897 resultados para lifetime of isomer
En todo proceso de desarrollo de un dispositivo electrónico o equipo cabe la necesidad de evaluar la fiabilidad de sus componentes, es decir, cual es el porcentaje de equipos que tras un determinado periodo de vida mantiene todas sus funcionalidades dentro de especificaciones. La evaluación de la fiabilidad mediante ensayos acelerados es la herramienta que permite una estimación de la vida del dispositivo o equipo de forma previa a su comercialización. La cuantificación de la fiabilidad es crítica para identificar los costos de un determinado periodo de garantía, y para ofrecer a los clientes el nivel de calidad deseado. El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera, es el diseño de un sistema automático de instrumentación versátil, para la realización y caracterización de ensayos acelerados, el cual nos sirva para abordar una amplia gama de ensayos con los que evaluar la fiabilidad de los dispositivos electrónicos o equipos. Además del uso industrial donde se evaluará la fiabilidad de forma previa a la comercialización, este sistema se podrá emplear en la docencia de esta área, y fundamentalmente para la realización de ensayos acelerados en investigación de dispositivos electrónicos. La versatilidad de nuestro hardware y aplicación software es un punto a favor, ya que con este sistema de instrumentación se pueden realizar numerosos tipos de ensayos acelerados, sin el problema de tener que cambiar toda la instrumentación, cada vez que se quiera realizar otro ensayo distinto. Los componentes que se elijan para realizar el ensayo acelerado, serán sometidos a un estrés (tensión, corriente, humedad, temperatura…) y se podrá ir observando cómo envejecen, lo que nos permite evaluar la vida del dispositivo en un corto periodo, emulando sus condiciones de trabajo, además de estudiar la fiabilidad también se puede identificar como se degradan sus características principales antes del fallo. El Software utilizado en este Proyecto se ha implementado con un lenguaje de programación gráfico para instrumentación, LabVIEW. La aplicación software se explica de manera muy detallada a lo largo de la memoria, para que su uso y adaptación si fuese necesario no suponga ningún problema para el usuario. En la última parte de esta memoria se encuentra la guía de usuario y un ensayo acelerado planteado como ejemplo. Explicaremos como se han interconectado los equipos a los componentes en los que se va a realizar el ensayo y así se comprobará el correcto funcionamiento del software tomando las medidas necesarias. ABTRACT In all process of development of an electronic device or equipment, we have the need to evaluate the reliability of its components, that is to say, what percentage of equipment that after a certain period of life keeps all of its functionalities within specifications. The evaluation of reliability by means of accelerated tests is the tool that allows an estimation of the lifetime of the device or equipment prior to its marketing. The quantification of reliability is critical to identify the costs of a specific warranty period, and to offer customers the desired quality level. The objective of this Thesis is the design of an automatic very versatile instrument for the realization and characterization of accelerated tests, which will help us to address a wide range of tests to assess the reliability of the devices or electronic equipment. In addition to industrial use where test the reliability before its commercialization, use it can be used in teaching of this area, fundamentally for the realization of accelerated testing in the investigation of electronic devices. The versatility of our hardware and software implementation is a plus, given that this instrumentation system can perform numerous types of accelerated tests, without the problem to have to change everything, every time you want to make another different test. The components that will be chosen to perform the accelerated test, will be subjected to stress (voltage, current, humidity, temperature ...) and you can observe how they age, allowing us to evaluate the life of the device in a short period, emulating their working conditions. In addition to studying the reliability it can also identify how its main characteristics are degraded before failure. The software used in this Thesis has been implemented with a graphical programming language for instrumentation, LabVIEW. This software is explained in great detail throughout the Thesis, so that its use and adaptation, if necessary, will not be a problem for the user. In the last part of this memory we will expose a user guide and test that we have done. We will explain how the equipment has been interconnected to the components in which we are going to perform the test and so we will check the correct operation of the software taking the necessary measures.
High-Performance Computing, Cloud computing and next-generation applications such e-Health or Smart Cities have dramatically increased the computational demand of Data Centers. The huge energy consumption, increasing levels of CO2 and the economic costs of these facilities represent a challenge for industry and researchers alike. Recent research trends propose the usage of holistic optimization techniques to jointly minimize Data Center computational and cooling costs from a multilevel perspective. This paper presents an analysis on the parameters needed to integrate the Data Center in a holistic optimization framework and leverages the usage of Cyber-Physical systems to gather workload, server and environmental data via software techniques and by deploying a non-intrusive Wireless Sensor Net- work (WSN). This solution tackles data sampling, retrieval and storage from a reconfigurable perspective, reducing the amount of data generated for optimization by a 68% without information loss, doubling the lifetime of the WSN nodes and allowing runtime energy minimization techniques in a real scenario.
