949 resultados para ontogenia foliar
`Rainha Cláudia Verde' é uma antiga variedade da ameixeira europeia Prunus domestica L. que se encontra bem adaptada a uma zona restrita do Alto Alentejo. Esta variedade é utilizada para o consumo em fresco e na doçaria regional, onde se emprega na confecção das famosas 'Ameixas D'Elvas'. A confitagem é a técnica utilizada na confecção deste produto com denomicação de origem protegida, e que faz parte de um saber tradicional muito divulgado na região. As informações que resultam de evidências práticas mostram que nem todos os frutos reagem da mesma forma à fase da cozedura. Existem zonas específicas que produzem frutos que não se adequara processo da confitagem, apresentando uma textura imprópria após a cozedura. Recentemente, e com o aumento das áreas produtoras, verificou-se que os frutos destas regiões específicas para além de inadequados para a cozedura, também apresentavam uma menor capacidade de conservação em fresco. Assim durante a conservação estes frutos, quando comparados com os das outras regiões, apresentavam uma perda de firmeza mais rápida tornando-se mais difíceis de comercializar. Entre os factores culturais que contribuem para a qualidade pós-colheita dos frutos, o teor de cálcio presente no solo e nos frutos apresenta-se corno um dos mais importantes. O cálcio é um dos nutrientes que mais frequentemente é associado à manutenção da estrutura das paredes celulares das plantas, estando envolvido directamente na redução das perdas de textura dos frutos. Tendo em consideração os aspectos anteriormente referidos, foi delineado um trabalho que teve início com a selecção de dois pomares geograficamente distantes, e que tradicionalmente produziam frutos com diferentes comportamentos quer durante a conservação quer durante a confitagem. Associada ao conhecimento empírico, a prévia indicação de que estes pomares apresentavam concentrações cle cálcio foliar significativamente diferentes, contribuiu também para a sua selecção. O objectivo geral desta tese foi o de investigar o comportamento pós-colheita da `Rainha Cláudia Verde' particularmente a influência do cálcio na textura dos frutos. Definiram-se os seguintes objectivos específicos: (1) determinar a influência do porta-enxerto e do solo na concentração de cálcio dos frutos e as respectivas consequências, no seu comportamento pós-colheita; (2) seleccionar um método que permitisse avaliar a produção de etileno dos frutos e consequentemente a atribuição da designação de fruto climatérico ou não climatérico a esta variedade; (3) avaliar os e Feitos durante a conservação, de diferentes níveis de cálcio nos frutos; (4) quantificar nos frutos os níveis de cálcio da parede celular e avaliar a sua influência na firmeza dos frutos; (5) seleccionar as melhores temperaturas de conservação para os frutos desta variedade. Os resultados apresentados nesta tese indicam que a variedade 'Rainha Cláudia Verde' é uma variedade de frutos climatéricos que apresentam uma acentuada perda de textura após a colheita. Durante a conservação frigorífica os frutos apresentaram comportamentos diferentes, de acordo com a sua origem. Os frutos com origem no pomar que tradicionalmente não produz frutos aptos a serem confitados, apresentam simultaneamente uma mais rápida perda de firmeza quando comparados com os frutos dos outros pomares. Sendo que o menor teor de cálcio nos frutos leva a que a diminuição da firmeza da polpa ocorra mais rapidamente. No entanto à colheita não se observaram diferenças significativas da firmeza da polpa dos frutos. Esta informação parece indicar que outros factores, além do nível de cálcio dos frutos, poderão estar implicados na firmeza revelada à colheita. Por outro lado os frutos com epiderme revelaram diferenças de firmeza nos testes efectuados à colheita. O efeito da epiderme na firmeza dos frutos à colheita parece indicar que outros factores tais como o estado de hidratação dos frutos poderão contribuir para o aumento desta característica dos frutos. Apesar do teor de cálcio dos frutos melhorar o seu comportamento durante a conservação, a sua influência na emissão de etileno não foi evidente. O aumento do teor de cálcio nos frutos pode conseguir-se através de uma selecção adequada do porta-enxerto. Os porta-enxertos estudados induziram quantidades diferentes de cálcio nos frutos, aparentemente contribuindo o vigor do porta-enxerto para um efeito de diluição do cálcio na árvore. O estudo da influência do solo no teor do cálcio dos frutos revelou que os frutos com menor capacidade de conservação provinham de solos com maiores teores de cálcio, e que na sua constituição apresentavam uma menor concentração de cálcio na polpa. Apresenta-se ainda a hipótese de que o excesso de potássio presente nestes solos possa ter contribuído para um menor teor de cálcio nos frutos. De facto os frutos com uma razão Ca/K superior apresentaram também uma firmeza superior./ ABSTRACT - `Raínha Claudia Verde' is an old variety of Prunus domestica which is well adapted to a restrict zone of Alto Alentejo in the south region of Portugal. This variety is much appreciated either as a fresh fruit or as a sweet candy. The candying process is a widespread technique in this region with much empirical knowledge. There are practical evidences which indicate that fruits origin may influence the boiling process. Some fruits produced in specific areas in this region had an inadequate behaviour during boiling, becoming to soft and improper to use in canding. More recently it has been also observed that these specific areas produced fruits with a poor postharvest behaviour. During storage these fruits loose texture very quickly and became improper to commercialize. Many pre and postharvest factors may contribute to differences in fruit quality. calcium is one of most important nutrients which have a major effect on cell wall structure and membrane integrity. Studies on the role of calcium in fruits indicate its involvement in delaying changes associated with softening. Two orchards were selected because of their history of producing fruits with different characteristics either as a fresh or as a processed fruit, and because induced different calcium levels in the leaves. The main focus of this research work was to study the influence of the production region in fruit postharvest behaviour, specially the influence of calcium in fruit texture. The aims were: (1) to compare the rootstock and the soil influence on calcium fruit content, (2) to select a method- to measure the production of ethylene in fruits of 'Raínha Claudia Verde' (3) to evaluate the effects of different calcium fruit content in the postharvest behaviour of fruits (4) to evaluate the cell wall calcium content and its influence in fruit firmness, (5) and to select the best cold storage temperatures to this variety. It was found that 'Raínha Claudia Verde' is a climacteric variety and the studies on fruit firmness revealed a significant loss of fruit texture during ripening on or off the tree. During storage, fruits had a different behaviour depending on fruits origin. Usually fruits, which traditionally do not resist to boiling process, also exhibited an early softening, when compared to other fruits produced in adequate regions. The excessive fruit softening after harvest occurred in fruits with lower calcium content. However, at harvest, fruits from both orchards exhibited a similar firmness which may indicate that other factors besides calcium should be implicated in fruit firmness at harvest. In spite of a better postharvest behaviour of fruits with higher calcium content, it was not evident the calcium influence in the climacteric rise. The increase of calcium fruit content can be achieved with a proper rootstock selection. The rootstocks investigated in this study, induced different calcium fruit content, apparently vigorous rootstocks contributed to the dilution of calcium fruit level. The soil with higher calcium content induced a lower calcium fruit content, which may be due to the excess of potassium in this soil; in fact fruits with higher Ca/K ratio reached higher firmness values. It is also proposed a method to evaluate the calcium content in the fruit independently of fruit mass. The calcium fruit content is usually expressed as a percentage of dry mass, however during the course of fruit development there are a huge increment of fruit weight because of water and sugar mobilization into the fruit. Most of the total calcium in the plants is associated with the cell wall which means that calcium fruit content expressed as a percentage of cell wall fraction is a much more reliable method. Orchards with an excess of potassium in the soil produced fruits with a significant lower calcium fruit content. However it was not possible to prove the gradually firmness decrease during the harvest period as a consequence of calcium fruit loss. In fact, it was not evident a gradual decrease of calcium fruit content during the harvest dates thus it was impossible to find at harvest, a good correlation between fruit firmness and calcium fruit content. The analysis of cell wall polysaccharides evaluated during ripening in the tree showed a slight increase of more branched polysaccharides as ripening went. The small changes in pectic polysaccharides during the harvest season are in accordance with the small decrease in tissue firmness during this period. In this variety the usual storage period is about of 3-4weeks with a temperature of 1-2°C and 90% of relative humidity. However upon rewarming fruits held at 7°C, during 14 days, produced more ethylene at 20°C and exhibited also a higher firmness than fruits held at PC. The reduction of ethylene production and fruit firmness upon rewarming, after fruits being held at lower temperatures, may suggest some chilling injury in this variety.
