882 resultados para life-history, ant
Limited financial sources and the difficulty in performing complete surveys, allied to the speed of habitat fragmentation and the urgent necessity in select conservation areas, create the necessity of using some methodologies which bypass these problems. One possibility is the use of surrogate taxa that might be used as indicator of others groups richness and even total richness of an area. We investigated if the use of surrogate taxon is useful among seven mammal orders in Amazon. We tested through Pearson`s correlation (Bonferroni`s adjusted) if (1) there was a correlation between richness of total species and some order; (2) there was a significant pair wise correlation between species richness of each order; and (3) the combination of two orders would give better results as a surrogate for the total richness. The correlations found, in general, were positive. It means that the increase in the richness of an order was followed by its increase in another order, as well as in the total species richness. Only Didelphimorphia was significantly correlated with the total species richness. In the pair wise analyses only one assembly, Primates and Artiodactyla, was significantly correlated with total richness. Since indicator species are more effective within taxonomic groups (life-history characteristics are likely to be more different among than within major taxonomic groups), we suggest that an indicator group might be chosen for each one. In this case, for mammals from Amazon, it would be Didelphimorphia. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The sexual system of the symbiotic shrimp Thor amboinensis is described, along with observations on sex ratio and host-use pattern of different populations. We used a comprehensive approach to elucidate the previously unknown sexual system of this shrimp. Dissections, scanning electron microscopy, size-frequency distribution analysis, and laboratory observations demonstrated that T amboinensis is a protandric hermaphrodite: shrimp first mature as males and change into females later in life. Thor amboinensis inhabited the large and structurally heterogeneous sea anemone Stichoclactyla helianthus in large groups (up to 11 individuals) more frequently than expected by chance alone. Groups exhibited no particularly complex social structure and showed male-biased sex ratios more frequently than expected by chance alone. The adult sex ratio was male-biased in the four separate populations studied, one of them being thousands of kilometers apart from the others. This study supports predictions central to theories of resource monopolization and sex allocation. Dissections demonstrated that unusually large males were parasitized by an undescribed species of isopod (family Entoniscidae). Infestation rates were similarly low in both sexes (approximate to 11%-12%). The available information suggests that T. amboinensis uses pure search promiscuity as a mating system. This hypothesis needs to be formally tested with mating behavior observations and field measurements on the movement pattern of both sexes of the species. Further detailed studies on the lifestyle and sexual system of all the species within this genus and the development of a molecular phylogeny are necessary to elucidate the evolutionary history of gender expression in the genus Thor.
The overall aim of this study is to analyse history teachers’ understanding of the school subject history. The aim have also been to uncover what factors the history teachers say have affected their understanding of the school subject. Based on survey and interview methods, the question that this study deals with is: in the light of which general understanding of the school subject history, do the teachers make didactic choices on a daily basis? The first theme is biographical. The teachers’ life-history is taken into consideration and several factors in the teachers’ background and the school environment have been identified. It also seems as if the teachers’ understanding of the school subject goes from an elementary and searching approach to one that is more complex and convinced. The second theme is a more structural approach. The results shows three major orientations among the teachers’ general understanding namely, educational (bildung) orientation, critical orientation and identity orientation. Even though a main orientation can be seen among the teachers, an important result is also that the orientation is overall complex. At the most general level some patterns can be seen. First the connection between the teachers’ biography and their general understanding of the school subject. In the understanding of the school subject, it is also notable that teachers relate in different ways to history as science, history as identity and history from an ideological viewpoint. It is also possible to note some signs of change in the school subject history that follows a lager historiographical context.
Este trabalho pretende analisar os principais centros de pós-graduação e de pesquisa em economia localizados em São Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro, a partir do levantamento de documentos, programas, regulamentos e publicações de seus principais expoentes. Também pretendemos utilizar depoimentos desses expoentes para entender como os processos decisórios foram analisados de "dentro" da instituição. A história da vida do entrevistado permite que entremos no mundo das emoções, nos limites da racionalidade do ator histórico. Ao quebrarmos o esquematismo simplista, podemos desvendar as relações entre o indivíduo e a rede histórica. A memória, com suas falhas, distorções e inversões, torna-se um elemento de análise para explicar o presente, a partir da compreensão do passado sob a ótica de quem vivenciou os fatos.