El proceso de cambio de una sociedad industrial a una sociedad del conocimiento, que experimenta el mundo globalizado en el siglo XXI, induce a las empresas y organizaciones a desarrollar ventajas competitivas y sostenibles basadas en sus activos intangibles, entre los cuales destacan los sistemas de gestión en general y los sistemas de gestión de la calidad (SGC) en particular. Las organizaciones dedicadas a la producción de petróleo están influenciadas por dicha tendencia. El petróleo es un recurso natural con reservas limitadas, cuya producción y consumo ha crecido progresivamente, aportando la mayor cuota (35 %) del total de la energía que se consume en el mundo contemporáneo, aporte que se mantendrá hasta el año 2035, según las previsiones más conservadoras. Por tanto, se hace necesario desarrollar modelos de producción innovadores, que contribuyan a la mejora del factor de recobro de los yacimientos y de la vida útil de los mismos, al tiempo que satisfagan los requerimientos de producción y consumo diarios de los exigentes mercados globales. El objeto de esta investigación es el desarrollo de un modelo de gestión de la calidad y su efecto en el desempeño organizacional, a través del efecto mediador de los constructos satisfacción del cliente interno y gestión del conocimiento en la producción de petróleo. Esta investigación de carácter explicativo, no experimental, transeccional y ex-postfacto, se realizó en la región petrolífera del lago de Maracaibo, al occidente de Venezuela, la cual tiene más de 70 años en producción y cuenta con yacimientos maduros. La población objeto de estudio fue de 369 trabajadores petroleros, quienes participaron en las mesas técnicas de la calidad, durante los meses de mayo y julio del año 2012, los cuales en su mayoría están en proceso de formación como analistas, asesores y auditores de los SGC. La técnica de muestreo aplicada fue de tipo aleatorio simple, con una muestra de 252 individuos. A la misma se le aplicó un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc, el cual fue validado por las técnicas de juicio de expertos y prueba piloto. El procedimiento de investigación se realizó a través de una secuencia, que incluyó la elaboración de un modelo teórico, basado en la revisión del estado del arte; un modelo factorial, sobre la base del análisis factorial de los datos de la encuesta; un modelo de regresión lineal, elaborado a través del método de regresión lineal simple y múltiple; un modelo de análisis de sendero, realizado con el software Amos 20 SPSS y finalmente, un modelo informático, realizado con el simulador Vensim PLE v.6.2. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el modelo teórico se transformó en un modelo empírico, en el cual, la variable independiente fue el SGC, la variable mediadora fue la integración de las dimensiones eliminación de la no conformidad, satisfacción del cliente interno y aprendizaje organizacional (ENCSCIAO) y la variable respuesta la integración de las dimensiones desempeño organizacional y aprendizaje organizacional (DOOA). Se verificó el efecto mediador del ENSCIAO sobre la relación SGC-DOOA con una bondad del ajuste, del 42,65%. En el modelo de regresión múltiple se encontró que las variables determinantes son eliminación de la no conformidad (ENC), conocimiento adquirido (CA) y conocimiento espontáneo (CE), lo cual fue corroborado con el modelo de análisis de sendero. El modelo informático se desarrolló empleando datos aproximados de una unidad de producción tipo, generándose cuatro escenarios; siendo el más favorable, aquel en el cual se aplicaba el SGC y variables relacionadas, reduciendo la desviación de la producción, incrementando el factor de recobro y ampliando la vida útil del yacimiento. Se concluye que la aplicación del SGC y constructos relacionados favorece el desempeño y la producción de las unidades de explotación de yacimientos petrolíferos maduros. Los principales aportes de la tesis son la obtención de un modelo de gestión de la producción de petróleo en yacimientos maduros, basado en los SGC. Asimismo, el desarrollo de un concepto de gestión de la calidad asociado a la reducción de la desviación de la producción petrolífera anual, al incremento del factor de recobro y al aumento de la vida útil del yacimiento. Las futuras líneas de investigación están orientadas a la aplicación del modelo en contextos reales y específicos, para medir su impacto y realizar los ajustes pertinentes. ABSTRACT The process of change from an industrial society to a knowledge-based society, which undergoes the globalized world in the twenty-first century, induces companies and organizations to develop a sustainable and competitive advantages based on its intangible assets, among which are noteworthy the management systems in general and particularly the quality management systems (QMS). Organizations engaged in oil production are influenced by said trend. Oil is a natural resource with limited reserves, where production and consumption has grown progressively, providing the largest share (35%) of the total energy consumed in the contemporary world, a contribution that will remain until the year 2035 according to the more conservative trust estimations. Therefore, it becomes necessary to develop innovative production models which contribute with the improvement of reservoirs´ recovery factor and the lifetime thereof, while meeting the production requirements and daily consumption of demanding global markets. The aim of this research is to develop a model of quality management and its effect on organizational performance through the mediator effect of the constructs, internal customer satisfaction and knowledge management in oil production. This research of explanatory nature, not experimental, transactional and expos-facto was carried out in the oil-region of Maracaibo Lake located to the west of Venezuela, which has more than 70 years in continuous production and has mature reservoirs. The population under study was 369 oil workers who participated in the technical quality workshops, during the months of May and July of 2012, the majority of which were in the process of training as analysts, consultants and auditors of the QMS. The sampling technique applied was simple random type. To a sample of 252 individuals of the population it was applied an ad hoc designed questionnaire, which was validated by the techniques of expert judgment and pilot test. The research procedure was performed through a sequence, which included the elaboration of a theoretical model, based on the review of the state of the art; a factorial model with based on factorial analysis of the survey data; a linear regression model, developed through the method of simple and multiple linear regression; a structural equation model, made with software °Amos 20 SPSS° and finally, a computer model, performed with the simulator Vensim PLE v.6.2. The results indicate that the theoretical model was transformed into an empirical model, in which the independent variable was the QMS, the mediator variable was the integration of the dimensions: elimination of non-conformity, internal customer satisfaction and organizational learning (ENCSCIAO) and the response variable the integration of the dimensions, organizational performance and learning organizational (DOOA). ENSCIAO´s mediator effect on the relation QMS-DOOA was verified with a goodness of fit of 42,65%. In the multiple regression model was found to be the determining variables are elimination of nonconformity (ENC), knowledge acquired (CA) and spontaneous knowledge (EC), which was verified with the structural equation model. The computer model was developed based on approximate data of an oil production unit type, creating four (04) scenarios; being the most favorable, that one which it was applied the QMS and related variables, reducing the production deviation, increasing the recovery factor and extending the lifetime of the reservoir. It is concluded that QMS implementation powered with the related constructs, favors performance and production of mature oilfield of exploitation reservoirs units. The main contributions of this thesis are obtaining a management model for oil production in mature oilfields, based on QMS. In addition, development of a concept of quality associated to reduce the annual oil production deviation, increase the recovery factor and increase oilfield lifetime. Future lines of research are oriented to the implementation of this model in real and specific contexts to measure its impact and make the necessary adjustments that might take place.
