936 resultados para litter-bags
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Twelve pregnant female canines, naturally infected with Toxoplasma gondii, were reinfected with T. gondii: three (GI) received tachyzoites subcutaneously (1.0 x 107), three (GII) were orally inoculated with oocysts (1.5 x 104), and six (GIII) were kept as a nonreinfected control group. All the reinfected female canines (GI and GII) miscarried or presented fetal death, while only one GIII female presented a stillborn in a litter of four pups (P < 0.01). Fever, lymphoadenopathy, miscarriage, and fetal death were the main clinical alterations observed. The highest serological titers detected through the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) were 1,024 (GI) and 4,096 (GII). In group III, the titers ranged between 64 and 256. By bioassays in mice, T. gondii was isolated in 17 organs of the reinfected adult canines, in 11 of the control group, and in 20 of the neonates. Positive immunostaining of cysts and/or tachyzoites were observed in 26 canine tissues (14 from GI and GII and ten from GIII). The agent was detected by immunohistochemistry in the encephalon of a neonate and in the spinal cord of a stillborn, thus, confirming that T. gondii infected canine fetuses, provoking miscarriages, even in bitches that presented primoinfection.
Use of antibiotics as an additive in poultry diets to improve growth has been discussed in relation to bacterial resistance and the development of new products and management practices. This study was carried out to test the efficacy of a new substance (Saccharomyces cereviside cell walls, var. Calsberg- SCCW) obtained from the brewery industry, added (at 0.1 and 0.2%) to broiler chicken diets (based on corn and soybean meal), on performance and intestinal mucosa development. In Experiment 1 (carried out in litter-floor pens) the results revealed higher body weight gain,for the total experimental period and higher villus height at 7 d of age for the birds fed 0.2%,SCCW. In a field test using 44,000 broilers that,received feed containing 0.2% SCCW,. The results also showed higher body weight gain and better feed conversion for SCCW-supplemented birds. The present findings show that SCCW improved body weight gain in broiler chickens and that this effect can be attributed to the trophic effect of this product on the intestinal mucosa, because it increases villus height, particularly during the first 7. d of a chicken's life.
Neste estudo, foram investigadas as densidades de carga adequadas para transporte de matrinxãs juvenis em sistema fechado com sacos plásticos. O transporte de 4h foi feito com peixes (23,5±0,4g; 11,6 (0,08cm) em jejum por 24h, em densidades de 83g L-1 (D1), 125g L-1 (D2), 168g L-1 (D3) e 206g L-1 (D4). Os peixes foram amostrados antes do transporte (AT), logo após o transporte (chegada) (DT) e 24h depois. A qualidade da água foi monitorada antes da captura dos peixes nos tanques de depuração, após o transporte nos sacos plásticos e nos tanques de recuperação. O oxigênio da água diminuiu para valores inferiores a 4mg L-1 em D2, D3 e D4, a temperatura esteve em torno de 32°C, pH 6,5-6,78, a amônia total foi de 1,09-1,7mg L-1, a amônia não-ionizada foi de 3,58-9,33 x 10³mg L-1 e alcalinidade 134-165mg CaCO3 L-1. O cortisol plasmático e a glicose sanguínea aumentaram após o transporte nos peixes em todas as densidades ensaiadas, voltando aos valores controle 24h depois. Os valores de osmolaridade não mudaram logo após o transporte, mas aumentaram 24h depois de modo igual em todas as densidades. O cloreto plasmático diminuiu na chegada, de modo inversamente proporcional à densidade de carga. O hematócrito diminuiu 24h depois da chegada dos peixes, em todas as densidades testadas, mas não houve diferença no número de eritrócitos. Não houve mortalidade até uma semana após o transporte. O matrinxã mostrou ser uma espécie tolerante a altas densidades de carga em embalagens para transporte além de suportar baixos níveis de oxigênio na água.
