707 resultados para photosensitive surfactants


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Dynamic behaviors of liposomes caused by interactions between liposomal membranes and surfactant were studied by direct real-time observation by using high-intensity dark-field microscopy. Solubilization of liposomes by surfactants is thought to be a catastrophic event akin to the explosion of soap bubbles in the air; however, the actual process has not been clarified. We studied this process experimentally and found that liposomes exposed to various surfactants exhibited unusual behavior, namely continuous shrinkage accompanied by intermittent quakes, release of encapsulated liposomes, opening up, and inside–out topological inversion.


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We analyzed the antioxidative defense responses of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants expressing antisense RNA for uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase or coproporphyrinogen oxidase. These plants are characterized by necrotic leaf lesions resulting from the accumulation of potentially photosensitizing tetrapyrroles. Compared with control plants, the transformants had increased levels of antioxidant mRNAs, particularly those encoding superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. These elevated transcript levels correlated with increased activities of cytosolic Cu/Zn-SOD and mitochondrial Mn-SOD. Total catalase activity decreased in the older leaves of the transformants to levels lower than in the wild-type plants, reflecting an enhanced turnover of this photosensitive enzyme. Most of the enzymes of the Halliwell-Asada pathway displayed increased activities in transgenic plants. Despite the elevated enzyme activities, the limited capacity of the antioxidative system was apparent from decreased levels of ascorbate and glutathione, as well as from necrotic leaf lesions and growth retardation. Our data demonstrate the induction of the enzymatic detoxifying defense system in several compartments, suggesting a photosensitization of the entire cell. It is proposed that the tetrapyrroles that initially accumulate in the plastids leak out into other cellular compartments, thereby necessitating the local detoxification of reactive oxygen species.


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Seasonal changes of daylength (photoperiod) affect the expression of hormonal and behavioral circadian rhythms in a variety of organisms. In mammals, such effects might reflect photoperiodic changes in the circadian pace-making system [located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus] that governs these rhythms, but to date no functionally relevant, intrinsic property of the SCN has been shown to be photoperiod dependent. We have analyzed the temporal regulation of light-induced c-fos gene expression in the SCN of rats maintained in long or short photoperiods. Both in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical assays show that the endogenous circadian rhythm of light responsiveness in the SCN is altered by photoperiod, with the duration of the photosensitive subjective night under the short photoperiod 5-6 h longer than under the long photoperiod. Our results provide evidence that a functional property of the SCN is altered by photoperiod and suggest that the nucleus is involved in photoperiodic time measurement.


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Hyaluronan (HA) plays an important role in lung pathophysiology. For this reason it has attracted great attention both as active ingredient and as excipient in treating lung diseases by direct pulmonary HA administration. The aim was the production of highly respirable and flowable HA powders either as a potential carrier for drug delivery or for being delivered directly by inhalation. Engineered sodium hyaluronate powders were produced by spray-drying technique. All the spray-dried powders were characterised in terms of particle size distribution, drug content, morphology and in vitro respirability. HA was successfully formulated with salbutamol sulphate in combination with leucine and highlighted remarkable aerodynamic performance (emitted dose equal to 83 % and FPF % equal to 97.1%). Moreover, HA colloidal solutions were designed and they were spray-dried. In order to improve particle aerodynamic characteristics, different types of excipients were investigated. In particular, stearylamine (5% w/w) allowed to obtain the best performance throughout the experimental set. Finally, in vitro biocompatibility was carried out by MTT assay and High Content Analysis for selected dry powder formulations and starting materials. The assays demonstrated the same outcome by confirming the HA biocompatibility and by producing the same rank of toxicity for the surfactants. The general conclusion of the project is that formulation containing HA and stearyl alcohol represents the best performing formulation.