In recent years, the increasing sophistication of embedded multimedia systems and wireless communication technologies has promoted a widespread utilization of video streaming applications. It has been reported in 2013 that youngsters, aged between 13 and 24, spend around 16.7 hours a week watching online video through social media, business websites, and video streaming sites. Video applications have already been blended into people daily life. Traditionally, video streaming research has focused on performance improvement, namely throughput increase and response time reduction. However, most mobile devices are battery-powered, a technology that grows at a much slower pace than either multimedia or hardware developments. Since battery developments cannot satisfy expanding power demand of mobile devices, research interests on video applications technology has attracted more attention to achieve energy-efficient designs. How to efficiently use the limited battery energy budget becomes a major research challenge. In addition, next generation video standards impel to diversification and personalization. Therefore, it is desirable to have mechanisms to implement energy optimizations with greater flexibility and scalability. In this context, the main goal of this dissertation is to find an energy management and optimization mechanism to reduce the energy consumption of video decoders based on the idea of functional-oriented reconfiguration. System battery life is prolonged as the result of a trade-off between energy consumption and video quality. Functional-oriented reconfiguration takes advantage of the similarities among standards to build video decoders reconnecting existing functional units. If a feedback channel from the decoder to the encoder is available, the former can signal the latter changes in either the encoding parameters or the encoding algorithms for energy-saving adaption. The proposed energy optimization and management mechanism is carried out at the decoder end. This mechanism consists of an energy-aware manager, implemented as an additional block of the reconfiguration engine, an energy estimator, integrated into the decoder, and, if available, a feedback channel connected to the encoder end. The energy-aware manager checks the battery level, selects the new decoder description and signals to build a new decoder to the reconfiguration engine. It is worth noting that the analysis of the energy consumption is fundamental for the success of the energy management and optimization mechanism. In this thesis, an energy estimation method driven by platform event monitoring is proposed. In addition, an event filter is suggested to automate the selection of the most appropriate events that affect the energy consumption. At last, a detailed study on the influence of the training data on the model accuracy is presented. The modeling methodology of the energy estimator has been evaluated on different underlying platforms, single-core and multi-core, with different characteristics of workload. All the results show a good accuracy and low on-line computation overhead. The required modifications on the reconfiguration engine to implement the energy-aware manager have been assessed under different scenarios. The results indicate a possibility to lengthen the battery lifetime of the system in two different use-cases.
En la última década la potencia instalada de energía solar fotovoltaica ha crecido una media de un 49% anual y se espera que alcance el 16%del consumo energético mundial en el año 2050. La mayor parte de estas instalaciones se corresponden con sistemas conectados a la red eléctrica y un amplio porcentaje de ellas son instalaciones domésticas o en edificios. En el mercado ya existen diferentes arquitecturas para este tipo de instalaciones, entre las que se encuentras los módulos AC. Un módulo AC consiste en un inversor, también conocido como micro-inversor, que se monta en la parte trasera de un panel o módulo fotovoltaico. Esta tecnología ofrece modularidad, redundancia y la extracción de la máxima potencia de cada panel solar de la instalación. Además, la expansión de esta tecnología posibilitará una reducción de costes asociados a las economías de escala y a la posibilidad de que el propio usuario pueda componer su propio sistema. Sin embargo, el micro-inversor debe ser capaz de proporcionar una ganancia de tensión adecuada para conectar el panel solar directamente a la red, mientras mantiene un rendimiento aceptable en un amplio rango de potencias. Asimismo, los estándares de conexión a red deber ser satisfechos y el tamaño y el tiempo de vida del micro-inversor son factores que han de tenerse siempre en cuenta. En esta tesis se propone un micro-inversor derivado de la topología “forward” controlado en el límite entre los modos de conducción continuo y discontinuo (BCM por sus siglas en inglés). El transformador de la topología propuesta mantiene la misma estructura que en el convertidor “forward” clásico y la utilización de interruptores bidireccionales en el secundario permite la conexión directa del inversor a la red. Asimismo el método de control elegido permite obtener factor de potencia cercano a la unidad con una implementación sencilla. En la tesis se presenta el principio de funcionamiento y los principales aspectos del diseño del micro-inversor propuesto. Con la idea de mantener una solución sencilla y de bajo coste, se ha seleccionado un controlador analógico que está originalmente pensado para controlar un corrector del factor de potencia en el mismo modo de conducción que el micro-inversor “forward”. La tesis presenta las principales modificaciones necesarias, con especial atención a la detección del cruce por cero de la corriente (ZCD por sus siglas en inglés) y la compatibilidad del controlador con la inclusión de un algoritmo de búsqueda del punto de máxima potencia (MPPT por sus siglas en inglés). Los resultados experimentales muestran las limitaciones de la implementación elegida e identifican al transformador como el principal contribuyente a las pérdidas del micro-inversor. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir a la aplicación de técnicas de control y diseño de sistemas multifase en micro-inversores fotovoltaicos. En esta tesis se van a considerar dos configuraciones multifase diferentes aplicadas al micro-inversor “forward” propuesto. La primera consiste en una variación con conexión paralelo-serie que permite la utilización de transformadores con una relación de vueltas baja, y por tanto bien acoplados, para conseguir una ganancia de tensión adecuada con un mejor rendimiento. Esta configuración emplea el mismo control BCM cuando la potencia extraída del panel solar es máxima. Este método de control implica que la frecuencia de conmutación se incrementa considerablemente cuando la potencia decrece, lo que compromete el rendimiento. Por lo tanto y con la intención de mantener unos bueno niveles de rendimiento ponderado, el micro-inversor funciona en modo de conducción discontinuo (DCM, por sus siglas en inglés) cuando la potencia extraía del panel solar es menor que la máxima. La segunda configuración multifase considerada en esta tesis es la aplicación de la técnica de paralelo con entrelazado. Además se han considerado dos técnicas diferentes para decidir el número de fases activas: dependiendo de la potencia continua extraída del panel solar y dependiendo de la potencia instantánea demandada por el micro-inversor. La aplicación de estas técnicas es interesante en los sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados a la red eléctrica por la posibilidad que brindan de obtener un rendimiento prácticamente plano en un amplio rango de potencia. Las configuraciones con entrelazado se controlan en DCM para evitar la necesidad de un control de corriente, lo que es importante cuando el número de fases es alto. Los núcleos adecuados para todas las configuraciones multifase consideradas se seleccionan usando el producto de áreas. Una vez seleccionados los núcleos se ha realizado un diseño detallado de cada uno de los transformadores. Con la información obtenida de los diseños y los resultados de simulación, se puede analizar el impacto que el número de transformadores utilizados tiene en el tamaño y el rendimiento de las distintas configuraciones. Los resultados de este análisis, presentado en esta tesis, se utilizan posteriormente para comparar las distintas configuraciones. Muchas otras topologías se han presentado en la literatura para abordar los diferentes aspectos a considerar en los micro-inversores, que han sido presentados anteriormente. La mayoría de estas topologías utilizan un transformador de alta frecuencia para solventar el salto de tensión y evitar problemas de seguridad y de puesta a tierra. En cualquier caso, es interesante evaluar si topologías sin aislamiento galvánico son aptas para su utilización como micro-inversores. En esta tesis se presenta una revisión de inversores con capacidad de elevar tensión, que se comparan bajo las mismas especificaciones. El objetivo es proporcionar la información necesaria para valorar si estas topologías son aplicables en los módulos AC. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis son: • La aplicación del control BCM a un convertidor “forward” para obtener un micro-inversor de una etapa sencillo y de bajo coste. • La modificación de dicho micro-inversor con conexión paralelo-series de transformadores que permite reducir la corriente de los semiconductores y una ganancia de tensión adecuada con transformadores altamente acoplados. • La aplicación de técnicas de entrelazado y decisión de apagado de fases en la puesta en paralelo del micro-inversor “forward”. • El análisis y la comparación del efecto en el tamaño y el rendimiento del incremento del número de transformadores en las diferentes configuraciones multifase. • La eliminación de las medidas y los lazos de control de corriente en las topologías multifase con la utilización del modo de conducción discontinuo y un algoritmo MPPT sin necesidad de medida de corriente. • La recopilación y comparación bajo las mismas especificaciones de topologías inversoras con capacidad de elevar tensión, que pueden ser adecuadas para la utilización como micro-inversores. Esta tesis está estructurada en seis capítulos. El capítulo 1 presenta el marco en que se desarrolla la tesis así como el alcance de la misma. En el capítulo 2 se recopilan las topologías existentes de micro-invesores con aislamiento y aquellas sin aislamiento cuya implementación en un módulo AC es factible. Asimismo se presenta la comparación entre estas topologías bajo las mismas especificaciones. El capítulo 3 se centra en el micro-inversor “forward” que se propone originalmente en esta tesis. La aplicación de las técnicas multifase se aborda en los capítulos 4 y 5, en los que se presentan los análisis en función del número de transformadores. El capítulo está orientado a la propuesta paralelo-serie mientras que la configuración con entrelazado se analiza en el capítulo 5. Por último, en el capítulo 6 se presentan las contribuciones de esta tesis y los trabajos futuros. ABSTRACT In the last decade the photovoltaic (PV) installed power increased with an average growth of 49% per year and it is expected to cover the 16% of the global electricity consumption by 2050. Most of the installed PV power corresponds to grid-connected systems, with a significant percentage of residential installations. In these PV systems, the inverter is essential since it is the responsible of transferring into the grid the extracted power from the PV modules. Several architectures have been proposed for grid-connected residential PV systems, including the AC-module technology. An AC-module consists of an inverter, also known as micro-inverter, which is attached to a PV module. The AC-module technology offers modularity, redundancy and individual MPPT of each module. In addition, the expansion of this technology will enable the possibility of economies of scale of mass market and “plug and play” for the user, thus reducing the overall cost of the installation. However, the micro-inverter must be able to provide the required voltage boost to interface a low voltage PV module to the grid while keeping an acceptable efficiency in a wide power range. Furthermore, the quality standards must be satisfied and size and lifetime of the solutions must be always considered. In this thesis a single-stage forward micro-inverter with boundary mode operation is proposed to address the micro-inverter requirements. The transformer in the proposed topology remains as in the classic forward converter and bidirectional switches in the secondary side allows direct connection to the grid. In addition the selected control strategy allows high power factor current with a simple implementation. The operation of the topology is presented and the main design issues are introduced. With the intention to propose a simple and low-cost solution, an analog controller for a PFC operated in boundary mode is utilized. The main necessary modifications are discussed, with the focus on the zero current detection (ZCD) and the compatibility of the controller with a MPPT algorithm. The experimental results show the limitations of the selected analog controller implementation and the transformer is identified as a main losses contributor. The main objective of this thesis is to contribute in the application of control and design multiphase techniques to the PV micro-inverters. Two different multiphase configurations have been applied to the forward micro-inverter proposed in this thesis. The first one consists of a parallel-series connected variation which enables the use of low turns ratio, i.e. well coupled, transformers to achieve a proper voltage boost with an improved performance. This multiphase configuration implements BCM control at maximum load however. With this control method the switching frequency increases significantly for light load operation, thus jeopardizing the efficiency. Therefore, in order to keep acceptable weighted efficiency levels, DCM operation is selected for low power conditions. The second multiphase variation considered in this thesis is the interleaved configuration with two different phase shedding techniques: depending on the DC power extracted from the PV panel, and depending on the demanded instantaneous power. The application of interleaving techniques is interesting in PV grid-connected inverters for the possibility of flat efficiency behavior in a wide power range. The interleaved variations of the proposed forward micro-inverter are operated in DCM to avoid the current loop, which is important when the number of phases is large. The adequate transformer cores for all the multiphase configurations are selected according to the area product parameter and a detailed design of each required transformer is developed. With this information and simulation results, the impact in size and efficiency of the number of transformer used can be assessed. The considered multiphase topologies are compared in this thesis according to the results of the introduced analysis. Several other topological solutions have been proposed to solve the mentioned concerns in AC-module application. The most of these solutions use a high frequency transformer to boost the voltage and avoid grounding and safety issues. However, it is of interest to assess if the non-isolated topologies are suitable for AC-module application. In this thesis a review of transformerless step-up inverters is presented. The compiled topologies are compared using a set benchmark to provide the necessary information to assess whether non-isolated topologies are suitable for AC-module application. The main contributions of this thesis are: • The application of the boundary mode control with constant off-time to a forward converter, to obtain a simple and low-cost single-stage forward micro-inverter. • A modification of the forward micro-inverter with primary-parallel secondary-series connected transformers to reduce the current stress and improve the voltage gain with highly coupled transformers. •The application of the interleaved configuration with different phase shedding strategies to the proposed forward micro-inverter. • An analysis and comparison of the influence in size and efficiency of increasing the number of transformers in the parallel-series and interleaved multiphase configurations. • Elimination of the current loop and current measurements in the multiphase topologies by adopting DCM operation and a current sensorless MPPT. • A compilation and comparison with the same specifications of suitable non-isolated step-up inverters. This thesis is organized in six chapters. In Chapter 1 the background of single-phase PV-connected systems is discussed and the scope of the thesis is defined. Chapter 2 compiles the existing solutions for isolated micro-inverters and transformerless step-up inverters suitable for AC-module application. In addition, the most convenient non-isolated inverters are compared using a defined benchmark. Chapter 3 focuses on the originally proposed single-stage forward micro-inverter. The application of multiphase techniques is addressed in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, and the impact in different parameters of increasing the number of phases is analyzed. In Chapter 4 an original primary-parallel secondary-series variation of the forward micro-inverter is presented, while Chapter 5 focuses on the application of the interleaved configuration. Finally, Chapter 6 discusses the contributions of the thesis and the future work.