This study evaluated stress indicators of juvenile piau (Leporinus friderici) during and after a 4-hour transportation in order to establish an appropriate transportation protocol for this type of fish. Fish were transported in plastic bags (133.1 g/L) and sampled before loading, during 1, 2, 3 and 4 h and after transportation (2, 6, 12 and 24 h). Blood samples were analyzed for cortisol and glucose levels, hematocrit, hemoglobin level, number and mean corpuscular volume of erythrocytes. Water pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature and ammonia were monitored before, during and after transportation. No mortality was observed through the experiment. Ammonia levels increased throughout transportation, but the low pH values kept NH3 in safe levels for fish. Cortisol levels increased within 4 h of transportation, and returned to control condition 2 h after arrival. Plasma glucose increased within one hour of transportation, reaching peak value within 4 h and returning to initial condition 2 h after arrival. Erythrocyte number and hemoglobin levels showed the lowest levels 2 h after arrival, and mean corpuscular volume increased during transportation, decreasing at 12 and 24 h after arrival. Transporting piau is stressful, but fish recover the initial condition in short time, showing tolerance to the changes in the water quality parameters.
O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a população microbiana (contagem padrão) e a liberação de amônia da cama de frangos de maravalha tratada com gesso agrícola, durante o ciclo de criação das aves. Foram utilizados 1440 pintos de um dia para corte, criados em galpão convencional dividido em boxes, sob densidade de nove aves/m². Os dados das variáveis analisadas foram coletados no início, no 25º dia e ao final do experimento (49º dia de vida). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente ao acaso, com a distribuição de nove tratamentos em esquema fatorial 4 × 2 + 1 (níveis de gesso × formas de aplicação), com quatro repetições e 40 aves por parcela. Os resultados evidenciaram a capacidade inibidora do gesso na volatilização de amônia da cama de frangos no 25º dia e ao final do experimento, principalmente para a aplicação parcelada, implicando no decréscimo da contagem padrão de microrganismos.
Membrane integrity, as measured by electrical conductivity (EC), is suggested as an indicator of seed vigor in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] seeds. This study evaluated the effect of storage time and temperature on EC of six soybean seed lots (two lots each of high, medium and low vigor). All seed lots were adjusted to 120 g kg(-1) seed moisture, sealed in aluminum foil packets and placed in storage at 10 and 20 degreesC or stored unsealed in multi-wall paper bags in warehouse (WH) conditions at Lexington, KY, USA for 486 days. Four of the six seed lots were also stored unsealed at 10 degreesC. All seed lots were sampled at 3-month intervals and evaluated for seed moisture (SMC), standard germination (SG) and vigor [accelerated aging (AA) and EC]. After 91 and 204 days in storage, samples initially stored at 20 degreesC and WH were moved to 10 degreesC and sampled at the same intervals. Seed moisture content for unsealed samples equilibrated at 107 g kg(-1) (+/-9 g kg(-1)) in both the WH and 10 degreesC environments. No change in SG occurred for seeds stored sealed (120 g kg(-1)) at 10 degreesC, except for the low vigor seed lots which declined significantly at the last sample date. The AA germination declined significantly for all, seed lots stored sealed at 10 degreesC, however the EC did not change during the same storage period. Seeds stored sealed at 20 degreesC and unsealed in the WH showed rapid declines in AA and SG and significant increases in EC. When these seeds were moved to 10 degreesC, however, the AA continued to decline while the EC remained at the same level (no significant change) for the remainder of the seed storage period. Thus whilst the AA declined in all environments, the EC only increased at higher temperatures (20 degreesC, WH) but showed little change during storage at 10 degreesC. Thus, precautions must be taken if using EC to measure soybean seed vigor following storage at 10 degreesC.