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As diversas aplicações tecnológicas de nanopartículas magnéticas (NPM) vêm intensificando o interesse por materiais com propriedades magnéticas diferenciadas, como magnetização de saturação (MS) intensificada e comportamento superparamagnético. Embora MNP metálicas de Fe, Co e bimetálicas de FeCo e FePt possuam altos valores de MS, sua baixa estabilidade química dificulta aplicações em escala nanométrica. Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas NPM de Fe, Co, FeCo e FePt com alta estabilidade química e rigoroso controle morfológico. NPM de óxido metálicos (Fe e Co) também foram obtidas. Dois métodos de síntese foram empregados. Usando método baseado em sistemas nanoheterogêneos (sistemas micelares ou de microemulsão inversa), foram sintetizadas NPM de Fe3O4 e Co metálico. Foram empregados surfactantes cátion-substituídos: dodecil sulfato de ferro(III) (FeDS) e dodecil sulfato de cobalto(II) (CoDS). Para a síntese das NPM, foram estudados e determinados a concentração micelar crítica do FeDS em 1-octanol (cmc = 0,90 mmol L-1) e o diagrama de fases pseudoternário para o sistema n-heptano/CoDS/n-butanol/H2O. NPM esferoidais de magnetita com3,4 nm de diâmetro e comportamento quase-paramagnético foram obtidas usando sistemas micelares de FeDS em 1-octanol. Já as NPM de Co obtidas via microemulsão inversa, apesar da larga distribuição de tamanho e baixa MS, são quimicamente estáveis e superparamagnéticas. O segundo método é baseado na decomposição térmica de complexos metálicos, pelo qual foram preparadas NPM esféricas de FePt e de óxidos metálicos (Fe3O4, FeXO1-X, (Co,Fe)XO1-X e CoFe2O4) com morfologia controlada e estabilidade química. O método não mostrou a mesma efetividade na síntese de NPM de FeAg e FeCo: a liga FeAg não foi obtida enquanto que NPM de FeCo com estabilidade química foram obtidas sem controle morfológico. NPM de Fe e FeCo foram preparadas a partir da redução térmica de NPM de Fe3O4 e CoFe2O4, as quais foram previamente recobertas com sílica. A sílica previne a sinterização inter-partículas, além de proporcionar caráter hidrofílico e biocompatibilidade ao material. As amostras reduzidas apresentaram aumento dos valores de MS (entre 21,3 e 163,9%), o qual é diretamente proporcional às dimensões das NPM. O recobrimento com sílica foi realizado via hidrólise de tetraetilortosilicato (TEOS) em sistema de microemulsão inversa. A espessura da camada de sílica foi controlada variando-se o tempo de reação e as concentrações de TEOS e de NPM, sendo então proposto um mecanismo do processo de recobrimento. Algumas amostras receberam um recobrimento adicional de TiO2 na fase anatase, para o qual foi empregado etilenoglicol como solvente e ligante para formação de glicolato de Ti como precursor. A espessura da camada de TiO2 (2-12 nm) é controlada variando as quantidades relativas entre NPM e o precursor de Ti. Ensaios de hipertermia magnética foram realizados para as amostras recobertas com sílica. Ensaios de hipertermia magnéticas mostram grande aumento da taxa de aquecimento das amostras após a redução térmica, mesmo para dispersões diluídas de NPM (0,6 a 4,5 mg mL-1). Taxas de aquecimento entre 0,3 e 3,0oC min-1 e SAR entre 37,2 e 96,3 W g-1. foram obtidos. A atividade fotocatalítica das amostras recobertas foram próximas à da fase anatase pura, com a vantagem de possuir um núcleo magnético que permite a recuperação do catalisador pela simples aplicação de campos magnéticos externos. Os resultados preliminares dos ensaios de hipertermia magnética e fotocatálise indicam um forte potencial dos materiais aqui relatados para aplicações em biomedicina e em fotocatálise.