La región cerca de la pared de flujos turbulentos de pared ya está bien conocido debido a su bajo número de Reynolds local y la separación escala estrecha. La región lejos de la pared (capa externa) no es tan interesante tampoco, ya que las estadísticas allí se escalan bien por las unidades exteriores. La región intermedia (capa logarítmica), sin embargo, ha estado recibiendo cada vez más atención debido a su propiedad auto-similares. Además, de acuerdo a Flores et al. (2007) y Flores & Jiménez (2010), la capa logarítmica es más o menos independiente de otras capas, lo que implica que podría ser inspeccionado mediante el aislamiento de otras dos capas, lo que reduciría significativamente los costes computacionales para la simulación de flujos turbulentos de pared. Algunos intentos se trataron después por Mizuno & Jiménez (2013), quien simulan la capa logarítmica sin la región cerca de la pared con estadísticas obtenidas de acuerdo razonablemente bien con los de las simulaciones completas. Lo que más, la capa logarítmica podría ser imitado por otra turbulencia sencillo de cizallamiento de motor. Por ejemplo, Pumir (1996) encontró que la turbulencia de cizallamiento homogéneo estadísticamente estacionario (SS-HST) también irrumpe, de una manera muy similar al proceso de auto-sostenible en flujos turbulentos de pared. Según los consideraciones arriba, esta tesis trata de desvelar en qué medida es la capa logarítmica de canales similares a la turbulencia de cizalla más sencillo, SS-HST, mediante la comparación de ambos cinemática y la dinámica de las estructuras coherentes en los dos flujos. Resultados sobre el canal se muestran mediante Lozano-Durán et al. (2012) y Lozano-Durán & Jiménez (2014b). La hoja de ruta de esta tarea se divide en tres etapas. En primer lugar, SS-HST es investigada por medio de un código nuevo de simulación numérica directa, espectral en las dos direcciones horizontales y compacto-diferencias finitas en la dirección de la cizalla. Sin utiliza remallado para imponer la condición de borde cortante periódica. La influencia de la geometría de la caja computacional se explora. Ya que el HST no tiene ninguna longitud característica externa y tiende a llenar el dominio computacional, las simulaciopnes a largo plazo del HST son ’mínimos’ en el sentido de que contiene sólo unas pocas estructuras media a gran escala. Se ha encontrado que el límite principal es el ancho de la caja de la envergadura, Lz, que establece las escalas de longitud y velocidad de la turbulencia, y que las otras dos dimensiones de la caja debe ser suficientemente grande (Lx > 2LZ, Ly > Lz) para evitar que otras direcciones estando limitado también. También se encontró que las cajas de gran longitud, Lx > 2Ly, par con el paso del tiempo la condición de borde cortante periódica, y desarrollar fuertes ráfagas linealizadas no físicos. Dentro de estos límites, el flujo muestra similitudes y diferencias interesantes con otros flujos de cizalla, y, en particular, con la capa logarítmica de flujos turbulentos de pared. Ellos son exploradas con cierto detalle. Incluyen un proceso autosostenido de rayas a gran escala y con una explosión cuasi-periódica. La escala de tiempo de ruptura es de aproximadamente universales, ~20S~l(S es la velocidad de cizallamiento media), y la disponibilidad de dos sistemas de ruptura diferentes permite el crecimiento de las ráfagas a estar relacionado con algo de confianza a la cizalladura de turbulencia inicialmente isotrópico. Se concluye que la SS-HST, llevado a cabo dentro de los parámetros de cílculo apropiados, es un sistema muy prometedor para estudiar la turbulencia de cizallamiento en general. En segundo lugar, las mismas estructuras coherentes como en los canales estudiados por Lozano-Durán et al. (2012), es decir, grupos de vórticidad (fuerte disipación) y Qs (fuerte tensión de Reynolds tangencial, -uv) tridimensionales, se estudia mediante simulación numérica directa de SS-HST con relaciones de aspecto de cuadro aceptables y número de Reynolds hasta Rex ~ 250 (basado en Taylor-microescala). Se discute la influencia de la intermitencia de umbral independiente del tiempo. Estas estructuras tienen alargamientos similares en la dirección sentido de la corriente a las familias separadas en los canales hasta que son de tamaño comparable a la caja. Sus dimensiones fractales, longitudes interior y exterior como una función del volumen concuerdan bien con sus homólogos de canales. El estudio sobre sus organizaciones espaciales encontró que Qs del mismo tipo están alineados aproximadamente en la dirección del vector de velocidad en el cuadrante al que pertenecen, mientras Qs de diferentes tipos están restringidos por el hecho de que no debe haber ningún choque de velocidad, lo que hace Q2s (eyecciones, u < 0,v > 0) y Q4s (sweeps, u > 0,v < 0) emparejado en la dirección de la envergadura. Esto se verifica mediante la inspección de estructuras de velocidad, otros cuadrantes como la uw y vw en SS-HST y las familias separadas en el canal. La alineación sentido de la corriente de Qs ligada a la pared con el mismo tipo en los canales se debe a la modulación de la pared. El campo de flujo medio condicionado a pares Q2-Q4 encontró que los grupos de vórticidad están en el medio de los dos, pero prefieren los dos cizalla capas alojamiento en la parte superior e inferior de Q2s y Q4s respectivamente, lo que hace que la vorticidad envergadura dentro de las grupos de vórticidad hace no cancele. La pared amplifica la diferencia entre los tamaños de baja- y alta-velocidad rayas asociados con parejas de Q2-Q4 se adjuntan como los pares alcanzan cerca de la pared, el cual es verificado por la correlación de la velocidad del sentido de la corriente condicionado a Q2s adjuntos y Q4s con diferentes alturas. Grupos de vórticidad en SS-HST asociados con Q2s o Q4s también están flanqueadas por un contador de rotación de los vórtices sentido de la corriente en la dirección de la envergadura como en el canal. La larga ’despertar’ cónica se origina a partir de los altos grupos de vórticidad ligada a la pared han encontrado los del Álamo et al. (2006) y Flores et al. (2007), que desaparece en SS-HST, sólo es cierto para altos grupos de vórticidad ligada a la pared asociados con Q2s pero no para aquellos asociados con Q4s, cuyo campo de flujo promedio es en realidad muy similar a la de SS-HST. En tercer lugar, las evoluciones temporales de Qs y grupos de vórticidad se estudian mediante el uso de la método inventado por Lozano-Durán & Jiménez (2014b). Las estructuras se clasifican en las ramas, que se organizan más en los gráficos. Ambas resoluciones espaciales y temporales se eligen para ser capaz de capturar el longitud y el tiempo de Kolmogorov puntual más probable en el momento más extrema. Debido al efecto caja mínima, sólo hay un gráfico principal consiste en casi todas las ramas, con su volumen y el número de estructuras instantáneo seguien la energía cinética y enstrofía intermitente. La vida de las ramas, lo que tiene más sentido para las ramas primarias, pierde su significado en el SS-HST debido a las aportaciones de ramas primarias al total de Reynolds estrés o enstrofía son casi insignificantes. Esto también es cierto en la capa exterior de los canales. En cambio, la vida de los gráficos en los canales se compara con el tiempo de ruptura en SS-HST. Grupos de vórticidad están asociados con casi el mismo cuadrante en términos de sus velocidades medias durante su tiempo de vida, especialmente para los relacionados con las eyecciones y sweeps. Al igual que en los canales, las eyecciones de SS-HST se mueven hacia arriba con una velocidad promedio vertical uT (velocidad de fricción) mientras que lo contrario es cierto para los barridos. Grupos de vórticidad, por otra parte, son casi inmóvil en la dirección vertical. En la dirección de sentido de la corriente, que están advección por la velocidad media local y por lo tanto deforman por la diferencia de