This study aimed to analyse the Brazilian savanna forest from a Legal Reserve (LR) area from a perspective of conservation, reservoir of organic carbon and medicinal biomass for a prospective use of native medicinal plants. An ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological survey was carried out close to a community settled in the rural area in the south of Tocantins, being selected 9 of the most cited species (cajuí- Anacardium othonianum; inharé-Brosimum gaudichaudii; jatobá-Hymenaeae courbaril; jenipapo-Genipa americana, aroeira-Myracrodruon urundeuva; negramina-Siparuna guianensis; barbatimão- Stryphnodendron obovatum; assa peixe-Vernonia brasiliana, embaúba-Cecropia pachystachya). Crude foliar extracts were subjected to a preliminary phytochemical prospection and triage of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity of potential interest in health and familiar agriculture. Phenolic compounds, terpenes and flavonoids were detected in the extracts of most species, which suggests the presence of antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-insect activities. It was evident the need to better know the LR as a reservoir of medicinal biomass in an area under ecological tension where 35% (610ha) of the property is LR and should be protected by law. Therefore, a forest inventory of live woody species was performed using the allometric or indirect method. This identified a rare remnant of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest amidst the largest world savannah, the Cerrado biome. An analysis of the forest average productivity per basal area (m².ha), aerial live biomass (ton.ha-1) and carbon stock was carried out. The forest fragment was considered relatively rich in species and diversity, although showing signs of disturbance and dominance by a few species. Its horizontal structure suggests biotic regeneration conditions. It is an important reservoir of medicinal plants. Of the families (57.5%) presenting medicinal species, 19 from a total of 33 are represented in the area and contain 44% (27) of the total species (61) and 63% (432) of the total individuals catalogued. Medicinal species have ecological importance for the equilibrium of the local flora and represent 80% of the 10 species with higher Importance Value Index (IVI): Tetragastris altissima, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Oenocarpus distichus, Sclerolobium paniculatum, Simarouba versicolor, Alibertia macrophylla, Siparuna guianensis, Maprounea guianensis, Licania parvifolia e Physocalymma scaberrimum. Medicinal productivity was high for this type of phytophysionomy: 183,2 ton. ha-1 of biomass and 91,51 ton. ha-1 of carbon representing 66% of the total biomass and carbon of this Cerrado forest. From this stage S. guianensis (Siparunaceae) was selected for performing bioassays in order to verify its biological activity against microorganisms of health and agricultural relevance. This is a native aromatic medicinal plant recommended as priority for conservation, with local popular medicinal validation and availability of medicinal feedstock (3300 Kg.ha-1), with the foliar fraction giving 38Kg/ha of crude extract and 5L/ha of essential oil. Foliar crude extracts and essential oil were obtained and tested in vitro using a disk diffusion bioassay. Different concentrations of these natural products were tested against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213), gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and ATCC 35218; Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145) and fungi (Candida albicans ATCC 6258 e Fusarium oxysporum). The essential oil inhibited the growth of S. aureus in its crude concentration (380μg.mL-1), as well as diluted to half (190μg.mL-1) and a quarter strength (95μg.mL-1). It’s likely that such action is due to sesquiterpenes major components, such as bisabolol and bisabolene (10.35%), measured by gas chromatography (GC-MS, GC-FID). Extracts did not exhibit any antimicrobial activity against the microorganisms tested. The native medicinal plants prospective market is an alternative that favours the conservation of biodiversity while generating benefits for the development of sustainable family productive activities within local ecosystems instead of the current inappropriate uses. This strengthens conservation policies of Legal Reserve in rural settlements and is in agreement with public policy on global warming and climate changes.
