988 resultados para polish balance sheet law
Doctoral Thesis in Juridical Sciences (Specialty in Public Legal Sciences)
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito das Crianças, Família e Sucessões
Dissertação de mestrado em Ordenamento e Valorização de Recursos Geológicos
A partir de un amplio acuerdo entre los gobiernos locales de todos los partidos políticos y el gobierno provincial, el 22 de diciembre de 2004, la Legislatura de Córdoba sancionó la Ley orgánica de regionalización provincial Nº 9206. Con el desarrollo como fin, la Ley Nº 9206 supuso dos innovaciones trascendentes: por una parte, la creación de 26 nuevas regiones a razón de una por cada departamento existente y, por la otra, el reconocimiento de Comunidades Regionales a integrarse por decisión autónoma de los municipios y comunas (gobernadas por los Intendentes municipales y Presidentes comunales de cada región). En el 2005, se integraron 212 municipios y 152 comunas (es decir el 85% del total provincial) en 23 Comunidades Regionales que, además, acordaron sus prioridades de gestión regional y un Indicador de Desarrollo Regional, mediante la asistencia técnica del Programa de Fortalecimiento Institucional de Municipios (PROFIM) de la UCC. Sobre esas bases, en el 2006; las universidades cordobesas (mediante convenios con el Gobierno provincial) asesoraron a 17 Comunidades Regionales en el diseño de políticas de desarrollo. Esta investigación problematiza la regionalización en Córdoba, analizando críticamente sus avances y demoras, desde su puesta en marcha (diciembre de 2004) hasta el recambio de autoridades (diciembre de 2007) con el propósito de recomendar correcciones.
El nuevo escenario internacional produce lo que se ha dado en caracterizar como la globalización del derecho, especialmente en el ámbito de los derechos humanos. En este contexto se analiza la incidencia del Sistema Interamericano de protección de los Derechos Humanos con especial énfasis en el derecho de la información, desde la optica del derecho interno. Nos preguntamos acerca de cómo se presenta la tensión entre la lógica estatal con su rasgo de afirmación en la soberanía y monopolio en la creación de la jurisdicción doméstica, con la doctrina del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos, que consecuentemente conduce hacia una globalización jurídica de estos temas. Esto refleja un debilitamiento en el monopolio de creación y aplicación del derecho por parte de los Estados. A partir de este dato del escenario internacional buscamos determinar la incidencia de los informes de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y los pronunciamientos de la Corte Interamericana en materia de derecho de la información y su influencia en la jurisprudencia y creación de legislación en nuestro país. The new internacional scenario produces wtah has come to be characterized as the globalization of law, especially in the field of the human rights. In this context we analyze the impact of the Inter-American system of human Rights, whit particular emphasis on media law in domestic law
The purpose of this thesis is to answer the research question ‗why do some Polish migrants engage in shadow employment in the Republic of Ireland?‘ The individual and group interviews, which were conducted in August 2011 with thirteen Polish migrants, living and working in Ireland, generated the answer to the research question. Interviewees‘ responses were analysed from the point of view of the literature that examines the various factors within the topics of migration and the black economy. The thesis begins with theoretical background information regarding the enlargement of the European Union and the economic situation of Poland and Ireland. Then migration theories are explained and Polish and Irish migration history is presented. Next, the issue of the black economy and shadow employment is developed with a focus on its presence in Poland and Ireland. The following section is dedicated to the research methodology that was adopted to ensure effective collection of the information. The issues of the qualitative and quantitative research, phenomenological approach to the research and interviews as data collection are raised in that section. The last part of the thesis is based on an analysis of the respondents‘ statements. It explores interviewees‘ experience of life and work in Ireland. The main part of that section develops the reasons why do Polish workers engage in shadow employment in the Republic of Ireland. Simultaneously, it provides the answers to the research question of this thesis.
