622 resultados para pleasure
A ansiedade na performance musical (MPA-music performance anxiety) surge como um fenómeno fisiológico, psicológico, cognitivo e emocional que abrange todos os músicos independentemente da sua idade, experiência, dedicação ou tipo de instrumento. Pelo seu carácter crónico, e pela dificuldade que provoca na progressão na carreira, a MPA é uma patologia nefasta que, quando toma proporções exageradas, consegue afastar os músicos do seu ideal e objetivo de vida, pois o prazer de tocar é substituído pelo medo de ser julgado e observado por uma plateia ou júri. Pela necessidade de conhecer e saber reagir perante esta situação é imperativo aprofundar os conhecimentos acerca desta, para uma identificação precoce dos alunos em quem a ansiedade atinge níveis preocupantes nas atuações, quer a solo ou em orquestra. A correta abordagem deste problema por parte dos professores pode ser benéfica, levando os alunos a confiarem mais nas suas capacidades e a obterem resultados positivos. Este trabalho surge da necessidade de conseguir quantificar a ansiedade nos adolescentes e para tal o uso de uma escala previamente existente em inglês. O objetivo é explorar a ansiedade na performance musical através da tradução e aplicação do Music Performance Anxiety Inventory- Adolescents (MPAI-A) para a língua portuguesa, contribuindo para a sua posterior validação.
This dissertation explores how two American storytellers, considered by many in their to be exemplary in their craft, rely on narrative strategies to communicate to their audiences on divisive political topics in a way that both invokes feelings of pleasure and connection and transcends party identification and ideological divides. Anna Quindlen, through her political columns and op-eds, and Aaron Sorkin, through his television show The West Wing, have won over a politically diverse fan base in spite of the fact that their writing espouses liberal political viewpoints. By telling stories that entertain, first and foremost, Quindlen and Sorkin are able to have a material impact on their audiences on both dry and controversial topics, accomplishing that which 19th Century writer and activist Harriet Farley made her practice: writing in such a way to gain the access necessary to “do good by stealth.” This dissertation will argue that it is their skilled use of storytelling elements, which capitalize on the cultural relationship humans have with storytelling, that enables Quindlen and Sorkin to achieve this. The dissertation asks: How do stories shape the beliefs, perspectives, and cognitive functions of humans? How do stories construct culture and interact with cultural values? What is the media’s role in shaping society? What gives stories their power to unite as a medium? What is the significance of the experience of reading or hearing a well-told story, of how it feels? What are the effects of Quindlen’s and Sorkin’s writing on audience members and the political world at large? What is lost when a simplistic narrative structure is followed? Who is left out and what is overlooked? The literature that informs the answers to these questions will cross over and through several academic disciplines: American Studies, British Cultural Studies, Communication, Folklore, Journalism, Literature, Media Studies, Popular Culture, and Social Psychology. The chapters will also explore scholarship on the subjects of narratology and schema theory.
Relatório elaborado para obtenção do grau de mestre em educação pré-escolar
The project was made during the Erasmus+ Program in Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal. I had a pleasure to do this in Gislotica Mechanical Solution, Lda. This document presents a process of design a vertical inspection station for truck tires. The first part contains an introduction. There are information about Gislotica Company and also first analysis of problem. In next part is presented way to figured out the task and described all issues connected with designed machine. In last part were made some conclusions about problems and results. There is a place not only for sum up design process but also my develop during the project. I repeatedly pointed out which issues were new for me. A lot of times I focus on myself and gained experience and information about design process.
El turismo religioso, turismo en espacios religiosos o las peregrinaciones, han crecido considerablemente, más de 30 millones de personas se desplazan anualmente en México sólo por motivación religiosa y se estima una derrama económica de 680 millones de dólares. Este trabajo pretende establecer la motivación de la visita de santuarios en seis localidades del estado de Jalisco y analizar si se relaciona con la idea de sacrificio y fe del peregrino o con el ocio y placer del turista dedicado a la experiencia y vivencia del fenómeno religiosos, así como el grado de transición entre recinto religioso y atractivo turístico., desde una perspectiva del turismo cultural, lo que enfrenta la idea de un turismo alternativo. Se puede afirmar que en Jalisco, con relación al turismo religioso, predomina la condición de peregrino (sacrificio) en los visitantes y los espacios sacros y sus contenidos culturales aún cumplen la función de generar entornos propicios para la veneración, la contemplación y la adoración.
Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Germańskiej
Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores motivacionais de idosos praticantes do Método Pilates e sua relação com o sexo. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, transversal, realizado no período de abril e maio de 2014, utilizando amostra por conveniência com 39 idosos, independentemente do sexo, praticantes do Método Pilates em um bairro da zona norte do Rio de Janeiro-RJ. Utilizouse o “Inventário de Motivação à Prática Regular de Atividades Físicas (IMPRAF-54)”, que avalia as dimensões de motivação (“Controle de Estresse”, “Saúde”, “Sociabilidade”, “Competitividade”, “Estética” e “Prazer”). Aplicou-se a estatística descritiva para análise das dimensões. Resultados: Os principais aspectos motivacionais descritos pelos idosos foram “Saúde” (escore bruto médio; mulheres: 34,3(±4,7); homens: 30,3(±5,2)), “Sociabilidade” (escore bruto médio; mulheres: 27,8(±10,2); homens: 28,8 (±9,7)) e “Prazer” (escore bruto médio; mulheres: 30,8(±7,5); homens: 29,3(±8,3)); somente entre os homens o domínio de “Sociabilidade” foi classificado como “motivação alta” (percentil 70), segundo tabelas normativas do instrumento. Conclusão: Fatores relacionados à saúde, sociabilidade e prazer foram determinantes motivacionais entre os idosos avaliados praticantes do Método Pilates.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão do Turismo Internacional, 19 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
The aim of the present study is to examine the mediating effect of social safeness on the relationship between forgiveness and life satisfaction. Participants were 311 university students who completed a questionnaire package that included the Trait Forgiveness Scale, the Social Safeness and Pleasure Scale, and the Life Satisfaction Scale. According to the results, social safeness and life satisfaction were predicted positively by forgiveness. On the other hand, life satisfaction was predicted positively by social safeness. In addition, social safeness mediated on the relationship between forgiveness and life satisfaction. The results were discussed in the light of the related literature and dependent recommendations to the area were given.
In Edo-Japan (c.1603 – 1868) shunga, sexually explicit prints, paintings and illustrated books, were widely produced and disseminated. However, from the 1850s onwards, shunga was suppressed by the government and it has largely been omitted from art history, excluded from exhibitions and censored in publications. Although changes have taken place, cultural institutions continue to be cautious about what they collect and exhibit, with shunga largely remaining a prohibited subject in Japan. Since the 1970s there has been a gradual increase in the acceptance of shunga outside Japan, as evidenced in the growing number of exhibitions and publications. The initial impetus behind this thesis was: Why and how did shunga become increasingly acceptable in Europe and North America in the twentieth century, whilst conversely becoming unacceptable in post-Edo Japan? I discuss how and why attitudes to shunga in the UK and Japan have changed from the Edo period to the present day, and consider how definitions can affect this. My research examines how shunga has been dealt with in relation to private and institutional collecting and exhibitions. In order to gauge modern responses, the 2013 Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art exhibition at the British Museum is used as an in-depth study – utilising mixed methods and an interdisciplinary approach to analyse curatorial and legal decisions, as well as visitor feedback. To-date there are no official or standardised guidelines for the acquisition, cataloguing, or display of sexually explicit artefacts. It is intended that institutions will benefit from my analysis of the changing perceptions of shunga and of previous shunga collections and exhibitions when dealing with shunga or other sexually explicit items in the future.
Con sumo agrado hacemos entrega de esta edición del Boletín Bibliotecas, el cual es un instrumento de comunicación científica que pretende compartir experiencias académicas construidas conjuntamente, investigaciones, conocimientos, ideas y problemas por resolver.En este número del Boletín se incluye el discurso del señor Rector de la Universidad Nacional en el Seminario Centroamericano sobre los Manifiestos de IFLA/UNESCO para Bibliotecas Públicas, Escolares e Internet, un evento que hace historia en el desarrollo de la bibliotecología en el país, por ser la primera vez que IFLA se reúne en Costa Rica. Se resalta el trabajo que realiza la Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información y se enfatiza en la importancia de la realización de este evento y de los manifiestos, que invitan y orientan a los bibliotecólogos y bibliotecólogas, a trabajar en equipo, a colaborar y se constituyen en el camino para que el conocimiento pueda viajar y trascender hacia un futuro.
