960 resultados para nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)


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The water characteristics in cooked pressure-heat treated (45 degreesC for 45 min prior to pressurisation at 150 MPa for 30 min) and non-pressurised, cooked (control) samples of beef Longissimus aged for 1, 3, 8 or 16 days were studied by nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy. A multi-echo sequence was used to obtain T2 images, and independent of ageing period, the T2 values were found to be lower in pressure-heat treated meat revealing alterations in water characteristics of pressure-treated, cooked meat compared with cooked meat. With increasing ageing duration, the T2 values in both pressure-treated, cooked and cooked meat decreased indicating that the water became more tightly trapped in the protein network. In addition, independent of length of ageing period the relationship between cooking loss in the cooked meat and transverse relaxation differed between non-pressurised and pressure-treated meat. which reveals that the mechanisms changing the water properties in beef during ageing are different from those occuring during pressure-heat treatment of meat. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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AIM: To establish a simple method to quantify muscle/fat constituents in cervical muscles of asymptomatic women using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and to determine whether there is an age effect within a defined age range. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRI of the upper cervical spine was performed for 42 asymptomatic women aged 18-45 years. The muscle and fat signal intensities on axial spin echo T1-weighted images were quantitatively classified by taking a ratio of the pixel intensity profiles of muscle against those of intermuscular fat for the rectus capitis posterior major and minor and inferior obliquus capitis muscles bilaterally. Inter- and intra-examiner agreement was scrutinized. RESULTS: The average relative values of fat within the upper cervical musculature compared with intermuscular fat indicated that there were only slight variations in indices between the three sets of muscles. There was no significant correlation between age and fat indices. There were significant differences for the relative fat within the muscle compared with intermuscular fat and body mass index for the right rectus capitis posterior major and right and left inferior obliquus capitis muscles (p = 0.032). Intraclass correlation coefficients for intraobserver agreement ranged from 0.94 to 0.98. Inter-rater agreement of the measurements ranged from 0.75 to 0.97. CONCLUSION: A quantitative measure of muscle/fat constituents has been developed, and results of this study indicate that relative fatty infiltration is not a feature of age in the upper cervical extensor muscles of women aged 18-45 years. (C) 2005 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ingress of water into copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFMA) loaded with either one of two model drugs, ie vitamin B-12 or aspirin, was studied at 310 K using three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (3D NMR) imaging. The poly(HEMA) was loaded with 5 wt% of the drugs. From the imaging profiles it was observed that incorporation of vitamin B-12 into the polymers rich in HEMA resulted in crack formation at the interface between the rubbery region and the glassy core on sorption of water, although these cracks were 'healed' behind the diffusion front. However, for the copolymers with low HEMA contents and for those containing aspirin, no evidence for similar crack formation was found. For the copolymers loaded with 5 wt% of aspirin or vitamin B-12 the values of the water diffusion coefficients, determined by curve-fitting the relative water concentration profiles from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements, were found to be smaller than those obtained from a mass uptake study. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.


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In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the MR signal intensity can vary spatially and this spatial variation is usually referred to as MR intensity nonuniformity. Although the main source of intensity nonuniformity arises from B, inhomogeneity of the coil acting as a receiver and/or transmitter, geometric distortion also alters the MR signal intensity. It is useful on some occasions to have these two different sources be separately measured and analyzed. In this paper, we present a practical method for a detailed measurement of the MR intensity nonuniformity. This method is based on the same three-dimensional geometric phantom that was recently developed for a complete measurement of the geometric distortion in MR systems. In this paper, the contribution to the intensity nonuniformity from the geometric distortion can be estimated and thus, it provides a mechanism for estimation of the intensity nonuniformity that reflects solely the spatial characteristics arising from B-1. Additionally, a comprehensive scheme for characterization of the intensity nonuniformity based on the new measurement method is proposed. To demonstrate the method, the intensity nonuniformity in a 1.5 T Sonata MR system was measured and is used to illustrate the main features of the method. (c) 2005 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.