The aim of the project was to determine the extent and quality of the groundwater in Tipperary South Riding with a view to developing a groundwater protection plan which would allow the Local Authority to manage, protect and develop the groundwater as efficiently as possible. The geology of the area varies with topography. The low-lying areas of the county comprise mainly Carboniferous limestones while the elevated regions consist of sandstones and shales of Upper Carboniferous, Devonian and Silurian ages. Deformation of these rocks decreases in magnitude moving northwards over the area; the Southern Synclines having suffered the effects of the Hercynian orogeny and the northern region exhibiting Caledonian orogenic trends. Quaternary (subsoil) deposits are found throughout the area and are of variable thickness and permeability. Till is the most widespread deposit with discontinuous pockets of sand and gravel in various proportions, and some marl, alluvium and peat in places. The principal aquifers of the area are the Kiltorcan sandstone formation and various limestone units within the Carboniferous succession. 50 % of south Tipperary constitutes either regionally or locally important aquifers. Secondary permeabilities created by structural deformation, dolomitisation, karstification and weathering processes create high transmissivities and often have large well yields. Specific baseflow analysis highlighted the complexity of the aquifers and proved that the lower part of the Suir river system is a major groundwater resource region. The hydrochemistry and water quality of the local authority groundwater sources was examined briefly. The majority of south Tipperary is underlain by limestone or Quaternary deposits derived from limestone and, consequently, calcium/magnesium bicarbonate waters predominate. The quality of the groundwater in south Tipperary demonstrates that the main concern originates from the presence of E.coli, and Total coliforms. The primary sources of contamination are from farmyard wastes and septic tanks. The vulnerability of groundwater to diffuse and point sources of pollution has been found to be dependent on the overlying soil, subsoil and the thickness of the unsaturated zone. A conceptual rather than quantitative approach is used and it is found that approximately 60% of south Tipperary is designated as being extremely or highly vulnerable. The groundwater protection plan was devised subsequent to an understanding of the aquifer systems, an assessment of the vulnerability, and a review of the Irish planning system and environmental law. It is recommended that the plan be integrated into the county development plan for legislative purposes. A series of acceptability matrices were devised to restrict potentially polluting activities in vulnerable areas while maintaining a balance between protection of the groundwater resource and the need to site essential developments.
The twin objectives of the work described were to construct nutrient balance models (NBM) for a range of Irish animal production systems and to evaluate their potential as a means of estimating the nutrient composition of farm wastes. The NBM has three components. The first is the intake of nutrients in the animal's diet. The second is retention or the nutrients the animal retains for the production of milk, meat or eggs. The third is the balance or the difference between the nutrient intake and retention. Data on the intake levels and their nutrient value for dairy cows, beef cattle, pigs and poultry systems were assembled. Literature searches and interviews with National experts were the primary sources of information. NBMs were then constructed for each production system. Summary tables of the nutrient values for the common diet constituents used in Irish animal production systems, the nutrient composition of the animal products and the NBMs (nutrient intake, retention and excretion) for a range of production systems were assembled. These represent the first comprehensive data set of this type for Irish animal production systems. There was generally good agreement between the derived NBMs values and those published in the literature. The NBMs were validated on a number of farms. Data on animal numbers, fertiliser use, concentrates inputs and production output were recorded on seven farms. Using the data a nutrient input/output balance was constructed for each farm. This was compared with the NBM estimate of the farm nutrient balance. The results showed good agreement between the measured balance and the NBM estimate particularly for the pig and poultry farms. However, the validation emphasised the inherent risks associated with NBMs. The average values used for feed intake and production parameters in the NEMs may result in the under or over estimate of actual nutrient balances on individual farms where these variables are substantially different. On the grassland farms there was a poor correlation between the input/output estimate and the NBM. This possibly results from the omission of the soil's contribution to the nutrient balance. However, the results indicate that the NBMs developed are a potentially useful tool for estimating nutrient balances. They also will serve to highlight the significant fraction of the nutrient inputs into farming systems that are retained on the farm. The potential of the NBM as a means of estimating the nutrient composition of farm wastes was evaluated on two farms. Feed intake and composition, animal production, slurry production was monitored during the indoor winter feeding period. Slurry samples were taken for analysis. The appropriates NBMs were used to estimate the nutrient balance for each farm. The nutrient content of the slurry produced was calculated. There was a good agreement between the NBM estimate and the measured values. This preliminary evaluation suggests that the NBM has a potential to provide the farmer with a simple means of estimating the nutrient value of his slurry.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2011
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2006
Autobiography, national identity, immigration, Polish-German shared history, anomic interaction
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2009
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2011
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2011