Essa pesquisa procurou investigar o processo de composição narrativa pela dupla estagiário-terapeuta/paciente, em uma situação de psicoterapia psicanalítica, a partir do contexto de uma prática supervisionada de estágio em Psicologia Clínica. Participaram da pesquisa duas acadêmicas de Psicologia que realizaram o estágio em um abrigo municipal. O trabalho clínico desenvolvido pelas estagiárias foi acompanhado pela supervisão acadêmica, cuja responsável na época era a pesquisadora. Também participaram dessa pesquisa três meninas de seis, nove e dez anos de idade, acolhidas temporariamente na instituição e em acompanhamento psicoterapêutico pelas estagiárias. Os atendimentos foram realizados uma vez por semana, individualmente, na própria instituição. As estagiárias relataram cada entrevista preliminar realizada com as crianças sob a forma escrita de entrevista dialogada, cujo objetivo é a memorização do desenvolvimento da entrevista. Essa memorização associada às reflexões acerca do estágio produzidas no espaço de supervisão acadêmica formaram as fontes dos dados. Para atingir o objetivo dessa pesquisa, três estudos foram realizados e, em cada um deles, três casos, constituídos por diferentes duplas terapêuticas, foram analisados. Os resultados dos três estudos demonstram, inicialmente, que o discurso elaborado pelas duplas terapêuticas, em cada entrevista preliminar isoladamente, estrutura-se narrativamente porque esse discurso apresenta os dois princípios da narrativa, que são a sucessão e a transformação, como propõe Tzvetan Todorov. A análise conjunta dessas entrevistas denota, entretanto, que as narrativas constituídas nesse processo não podem ser reduzidas a uma lógica de sucessão linear como formula esse autor. A seqüência narrativa é regida pela lógica de causalidade semântica, que é de natureza polifônica, como propõe Paul Ricoeur. As intervenções das estagiárias sob a forma de construções, conforme conceito estabelecido por Freud, mesmo que guiadas pelo princípio da associação livre, são demarcadas, em sua maioria, pela repetição de uma versão já conhecida da história da vida de seu paciente, geralmente àquela que versa sobre o motivo do abrigamento. Assim, essas intervenções, cujo efeito possível seria que o paciente pudesse desconstruir os sentidos dados a priori, reconstruindo novas versões para os acontecimentos de sua vida e, com isso, ocupasse o lugar de autor de sua história, acabam insistindo no trauma. Dessa forma, fica explicitado um dos paradoxos do processo de formação da escuta clínica: o estagiário, ao procurar abrir os sentidos para o seu paciente, construindo junto com ele uma versão possível para a sua história, acaba, muitas vezes, fechando o sentido, construindo uma única versão para os eventos narrados pelo paciente.
Este trabalhe tem cerne objetivo investigar e universo psicossocial de um grupo de mulheres idosas de classe socioeconômica baixa. Inicialmente, são analisadas as problemáticas da mulher e de idoso a partir de uma revisão crítica da literatura, compreendendo estudes teóricos e pesquisas empíricas realizadas no Brasil. Também são focalizados os conceitos de identidade e de marginalidade, cem frequência referidos no percurso de trabalho. A seguir, é relatada uma pesquisa de campo em que se utiliza e método de história de vida. Foram entrevistadas 20 mulheres cem idade acima de 60 anos, de baixa renda, residentes em uma cidade de médio porte de Estado de Espirite Santo. Apresenta-se uma caracterização prévia da população e posteriormente uma análise das entrevistas. Nesta análise observam-se algumas convergências básicas nas condições objetivas de vida e nas representações construídas pele grupo das entrevistadas acerca de suas vivências, no que se refere especialmente às suas condições de trabalho, às suas inserções nos contextos familiar e público, às imagens das figuras masculina e feminina elaboradas e à situação. vivencial de envelhecimento. Destacam-se entre essas convergências: o exercício de atividades laborais informais não-especializadas; a referência frequente ao contexto familiar; a construção de uma auto imagem fragilizada ou ambígua que não se coaduna com as experiências de sustentáculo familiar relatadas; e uma adequação/inadequação ao modelo vigente de velhice, denotando, frequentemente, uma defasagem entre a idade cronológica e o sentimento subjetivo do envelhecimento. Finalmente, a conclusão procura integrar os aspectos mais significativos observados nos relatos, delineando-se o perfil psicossocial do grupo estudado.
O presente trabalho pretende ser o primeiro no campo da psicologia da mulher, a enfocar o tema amamentação numa perspectiva sócio-cultural. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo não experimental realizada entre mulheres que amamentaram seus filhos. O método utilizado para coleta de dados foi a história de vida. A população estudada consta de trinta nutrizes, a saber: dez de classe média, dez de classe baixa e dez avós. Foi feita uma análise comparativa da experiência de amamentação das mulheres dos três grupos estudados. Com base nesses dados pode-se concluir, que a amamentação longe de ser apenas um fato biológico singular, é uma construção social, instrumento ideológico de opressão da mulher.
