863 resultados para pathological pain
Le syndrome douloureux fémoro-patellaire (SDFP) est l'une des causes les plus fréquentes de douleur antérieure du genou chez l'adolescent et l'adulte. De par son étiologie complexe, multifactorielle et encore mal comprise, sa prise en charge est un important challenge pour le praticien. Le diagnostic se fait principalement sur l'anamnèse et l'examen clinique du genou mais aussi de l'ensemble du membre inférieur, pouvant parfois nécessiter la réalisation d'une imagerie. Le traitement est dans la grande majorité des cas conservateur, principalement axé sur la rééducation avec de la physiothérapie ciblée et personnalisée. Le traitement chirurgical est réservé aux cas présentant une anomalie structurelle causale. Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is one of the most frequent cause of anterior knee pain in adolescents and adults. Due to its complex etiology, which is multifactorial and still poorly understood, its management is a major challenge for the practitioner. The diagnosis is made primarily on the history and clinical examination of the knee, but also of the entire lower limb, which may sometimes require the completion of imaging. The treatment is mostly conservative, focussing on rehabilitation with targeted and personalized therapy. Surgical treatment is reserved for cases with a causal structural lesion.
In the peripheral sensory nervous system the neuronal expression of voltage-gated sodium channels (Navs) is very important for the transmission of nociceptive information since they give rise to the upstroke of the action potential (AP). Navs are composed of nine different isoforms with distinct biophysical properties. Studying the mutations associated with the increase or absence of pain sensitivity in humans, as well as other expression studies, have highlighted Nav1.7, Nav1.8, and Nav1.9 as being the most important contributors to the control of nociceptive neuronal electrogenesis. Modulating their expression and/or function can impact the shape of the AP and consequently modify nociceptive transmission, a process that is observed in persistent pain conditions. Post-translational modification (PTM) of Navs is a well-known process that modifies their expression and function. In chronic pain syndromes, the release of inflammatory molecules into the direct environment of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) sensory neurons leads to an abnormal activation of enzymes that induce Navs PTM. The addition of small molecules, i.e., peptides, phosphoryl groups, ubiquitin moieties and/or carbohydrates, can modify the function of Navs in two different ways: via direct physical interference with Nav gating, or via the control of Nav trafficking. Both mechanisms have a profound impact on neuronal excitability. In this review we will discuss the role of Protein Kinase A, B, and C, Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases and Ca++/Calmodulin-dependent Kinase II in peripheral chronic pain syndromes. We will also discuss more recent findings that the ubiquitination of Nav1.7 by Nedd4-2 and the effect of methylglyoxal on Nav1.8 are also implicated in the development of experimental neuropathic pain. We will address the potential roles of other PTMs in chronic pain and highlight the need for further investigation of PTMs of Navs in order to develop new pharmacological tools to alleviate pain.
Background: Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent, pro-inflammatory, pro-angiogenic condition that affects 5 to 10% of women of reproductive age. Its defining feature is the presence of endometrium-like tissue in sites outside the uterine cavity, primarily on the pelvic peritoneum and ovaries. The main clinical features are chronic pain, pain during intercourse and infertility. In patients with endometriosis, inflammatory and immune responses, angiogenesis and apoptosis are altered in favour of the survival and replenishment of endometriotic tissue. These basic pathological processes depend on the excessive formation of estrogen and prostaglandins. Recently, new cellular and molecular mechanisms for the resolution of inflammation have been discovered, revealing key roles for lipid mediators such as lipoxins, resolvins and protectins. It is possible that disequilibrium in the expression of these molecules exists in endometriosis. Objective: To compare the expression of two proteins involved in the synthe sis and in the function of lipid mediators; the Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase (ALOXI5), implicated in the synthesis of lipoxins A4 and B4 and the Formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPRLI), the specific receptor for Lipoxin A4 and B4, between women who suffer from endometriosis and a control group. We wish to demonstrate the cellular localisation of these two molecules and to investigate if their expression is alteted in this pathology. Methods and Materials Using immunohistochemistry we will compare ALOXI5 and FPRLI staining, in endometrium, normal peritoneum and endometriotic lesions. The samples are being collected in the department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Lausanne (CHUV). Women attending the department for laparoscopic investigation of pain/infertility, suspected endometriosis or for a hysterectomy, are invited to participate. Approval of the ethics committee (Commission d'Ethique de la recherché clinique) was obtained in March 2009. Clinical samples will only be obtained from subjects having consented. Expected results and interpretation: No published studies investigating the expression of these two molecules in endometriotic lesions exist. A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying this disease will result in the development of new medical therapies and new diagnostic tests, with the aim of ameliorating the quality of life of endometriosis patients.