velocidad media. Sweeps y eyecciones se mueven más rápido y más lento que la velocidad media, respectivamente, tanto por 1.5uT. Grupos de vórticidad se mueven con la misma velocidad que la velocidad media. Se verifica que las estructuras incoherentes cerca de la pared se debe a la pared en vez de pequeño tamaño. Los resultados sugieren fuertemente que las estructuras coherentes en canales no son especialmente asociado con la pared, o incluso con un perfil de cizalladura dado. ABSTRACT Since the wall-bounded turbulence was first recognized more than one century ago, its near wall region (buffer layer) has been studied extensively and becomes relatively well understood due to the low local Reynolds number and narrow scale separation. The region just above the buffer layer, i.e., the logarithmic layer, is receiving increasingly more attention nowadays due to its self-similar property. Flores et al. (20076) and Flores & Jim´enez (2010) show that the statistics of logarithmic layer is kind of independent of other layers, implying that it might be possible to study it separately, which would reduce significantly the computational costs for simulations of the logarithmic layer. Some attempts were tried later by Mizuno & Jimenez (2013), who simulated the logarithmic layer without the buffer layer with obtained statistics agree reasonably well with those of full simulations. Besides, the logarithmic layer might be mimicked by other simpler sheardriven turbulence. For example, Pumir (1996) found that the statistically-stationary homogeneous shear turbulence (SS-HST) also bursts, in a manner strikingly similar to the self-sustaining process in wall-bounded turbulence. Based on these considerations, this thesis tries to reveal to what extent is the logarithmic layer of channels similar to the simplest shear-driven turbulence, SS-HST, by comparing both kinematics and dynamics of coherent structures in the two flows. Results about the channel are shown by Lozano-Dur´an et al. (2012) and Lozano-Dur´an & Jim´enez (20146). The roadmap of this task is divided into three stages. First, SS-HST is investigated by means of a new direct numerical simulation code, spectral in the two horizontal directions and compact-finite-differences in the direction of the shear. No remeshing is used to impose the shear-periodic boundary condition. The influence of the geometry of the computational box is explored. Since HST has no characteristic outer length scale and tends to fill the computational domain, longterm simulations of HST are ‘minimal’ in the sense of containing on average only a few large-scale structures. It is found that the main limit is the spanwise box width, Lz, which sets the length and velocity scales of the turbulence, and that the two other box dimensions should be sufficiently large (Lx > 2LZ, Ly > Lz) to prevent other directions to be constrained as well. It is also found that very long boxes, Lx > 2Ly, couple with the passing period of the shear-periodic boundary condition, and develop strong unphysical linearized bursts. Within those limits, the flow shows interesting similarities and differences with other shear flows, and in particular with the logarithmic layer of wallbounded turbulence. They are explored in some detail. They include a self-sustaining process for large-scale streaks and quasi-periodic bursting. The bursting time scale is approximately universal, ~ 20S~l (S is the mean shear rate), and the availability of two different bursting systems allows the growth of the bursts to be related with some confidence to the shearing of initially isotropic turbulence. It is concluded that SS-HST, conducted within the proper computational parameters, is a very promising system to study shear turbulence in general. Second, the same coherent structures as in channels studied by Lozano-Dur´an et al. (2012), namely three-dimensional vortex clusters (strong dissipation) and Qs (strong tangential Reynolds stress, -uv), are studied by direct numerical simulation of SS-HST with acceptable box aspect ratios and Reynolds number up to Rex ~ 250 (based on Taylor-microscale). The influence of the intermittency to time-independent threshold is discussed. These structures have similar elongations in the streamwise direction to detached families in channels until they are of comparable size to the box. Their fractal dimensions, inner and outer lengths as a function of volume agree well with their counterparts in channels. The study about their spatial organizations found that Qs of the same type are aligned roughly in the direction of the velocity vector in the quadrant they belong to, while Qs of different types are restricted by the fact that there should be no velocity clash, which makes Q2s (ejections, u < 0, v > 0) and Q4s (sweeps, u > 0, v < 0) paired in the spanwise direction. This is verified by inspecting velocity structures, other quadrants such as u-w and v-w in SS-HST and also detached families in the channel. The streamwise alignment of attached Qs with the same type in channels is due to the modulation of the wall. The average flow field conditioned to Q2-Q4 pairs found that vortex clusters are in the middle of the pair, but prefer to the two shear layers lodging at the top and bottom of Q2s and Q4s respectively, which makes the spanwise vorticity inside vortex clusters does not cancel. The wall amplifies the difference between the sizes of low- and high-speed streaks associated with attached Q2-Q4 pairs as the pairs reach closer to the wall, which is verified by the correlation of streamwise velocity conditioned to attached Q2s and Q4s with different heights. Vortex clusters in SS-HST associated with Q2s or Q4s are also flanked by a counter rotating streamwise vortices in the spanwise direction as in the channel. The long conical ‘wake’ originates from tall attached vortex clusters found by del A´ lamo et al. (2006) and Flores et al. (2007b), which disappears in SS-HST, is only true for tall attached vortices associated with Q2s but not for those associated with Q4s, whose averaged flow field is actually quite similar to that in SS-HST. Third, the temporal evolutions of Qs and vortex clusters are studied by using the method invented by Lozano-Dur´an & Jim´enez (2014b). Structures are sorted into branches, which are further organized into graphs. Both spatial and temporal resolutions are chosen to be able to capture the most probable pointwise Kolmogorov length and time at the most extreme moment. Due to the minimal box effect, there is only one main graph consist by almost all the branches, with its instantaneous volume and number of structures follow the intermittent kinetic energy and enstrophy. The lifetime of branches, which makes more sense for primary branches, loses its meaning in SS-HST because the contributions of primary branches to total Reynolds stress or enstrophy are almost negligible. This is also true in the outer layer of channels. Instead, the lifetime of graphs in channels are compared with the bursting time in SS-HST. Vortex clusters are associated with almost the same quadrant in terms of their mean velocities during their life time, especially for those related with ejections and sweeps. As in channels, ejections in SS-HST move upwards with an average vertical velocity uτ (friction velocity) while the opposite is true for sweeps. Vortex clusters, on the other hand, are almost still in the vertical direction. In the streamwise direction, they are advected by the local mean velocity and thus deformed by the mean velocity difference. Sweeps and ejections move faster and slower than the mean velocity respectively, both by 1.5uτ . Vortex clusters move with the same speed as the mean velocity. It is verified that the incoherent structures near the wall is due to the wall instead of small size. The results suggest that coherent structures in channels are not particularly associated with the wall, or even with a given shear profile.