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Este trabalho trata da proposta para a produção carbonato de glicerila como continuação de trabalho de Mestrado. Propõe-se estabelecer uma sequência para a obtenção e a purificação do produto, que envolve remoção e o aproveitamento de amônia e a remoção de eletrólitos, bem como a utilização de novos catalisadores. De maneira geral, análises espectrofotométricas demonstraram que o produto purificado apresentou características semelhantes às da especificação constante de produto já existente no mercado cedido para comparação (JEFFSOL®, Huntsman). Além disso, foi calculado o custo de produção tanto em escala laboratorial como em escala industrial. Análises de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear e Cromatografia a Gás, aliadas à Espectrofotometria no Infravermelho permitiram avaliar tanto a evolução das reações, bem como os rendimentos reacionais. Foi demonstrada a aplicabilidade das técnicas de RMN 1H e 13C para o cálculo dos rendimentos reacionais, bem como para a elucidação dos mecanismos reacionais. A partir de análises em escala laboratorial, foi possível verificar que, para as condições reacionais estudadas foram obtidas baixas conversões da glicerina e baixas seletividades para o carbonato de glicerila. E ainda, o sulfato de zinco apresentou o melhor desempenho. É importante salientar que, mesmo para baixas conversões, sua produção ainda é economicamente viável devido ao seu elevado valor de mercado. O estudo da produção em escala industrial contemplou a síntese de fluxograma de processo e posterior simulação, incluindo o dimensionamento dos principais equipamentos de processo para fins de análise econômica, via calculo de custos de capital (CAPEX) e operacionais (OPEX). Os resultados indicaram viabilidade econômica do projeto, sendo demonstrado que a implantação de uma nova unidade de produção de carbonato de glicerila pode ser bastante rentável mesmo para baixos rendimentos. O produto obtido possui diversas e interessantes aplicações cosméticas e farmacêuticas, principalmente por ser um tensoativo não iônico, de baixa toxicidade, biodegradável e produzido a partir de fontes renováveis. Assim, o carbonato de glicerila produzido é uma interessante forma de aproveitamento da glicerina proveniente da fabricação de biodiesel.


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Metal-complex ionosilicas with cationic complexes into the mesoporous silica framework were prepared using anionic surfactants. The electrostatic interaction between the anionic surfactant and the cationic metal complexes incorporated in the silica framework allows for the fine tuning of the mesoporous structure. The gentle procedure of synthesis developed and mild ion-exchange extraction of the surfactant, allowed a cleaner route for the immobilization of homogeneous cationic catalysts in mesoporous silica, while protecting the structural and chemical integrity of the metal complexes.


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El objetivo principal de la presente investigación ha sido desarrollar una nueva clase de materiales nanocompuestos orgánicos-inorgánicos basados en la capacidad de los copolímeros de bloque de auto-organizarse promoviendo la dispersión de nanopartículas, así como relacionar las diferentes morfologías obtenidas con las propiedades finales de los nanocompuestos. Para generar la nanoestructuración de estos nanocompuestos basados en copolímeros de bloque, como el poli(estireno-b-isopreno-b-estireno) (SIS) y el poli(estireno-b-butadieno-b-estireno) (SBS) en nanopartículas de plata, se han utilizado los conceptos de compatibilización y confinamiento. Es decir, las nanopartículas inorgánicas se confinaron en una sola fase del copolímero de bloque mediante tratamientos superficiales y su funcionalización física. En particular, se utilizaron surfactantes (el cloruro de tetrametilamonio, TMAC, y el dodecanotiol, DT) para favorecer la interacción entre las nanopartículas inorgánicas y la matriz polimérica. Teniendo en cuenta los cálculos teóricos de los parámetros de solubilidad obtenidos mediante la teoría de Hoftizer-Van Krevelen, y la electronegatividad propia de los diferentes elementos, los dos surfactantes elegidos tienen una muy buena compatibilidad con el bloque de estireno favoreciendo la localización de las nanopartículas de plata en este bloque.


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Desalinated brackish groundwater is becoming a new source of water supply to comply with growing water demands, especially in (semi-) arid countries. Recent publications show that some chemical compounds may persist in an unaltered form after the desalination processes and that there is an associated risk of mixing waters with different salinity for irrigation. At the university of Alicante campus (Spain), a mix of desalinated brackish groundwater and water from the existing aquifer is currently applied for landscape irrigation. The presence of 209 emerging compounds, surfactants, priority substances according to the 2008/105/EC Directive, 11 heavy metals and microbiological organisms in blended water and aquifer samples was investigated. Thirty-five compounds were detected (pesticides, pharmaceuticals and surfactants) among them two priority substances α-endosulfan and Ni were found above the permitted maximum concentration. Blended water used for landscape irrigation during the summer period is supersaturated with respect to carbonates, which may ultimately lead to mineral precipitation in the soil-aquifer media and changes in hydraulic parameters.