Initiated within the first 72hours of the rash, prescribing antiviral drugs reduces both acute neuralgia (AN) and later complications and especially postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). But their analgesic as well as preventative effect on AN and PHN is modest. Combination with analgesic drugs is more often needed for pain management. However, the pharmacological management of pain, in the context of old patients' frailty, co-morbidities and often polypharmacy, must be carefully considered. Based on analyses of the evidences from the literature, this review presents the therapeutic options we have at one's disposal and proposes a stepwise management for both AN and PHN specifically designed for aged population.
There is no agreement about the distinction between pathological, excessive and normal gaming. The present study compared two classifications for defining pathological gaming: the polythetic format (gamers who met at least half of the criteria) and monothetic format (gamers who met all criteria). Associations with mental, health and social issues were examined to assess differences between subgroups of gamers. A representative sample of 5,663 young Swiss men filled in a questionnaire as part of the ongoing Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). Game use was assessed with the Game Addiction Scale. Mental, social and physical factors (depression, anxiety, aggressiveness, physical and mental health, social and health consequences), gambling and substance use (illicit drug use, alcohol dependence and problematic cannabis use) were also assessed. The results indicated that monothetic gamers shared problems with polythetic gamers, but were even more inclined to mental health issues (depression, anxiety, and aggressiveness) and were more vulnerable to other dependencies like substance use, alcohol dependence or gambling. A second analysis using Latent Class Analysis confirmed the distinction between monothetic and polythetic gamers. These findings support the use of a monothetic format to diagnose pathological gaming and to differentiate it from excessive gaming.
OBJECTIVE: Care related pain (CRP) is generally under-estimated and rarely studied in rehabilitation as well as in general medecine. Beliefs about pain influence psychological distress, adjustment to pain and physical disability. In this sense, perceptions of CRP could limit recovery. This exploratory study aims to understand patients' and caregivers' subjective perceptions and beliefs about CRP. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Questionnaires about CRP were submitted to members of the interdisciplinary team of a rehabilitation hospital and to patients with musculoskeletal complaints (cross-sectional design). Twenty patients were also individually interviewed (qualitative data). Four topics were addressed: frequency of CRP, situations and procedures causing CRP, beliefs about CRP and means used to deal with CRP. RESULTS: Seventy-five caregivers and 50 patients replied to the questionnaire. CRP is a very common experience in rehabilitation and it is recognized by both groups. Generally, the situations causing CRP reflect the specificity of rehabilitation (mobilization...) and are similarly perceived by patients and caregivers, with patients considering them as more painful. Beliefs about CRP are clearly different from those usually associated with pain. Both groups point out the utilitarian and the inevitable character of CRP. They differ on that, that patients had a more positive view about CRP. They associate it more often with progress and see it as acceptable at least until a certain limit. They are also able to perceive the richness of means used by physiotherapists to help them coping with CRP. CONCLUSION: Our data may suggest new keys to motivate patient to be active in rehabilitation for example in choosing carefully arguments or words which may fit theirs' beliefs about CRP, or in using various means to manage CRP. Promoting the use of relational competences with chronic pain patients and of a patient-centred approach may also be a concern in training caregivers.
