868 resultados para laboratory wastewater
Työssä tutkittiin, mikä on kustannustehokkain tapa lisätä ilmastuskapasiteettia ja selvitettiin, saostaako vesilaitokselta flotaatioaltaasta poistettava ferrisulfaattisakka jäteveden fosforia esiselkeyttimessä. Työssä määritettiin teoreettinen hapentarve ilmastusaltaassa maksimikuormituksen aikana ja hapensiirtonopeus jäteveteen olemassa olevalla laitteistolla. Hapensiirtonopeuden funktion korjauskertoimet ja sekä kokonaishapensiirtokerroin määritettiin laboratorio-olosuhteissa. Lisäksi laskettiin kuinka paljon nykyisten ilmastimien kautta saadaan happea jäteveteen liukenemaan ja verrattiin tätä lukua teoreettiseen hapentarpeeseen. Jälkimmäistä menettelytapaa käyttäen arvioitiin lisähapen tarve. Tulokseksi saatiin, että maksimi BOD-kuormituksen aikana happea tarvitsee saada jäteveteen liuotettua 5200 m³/d lisää. Ilmastuskapasiteetin lisäyksen kustannuslaskelmassa verrattiin neljää vaihtoehtoa: puhdasta happea liuotettuna happimattojen kautta tai OKI-ilmastimen kautta, onsite-happilaitoksen puhdasta happea liuotettuna OKI-ilmastimen kautta tai ilman happea liuotettuna jäteveteen EDI-ilmastimien kautta. Laskelmat osoittivat uusien EDI-ilmastimien hankinnan olevan edullisin vaihtoehto pitkällä aikavälillä. Vaikka EDI-ilmastimien investointikustannukset ovat korkeat, tulevat ne käyttökustannuksiltaan kaikkein edullisimmaksi. Vesilaitokselta tulevan rautasuolasakan fosforia saostavaa vaikutusta tutkittiin laboratoriossa astiakokein. Näytteet otettiin vesilaitokselta jätevesilaitokselle menevästä rautasuolasakasta sekä esiselkeyttimen kirkasteesta. Näitä eri suhteissa keskenään sekoittamalla saatiin selville, että rautasuolasakka ja sakan mukana tuleva reagoimaton rautasuola saostavat liukoista ja kokonaisfosforia esiselkeytyksessä.
Työn alkuosassa kartoitettiin AvestaPolarit –yhtiöiden Tornion tehtaiden keskeiset fluoridilähteet kuten fluspaatti, valukuonat, valupulverit ja fluorivetyhappo. Valupulverien ja kuonien haihtumis- ja liukoisuuskäyttäytymistä valaistiin kotimaisten ja kansainvälisten tutkimusten avulla. Tutkimustuloksia sovellettiin pääpiirteittäin Tornion tehtaiden tilanteeseen ottamalla huomioon tekijät, jotka saattoivat lieventää tai vahvistaa fluoridien vaikutusta ympäristöön. Yleisesti fluoridien ympäristö- ja terveysvaikutukset arvioitiin vähäisiksi. Työn kokeellisessa osassa määritettiin Tornion tehtaiden ferrokromitehtaan, terässulaton, kuumavalssaamon ja kylmävalssaamon fluoriditaseet. Jokaisen osastojen syötteiden fluoridipitoisuudet selvitettiin tuottajien ilmoittamien tuotekoostumuksien, spesifikaatioiden ja fluoridianalyysien perusteella. Fluoridien kokonaismäärät laskettiin jokaiselle syötteelle ja ne suhteutettiin kunkin osaston vuoden 2001 tuotantotasoon. Tasetarkastelussa suurimpina fluoridisyötteinä nousivat odotetusti esiin terässulaton käyttämä kuonanmuodostaja-aine fluspaatti (CaF2) ja kylmävalssaamon peittaushappo, 70 prosenttinen fluorivetyhappo (HF). Lisäksi muita merkittäviä syötteitä olivat kylmävalssaamon käyttämä kalkkipitoinen sekakuona ja ferrokromitehtaan sulatuskoksi. Tuotoksien eli päästöjen fluoridipitoisuudet saatiin selville päästömittauksin. Jätevesistä otettiin pääosin viikoittaisia kokoomanäytteitä, jotka analysoitiin tehtaan laboratoriossa. Kaasumaiset tuotokset oli määritetty kertamittauksien perusteella. Kiinteiden tuotoksien eli sakkojen ja kuonien fluoridimittaukset suoritettiin 3 sulatuksen kuonanäytteistä ja sakan vuosinäytteestä. Tuotoksista suurimmat ominaispäästökertoimet olivat juuri terässulaton AOD-konvertterin ja senkkauunin kuonilla ja kylmävalssaamon neutraloidulla regenerointisakalla ja neutralointisakoilla. Näistä ei aiheutunut varsinaista päästöä lähiympäristöön, koska sakat ja kuonat loppusijoitetaan tehtaan kaatopaikalle tai niitä käytetään liukenemattomassa muodossa. Tornion tehtaiden fluoridisyötteiden ja -tuotoksien mittausepätarkkuudet vaikuttivat fluoriditaseeseen. Ferrokromitehtaan fluoridisyötteet olivat kokonaismäärältään selvästi suurempia kuin tuotokset. Terässulaton fluoriditaseen tuotokset olivat suurempia kuin syötteet ja kylmävalssaamon syötteet sekä tuotokset olivat karkeasti arvioiden samaa suuruusluokkaa. Kuumavalssaamon fluoridisyötteet ja -tuotokset olivat mitättömiä. Fluoriditaseen epävarmuustekijöitä voidaan vähentää suorittamalla esimerkiksi useita fluoridimittauksia kaasumaisista päästöistä.