Tese dout., Biologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2005
Dissertação mest., Biotecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Tese dout., Ciências Agrárias, Produção Vegetal, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias, Universidade do Algarve, 2000
Tese de dout., Ciências do Mar, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010
Tese de dout., Ciências Agrárias, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias (Produção Vegetal), Univ. do Algarve, 2000
Dissertação de mest., Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2007
Tese de dout., Biologia (Fisiologia Vegetal), Faculdade de Engenharia dos Recursos Naturais, Univ. do Algarve, 2005
Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Biologia Evolutiva e do Desenvolvimento). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A simple High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) method has been developed to identify benamyl (methyl 1- (butylcarbamoyl)-2-benzimidazole carbamate) and MBC (methyl 2-benzimidazole carbamat~ residues on apple leaves without cleanup. Sample leaves are freeze dried in a Mason jar and residues are then extracted by tumbling them in chloroform containing 5,000 microgram per milliliter of n-propyl isocyanate (PIC) at 10 C. To the extract, n-butyl isocyanate (BIC) was added at 5,000 microgram per milliliter and 20 microliter of this mixture injected onto the HPLC system. Separation is accomplished by the use of a Brownlee LiChrosorb silica gel column with a guard column and' operated with a mixed mobile phase consisting of chloroform and hexane (4:1) saturated with water. MBC, a degradation product of benomyl is identified if present as methyl l-(npropyl carbamoyl)-2-benzimidazole carbamate (MBC-n-PIC). Both benomyl and MBC-n-PIC can be detected with aKUltraviolet (UV) detector (280nm) at a concentration as low as 0.2 microgram per milliliter in apple leaves. The fate of benomyl on apple foliage after spray application of benomyl (Ben late 50 per cent wettable powder) was investigated by the method thus described. Benomyl quickly dissipated during the first 3-7 days, but the dissipatio'n sltowed down thereafter. In contrast, the concentration of MBC in leaves gradually increased after repeated applications of Benlate.
This study was materialized to analyze the management issues regarding the seafood processing waste generated including its impact on the coastal community in one of the important seafood hubs of India Aroor Seafood Industrial Belt Alappuzha District Kerala The area has witnessed serious pollution issues related to seafood waste and seldom has any action been implemented by either the polluters or the preventers Further this study is also intended to suggest a low cost eco friendly method for utilizing the bulk quantity of seafood solid waste generated in the area for the promotion of organic farming The high nutritional value of seafood enables the subsequent offal to be considered as an excellent source for plant nutrition The liquid silage accepted worldwide as the cheapest and practical solution for rendering fish waste in bulk for production of livestock feed is adopted in this study to develop foliar fertilizer formulations from various seafood waste The effect of seafood foliar sprays is demonstrated by field studies on two plant varieties such as Okra and Amaranthus
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, einen Beitrag zur Resistenzforschung bei Tomaten gegenüber P. infestans zu leisten, um erste Grundlagen für eine mögliche Züchtungsstrategie auf Basis unterschiedlicher quantitativer Resistenzen zu erarbeiten. Hierzu wurde untersucht, inwieweit unterschiedliche qualitative und quantitative Resistenzen bei Tomatenblättern und -früchten vorliegen, und ob hierfür verantwortliche Mechanismen identifiziert werden können. Zudem wurde untersucht, ob isolatspezifische quantitative Resistenzen identifiziert werden können. Zu diesem Zweck wurde mit einer erweiterten