981 resultados para municipal solid waste management
The destination of urban solid waste has became a very relevant theme because of the fast growth of cities. Bauru, a strategically located municipality, needs solutions for that problem. This research aims to show solid waste management in Bauru through a survey of the selective or regular garbage collection programs, treatment and final disposal of the waste. To do so, a questionnaire with 85 questions was used about solid waste management in the municipality and visits were made to the solid waste collection and disposal sites. Bauru has a bad selective collection program and very significant clandestine disposal of Hazardous waste. Furthermore, it doesnot treat hospital waste and has a deficient final disposal landfill.
The incineration of municipal solid waste has become a very interesting, in order that incineration reduces the amount of solid waste, which would be accumulated in dumps and / or landfill. Furthermore, it is possible to generate electrical energy by use of clean well known technology. To verify the feasibility of installing a plant for the incineration of solid waste with energy recovery, we must consider some basic requirements. For this reason, will be presented in this paper some factors that influence the project to install a plant of incineration with energy recovery.
The theme of solid waste is in high evidence today, a fact noted by the recent implementation of the European directive, and in Brazil, by the National Solid Waste Policy. Understanding the impact of this policy on the national scientific production is essential to plan new directions and research trends. Through a bibliometric and scientometric studied, this research analyzed the national and global context of the last 20 years and found areas in which research progressed, as municipal solid waste, and essentials gaps to develop more the national state-of-the-art, as solid waste of transport. So, the results of this study are a plausible tool to justify for further research on this topic.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The implementation of residue selective collection has brought to the city of Sao Manuel an incalculable benefit. It brought a better life for a group of adults and children that lives in a humanitarian condition of extreme poverty. These people live in an open-air dump, disputing the remains found in fifteen tons of garbage that are deposited at the site almost every day.The objective of this paper is to present thecollectors annual income profile and the volume of solid waste collected.To present these factors, the total and fractionated amount according to their material items, collected since the creation of the Association in February 2003 until December 2008, were considered., In addition,the social gains were enumerated. These factors were developed from a theoretical base for municipal solid waste involving environmental, social, and financial concepts. Based on these results it was found that the ACAPEL income value was above the average of other income indicators of the population analyzed, besides the social value enhance that the creation of the Association brought to the people who work there.
Com a Rio+20 retoma-se a discussão de estratégias para conciliar desenvolvimento com proteção dos ecossistemas. Um tema apenas tangenciado nessas discussões é o gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Diante da institucionalização da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, busca-se contribuir para esse debate, bem como apontar caminhos para o enfrentamento dessa questão, privilegiando a inclusão social. Para isso, foram utilizados documentos e informações sobre a gestão de resíduos sólidos, e a literatura científica especializada. Observa-se que o inadequado gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos gera impactos imediatos no ambiente e na saúde, assim como contribui para mudanças climáticas. Considerando as limitações das opções de destinação final para os resíduos, é imprescindível minimizar as quantidades produzidas por meio da redução, reutilização e reciclagem. Nesse contexto, destaca-se o papel dos catadores, que vêm realizando um trabalho de grande importância ambiental. Dadas as fragilidades desse segmento populacional, é preciso delinear políticas públicas que tornem a atividade de catação mais digna e com menos riscos e que, ao mesmo tempo, garantam renda, para assim caminhar rumo a um desenvolvimento mais saudável, justo e sustentável.
In Brazil, the large quantities of solid waste produced are out of step with public policies, technological developments, and government budgets for the division. In small municipalities, the common lack of technological knowledge and financial conditions for suitable waste disposal has resulted in a large number of illegal dumps. Therefore, small sanitary landfill facilities are working with simplified operations focusing on cost reduction and meeting the economic and technological standards of the city without endangering the environment or public health. Currently, this activity is regulated at a federal level although there is some uncertainty regarding the risk of soil and aquifer contamination as theses facilities do not employ liners. Thus, this work evaluates a small landfill to identify changes in soil and groundwater using geotechnical parameters, monitoring wells, and geophysical tests performed by electrical profiling. It is verified that based on current conditions, no contaminants have migrated via underground water aquifers, and overall no significant changes have occurred in the soil. It is concluded that, despite its simplicity, the method investigated is a viable alternative for the final disposal of municipal solid waste from small cities, especially in developing countries.
An anaerobic consortium, capable of efficiently converting into methane the organic fraction of mechanically sorted municipal solid waste (MS-OFMSW), was obtained through a dedicated enrichment procedure in a 0.36 L up-flow anaerobic recirculated reactor. This result was obtained after several micro-reactor fed-batch procedures that allowed to obtain only a few methanization of the MS-OFMSW.
