605 resultados para postal
Em janeiro de 2011, escrevi nesta secção do Cultura.Sul, a propósito de um outro autor (Rogério Silva) e a questão do regional na literatura: «Tudo aconteceu há uns anos, quando procurava o último livro de José Carlos Fernandes (insigne autor de banda desenhada que, por acaso, é de Loulé, e de quem hei-de falar neste espaço). A situação foi a seguinte: tinha-me dirigido a uma livraria em Faro, daquelas que pertencem a uma cadeia de livrarias, e perguntei se tinham o referido livro (devia ser um dos volume de A Pior Banda do Mundo). Como a funcionária não estivesse a localizar o autor, eu acrescentei ‘ele até é daqui, de Loulé’. Foi então que ouvi a resposta mais espantosa: ‘Ah, então não temos. Nós não temos escritores regionais’». Cumpro, então, o prometido, e hoje escrevo sobre o grande José Carlos Fernandes (um autor internacional), que viu publicado, finalmente, o seu livro A Agência de Viagens Lemming. Digo «finalmente», porque a edição já existia em espanhol, mas não em português. Os que tiveram a sorte de acompanhar as tiras que foram saindo, em 2005, no Diário de Notícias podem agora lê-las reunidas num único volume, dividido em duas partes: «Dez mil horas de ‘jet lag’» e «A síndrome da classe turística».
Escrever um conto, precisamente por ter de ser curto e ter de conter (e contar) tudo em poucas palavras, exige uma grande perícia. Demora ser breve. Conseguir, em poucas páginas, prender a atenção do leitor, levá-lo ao clímax da ação e descontraí-lo, no final, não é tarefa simples. Pois bem, posso dizer que os autores presentes neste volume, publicado pela Lua de Marfim e coordenado por F. Esteves Pinto, alcançaram com sucesso aqueles objetivos. A ideia de convidar também sete artistas para ilustrarem os contos foi muito feliz. Cada um leu, à sua maneira, o conto que ilustrou, fazendo, por vezes, da ilustração um novo «texto», mais do que uma ilustração. Descubram-nos!
Passei os olhos pelas estantes e reparei num conjunto de livros, deitados (e não na vertical como os outros dessa prateleira, que é como eu os ponho quando me falta espaço numa qualquer letra, o C, neste caso). Não eram muitos (apenas 9, num universo bem mais extenso). Entortei a cabeça, para ler os títulos, e lá estava o nome de Mário Cláudio, autor sobre o qual aqui nunca tinha escrito. A cor da lombada de um deles, em bordeaux, com letras brancas, destacava-se das outras (brancas ou pretas) e eu lembrava-me bem do livro, lido recentemente (2014): Retrato de Rapaz.
Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in Australia. The Australian Cancer Society has set a national goal 'to exploit prevention opportunities and to increase early detection'. To address this goal, information about community perceptions is required. Through the use of a Delphi process, a questionnaire was developed to investigate community knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding primary prevention and early detection activities. This paper describes the results of a postal survey of a random sample of 855 Queensland adults selected from electoral rolls. Results indicate that there is a high level of uncertainty about bowel cancer and a belief that many behaviours are related to bowel cancer. While 74 per cent believed that tests could detect bowel cancer, only 52 per cent were confident that a doctor could accurately diagnose it. Only 35 per cent agreed that the public should be screened for bowel cancer and only 10 per cent would get a check-up. Perhaps reflecting the degree of uncertainty among health professionals about bowel cancer, there appears to be a high level of misinformation and confusion in the community. The need for an educational programme to address these issues is discussed. Article in Health Education Journal 54(3):331-339 September 1995
Introduction: The focus of the community pharmacist’s (CP’s) activities continues to move away from traditional dispensing activities towards the provision of health services. Current functions of CPs cover a combination of roles including prescription matters, counselling and service provision. These expanding roles, along with raised prescription volume, have increased CP workload. Therefore, it has become commonplace to delegate certain activities to other pharmacy staff (PS). This research aimed to examine public perceptions of CPs and other PS functions. Methodology: A self-completion postal questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 9769 members of the general public in England. Participants were asked to indicate which functions they believed CPs and other PS perform. Data were imported into SPSS 22 for analysis. Results: A response rate of 15.7% (n = 1537) was achieved. The roles most commonly attributed to CPs were monitoring prescription appropriateness (90.4%, n = 1390) and counselling patients on prescribed medicines (90.4%, n = 1389). The role most commonly attributed to other PS was sales transactions (92.4%, n = 1420). Similar numbers of responders agreed that the delivery of health services was the role of both CPs and other PS (58.9%, n = 906; 57.0%, n = 876). Conclusion: Despite a move towards more service based practice, the public still primarily associate the CP’s role with activities centred on dispensing. The provision of health services was seen to be equally carried out by CPs and other PS. As the CP’s service-based activities continue to develop, promotional activities may be required to ensure developments in CP functions are recognised by the public
Aim: To investigate effects on men's health and well-being of higher prostate cancer (PCa) investigation and treatment levels in similar populations. Participants: PCa survivors in Ireland where the Republic of Ireland (RoI) has a 50% higher PCa incidence than Northern Ireland (NI). Method: A cross-sectional postal questionnaire was sent to PCa survivors 2–18 years post-treatment, seeking information about current physical effects of treatment, health-related quality of life (HRQoL; EORTC QLQ-C30; EQ-5D-5L) and psychological well-being (21 question version of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, DASS-21). Outcomes in RoI and NI survivors were compared, stratifying into ‘late disease’ (stage III/IV and any Gleason grade (GG) at diagnosis) and ‘early disease’ (stage I/II and GG 2–7). Responses were weighted by age, jurisdiction and time since diagnosis. Between-country differences were investigated using multivariate logistic and linear regression. Results: 3348 men responded (RoI n=2567; NI n=781; reflecting population sizes, response rate 54%). RoI responders were younger; less often had comorbidities (45% vs 38%); were more likely to present asymptomatically (66%; 41%) or with early disease (56%; 35%); and less often currently used androgen deprivation therapy (ADT; 2%; 28%). Current prevalence of incontinence (16%) and impotence (56% early disease, 67% late disease) did not differ between RoI and NI. In early disease, only current bowel problems (RoI 12%; NI 21%) differed significantly in multivariate analysis. In late disease, NI men reported significantly higher levels of gynaecomastia (23% vs 9%) and hot flashes(41% vs 19%), but when ADT users were analysed separately, differences disappeared. For HRQoL, in multivariate analysis, only pain (early disease: RoI 11.1, NI 19.4) and financial difficulties (late disease: RoI 10.4, NI 7.9) differed significantly between countries. There were no significant between-country differences in DASS-21 or index ED-5D-5L score. Conclusions: Treatment side effects were commonly reported and increased PCa detection in RoI has left more men with these side effects. We recommended that men be offered a PSA test only after informed discussion.
Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Some Municipal Fiestas and Celebrations in Colonial Hispanic America by John Preston Moore – The Citadel Jefferson Davis’s Route from Richmond, Virginia, to Irwinville, Georgia, April 2-May 10, 1865 by Nora Marshall Davis – Historical Markers Survey of South Carolina Postal Savings Banks in the United States, 1871-1939 by Nancy McIntosh – Columbia High School Legislative Domination in South Carolina by George R. Sherrill – University of South Carolina
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop environmental accounting and reporting practices (EARPs) by Portuguese local entities and their determining factors. Design/methodology/approach – Data were obtained through a postal survey. In order to measure the degree of development of environmental accounting and reporting practices index was developed, which reflects the extent to which a set of eight EARPs have been implemented by the 69 Portuguese local entities included in the sample. Three variables are considered in this study as possible factors that drive the development of environmental management practices (EMPs) by local entities, namely, size of entity, accounting framework, degree of development of EMPs. Findings – Results indicate the degree of development of EARPs in Portuguese local entities is low. Additionally, accounting regulation and the degree of development of EMPs are explaining factors of the degree of development of environmental accounting practices in Portuguese local entities. Originality/value – This study adds to the international research on environmental accounting in public sector by providing empirical data from a country, Portugal, where empirical evidence is still relatively limited.
Introducción: Entre las diferentes herramientas clínicas para evaluar la presencia de enfermedad coronaria mediante puntajes, la más usada es la Escala de Riesgo cardiovascular de Framingham. Desde hace unos años, se creó el puntaje de calcio coronario el cual mide el riesgo cardiovascular según la presencia de placas ateromatosas vistas por tomografía computarizada. Se evaluó la asociación entre la escala de Framigham y el puntaje de calcio coronario en una población de sujetos sanos asintomáticos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio transversal para evaluar la asociación entre el puntaje de calcio coronario y la escala de Framingham en sujetos asintomáticos que se practicaron exámen médico preventivo en la Fundación Cardioinfantil- Instituto de Cardiología (FCI-IC) en el periodo comprendido entre 1 de Julio 2011 hasta el 31 de octubre de 2015. Resultados: Se evaluaron 262 pacientes en total. La prevalencia de riesgo cardiovascular fue bajo en un 77.86% de la población, medio en 18.70% y alto en 3.44%, según la escala de Framingham. El riesgo cardiovascular según el puntaje de Calcio coronario fue nulo 70.99%, bajo en 21.75%, medio en 4.19%, severo en 3.05%. Se encontró una asociación entre ambos puntajes para riesgo estadísticamente significativa (p0,00001) Discusión: El riesgo cardiovascular establecido por escala de Framingham se relaciona de forma significativa con la presencia de placas aterioscleróticas. El estudio demostró que en una muestra de sujetos asintomáticos, hay una alteración estructural coronaria temprana.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a suscetibilidade de genótipos de videira à drosófila‑da‑asa‑ manchada, Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), em bagas de uva intactas e em bagas infestadas após a ocorrência de puncturas, causadas pela oviposição da mosca‑das‑frutas sul‑americana [Anastrepha fraterculus(Diptera: Tephritidae)] ou por danos mecânicos (alfinetes). Os experimentos foram realizados em laboratório, a 22±1°C, umidade relativa de 65±10% e fotófase de 12 horas. A suscetibilidade foi avaliada para 18 genótipos de videira, em bagas intactas submetidas às fêmeas de D. suzukii. O potencial de interação foi verificado em bagas de uva 'Italia', cuja epiderme foi danificada por puncturas de A. fraterculusou por alfinete, em comparação a frutos de morango 'Albion'. As cultivares de Vitis labrusca 'Niagara Rosada' e 'Concord' não foram infestadas por D. suzukii, e cinco dos oito genótipos que foram infestados são cultivares melhoradas. A infestação de D. suzukii em bagas de uva 'Italia' com danos mecânicos, feitos com um alfinete ou pela oviposição de A. fraterculus, foi semelhante à de bagas íntegras. Há baixa adequação hospedeira de videiras a D. suzukii, mesmo com a presença de danos. As cultivares 'Benitaka', 'BRS Vitória' e 'BRS Morena' são as mais suscetíveis a D. suzukii.
Estudos de gradiente fazem parte da análise espacial de epidemias, na qual a quantidade de doença diminui com a distância a partir de uma fonte de inóculo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o gradiente de infecção do cancro europeu das pomáceas (Neonectria ditissima) nas condições de Vacaria, RS.