Clusteranalyse, basierend auf einer modifizierten Sanghvi-T2 Distanz, ein statistisches Verfahren entwickelt, welches die Identifikation von quantitativen, isolatspezifischen Resistenzen unter der Berücksichtigung der Variabilität ermöglicht. Des weiteren wurde geprüft, inwieweit zwischen den Resistenzausprägungen auf dem Blatt und den Resistenzausprägungen auf der Frucht ein Zusammenhang besteht und inwieweit die im Labor beobachteten Resistenzen unter Freilandbedingungen eine Rolle spielen. Im Labortest wurde die qualitative und quantitative Blattresistenz von 109 Akzessionen aus elf Lycopersicon und Solanum Arten gegenüber zwölf unterschiedlich aggressiven und teilweise auch unterschiedlich virulenten P. infestans Isolaten untersucht (Kap. 3). Die Früchte von 38 Tomatensorten wurden auf ihre Resistenz gegenüber drei P. infestans Isolaten geprüft. Zusätzlich wurde der Einfluss der Fruchtnachreife auf die Resistenzeigenschaften der Tomatenfrüchte gegenüber P. infestans analysiert (Kap. 4). Insgesamt 40 Sorten wurden auch unter Feldbedingungen auf Blatt- und Fruchtbefall untersucht (Kap. 5). Die frühen Stadien der Infektion von Tomatenblättern mit P. infestans Sporangien wurden mikroskopisch bei acht Tomatensorten mit unterschiedlichen quantitativen Reaktionsprofilen und drei Isolaten untersucht (Kap. 6). Hierzu wurden die Entwicklungsstadien von P. infestans Sporangien nach 24h, 48h und 60h nach der Inokulation auf und im Blatt mit der Calcofluor und der KOH - Anilin Blau Färbung sichtbar gemacht. Das Auftreten und die Lokalisation von H2O2 im Blatt nach 48h und 60h nach der Inokulation in Reaktion auf die Infektion wurde mithilfe einer DAB (3,3′ - Diaminobenzidine) Färbung untersucht. Es wurden einige, z.T. auch wahrscheinlich neue, qualitative Blattresistenzen gegenüber P. infestans gefunden, jedoch war keine der 109 Akzessionen vollständig resistent gegenüber allen Isolaten. Für die quantitative Resistenz von Blättern lagen in vielen Fällen isolatspezifische Unterschiede vor. Die Sorte x Isolat Interaktionen konnten mit Hilfe der erweiterten Clusteranalyse erfolgreich analysiert werden und die Akzessionen in Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen quantitativen Resistenzprofilen bzgl. der Interaktion mit den Isolaten und des Resistenzniveaus eingeteilt werden. Für die Fruchtresistenz konnten keine qualitativen Resistenzen gegenüber den drei getesteten Isolaten gefunden werden. Im Gegensatz dazu unterschieden sich die Tomatensorten in ihrer quantitativen Resistenz und Sorten und Isolate interagierten signifikant. Auch für die Fruchtresistenz konnten Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen quantitativen Reaktionsprofilen gebildet werden. Insgesamt nimmt die Anfälligkeit von Tomatenfrüchten mit zunehmender Reife kontinuierlich und signifikant ab. Unter Laborbedingungen korrelierten nur die Sporulationskapazität der Früchte und der prozentuale Blattbefall. Im Feldversuch über zwei Jahre und mit bis zu 40 Tomatensorten war der Zusammenhang hoch signifikant, jedoch asymptotisch, d.h. bereits bei sehr geringem Blattbefall war der Fruchtbefall sehr hoch. Bei den Tomatenherkünften, die sowohl im Labor als auch im Feld auf ihre Anfälligkeit getestet wurden, erschienen die Blattanfälligkeiten ähnlich, während kein klarer Zusammenhang zwischen der Fruchtanfälligkeit im Feld und im Labor bestand. Die Entwicklung von P. infestans auf der Blattoberfläche war unabhängig von der Sorte. Sowohl beim Eindringen und der Etablierung von P. infestans ins Blatt als auch bei der damit verbunden H2O2 Aktivität im Wirt wurden deutliche isolat- und sortenspezifische Effekte gefunden, die aber nur zum Teil mit den quantitativen Unterschieden der Blattresistenz korrespondierten. Sorten, die bei hoher Resistenz unterschiedliche Reaktionsprofile aufweisen, sind grundsätzlich interessante Kreuzungspartner, um die quantitative Resistenz gegenüber P. infestans zu verbessern. Hier sind vor allem Sorten, die sich auch in ihrer H2O2 Aktivität unterscheiden von Interesse.