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a vida cotidiana de mulheres rotuladas como deficientes mentais, através de seus relatos biográficos pessoais. As entrevistadas descreveram sua rotina em casa e na instituição, falaram sobre suas famílias, relacionamentos, dificuldades em integração social, e sobre seus problemas físicos e de aprendizagem. Ficou clara no discurso deste grupo a dicotomia entre o mundo “de dentro", compreendendo os espaços protegidos da casa e da instituição, e o mundo ameaçador e violento “de fora", representado pela rua. Seus relacionamentos sociais restringem-se aos personagens do mundo “de dentro": a família, os profissionais, e os colegas da instituição, e muitas entrevistadas disseram se· sentir discriminadas pelas pessoas “de fora". Embora várias mulheres tenham exprimido o desejo de ser independentes (trabalhar fora, sair sozinhas, etc), na prática mantém urna relação de extrema dependência familiar. A pesar de dois terços das entrevistadas terem mais de 20 anos, elas não parecem ter nenhuma perspectiva concreta de morar sozinhas, casar, ou vir a formar sua própria família. Um dos pressupostos deste estudo era de que o estigma da deficiência mental, seria o terna central nas histórias de vida. Entretanto, mais da metade dos sujeitos não abordou esta questão, e muito poucas se autodenominaram deficientes. Foi postulado que os efeitos do estigma talvez sejam minimizados neste grupo devido à superproteção familiar e institucional por um lado, e a evitação do mundo "de fora" (onde esta condição seria denunciada mais abertamente) por outro. Assim sendo, em sua prática diária, a maioria dessas mulheres têm poucas oportunidades de se confrontar com a situação de marginalização. Deficiência mental foi analisada como um fenômeno socialmente construído, e acredita-se que estas pessoas funcionem em um nível mais dependente do que sua condição orgânica exigiria, por terem sido reforçadas por representar o papel social de deficientes. Apesar das características comuns, cada história de vida provou ser original e única, mostrando o erro em se considerar as pessoas portadoras de deficiência mental como um grupo homogêneo e bem definido. Além disso, a não ser pela dependência familiar, falta de participação autônoma e integrada na comunidade, e relacionamento amoroso e sexual restrito, a ideia dessas mulheres não é qualitativamente diferente do resto da população.
This dissertation aimed to identify the factors that conduct the women of today to decide for or against motherhood, as well as to identify her feelings about the subject. An exploratory field research was conducted using the life-history technique. Thirty one middle class working women, with no children, and in hers thirties, were Interviewed and offered statements about their decisions on procreate or note from the analysis of the statements we found that the degree of anxiety to make a choice seems to vary according to the extension of inner conflicts. These conflicts seems to derive from two sources: a) the degree of Interior disposability to become a mother; b) the degree of support from external sources. Emotional questions were clearly the more Influential actor to come to a resolution on the matter. The woman of today, although more acting socially. seems to fear that eventual renunciation to the maternal status may, In the future be sensed as a vacuum. This study made manifest that In the long run - with the Increment of the inner psychological pressure to make a decision -the women tend to be well-inclined toward motherhood.