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In this work, a sodium montmorillonite (Na+-Mt) was modified with two molecules simultaneously, an organic dye, methylene blue (MB), and ethyl hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium (EHDDMA). The synthesised organo-montmorillonites (OMt) combining different proportions of the two molecules were thoroughly characterised and mixed with ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) in order to check the ability of these OMt as pigments and reinforcing additives. The synthesised OMt combining both surfactants, MB and EHDDMA, present higher interlayer distances than those with only MB, which were employed in previous works as nanopigments. When these OMt were incorporated in the EVA matrix, the obtained clay polymer nanocomposites (CPN) showed a high exfoliation degree of the OMt in the polymer, in such a way that at 80% of the cationic exchange capacity (CEC) of the Mt exchanged with EHDDMA, most of the OMt was exfoliated. Moreover, all the obtained CPN showed an increase in the Young's Moduli compared to the EVA reference, and especially those containing higher amounts of MB. The thermal stability of the CPN also increases with the MB content, compared to other CPN including conventional surfactants. The hiding power and colouring power achieved in the CPN are higher even with a much lower load of MB when EHDDMA is exchanged in the Mt.


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Visual symptoms are relatively common in Parkinson's disease (PD) and optical coherence tomography has indicated possible retinal thinning. Accumulation of aggregated α-synuclein is thought to be a central pathogenic event in the PD brain but there have not as yet been reports of retinal synucleinopathy. Retinal wholemounts were prepared from subjects with a primary clinicopathological diagnosis of PD (N = 9), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB; N = 3), Alzheimer's disease (N = 3), progressive supranuclear palsy (N = 2) as well as elderly normal control subjects (N = 4). These were immunohistochemically stained with an antibody against α-synuclein phosphorylated at serine 129, which is a specific molecular marker of synucleinopathy. Phosphorylated α-synuclein-immunoreactive (p-syn IR) nerve fibers were present in 7/9 PD subjects and in 1/3 DLB subjects; these were sparsely distributed and superficially located near or at the inner retinal surface. The fibers were either long and straight or branching, often with multiple en-passant varicosities along their length. The straight fibers most often had an orientation that was radial with respect to the optic disk. Together, these features are suggestive of either retinopetal/centrifugal fibers or of ganglion cell axons. In one PD subject there were sparse p-syn IR neuronal cell bodies with dendritic morphology suggestive of G19 retinal ganglion cells or intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells. There were no stained nerve fibers or other specific staining in any of the non-PD or non-DLB subjects. It is possible that at least some of the observed visual function impairments in PD subjects might be due to α-synucleinopathy.


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Surfactant-templating is one of the most versatile and useful techniques to implement mesoporous systems into solid materials. Various strategies based on various interactions between surfactants and solid precursors have been explored to produce new structures. Zeolites are invaluable as size- and shape-selective solid acid catalysts. Nevertheless, their micropores impose limitations on the mass transport of bulky feed and/or product molecules. Many studies have attempted to address this by utilizing surfactant-assisting technology to alleviate the diffusion constraints. However, most efforts have failed due to micro/mesopore phase separation. Recently, a new technique combining the uses of cationic surfactants and mild basic solutions was introduced to synthesise mesostructured zeolites. These materials sustain the unique characteristics of zeolites (i.e., strong acidity, crystallinity, microporosity, and hydrothermal stability), including tunable mesopore sizes and degrees of mesoporosity. The mesostructured zeolites are now commercially available through Rive Technology, and show superior performance in VGO cracking. This feature article provides an overview of recent explorations in the introduction of mesoporosity into zeolites using surfactant-templating techniques. Various porous materials, preparation methods, physical and catalytic properties of mesostructured zeolites will be discussed.