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The extent of swelling of cross-linked poly(dimethylsiloxane) and linear low-density poly(ethylene) in supercritical CO2 has been investigated using high-pressure NMR spectroscopy and microscopy. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) was cross-linked to four different cross-link densities and swollen in supercritical CO2. The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter, x, was found to be 0.62 at 300 bar and 45 degrees C, indicating that supercritical CO2 is a relatively poor solvent compared to toluene or benzene. Linear low-density poly(ethylene) was shown to exhibit negligible swelling upon exposure to supercritical CO2 up to 300 bar. The effect Of CO2 pressure on the amorphous region of the poly(ethylene) was investigated by observing changes in the H-1 T-2 relaxation times of the polymer. These relaxation times decreased with increasing pressure, which was attributed to a decrease in mobility of the polymer chains as a result of compressive pressure.


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We present experimental results on the measurement of fidelity decay under contrasting system dynamics using a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processor. The measurements were performed by implementing a scalable circuit in the model of deterministic quantum computation with only one quantum bit. The results show measurable differences between regular and complex behavior and for complex dynamics are faithful to the expected theoretical decay rate. Moreover, we illustrate how the experimental method can be seen as an efficient way for either extracting coarse-grained information about the dynamics of a large system or measuring the decoherence rate from engineered environments.


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A new transceive system for chest imaging for MRI applications is presented. A focused, eight-element transceive torso phased array coil is designed to investigate transmitting a focused radiofrequency field deep within the torso and to enhance signal homogeneity in the heart region. The system is used in conjunction with the SENSE reconstruction technique to enable focused parallel imaging. A hybrid finite-difference-time-domain/method-of-moments method is used to accurately predict the radiofrequency behavior inside the human torso. The simulation results reported herein demonstrate the feasibility of the design concept, which shows that radiofrequency field focusing with SENSE reconstruction is theoretically achievable. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A powerful decoupling method is introduced to obtain decoupled signal voltages from quadrature coils in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The new method uses the knowledge of the position of the signal source in MRI, the active slice, to define a new mutual impedance which accurately quantifies the coupling voltages and enables them to be removed almost completely. Results show that by using the new decoupling method, the percentage errors in the decoupled voltages are of the order of 10(-7)% and isolations between two coils are more than 170 dB.


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A numerical method is introduced to determine the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of a donor (P-31) doped inside a silicon substrate under the influence of an applied electric field. This phosphorus donor has been suggested for operation as a qubit for the realization of a solid-state scalable quantum computer. The operation of the qubit is achieved by a combination of the rotation of the phosphorus nuclear spin through a globally applied magnetic field and the selection of the phosphorus nucleus through a locally applied electric field. To realize the selection function, it is required to know the relationship between the applied electric field and the change of the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of phosphorus. In this study, based on the wave functions obtained by the effective-mass theory, we introduce an empirical correction factor to the wave functions at the donor nucleus. Using the corrected wave functions, we formulate a first-order perturbation theory for the perturbed system under the influence of an electric field. In order to calculate the potential distributions inside the silicon and the silicon dioxide layers due to the applied electric field, we use the multilayered Green's functions and solve an integral equation by the moment method. This enables us to consider more realistic, arbitrary shape, and three-dimensional qubit structures. With the calculation of the potential distributions, we have investigated the effects of the thicknesses of silicon and silicon dioxide layers, the relative position of the donor, and the applied electric field on the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of the donor.


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PFG-NMR was used to study the chemical exchange of linear PHEMA having a range of molecular weights with water in DMSO containing varying quantities of water. The aim was to investigate the use of PFG-NMR to study chemical exchange between a polymer with exchangeable protons and a small fast diffusing molecule to provide insight into the conformation adopted by a polymer in solution. The experimental data were simulated closely for the two-site exchange case using the Bloch equations modified for chemical exchange and diffusion. The exchange rate could be used to detect changes in polymer conformation resulting from changes in the solvent. PHEMA of MW 10 000 showed significant time-dependent changes in exchange rate, resulting from preferential solvation of the OH sites by water, and subsequent conformational changes which altered accessibility of the OH sites to water. This behavior was not observed for larger MW PHEMA, which adopted a stable conformation immediately. Large changes in the exchange rate were not reflected in changes to the hydrodynamic radius, suggesting that a minimal overall change in the chain dimensions occurred. DMSO was found to be a poor solvent for PHEMA, which adopts a compact conformation in DMSO. This work has demonstrated that PFG-NMR is a sensitive method for detecting subtle changes in polymer conformation in polymers with exchangeable protons.


