bei der REDLS- als auch bei der WEDLS-Technik möglich Grenzflächenmodifikationen und damit z.B. Adsorptionsprozesse zu detektieren. Der Einfluss einer Grenzfläche auf die Diffusion von PS-Latex-Partikeln wurde untersucht. Die Grenzfläche bestand im Fall der REDLS-Technik aus Gold, bei der WEDLS-Technik aus PMMA. Die Funktionsweise und die Gültigkeit der neu entwickelten Techniken wurde mit Hilfe von PS-Latex-Partikeln mit hydrodynamischen Radien von R =11nm bis hin zu R=204nm demonstriert.


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This dissertation deals with the design and the characterization of novel reconfigurable silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices to filter and route optical signals on-chip. Design is carried out through circuit simulations based on basic circuit elements (Building Blocks, BBs) in order to prove the feasibility of an approach allowing to move the design of Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) toward the system level. CMOS compatibility and large integration scale make SOI one of the most promising material to realize PICs. The concepts of generic foundry and BB based circuit simulations for the design are emerging as a solution to reduce the costs and increase the circuit complexity. To validate the BB based approach, the development of some of the most important BBs is performed first. A novel tunable coupler is also presented and it is demonstrated to be a valuable alternative to the known solutions. Two novel multi-element PICs are then analysed: a narrow linewidth single mode resonator and a passband filter with widely tunable bandwidth. Extensive circuit simulations are carried out to determine their performance, taking into account fabrication tolerances. The first PIC is based on two Grating Assisted Couplers in a ring resonator (RR) configuration. It is shown that a trade-off between performance, resonance bandwidth and device footprint has to be performed. The device could be employed to realize reconfigurable add-drop de/multiplexers. Sensitivity with respect to fabrication tolerances and spurious effects is however observed. The second PIC is based on an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer loaded with two RRs. Overall good performance and robustness to fabrication tolerances and nonlinear effects have confirmed its applicability for the realization of flexible optical systems. Simulated and measured devices behaviour is shown to be in agreement thus demonstrating the viability of a BB based approach to the design of complex PICs.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen des konjugierten Modell-Polymers MEH-PPV untersucht. Dazu wurde Fällungs-fraktionierung eingesetzt, um MEH-PPV mit unterschiedlichem Molekulargewicht (Mw) zu erhalten, insbesondere MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw, da dieses für optische Wellenleiterbauelemente optimal geeignet ist Wir konnten feststellen, dass die Präparation einer ausreichenden Menge von MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw und geringer Mw-Verteilung wesentlich von der geeigneten Wahl des Lösungsmittels und der Temperatur während der Zugabe des Fällungsmittels abhängt. Alternativ dazu wurden UV-induzierte Kettenspaltungseffekte untersucht. Wir folgern aus dem Vergleich beider Vorgehensweisen, dass die Fällungsfraktionierung verglichen mit der UV-Behandlung besser geeignet ist zur Herstellung von MEH-PPV mit spezifischem Mw, da das UV-Licht Kettendefekte längs des Polymerrückgrats erzeugt. 1H NMR and FTIR Spektroskopie wurden zur Untersuchung dieser Kettendefekte herangezogen. Wir konnten außerdem beobachten, dass die Wellenlängen der Absorptionsmaxima der MEH-PPV Fraktionen mit der Kettenlänge zunehmen bis die Zahl der Wiederholeinheiten n  110 erreicht ist. Dieser Wert ist signifikant größer als früher berichtet. rnOptische Eigenschaften von MEH-PPV Wellenleitern wurden untersucht und es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die optischen Konstanten ausgezeichnet reproduzieren lassen. Wir haben die Einflüsse der Lösungsmittel und Temperatur beim Spincoaten auf Schichtdicke, Oberflächenrauigkeit, Brechungsindex, Doppelbrechung und Wellenleiter-Dämpfungsverlust untersucht. Wir fanden, dass mit der Erhöhung der Siedetemperatur der Lösungsmittel die Schichtdicke und die Rauigkeit kleiner werden, während Brechungsindex, Doppelbrechung sowie Wellenleiter-Dämpfungsverluste zunahmen. Wir schließen daraus, dass hohe Siedetemperaturen der Lösungsmittel niedrige Verdampfungsraten erzeugen, was die Aggregatbildung während des Spincoatings begünstigt. Hingegen bewirkt eine erhöhte Temperatur während der Schichtpräparation eine Erhöhung von Schichtdicke und Rauhigkeit. Jedoch nehmen Brechungsindex und der Doppelbrechung dabei ab.rn Für die Schichtpräparation auf Glassubstraten und Quarzglas-Fasern kam das Dip-Coating Verfahren zum Einsatz. Die Schichtdicke der Filme hängt ab von Konzentration der Lösung, Transfergeschwindigkeit und Immersionszeit. Mit Tauchbeschichtung haben wir Schichten von MEH-PPV auf Flaschen-Mikroresonatoren aufgebracht zur Untersuchung von rein-optischen Schaltprozessen. Dieses Verfahren erweist sich insbesondere für MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw als vielversprechend für die rein-optische Signalverarbeitung mit großer Bandbreite.rn Zusätzlich wurde auch die Morphologie dünner Schichten aus anderen PPV-Derivaten mit Hilfe von FTIR Spektroskopie untersucht. Wir konnten herausfinden, dass der Alkyl-Substitutionsgrad einen starken Einfluss auf die mittlere Orientierung der Polymerrückgrate in dünnen Filmen hat.rn