In this work, new tools in atmospheric pollutant sampling and analysis were applied in order to go deeper in source apportionment study. The project was developed mainly by the study of atmospheric emission sources in a suburban area influenced by a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI), a medium-sized coastal tourist town and a motorway. Two main research lines were followed. For what concerns the first line, the potentiality of the use of PM samplers coupled with a wind select sensor was assessed. Results showed that they may be a valid support in source apportionment studies. However, meteorological and territorial conditions could strongly affect the results. Moreover, new markers were investigated, particularly focusing on the processes of biomass burning. OC revealed a good biomass combustion process indicator, as well as all determined organic compounds. Among metals, lead and aluminium are well related to the biomass combustion. Surprisingly PM was not enriched of potassium during bonfire event. The second research line consists on the application of Positive Matrix factorization (PMF), a new statistical tool in data analysis. This new technique was applied to datasets which refer to different time resolution data. PMF application to atmospheric deposition fluxes identified six main sources affecting the area. The incinerator’s relative contribution seemed to be negligible. PMF analysis was then applied to PM2.5 collected with samplers coupled with a wind select sensor. The higher number of determined environmental indicators allowed to obtain more detailed results on the sources affecting the area. Vehicular traffic revealed the source of greatest concern for the study area. Also in this case, incinerator’s relative contribution seemed to be negligible. Finally, the application of PMF analysis to hourly aerosol data demonstrated that the higher the temporal resolution of the data was, the more the source profiles were close to the real one.
The United States disposes roughly 60% of the municipal solid waste it generates each year in solid waste disposal facilities, commonly known as landfills. Hedonic pricing studies have estimated the external costs of landfills on neighboring housing markets, but the literature is silent on what happens to property values after the landfill closes. Original housing price data collected both before and after a landfill closure are used to estimate how a landfill closure affects neighboring property values. Results of both a hedonic pricing model and repeat-sales estimator are used in the analysis.
The disposal of municipal solid waste is believed to emit foul odor, threaten groundwater, and increase road congestion. As remote regional landfills have replaced local town dumps, these costs are no longer internalized by garbage-producing households or their municipalities. Instead, rural property owners located adjacent to large regional landfills and along the roadways accessing those landfills bear the external costs of garbage disposal. This paper uses a comprehensive nine-year panel data set of aggregated state data to empirically examine why 8,937 municipalities continue to operate costly recycling programs designed to reduce the external costs of garbage disposal. Results suggest that local tastes for recycling drive municipal decisions. If household preferences for recycling are short lived, then we can expect a future decrease in the number of municipal recycling programs. Recent data indicate the number of recycling programs in operation in the U.S. has indeed fallen.
In Panama, one of the Environmental Health (EH) Sector’s primary goals is to improve the health of rural Panamanians by helping them to adopt behaviors and practices that improve access to and use of sanitation systems. In complying with this goal, the EH sector has used participatory development models to improve hygiene and increase access to latrines through volunteer managed latrine construction projects. Unfortunately, there is little understanding of the long term sustainability of these interventions after the volunteers have completed their service. With the Peace Corps adapting their Monitoring, Reporting, and Evaluation procedures, it is appropriate to evaluate the sustainability of sanitation interventions offering recommendations for the adaptions of the EH training program, project management, and evaluation procedures. Recognizing the need for evaluation of past latrine projects, the author performed a post project assessment of 19 pit latrine projects using participatory analysis methodologies. First, the author reviewed volunteers’ perspectives of pit latrine projects in a survey. Then, for comparison, the author performed a survey of latrine projects using a benchmarking scoring system to rate solid waste management, drainage, latrine siting, latrine condition, and hygiene. It was observed that the Sanitation WASH matrix created by the author was an effective tool for evaluating the efficacy of sanitation interventions. Overall more than 75%, of latrines constructed were in use. However, there were some areas where improvements could be made for both latrine construction and health and hygiene. The latrines scored poorly on the indicators related to the privacy structure and seat covers. Interestingly those are the two items least likely to be included in project subsidies. Furthermore, scores for hygiene-related indicators were low; particularly those related to hand washing and cleanliness of the kitchen, indicating potential for improvement in hygiene education. Based on these outcomes, the EH sector should consider including subsidies and standardized designs for privacy structures and seat covers for latrines. In addition, the universal adoption of contracts and/or deposits for project beneficiaries is expected to improve the completion of latrines. In order to address the low scores in the health and hygiene indicators, the EH sector should adapt volunteer training, in addition to standardizing health and hygiene intervention procedures. In doing so, the sector should mimic the Community Health Club model that has shown success in improving health and hygiene indicators, as well as use a training session plan format similar to those in the Water Committee Seminar manual. Finally, the sector should have an experienced volunteer dedicated to program oversight and post-project monitoring and evaluation.