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SINNMR (Sonically Induced Narrowing of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra of solids), is a novel technique that is being developed to enable the routine study of solids by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. SINNMR aims to narrow the broad resonances that are characteristic of solid state NMR by inducing rapid incoherent motion of solid particles suspended in a support medium, using high frequency ultrasound in the range 2-10 MHz. The width of the normal broad resonances from solids are due to incomplete averaging of several components of the total spin Hamiltonian caused by restrictions placed on molecular motion within a solid. At present Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR is the classical solid state technique used to reduce line broadening, but: this has associated problems, not least of which is the appearance of many spinning side bands which confuse the spectra. It is hoped that SlNNMR will offer a simple alternative, particularly as it does not reveal spinning sidebands The fundamental question concerning whether the use of ultrasound within a cryo-magnet will cause quenching has been investigated with success, as even under the most extreme conditions of power, frequency and irradiator time, the magnet does not quench. The objective of this work is to design and construct a SINNMR probe for use in a super conducting cryo-magnet NMR spectrometer. A cell for such a probe has been constructed and incorporated into an adapted high resolution broadband probe. It has been proved that the cell is capable of causing cavitation, up to 10 MHz, by running a series of ultrasonic reactions within it and observing the reaction products. It was found that the ultrasound was causing the sample to be heated to unacceptable temperatures and this necessitated the incorporation of temperature stabilisation devices. Work has been performed on the investigation of the narrowing of the solid state 23Na spectrum of tri-sodium phosphate using high frequency ultrasound. Work has also been completed on the signal enhancement and T1 reduction of a liquid mixture and a pure compound using ultrasound. Some preliminary "bench" experiments have been completed on a novel ultrasonic device designed to help minimise sample heating. The concept involves passing the ultrasound through a temperature stabilised, liquid filled funnel that has a drum skin on the end that will enable the passage of ultrasound into the sample. Bench experiments have proved that acoustic attenuation is low and that cavitation in the liquid beyond the device is still possible.


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The fast developing international trade of products based on traditional knowledge and their value chains has become an important aspect of the ethnopharmacological debate. The structure and diversity of value chains and their impact on the phytochemical composition of herbal medicinal products has been overlooked in the debate about quality problems in transnational trade. Different government policies and regulations governing trade in herbal medicinal products impact on such value chains. Medicinal Rhodiola species, including Rhodiola rosea L. and Rhodiola crenulata (Hook.f. & Thomson) H.Ohba, have been used widely in Europe and Asia as traditional herbal medicines with numerous claims for their therapeutic effects. Faced with resource depletion and environment destruction, R. rosea and R. crenulata are becoming endangered, making them more economically valuable to collectors and middlemen, and also increasing the risk of adulteration and low quality. We compare the phytochemical differences among Rhodiola raw materials available on the market to provide a practical method for Rhodiola authentication and the detection of potential adulterant compounds. Samples were collected from Europe and Asia and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis software and high performance thin layer chromatography techniques were used to analyse the samples. A method was developed to quantify the amount of adulterant species contained within mixtures. We compared the phytochemical composition of collected Rhodiola samples to authenticated samples. Rosavin and rosarin were mainly present in R. rosea whereas crenulatin was only present in R. crenulata. 30% of the Rhodiola samples purchased from the Chinese market were adulterated by other Rhodiola spp. Moreover, 7 % of the raw-material samples were not labelled satifactorily. The utilisation of both 1H-NMR and HPTLC methods provided an integrated analysis of the phytochemical differences and novel identification method for R. rosea and R. crenulata. Using 1H-NMR spectroscopy it was possible to quantify the presence of R. crenulata in admixtures with R. rosea. This quantitative technique could be used in the future to assess a variety of herbal drugs and products. This project also highlights the need to further study the links between producers and consumers in national and trans-national trade.