Molecular dynamics simulations of the oligonucleotide duplex d(CGCGCG)2 in aqueous solution are used to investigate the glass transition phenomenon. The simulations were performed at temperatures in the 20 K to 340 K range. The mean square atomic fluctuations showed that the behavior of the oligonucleotide duplex was harmonic at low temperatures. A glass transition temperature at 223 K to 234 K was inferred for the oligonucleotide duplex, which is in agreement with experimental observations. The largest number of hydrogen bounds between the polar atoms of the oligonucleotide duplex and the water molecules was obtained at the glass transition temperature. With increasing temperature we observed a decrease in the average lifetime of the hydrogen bonds to water molecules.
A general method is described for constructing a helical oligoproline assembly having a spatially ordered array of functional sites protruding from a proline-II helix. Three different redox-active carboxylic acids were coupled to the side chain of cis-4-amino-L-proline. These redox modules were incorporated through solid-phase peptide synthesis into a 13-residue helical oligoproline assembly bearing in linear array a phenothiazine electron donor, a tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II) chromophore, and an anthraquinone electron acceptor. Upon transient 460-nm irradiation in acetonitrile, this peptide triad formed with 53% efficiency an excited state containing a phenothiazine radical cation and an anthraquinone radical anion. This light-induced redox-separated state had a lifetime of 175 ns and stored 1.65 eV of energy.
Since concomitant release of structurally related peptide hormones with apparently similar functions seems to be a general concept in endocrinology, we have studied the dynamics of the lifetime of the three known adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) of the migratory locust, which control flight-directed mobilization of carbohydrate and lipid from fat body stores. Although the structure of the first member of the AKHs has been known for 20 years, until now, reliable data on their inactivation and removal from the hemolymph are lacking, because measurement requires AKHs with high specific radioactivity. Employing tritiated AKHs with high specific radioactivity, obtained by catalytic reduction with tritium gas of the dehydroLeu2 analogues of the AKHs synthesized by the solid-phase procedure, studies with physiological doses of as low as 1.0 pmol per locust could be conducted. The AKHs appear to be transported in the hemolymph in their free forms and not associated with a carrier protein, despite their strong hydrophobicity. Application of AKHs in their free form in in vivo and in vitro studies therefore now has been justified. We have studied the degradation of the three AKHs during rest and flight. The first cleavage step by an endopeptidase is crucial, since the resulting degradation products lack any adipokinetic activity. Half-lives for AKH-I, -II and -III were 51, 40, and 5 min, respectively, for rest conditions and 35, 37, and 3 min, respectively, during flight. The rapid and differential degradation of structurally related hormones leads to changes in the ratio in which they are released and therefore will have important consequences for concerted hormone action at the level of the target organ or organs, suggesting that each of the known AKHs may play its own biological role in the overall syndrome of insect flight.
In the absence of lasers approaching trapped ion clock transitions in sharpness we propose to replace the 12.49 m laser field exciting the D3/2-D5/2 transition of the single Ba+ ion A in D3/2 with the near-field of a close by identical ion B in the excited D5/2 state. We tune the frequency of the near-field by the differential Stark shift generated when the center of mass of the tuned ions is slightly moved out of the trap center by a small bias voltage. We demonstrate that the resultant resonant energy exchange can be made considerably faster than the natural lifetime of either metastable level and show how it might be detected.