A popularidade das séries televisivas que abordam as Ciências Forenses (CSI 1 Mentes Criminosas, Casos Arquivados...) permite construir actividades que envolvem os alunos numa exploração científica de modo a que dominem os conceitos e apreciem a natureza da Ciência. Estes recursos educativos aplicam uma abordagem Ciência Tecnologia-Sociedade -Pensamento Crítico (CTS-PC) e podem ser explorados segundo uma metodologia de Aprendizagem Baseada na Resolução de Problemas (ABRP). Neste trabalho são propostas actividades laboratoriais, a decorrer no contexto formal das aulas da disciplina de Física e Química A (FQ·A), utilizando sensores e a calculadora gráfica. Num contexto não-formal, e baseadas nas técnicas analíticas utilizadas em Ciências Forenses, foram desenvolvidas actividades para um Clube de Ciência ou Laboratórios Abertos, complementadas por um blogue (CSI-Mafra). Estes recursos foram posteriormente partilhados com outros professores de Física e Química, numa acção de formação, proposta pela autora, e cujo objectivo principal foi a diversificação das estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem. O entusiasmo dos alunos na realização das tarefas propostas e os resultados nos questionários de grau de satisfação e de opinião, aplicados a alunos e professores, sugere que as actividades desenvolvidas podem contribuir na motivação dos alunos para o estudo da Física e da Química e promover a literacia científica da comunidade escolar. ABSTRACT; The high popularity between teenagers of the television series that have Forensic Sciences and Criminal lnvestigations as central theme, such as CSI, Dexter, Criminal Minds and Cold Case, can be used to develop learning activities that involves the students into a scientific exploration which aim is leading the students to learn Chemistry and Physics with pleasure, motivation and curiosity. The educational resources developed in this thesis make use of the strategy Science-Technology-Society-Critical Thinking (STS-CP) and can be exploited according the teaching methodology Problem Based Learning (PBL). ln this work we propose a number of laboratory activities that can be used on the classes of the High School course Physic and Chemistry A (FQ-A) and a different set of activities to be used in a non-formal teaching environment, which are based on the analytical techniques used in Forensic Sciences. The non-formal activities were developed as part of the activities of a Science Club and complemented with an interactive blog. The teaching resources developed by us were also used in a professional training course to physics and chemistry teachers aimed to teach how to introduce new teaching learning strategies. The enthusiasm of the students shown during the activities and the extremely positive results of the questionnaires, applied to students and teachers after the activities, clearly indicates that the learning resources developed in this thesis contribute to the student's motivation to learn Physic and Chemistry and to promote the scientific Iiteracy of the scholar community.
Social anhedonia is a deficiency in the capacity to experience pleasure from social interactions. This study examined the implications of social anhedonia for romantic relationship functioning, including the association of social anhedonia with sentiments towards romantic partners that are central to relationship functioning (satisfaction, commitment, regard, and care), analogous perceptions of the partner’s sentiments, hostile behavior during relationship conflict, and perception of the partner’s hostile behavior. Data were collected from 281 participants who were involved in romantic relationships. Support was found for social anhedonia’s hypothesized negative association with satisfaction, regard, and care, as well as all four perceived partner sentiments. These associations were independent of attachment anxiety and avoidance. Additionally, attachment avoidance mediated social anhedonia’s relationship with commitment. However, no support was found for social anhedonia’s hypothesized positive association with actual and perceived partner hostile behavior. Results suggest that social anhedonia may undermine the functioning of interpersonal relationships.
Collecting and analyzing consumer data is essential in today’s data-driven business environment. However, consumers are becoming more aware of the value of the information they can provide to companies, thereby being more reluctant to share it for free. Therefore, companies need to find ways to motivate consumers to disclose personal information. The main research question of the study was formed as “How can companies motivate consumers to disclose personal information?” and it was further divided into two subquestions: 1) What types of benefits motivate consumers to disclose personal information? 2) How does the disclosure context affect the consumers’ information disclosure behavior? The conceptual framework consisted of a classification of extrinsic and intrinsic benefits, and moderating factors, which were recognized on the basis of prior research in the field. The study was conducted by using qualitative research methods. The primary data was collected by interviewing ten representatives from eight companies. The data was analyzed and reported according to predetermined themes. The findings of the study confirm that consumers can be motivated to disclose personal information by offering different types of extrinsic (monetary saving, time saving, self-enhancement, and social adjustment) and intrinsic (novelty, pleasure, and altruism) benefits. However, not all the benefits are equally useful ways to convince the customer to disclose information. Moreover, different factors in the disclosure context can either alleviate or increase the effectiveness of the benefits and the consumers’ motivation to disclose personal information. Such factors include the consumer’s privacy concerns, perceived trust towards the company, the relevancy of the requested information, personalization, website elements (especially security, usability, and aesthetics of a website), and the consumer’s shopping motivation. This study has several contributions. It is essential that companies recognize the most attractive benefits regarding their business and their customers, and that they understand how the disclosure context affects the consumer’s information disclosure behavior. The likelihood of information disclosure can be increased, for example, by offering benefits that meet the consumers’ needs and preferences, improving the relevancy of the asked information, stating the reasons for data collection, creating and maintaining a trustworthy image of the company, and enhancing the quality of the company’s website.