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La génération des fréquences somme (SFG), une technique spectroscopique spécifique aux interfaces, a été utilisée pour caractériser les changements de la structure macromoléculaire du surfactant cationique chlorure de dodécyltriméthylammonium (DTAC) à l’interface silice/eau dans une plage de pH variant entre 3 et 11. Les conditions expérimentales ont été choisies pour imiter les conditions les plus communes trouvées pendant les opérations de récupération assistée du pétrole. Particulièrement, la silice a été étudiée, car elle est un des composantes des surfaces minérales des réservoirs de grès, et l’adsorption du surfactant a été étudiée avec une force ionique pertinente pour les fluides de la fracturation hydraulique. Les spectres SFG ont présenté des pics détectables avec une amplitude croissante dans la région des étirements des groupes méthylène et méthyle lorsque le pH est diminué jusqu’à 3 ou augmenté jusqu’à 11, ce qui suggère des changements de la structure des agrégats de surfactant à l’interface silice/eau à une concentration de DTAC au-delà de la concentration micellaire critique. De plus, des changements dans l’intensité SFG ont été observés pour le spectre de l’eau quand la concentration de DTAC augmente de 0,2 à 50 mM dans les conditions acide, neutre et alcaline. À pH 3, près du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, l’excès de charge positive en raison de l’adsorption du surfactant cationique crée un champ électrostatique qui oriente les molécules d’eau à l’interface. À pH 7 et 11, ce qui sont des valeurs au-dessus du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, le champ électrostatique négatif à l’interface silice/eau diminue par un ordre de grandeur avec l’adsorption du surfactant comme résultat de la compensation de la charge négative à la surface par la charge positive du DTAC. Les résultats SFG ont été corrélés avec des mesures de l’angle de contact et de la tension interfaciale à pH 3, 7 et 11.


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La génération des fréquences somme (SFG), une technique spectroscopique spécifique aux interfaces, a été utilisée pour caractériser les changements de la structure macromoléculaire du surfactant cationique chlorure de dodécyltriméthylammonium (DTAC) à l’interface silice/eau dans une plage de pH variant entre 3 et 11. Les conditions expérimentales ont été choisies pour imiter les conditions les plus communes trouvées pendant les opérations de récupération assistée du pétrole. Particulièrement, la silice a été étudiée, car elle est un des composantes des surfaces minérales des réservoirs de grès, et l’adsorption du surfactant a été étudiée avec une force ionique pertinente pour les fluides de la fracturation hydraulique. Les spectres SFG ont présenté des pics détectables avec une amplitude croissante dans la région des étirements des groupes méthylène et méthyle lorsque le pH est diminué jusqu’à 3 ou augmenté jusqu’à 11, ce qui suggère des changements de la structure des agrégats de surfactant à l’interface silice/eau à une concentration de DTAC au-delà de la concentration micellaire critique. De plus, des changements dans l’intensité SFG ont été observés pour le spectre de l’eau quand la concentration de DTAC augmente de 0,2 à 50 mM dans les conditions acide, neutre et alcaline. À pH 3, près du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, l’excès de charge positive en raison de l’adsorption du surfactant cationique crée un champ électrostatique qui oriente les molécules d’eau à l’interface. À pH 7 et 11, ce qui sont des valeurs au-dessus du point de charge zéro de la surface de silice, le champ électrostatique négatif à l’interface silice/eau diminue par un ordre de grandeur avec l’adsorption du surfactant comme résultat de la compensation de la charge négative à la surface par la charge positive du DTAC. Les résultats SFG ont été corrélés avec des mesures de l’angle de contact et de la tension interfaciale à pH 3, 7 et 11.


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A novel method to prepare mesoporous zirconia was developed. The synthesis was carried out in the presence of PEO surfactants via solid-state reaction. The materials exhibit strong diffraction peak at low 2-theta angle and their nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms are typical of IV type with H3 hysteresis loops. The pore structure examined by TEM can be described as wormhole domains. The tetragonal zirconia nanocrystals are uniform in size (around 1.5nm) and their pores center at around 4.6nm. The zirconia nanocrystal growth is mainly via an aggregation mechanism. This study also reveals that the PEO surfactants can interact with the Zr-O-Zr framework to reinforce the thermal stability of zirconia. The ratio of NaOH to ZrOCl2, crystallization and calcination temperature play an important role in the synthesis of mesoporous zirconia.