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Il presente lavoro di ricerca si propone di discutere il contributo che l’analisi dell’evoluzione storica del pensiero politico occidentale e non occidentale riveste nel percorso intellettuale compiuto dai fondatori della teoria contemporanea dell’approccio delle capacità, fondata e sistematizzata nei suoi contorni speculativi a partire dagli anni Ottanta dal lavoro congiunto dell’economista indiano Amartya Sen e della filosofa dell’Università di Chicago Martha Nussbaum. Ci si ripropone di dare conto del radicamento filosofico-politico del lavoro intellettuale di Amartya Sen, le cui concezioni economico-politiche non hanno mai rinunciato ad una profonda sensibilità di carattere etico, così come dei principali filoni intorno ai quali si è imbastita la versione nussbaumiana dell’approccio delle capacità a partire dalla sua ascendenza filosofica classica in cui assume una particolare primazia il sistema etico-politico di Aristotele. Il pensiero politico moderno, osservato sotto il prisma della riflessione sulla filosofia della formazione che per Sen e Nussbaum rappresenta la “chiave di volta” per la fioritura delle altre capacità individuali, si organizzerà intorno a tre principali indirizzi teorici: l’emergenza dei diritti positivi e sociali, il dibattito sulla natura della consociazione nell’ambito della dottrina contrattualista e la stessa discussione sui caratteri delle politiche formative. La sensibilità che Sen e Nussbaum mostrano nei confronti dell’evoluzione del pensiero razionalista nel subcontinente che passa attraverso teorici antichi (Kautylia e Ashoka) e moderni (Gandhi e Tagore) segna il tentativo operato dai teorici dell’approccio delle capacità di contrastare concezioni politiche contemporanee fondate sul culturalismo e l’essenzialismo nell’interpretare lo sviluppo delle tradizioni culturali umane (tra esse il multiculturalismo, il comunitarismo, il neorealismo politico e la teoria dei c.d. “valori asiatici”) attraverso la presa di coscienza di un corredo valoriale incentrato intorno al ragionamento rintracciabile (ancorché in maniera sporadica e “parallela”) altresì nelle tradizioni culturali e politiche non occidentali.


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Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) is rapidly emerging as a very promising material platform for integrated photonics. As it combines the potential for optoelectronic integration with the low-cost and large volume manufacturing capabilities and they are already accumulate a huge amount of applications in areas like sensing, quantum optics, optical telecommunications and metrology. One of the main limitations of current technology is that waveguide propagation losses are still much higher than in standard glass-based platform because of many reasons such as bends, surface roughness and the very strong optical confinement provided by SOI. Such high loss prevents the fabrication of efficient optical resonators and complex devices severely limiting the current potential of the SOI platform. The project in the first part deals with the simple waveguides loss problem and trying to link that with the polarization problem and the loss based on Fabry-Perot Technique. The second part of the thesis deals with the Bragg Grating characterization from again the point of view of the polarization effect which leads to a better stop-band use filters. To a better comprehension a brief review on the basics of the SOI and the integrated Bragg grating ends up with the fabrication techniques and some of its applications will be presented in both parts, until the end of both the third and the fourth chapters to some results which hopefully make its precedent explanations easier to deal with.


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Surface platforms were engineered from poly(L-lysine)-graft-poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PLL-g-PMOXA) copolymers to study the mechanisms involved in the non-specific adhesion of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. Copolymers with three different grafting densities (PMOXA chains/Lysine residue of 0.09, 0.33 and 0.56) were synthesized and assembled on niobia (Nb O ) surfaces. PLL-modified and bare niobia surfaces served as controls. To evaluate the impact of fimbriae expression on the bacterial adhesion, the surfaces were exposed to genetically engineered E. coli strains either lacking, or constitutively expressing type 1 fimbriae. The bacterial adhesion was strongly influenced by the presence of bacterial fimbriae. Non-fimbriated bacteria behaved like hard, charged particles whose adhesion was dependent on surface charge and ionic strength of the media. In contrast, bacteria expressing type 1 fimbriae adhered to the substrates independent of surface charge and ionic strength, and adhesion was mediated by non-specific van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions of the proteins at the fimbrial tip. Adsorbed polymer mass, average surface density of the PMOXA chains, and thickness of the copolymer films were quantified by optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS) and variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), whereas the lateral homogeneity was probed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Streaming current measurements provided information on the charge formation of the polymer-coated and the bare niobia surfaces. The adhesion of both bacterial strains could be efficiently inhibited by the copolymer film only with a grafting density of 0.33 characterized by the highest PMOXA chain surface density and a surface potential close to zero.