Habiéndose instalado como principio operativo hegemónico a nivel mundial, la perspectiva del desarrollo sustentable rige actualmente las políticas medioambientales en Argentina. La gestión integral de residuos sólidos urbanos (GIRSU) es consecuente con la idea de compatibilidad entre conservación del medio ambiente y crecimiento económico que postula el desarrollo sustentable. La Estrategia Nacional que busca instalarla en el país menciona una serie de fases dentro de las cuales se encuentra la segregación en origen. Por lo tanto, el programa de Separación de basura en origen implementado por la Municipalidad de La Plata desde 2008, parecería responder a dicha propuesta. Sin embargo, la ausencia de un marco normativo correspondiente y de una política que contemple la totalidad de las etapas de gestión de la basura, hacen del programa una fase operativa desvinculada del proceso global de GIRSU. Entonces, partiendo del enfoque conceptual de la Sociología Medioambiental, esta investigación busca dar cuenta del posicionamiento actual de la población respecto de la cuestión del medio ambiente y del RSU a través de reconocer las opiniones, actitudes y prácticas de los ciudadanos de La Plata en torno al ambiente en general y al RSU en particular en el marco del programa de separación de basura en origen. Mediante la indagación de la opinión pública a través de un cuestionario semiestructurado, se llega a la conclusión de que existe entre la población de La Plata un alto conocimiento aunque escasa participación en el Programa de Separación de Basura en Origen. Sin embargo, el alto porcentaje de población que realiza un tipo alternativo de segregación de basura domiciliaria, demuestra una fuerte predisposición entre la población frente a dicha práctica. Por otro lado, si bien la población sostiene un discurso y unas prácticas altamente conservacionistas, los 3 mismos no implican necesariamente una conciencia y prácticas activas de índole conservacionista, no existiendo un activismo conservacionista propiamente dicho
Habiéndose instalado como principio operativo hegemónico a nivel mundial, la perspectiva del desarrollo sustentable rige actualmente las políticas medioambientales en Argentina. La gestión integral de residuos sólidos urbanos (GIRSU) es consecuente con la idea de compatibilidad entre conservación del medio ambiente y crecimiento económico que postula el desarrollo sustentable. La Estrategia Nacional que busca instalarla en el país menciona una serie de fases dentro de las cuales se encuentra la segregación en origen. Por lo tanto, el programa de Separación de basura en origen implementado por la Municipalidad de La Plata desde 2008, parecería responder a dicha propuesta. Sin embargo, la ausencia de un marco normativo correspondiente y de una política que contemple la totalidad de las etapas de gestión de la basura, hacen del programa una fase operativa desvinculada del proceso global de GIRSU. Entonces, partiendo del enfoque conceptual de la Sociología Medioambiental, esta investigación busca dar cuenta del posicionamiento actual de la población respecto de la cuestión del medio ambiente y del RSU a través de reconocer las opiniones, actitudes y prácticas de los ciudadanos de La Plata en torno al ambiente en general y al RSU en particular en el marco del programa de separación de basura en origen. Mediante la indagación de la opinión pública a través de un cuestionario semiestructurado, se llega a la conclusión de que existe entre la población de La Plata un alto conocimiento aunque escasa participación en el Programa de Separación de Basura en Origen. Sin embargo, el alto porcentaje de población que realiza un tipo alternativo de segregación de basura domiciliaria, demuestra una fuerte predisposición entre la población frente a dicha práctica. Por otro lado, si bien la población sostiene un discurso y unas prácticas altamente conservacionistas, los 3 mismos no implican necesariamente una conciencia y prácticas activas de índole conservacionista, no existiendo un activismo conservacionista propiamente dicho
Habiéndose instalado como principio operativo hegemónico a nivel mundial, la perspectiva del desarrollo sustentable rige actualmente las políticas medioambientales en Argentina. La gestión integral de residuos sólidos urbanos (GIRSU) es consecuente con la idea de compatibilidad entre conservación del medio ambiente y crecimiento económico que postula el desarrollo sustentable. La Estrategia Nacional que busca instalarla en el país menciona una serie de fases dentro de las cuales se encuentra la segregación en origen. Por lo tanto, el programa de Separación de basura en origen implementado por la Municipalidad de La Plata desde 2008, parecería responder a dicha propuesta. Sin embargo, la ausencia de un marco normativo correspondiente y de una política que contemple la totalidad de las etapas de gestión de la basura, hacen del programa una fase operativa desvinculada del proceso global de GIRSU. Entonces, partiendo del enfoque conceptual de la Sociología Medioambiental, esta investigación busca dar cuenta del posicionamiento actual de la población respecto de la cuestión del medio ambiente y del RSU a través de reconocer las opiniones, actitudes y prácticas de los ciudadanos de La Plata en torno al ambiente en general y al RSU en particular en el marco del programa de separación de basura en origen. Mediante la indagación de la opinión pública a través de un cuestionario semiestructurado, se llega a la conclusión de que existe entre la población de La Plata un alto conocimiento aunque escasa participación en el Programa de Separación de Basura en Origen. Sin embargo, el alto porcentaje de población que realiza un tipo alternativo de segregación de basura domiciliaria, demuestra una fuerte predisposición entre la población frente a dicha práctica. Por otro lado, si bien la población sostiene un discurso y unas prácticas altamente conservacionistas, los 3 mismos no implican necesariamente una conciencia y prácticas activas de índole conservacionista, no existiendo un activismo conservacionista propiamente dicho