854 resultados para marginal costs


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The literature on the welfare costs of in‡ation universally assumes that the many-person household can be treated as a single economic agent. This paper explores what the heterogeneity of the agents in a household might imply for such welfare analyses. First, we show that allowing for a single-unity or for a multi-unity transacting technology impacts the money demand function and, therefore, the welfare costs of in‡ation. Second, we derive su¢cient conditions that make the welfare assessments which depart directly from the knowledge of the money demand function (as in Lucas (2000)) robust under this alternative setting. Third, we compare our general-equilibrium measure with Bailey’s (1956) partial-equilibrium one.


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This paper examines the output effects of monetary disinflation in a model with endogenous time-dependent pricing rules and imperfect credibility of the disinflation policy. We find that these features interact to generate an additional effect on top f the ones obtained with either endogenous time-dependent rules (Bonomo and Carvalho, 2003) or imperfect credibility (Ball, 1995) in isolation. This results in higher output costs of monetary disinflation.


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The literature on the welfare costs of ináation universally assumes that the many-person household can be treated as a single economic agent. This paper explores what the heterogeneity of the agents in a household might imply for such welfare analyses. First, we show that allowing for a one-person or for a many-person transacting technology impacts the money demand function and, therefore, the welfare costs of ináation. Second, more importantly, we derive su¢ cient conditions under which welfare assessments which depart directly from the knowledge of the money demand function (as in Lucas (2000)) are robust (invariant) under the number of persons considered in the household. Third, we show that Baileyís (1956) partial-equilibrium measure of the welfare costs of ináation can be obtained as a Örst-order approximation of the general-equilibrium welfare measure derived in this paper using a many-person transacting technology.


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Apresenta uma perspectiva de análise de posicionamento estratégico utilizando-se os princípios econômicos de switching costs e lock-in. Aborda as diferentes fontes de switching costs e analisa as estratégias de lock-in. Apresenta um caso prático com aplicação destes conceitos no segmento de ERP no Brasil.


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A literatura econômica discute há algum tempo as influências da política monetária no nível de produto e emprego de longo-prazo. Paralelo a este debate seminal, surgiram ao longo dos últimos anos discussões sobre os canais de transmissão de política monetária. Dentre o conjunto de canais sugeridos pela literatura, o canal de crédito é um dos que mais tem motivado estudiosos a aprofundarem o conhecimento sobre a sua forma de interação com a economia monetária e real. Por esta razão, este trabalho busca evidências da presença de um canal de crédito no Brasil que funciona através de alterações endógenas no mercado de crédito, mais propriamente através da alteração das condições do balanço dos agentes e de mudanças nos seus custos de agência, que motivam uma queda dos saldos de crédito concedidos a estes. Mas mais do que isto, através dos testes empíricos desenvolvidos, procura-se evidenciar que a presença de um canal de crédito no Brasil é reforçado por exigências regulatórias impostas aos bancos, que os tornam mais conservadores na oferta de crédito marginal ao conjunto de tomadores novos e com operações de crédito já contratadas. Em especial, o teste toma como variável a série de saldos de crédito concedidos ao longo do tempo, baseada em resoluções do Banco Central que normatizam sobre o provisionamento de crédito, em que se supõe que um choque monetário seja capaz de piorar a qualidade do balanço dos agentes, forçando as instituições financeiras a reclassificarem-os para piores classes de risco. Esta reclassificação, por sua vez, deve aumentar a base de crédito sobre a qual residem os maiores percentuais de provisionamento, o que torna os banqueiros mais conservadores e menos desejosos em ofertar crédito para o conjunto de tomadores de maior risco e para os tomadores como um todo.


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This paper explores the distortions on the cost of education, associated with government policies and institutional factors, as an additional determinant of cross-country income differences. Agents are finitely lived and the model takes into account life-cycle features of human capital accumulation. There are two sectors, one producing goods and the other providing educational services. The model is calibrated and simulated for 89 economies. We find that human capital taxation has a relevant impact on incomes, which is amplified by its indirect effect on returns to physical capital. Life expectancy plays an important role in determining long-run output: the expansion of the population working life increases the present value of the flow of wages, which induces further human capital investment and raises incomes. Although in our simulations the largest gains are observed when productivity is equated across countries, changes in longevity and in the incentives to educational investment are too relevant to ignore.