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the modern joint protection (JP) concept for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an active coping strategy to improve daily tasks and role performance by changing working methods and using assistive devices. Effective group JP education includes psycho-educational interventions. The Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure (PRISM) is an interactive hands-on-tool, assessing (a) the individual's perceived burden of illness and (b) relevant individual resources. Both issues are important for intrinsic motivation to take action and change behaviour. This study compared individual conventional JP education (C-JP) with PRISM-based JP education (PRISM-JP).


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This work covers the synthesis of second-generation, ethylene glycol dendrons covalently linked to a surface anchor that contains two, three, or four catechol groups, the molecular assembly in aqueous buffer on titanium oxide surfaces, and the evaluation of the resistance of the monomolecular adlayers against nonspecific protein adsorption in contact with full blood serum. The results were compared to those of a linear poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) analogue with the same molecular weight. The adsorption kinetics as well as resulting surface coverages were monitored by ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), in situ optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) investigations. The expected compositions of the macromolecular films were verified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results of the adsorption study, performed in a high ionic strength ("cloud-point") buffer at room temperature, demonstrate that the adsorption kinetics increase with increasing number of catechol binding moieties and exceed the values found for the linear PEG analogue. This is attributed to the comparatively smaller and more confined molecular volume of the dendritic macromolecules in solution, the improved presentation of the catechol anchor, and/or their much lower cloud-point in the chosen buffer (close to room temperature). Interestingly, in terms of mechanistic aspects of "nonfouling" surface properties, the dendron films were found to be much stiffer and considerably less hydrated in comparison to the linear PEG brush surface, closer in their physicochemical properties to oligo(ethylene glycol) alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers than to conventional brush surfaces. Despite these differences, both types of polymer architectures at saturation coverage proved to be highly resistant toward protein adsorption. Although associated with higher synthesis costs, dendritic macromolecules are considered to be an attractive alternative to linear polymers for surface (bio)functionalization in view of their spontaneous formation of ultrathin, confluent, and nonfouling monolayers at room temperature and their outstanding ability to present functional ligands (coupled to the termini of the dendritic structure) at high surface densities.


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An efficient mixed molecular dynamics/quantum mechanics model has been applied to the water cluster system. The use of the MP2 method and correlation consistent basis sets, with appropriate correction for BSSE, allows for the accurate calculation of electronic and free energies for the formation of clusters of 2−10 water molecules. This approach reveals new low energy conformers for (H2O)n=7,9,10. The water heptamer conformers comprise five different structural motifs ranging from a three-dimensional prism to a quasi-planar book structure. A prism-like structure is favored energetically at low temperatures, but a chair-like structure is the global Gibbs free energy minimum past 200 K. The water nonamers exhibit less complexity with all the low energy structures shaped like a prism. The decamer has 30 conformers that are within 2 kcal/mol of the Gibbs free energy minimum structure at 298 K. These structures are categorized into four conformer classes, and a pentagonal prism is the most stable structure from 0 to 320 K. Results can be used as benchmark values for empirical water models and density functionals, and the method can be applied to larger water clusters.


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The Gaussian-2, Gaussian-3, complete basis set- (CBS-) QB3, and CBS-APNO methods have been used to calculate ΔH° and ΔG° values for neutral clusters of water, (H2O)n, where n = 2−6. The structures are similar to those determined from experiment and from previous high-level calculations. The thermodynamic calculations by the G2, G3, and CBS-APNO methods compare well against the estimated MP2(CBS) limit. The cyclic pentamer and hexamer structures release the most heat per hydrogen bond formed of any of the clusters. While the cage and prism forms of the hexamer are the lowest energy structures at very low temperatures, as temperature is increased the cyclic structure is favored. The free energies of cluster formation at different temperatures reveal interesting insights, the most striking being that the cyclic trimer, cyclic tetramer, and cyclic pentamer, like the dimer, should be detectable in the lower troposphere. We predict water dimer concentrations of 9 × 1014 molecules/cm3, water trimer concentrations of 2.6 × 1012 molecules/cm3, tetramer concentrations of approximately 5.8 × 1011 molecules/cm3, and pentamer concentrations of approximately 3.5 × 1010 molecules/cm3 in saturated air at 298 K. These results have important implications for understanding the gas-phase chemistry of the lower troposphere.


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An efficient mixed molecular dynamics/quantum mechanics model has been applied to the water cluster system. The use of the MP2 method and correlation consistent basis sets, with appropriate correction for BSSE, allows for the accurate calculation of electronic and free energies for the formation of clusters of 2−10 water molecules. This approach reveals new low energy conformers for (H2O)n=7,9,10. The water heptamer conformers comprise five different structural motifs ranging from a three-dimensional prism to a quasi-planar book structure. A prism-like structure is favored energetically at low temperatures, but a chair-like structure is the global Gibbs free energy minimum past 200 K. The water nonamers exhibit less complexity with all the low energy structures shaped like a prism. The decamer has 30 conformers that are within 2 kcal/mol of the Gibbs free energy minimum structure at 298 K. These structures are categorized into four conformer classes, and a pentagonal prism is the most stable structure from 0 to 320 K. Results can be used as benchmark values for empirical water models and density functionals, and the method can be applied to larger water clusters.