La comunicación entre los enfermeros y los pacientes oncológicos es fundamental en la construcción de la relación profesional y terapéutica y esencial para administrar unos cuidados realmente enfocados en la persona como ser holístico y no como entidad patológica. Diferentes estudios han demostrado la influencia positiva de la comunicación en la satisfacción del paciente e incluso se ha encontrado relación entre una comunicación efectiva y una mayor adherencia al tratamiento, mejor control del dolor y estado psicológico. La comunicación, como herramienta para establecer una relación terapéutica eficaz, a su vez básica para el cuidado de cualquier paciente, es entonces “la herramienta” y prerrequisito indispensable para cuidar estos pacientes desde una perspectiva holística. Pese a la centralidad en el cuidado enfermero, la comunicación no se emplea en modo correcto en muchos casos. Objetivos: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo individuar las principales habilidades (skills) para lograr una comunicación terapéutica eficaz y cómo emplearlas en la construcción y mantenimiento de la relación terapéutica con el paciente y su familia. Método: búsqueda bibliográfica con las siguientes palabras clave: comunicación, paliativos, enfermería. Se han incluido en la revisión 27 artículos de 17 revistas distintas. Resultados: Las habilidades y factores encontrados en la literatura han sido clasificados en: a. barreras a la comunicación terapéutica b. condiciones y habilidades facilitadoras de la comunicaciónvi c. habilidades de relación d. habilidades para solicitar información e. estrategias y modelos de comunicación Conclusiones: La comunicación es la herramienta principal del cuidado enfermero en cuidados paliativos, difiere de la comunicación social y tiene como objetivo aumentar la calidad de vida del paciente. La habilidad en comunicación no es un don innato sino que es el resultado de un proceso de aprendizaje continuo. Entre las habilidades más citadas y efectivas hay que recordar la escucha activa (entendida como conjunto de técnicas), el tacto terapéutico, el contacto visual, la empatía y la importancia fundamental de la comunicación no verbal. El modelo de comunicación COMFORT es el único centrado en el paciente y a la vez en su familia. Palabras clave: Habilidades comunicación, paliativos, enfermería
BACKGROUND: Chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) is an important clinical problem. Prospective studies of the incidence, characteristics and risk factors of CPSP are needed. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the incidence and risk factors of CPSP. DESIGN: A multicentre, prospective, observational trial. SETTING: Twenty-one hospitals in 11 European countries. PATIENTS: Three thousand one hundred and twenty patients undergoing surgery and enrolled in the European registry PAIN OUT. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Pain-related outcome was evaluated on the first postoperative day (D1) using a standardised pain outcome questionnaire. Review at 6 and 12 months via e-mail or telephonic interview used the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) and the DN4 (Douleur Neuropathique four questions). Primary endpoint was the incidence of moderate to severe CPSP (numeric rating scale, NRS ≥3/10) at 12 months. RESULTS: For 1044 and 889 patients, complete data were available at 6 and 12 months. At 12 months, the incidence of moderate to severe CPSP was 11.8% (95% CI 9.7 to 13.9) and of severe pain (NRS ≥6) 2.2% (95% CI 1.2 to 3.3). Signs of neuropathic pain were recorded in 35.4% (95% CI 23.9 to 48.3) and 57.1% (95% CI 30.7 to 83.4) of patients with moderate and severe CPSP, respectively. Functional impairment (BPI) at 6 and 12 months increased with the severity of CPSP (P < 0.01) and presence of neuropathic characteristics (P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis identified orthopaedic surgery, preoperative chronic pain and percentage of time in severe pain on D1 as risk factors. A 10% increase in percentage of time in severe pain was associated with a 30% increase of CPSP incidence at 12 months. CONCLUSION: The collection of data on CPSP was feasible within the European registry PAIN OUT. The incidence of moderate to severe CPSP at 12 months was 11.8%. Functional impairment was associated with CPSP severity and neuropathic characteristics. Risk factors for CPSP in the present study were chronic preoperative pain, orthopaedic surgery and percentage of time in severe pain on D1. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01467102.