A ocorrência de um período relativamente frio e seco, imediatamente após o período de coleta de sementes de seringueira - Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. (março-abril), levou à realização do presente trabalho com o objetivo de encontrar condições adequadas de preservação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Assim, estudou-se a qualidade fisiológica de sementes, tratadas com Benlate (0,1%), e armazenadas em sacos de polietileno transparente, por períodos de 0 a 5 meses, sob condições ambientais de laboratório. Para a avaliação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes, determinou-se a germinação e o vigor através do índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE) e do comprimento da parte aérea das plântulas (CPA), em 1987 e 1988. A germinação e o IVE foram obtidos sob duas condições ambientais diferentes, ambiente do laboratório e em germinador a 30°C. O tratamento fungicida utilizado não exerceu efeito significativo na preservação das sementes. A germinação, o IVE e o CPA reduziram-se com o prolongamento do armazenamento. Os valores da germinação foram baixo desde o início dos trabalhos, o que pode ser atribuído ao teor de água inicial, que estava abaixo de 30%. O teste de germinação de sementes dessa espécie pode ser feito utilizando-se areia como substrato, a 30°C e com a contagem final aos 20 dias após a instalação do teste.
The fertilization takes key role at the production of fruit seedlings in order to ensure a good development and early production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of nitrogen and potassium on the growth of guava seedlings. Herbaceous stakes of guava, Paluma cultivar, were rooted in a mist room, in polyethylene bags containing substrate. The experiment was conducted in a commercial nursery, in randomized blocks and a factorial scheme 4x4, with four doses of nitrogen (0, 552, 828 and 1104 mg dm(-3)) and four doses of potassium (0, 726, 1,089 and 1,452 mg dm(-3)) in three replications and three plants for parcel. During the filling of the bags (1,5 dm(-3)), were added 100 mg dm(-3) of superphosphate, while fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium were split into three times. After 120 days, the seedlings were evaluated. There was a significant effect of nitrogen in the variables height, stem diameter, number of leaves, SPAD index, dry weight of leaves, stems, total, Dickson quality index, and nitrogen accumulation. The fertilization with potassium did not influence the biometric parameters, SPAD index and Dickson quality index.
The present work was conducted in a fruit tree propagation area of the Plant Production Department of the Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias, Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV/UNESP) in Jaboticabal, SP, and also in a commercial orchard in Araguari, MG, with the objective to verify the potential of vegetative growth (stem diameter, height of plants and leaf number) of plants of passion fruit (Passiflora alata Dryander), gotten by cutting and seed, comparing the initial development of plants in the field. This experiment was carried out from January 2002 to February 2003. The experiment using seeds was conducted at a shadow house, and the one that used cuttings in an intermitent mist. The cuttings and seeds were collected from adult plants which came from Passifloraceae Active Germoplasm Bank (BAG) of the Plant Production Department of FCAC/UNESP. For the cuttings, it was used the intermediate part of the branches in stadium of vegetative growth. The seeds, in order to obtain the seedlings, had been sown in plastic trays. Cuttings and seedlings were transplanted to plastic bags with substrate in shadow house and with daily irrigation. They were acclimatized and planted on field, after 60 days. on field, the stem diameter, plant height and number of leaves were better for cuttings than for seedlings in Jaboticabal, SP. In Araguari, MG, stem diameter was larger in the seedlings, which plant heights and number of leaves were larger on cuttings.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of winter crops to Pratylenchus brachyurus and their effect on the population of phytonematodes in the maize. To study the effect of the plants on nematodes, an experiment was set up in sandy, naturally-infested soil. The area was divided into strips, consisting of six blocks of 16 treatments, with eight winter treatments, subdivided on the basis of the fertilizer used (organic: bird litter, and synthetic: NPK). The initial nematode population was determined by sampling the soil (100 cm(3)) and weeds (10 g of root). The winter treatments put in place (bristle oats, chickpea, vetch bean, common bean, oilseed radish, wheat, intercropped bristle oats + oilseed radish and fallow), and the nematode population determined 100 days after sowing. Subsequently, two maize crops (summer and short season) were planted, and the nematode population in the soil and roots determined during crop full bloom. To evaluate the susceptibility of winter crops to nematodes, an experiment was conducted under controlled conditions, determining the nematode reproduction factor (RF) in the treatments described above. Both in the field and under controlled conditions, it was observed that the bristle oats, oilseed radish and intercropped oats + oilseed radish exhibited lower reproduction rates for P. brachyurus. In the field, lower population of nematodes was observed with the application of bird litter. Under controlled conditions, the highest RF were observed in the fallow plot and under common bean and chickpea, in that order.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)