We describe the characteristics of the rapidly rotating molecular disk in the nucleus of the mildly active galaxy NGC4258. The morphology and kinematics of the disk are delineated by the point-like watervapor emission sources at 1.35-cm wavelength. High angular resolution [200 microas where as is arcsec, corresponding to 0.006 parsec (pc) at 6.4 million pc] and high spectral resolution (0.2 km.s-1 or nu/Deltanu = 1.4 x 10(6)) with the Very-Long-Baseline Array allow precise definition of the disk. The disk is very thin, but slightly warped, and is viewed nearly edge-on. The masers show that the disk is in nearly perfect Keplerian rotation within the observable range of radii of 0.13-0.26 pc. The approximately random deviations from the Keplerian rotation curve among the high-velocity masers are approximately 3.5 km.s-1 (rms). These deviations may be due to the masers lying off the midline by about +/-4 degrees or variations in the inclination of the disk by +/-4 degrees. Lack of systematic deviations indicates that the disk has a mass of <4 x 10(6) solar mass (M[symbol: see text]). The gravitational binding mass is 3.5 x 10(7) M[symbol: see text], which must lie within the inner radius of the disk and requires that the mass density be >4 x 10(9) M[symbol: see text].pc-3. If the central mass were in the form of a star cluster with a density distribution such as a Plummer model, then the central mass density would be 4 x 10(12) M[symbol: see text].pc-3. The lifetime of such a cluster would be short with respect to the age of the galaxy [Maoz, E. (1995) Astrophys. J. Lett. 447, L91-L94]. Therefore, the central mass may be a black hole. The disk as traced by the systemic velocity features is unresolved in the vertical direction, indicating that its scale height is <0.0003 pc (hence the ratio of thickness to radius, H/R, is <0.0025). For a disk in hydrostatic equilibrium the quadrature sum of the sound speed and Alfven velocity is <2.5 km.s-1, so that the temperature of the disk must be <1000 K and the toroidal magnetic field component must be <250 mG. If the molecular mass density in the disk is 10(10) cm-3, then the disk mass is approximately 10(4) M[symbol: see text], and the disk is marginally stable as defined by the Toomre stability parameter Q (Q = 6 at the inner edge and 1 at the outer edge). The inward drift velocity is predicted to be <0.007 km.s-1, for a viscosity parameter of 0.1, and the accretion rate is <7 x 10(-5) M[symbol: see text].yr-1. At this value the accretion would be sufficient to power the nuclear x-ray source of 4 x 10(40) ergs-1 (1 erg = 0.1 microJ). The volume of individual maser components may be as large as 10(46) cm3, based on the velocity gradients, which is sufficient to supply the observed luminosity. The pump power undoubtedly comes from the nucleus, perhaps in the form of x-rays. The warp may allow the pump radiation to penetrate the disk obliquely [Neufeld, D. A. & Maloney, P. R. (1995) Astrophys. J. Lett. 447, L17-L19]. A total of 15 H2O megamasers have been identified out of >250 galaxies searched. Galaxy NGC4258 may be the only case where conditions are optimal to reveal a well-defined nuclear disk. Future measurement of proper motions and accelerations for NGC4258 will yield an accurate distance and a more precise definition of the dynamics of the disk
Context. Classical supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs) and supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs) are two types of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) that present similar donors but, at the same time, show very different behavior in the X-rays. The reason for this dichotomy of wind-fed HMXBs is still a matter of debate. Among the several explanations that have been proposed, some of them invoke specific stellar wind properties of the donor stars. Only dedicated empiric analysis of the donors’ stellar wind can provide the required information to accomplish an adequate test of these theories. However, such analyses are scarce. Aims. To close this gap, we perform a comparative analysis of the optical companion in two important systems: IGR J17544-2619 (SFXT) and Vela X-1 (SGXB). We analyze the spectra of each star in detail and derive their stellar and wind properties. As a next step, we compare the wind parameters, giving us an excellent chance of recognizing key differences between donor winds in SFXTs and SGXBs. Methods. We use archival infrared, optical and ultraviolet observations, and analyze them with the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) Potsdam Wolf-Rayet model atmosphere code. We derive the physical properties of the stars and their stellar winds, accounting for the influence of X-rays on the stellar winds. Results. We find that the stellar parameters derived from the analysis generally agree well with the spectral types of the two donors: O9I (IGR J17544-2619) and B0.5Iae (Vela X-1). The distance to the sources have been revised and also agree well with the estimations already available in the literature. In IGR J17544-2619 we are able to narrow the uncertainty to d = 3.0 ± 0.2 kpc. From the stellar radius of the donor and its X-ray behavior, the eccentricity of IGR J17544-2619 is constrained to e< 0.25. The derived chemical abundances point to certain mixing during the lifetime of the donors. An important difference between the stellar winds of the two stars is their terminal velocities (ν∞ = 1500 km s-1 in IGR J17544-2619 and ν∞ = 700 km s-1 in Vela X-1), which have important consequences on the X-ray luminosity of these sources. Conclusions. The donors of IGR J17544-2619 and Vela X-1 have similar spectral types as well as similar parameters that physically characterize them and their spectra. In addition, the orbital parameters of the systems are similar too, with a nearly circular orbit and short orbital period. However, they show moderate differences in their stellar wind velocity and the spin period of their neutron star which has a strong impact on the X-ray luminosity of the sources. This specific combination of wind speed and pulsar spin favors an accretion regime with a persistently high luminosity in Vela X-1, while it favors an inhibiting accretion mechanism in IGR J17544-2619. Our study demonstrates that the relative wind velocity is critical in class determination for the HMXBs hosting a supergiant donor, given that it may shift the accretion mechanism from direct accretion to propeller regimes when combined with other parameters.
Appendix II: Editions published during the poet's lifetime; Some reviews, press notices, etc., which appeared during the lifetime of the poet.
The aim of this investigation was to characterize the proliferative precursor cells in the adult mouse hippocampal region. Given that a very large number of new hippocampal cells are generated over the lifetime of an animal, it is predicted that a neural stem cell is ultimately responsible for maintaining this genesis. Although it is generally accepted that a proliferative precursor resides within the hippocampus, contradictory reports exist regarding the classification of this cell. Is it a true stem cell or a more limited progenitor? Using a strict functional definition of a neural stem cell and a number of in vitro assays, we report that the resident hippocampal precursor is a progenitor capable of proliferation and multipotential differentiation but is unable to self-renew and thus proliferate indefinitely. Furthermore, the mitogen FGF-2 stimulates proliferation of these cells to a greater extent than epidermal growth factor ( EGF). In addition, we found that BDNF was essential for the production of neurons from the hippocampal progenitor cells, being required during proliferation to trigger neuronal fate. In contrast, a bona fide neural stem cell was identified in the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle surrounding the hippocampus. Interestingly, EGF proved to be the stronger mitogenic factor for this cell, which was clearly a different precursor from the resident hippocampal progenitor. These results suggest that the stem cell ultimately responsible for adult hippocampal neurogenesis resides outside the hippocampus, producing progenitor cells that migrate into the neurogenic zones and proliferate to produce new neurons and glia.
Molecular transport in phase space is crucial for chemical reactions because it defines how pre-reactive molecular configurations are found during the time evolution of the system. Using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulated atomistic trajectories we test the assumption of the normal diffusion in the phase space for bulk water at ambient conditions by checking the equivalence of the transport to the random walk model. Contrary to common expectations we have found that some statistical features of the transport in the phase space differ from those of the normal diffusion models. This implies a non-random character of the path search process by the reacting complexes in water solutions. Our further numerical experiments show that a significant long period of non-stationarity in the transition probabilities of the segments of molecular trajectories can account for the observed non-uniform filling of the phase space. Surprisingly, the characteristic periods in the model non-stationarity constitute hundreds of nanoseconds, that is much longer time scales compared to typical lifetime of known liquid water molecular structures (several picoseconds).