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We extend the macroeconomic literature on Sstype rules by introducing infrequent information in a kinked ad justment cost model. We first show that optimal individual decision rules are both state-and -time dependent. We then develop an aggregation framework to study the macroeconomic implications of such optimal individual decision rules. In our model, a vast number of agents act together, and more so when uncertainty is large.The average effect of an aggregate shock is inversely related to its size and to aggregate uncertainty. These results are in contrast with those obtained with full information ad justment cost models.


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Most estimates of the welfare costs of in ation are devised considering only noninterest- bearing assets, ignoring that since the 80s technological innovations and new regulations have increased the liquidity of interest-bearing deposits. We investigate the resulting bias. Suscient and necessary conditions on its sign are presented, along with closed-form expressions for its magnitude. Two examples dealing with bidimensional bilogarithmic money demands show that disregarding interest-bearing monies may lead to a non-negligible overestimation of the welfare costs of in ation. An intuitive explanation is that such assets may partially make up for the decreased demand of noninterest-bearing assets due to higher in ation.


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The paper proposes an alternative general equilibrium formulation of financial asset economies with transactions costs. Transaction costs emerge endogenously at equilibrium and reflect agents decisions of intermediating financial activities at the expense of providing labor services. An equilibrium is shown to exist in the case of real asset structures.


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vVe examine the problem of a buyer who wishes to purehase and eombine ti. objeets owned by n individual owners to realize a higher V'illue. The owners are able to delay their entry into the sale proeess: They ean either seU now 01' seU later. Among other assumptions, the simple assumptions of compef'if'irnl, · .. that the presenee of more owners at point of sale reduees their surplus .. · and di..,(Jyun,fúl,g lead to interesting results: There is eostly delay in equilibdum. rvIoreover, with suffidently strong eompetition, the probability of delay inereases with n. Thus, buyers who diseount the future \\i11 faee inereased eosts as the number of owners inereases. The souree of transaetions eosts is the owners' desire to dis-eoordinate in the presenee of eompetition. These eosts are unrelated to transaetions eosts eurrently identified in the literature, spedfieally those due to asymmetrie information, 01' publie goods problems where players impose negative externalities on eaeh other by under-eontributing.


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Lucas (1987) has shown a surprising result in business-cycle research, that the welfare cost of business cycles are relatively small. Using standard assumptions on preferences and a reasonable reduced form for consumption, we computed these welfare costs for the pre- and post-WWII era, using three alternative trend-cycle decomposition methods. The post-WWII period is very era this basic result is dramatically altered. For the Beveridge and Nelson decomposition, and reasonable preference parameter and discount values, we get a compensation of about 5% of consumption, which is by all means a sizable welfare cost (about US$ 1,000.00 a year).


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Esta pesquisa de dissertação teve como objetivo verificar a estrutura subjacente ao fenômeno da Produtividade Marginal Percebida. O estudo limitou-se ao fenômeno ocorrido em empresas de serviço, que não dispusessem de indicadores quantitativos de produtividade. O arcabouço teórico está fundamentado na literatura disponível sobre Produtividade e Comportamento Organizacional. O método utilizado foi o de pesquisa qualitativa de caráter estruturalista. O objetivo foi investigar a existência de estruturas subjacentes ao fenômeno da Produtividade Marginal Percebida. A coleta das informações ocorreu através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com chefes de empresas de serviços no município do Rio de Janeiro. Os sujeitos foram definidos através de seleção acidental e limitados pelo critério de saturação. A análise das informações buscou permitir o desenvolvimento de um modelo que explicitasse os elementos constituintes dos esforços para elevar a produtividade do trabalho e suas relações, de forma a poder desvendar a estrutura subjacente ao sistema relacional da produtividade. O caráter desta pesquisa é exploratório, portanto não coloca de antemão hipóteses a serem testadas. Ao final da pesquisa, a interpretação das informações coletados sugeriu que a relação subjacente ao fenômeno aqui objeto de estudo uma relação de Influência Mútua, qualificada como não-sequencial, pois não há ordenação entre os elementos da relação, e segue a lógica da reflexividade. Esta lógica afirma que o fato de observar um fenômeno é suficiente para alterá-lo. O trabalho é concluído com a apresentação de críticas, limitações da pesquisa e sugestão para próximos trabalhos.


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This paper shows that in economies with several monies the Bailey-Divisia multidimensional consumers surplus formula may emerge as an exact general-equilibrium measure of the welfare costs of in ation, provided that preferences are quasilinear.