This paper‟s starting point was the objective of understanding the relation between the reasons pointed out by small businesses owners for the continuity or shutdown of their businesses, and the reasons presented by the Environmental Theories. The paper discusses the Environmental Theories understand that it is supported by a systemic metaphor speech, discussing the theme in terms of organizational survival and mortality . The text reviews the literature showing the changes in the administrative thinking regarding the organization versus environment relation, and presenting general ideas about the micro and small businesses. In methodological terms, the qualitative approach was used in the research. Regarding the data collection technique, an in-depth thematic interview was used. It was carried out considering the elements of the techniques of life history and oral history, always giving priority to real world related narratives told by the interviewed subjects. The empirical corpus of the research was made up of seven owners of small retail businesses in two Potiguar cities: Natal and Mossoró. The interpretative and analytical process focused, at first, on the reflexive dialogue with each one of the owners‟ professional life history and business management experience, constituting the first level of analysis: reflections on individual narratives; and, afterwards, the interpretative process was developed through the analysis of all the subjects‟ statements, identifying the recurring themes and constituting the second level of analysis: reflection on the totalizing narrative. The themes identified in the totalizing narrative, that refer to the continuity of the businesses are: evolution, control, fidelity, liking what one does for a living. The themes that came up as reasons for shutdown are: lack of empathy with the business, lack of evolution, competition problems, suppliers and the government. The text synthesizes its comprehensions affirming that the reasons associated with continuity and shutdown of small markets, for this group of owners specifically, come up as a permanent tension between the volunteerism (quite human) and the determinism (systemic). The tension is shown in testimonies that at the same time evoke the organicist systemic logic through the themes evolution/no evolution, and also counterpoints with themes related to the interested human action, based on desires, feelings and personal convictions such as: liking what one does/ lack of empathy. As for the reflexive dialogue between the postulates of the Environmental Theories and the narratives, the results make it possible to affirm that, differently from the tension expressed by the subjects while talking about their reasons, the reasons associated with survival and mortality of businesses according to the Environmental Theories are theoretically polarized, seeming to preach options that are stagnated and shaping towards the subjects involved in the organization-environment relation
Sea urchins are common benthic organisms on coastal ecosystems of tropical and temperate shallow waters. The impact of sea urchins populations in shore communities is density-dependent, and therefore, knowledge of the life history of these animals is important to understand these interactions. Between 2000 and 2005 a population boom of Tripneustes ventricosus was observed in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. In 2004 a research program was started to monitor the population dynamics of T. ventricosus in the archipelago, when it noted a lack of basic information on the biology and reproduction of this species, despite its broad geographic distribution and economic importance in parts of its occurrence. In this context, this work focuses on the reproductive biology of T. ventricosus with emphasis on the description of the gametogenic stages. Between December 2006 and July 2007, ten urchins were collected by snorkeling in two sites of the archipelago, totaling 120 individuals. Gametogenic stages were described for both sexes through microscopic analysis, and were defined as: Recovery, Growing, Premature, Mature and Spawning. Results showed increasing in Gonad index throughout of months of sampling and suggest that the reproductive cycle of the species in the archipelago is annual
Settlement is a critical process in the life history of crabs, and thus affecting the abundance, distribution and structure of estuarine communities. The spatial pattern of settlement of megalopae of the shore crab Carcinus maenas along a longitudinal estuarine gradient (Mira River Estuary, Portugal) was examined, as well as its effects on the juvenile population. To measure megalopal settlement, four replicate collectors were deployed in six equally spaced stations along the estuarine axis. Juveniles were collected on the same locations with a quadrat randomly deployed on the substrate. To assess fine-scale megalopal settlement within a curved region of the estuary, replicate collectors were deployed on both margins along Moinho da Asneira curve. Megalopae settled differently along the six longitudinal points, with a tendency to attenuate their settlement upstream. Within the curved region, megalopae preferentially settled on the left margin collectors, probably due to the weaker velocity speeds felt on this margin. Concerning the overall juvenile density, there were significant differences among the stations distributed along the estuary, but they did no reflect a longitudinal dispersion attenuation pattern. Size-frequency distribution of the juvenile population showed that the average size is higher on the left margin. Recruits (carapace length between 1.0 mm and 3.4 mm) were more abundant on the upstream stations. Density of early juveniles (3.4 mm-6.5 mm) and juveniles (6.5 mm-10 mm) was more stable throughout the estuary axis than that of recruits. This distribution pattern may result from tidal excursion processes or mechanisms to avoid biotic interactions, such as predation and competition. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Animals show behavioral and physiological changes that emerge in response to environmental perturbations (i.e., emergency life-history stages). In this study, we investigate the effects of light intensity on aggressive encounters and social stability in groups of adult male Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758). The study compared the behavior observed under low (280.75 ± 50.60 lx) and high (1394.14 ± 520.32 lx) light intensities, with 12 replicates for each treatment. Adult fish were isolated in 36-L aquaria for 96 hours, and three males were grouped for 11 days in 140-L aquaria. Agonistic behavior was video-recorded (10 min/day) on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th day to quantify aggressive interactions and social stability. There was an effect of light intensity and day of observation on the total number of agonistic behaviors performed by the fish group. Besides, increased frequency of aggressive interactions (the sum of the four sessions) by the alpha, beta and gamma fish occurred at the higher light intensity. The dominance ranks of the fish remained unchanged across the observation sessions under both the low and high light intensities. We concluded that enhanced light intensity has a cumulative effect that increases the aggressiveness of the Nile tilapia but that this effect is not sufficiently strong to destabilize the social hierarchy.