Chemical analysis is a well-established procedure for the provenancing of archaeological ceramics. Various analytical techniques are routinely used and large amounts of data have been accumulated so far in data banks. However, in order to exchange results obtained by different laboratories, the respective analytical procedures need to be tested in terms of their inter-comparability. In this study, the schemes of analysis used in four laboratories that are involved in archaeological pottery studies on a routine basis were compared. The techniques investigated were neutron activation analysis (NAA), X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). For this comparison series of measurements on different geological standard reference materials (SRM) were carried out and the results were statistically evaluated. An attempt was also made towards the establishment of calibration factors between pairs of analytical setups in order to smooth the systematic differences among the results.
Nykypäivänä ympäristön suojelu ja erityisesti jätevesipäästöjen pienentäminen vaikuttavat yhä enemmän metsäteollisuuden toimintatapoihin. Lisäksi veden käytön vähentyessä ja prosesseja suljettaessa silikaatteihin väistämättä liittyvät saostumat ovat kasvava ongelma. Magnesiumhydroksidin on havaittu olevan potentiaalinen natriumhydroksidin korvaava alkali mekaanisen massan peroksidivalkaisussa. Lisäksi magnesiumhydroksidilla voidaan saavuttaa lähes yhtä korkea vaaleus, jopa ilman silikaattia, kuin natriumhydroksidilla natriumsilikaatin kanssa. Magnesiumhydroksidin orgaanista ainesta liuottava vaikutus on myös noin puolet verrattuna natriumhydroksidiin. Työssä selvitettiin, miten häiriöaineet vaikuttavat mekaanisen massan peroksidivalkaisuun käytettäessä magnesiumhydroksidialkalia. Laboratoriokokeiden tulokset osoittivat, että magnesiumhydroksidi kesti paremmin valkaisussa käytettyjä häiriöaineita. Pienillä metallilisäyksillä ei ole vaikutusta massan vaaleuteen käytettäessä magnesiumhydroksidia. Korvattaessa laimennusvettä viirapuristimen suodoksella peroksidi kului lähes loppuun käytettäessä natriumhydroksidia, mikä näkyi myös vaaleuden heikkenemisenä. Valkaisukokeiden perusteella magnesiumhydroksidialkalilla jäädään jopa kolme prosenttiyksikköä natriumhydroksidin kanssa saadusta vaaleudesta, peroksidiannoksen olleessa kolme prosenttia. Mutta käytettäessä magnesiumhydroksidialkalia liuenneen orgaanisen hiilen kokonaismäärä (TOC) sekä biologinen (BOD7) että kemiallinen (CODcr) hapenkulutus pienenivät lähes puolella.
The present work describes the development of a fast and robust analytical method for the determination of 53 antibiotic residues, covering various chemical groups and some of their metabolites, in environmental matrices that are considered important sources of antibiotic pollution, namely hospital and urban wastewaters, as well as in river waters. The method is based on automated off-line solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole linear ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–QqLIT). For unequivocal identification and confirmation, and in order to fulfill EU guidelines, two selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions per compound are monitored (the most intense one is used for quantification and the second one for confirmation). Quantification of target antibiotics is performed by the internal standard approach, using one isotopically labeled compound for each chemical group, in order to correct matrix effects. The main advantages of the method are automation and speed-up of sample preparation, by the reduction of extraction volumes for all matrices, the fast separation of a wide spectrum of antibiotics by using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography, its sensitivity (limits of detection in the low ng/L range) and selectivity (due to the use of tandem mass spectrometry) The inclusion of β-lactam antibiotics (penicillins and cephalosporins), which are compounds difficult to analyze in multi-residue methods due to their instability in water matrices, and some antibiotics metabolites are other important benefits of the method developed. As part of the validation procedure, the method developed was applied to the analysis of antibiotics residues in hospital, urban influent and effluent wastewaters as well as in river water samples
In this paper the rift between Jevons and Mill over the method of political economy serves as a prehistory to recent attempts of behavioural economists to once again explain economic behaviour by taking recourse to mankind's physiology. While Mill relied on the association psychology and its introspective method to establish indubitable first principles, Jevons scorned all recourse to introspection. As exemplified for Jevons's theory of labour, psychophysiology gave Jevons the means to think about economic behaviour in terms of functional form, and promised its assessment by means of experiments. Thus levelling down the Victorian distinction between mind and matter, Jevons turned political economy into social physics.
This work describes the formation of transformation products (TPs) by the enzymatic degradation at laboratory scale of two highly consumed antibiotics: tetracycline (Tc) and erythromycin (ERY). The analysis of the samples was carried out by a fast and simple method based on the novel configuration of the on-line turbulent flow system coupled to a hybrid linear ion trap – high resolution mass spectrometer. The method was optimized and validated for the complete analysis of ERY, Tc and their transformation products within 10 min without any other sample manipulation. Furthermore, the applicability of the on-line procedure was evaluated for 25 additional antibiotics, covering a wide range of chemical classes in different environmental waters with satisfactory quality parameters. Degradation rates obtained for Tc by laccase enzyme and ERY by EreB esterase enzyme without the presence of mediators were ∼78% and ∼50%, respectively. Concerning the identification of TPs, three suspected compounds for Tc and five of ERY have been proposed. In the case of Tc, the tentative molecular formulas with errors mass within 2 ppm have been based on the hypothesis of dehydroxylation, (bi)demethylation and oxidation of the rings A and C as major reactions. In contrast, the major TP detected for ERY has been identified as the “dehydration ERY-A”, with the same molecular formula of its parent compound. In addition, the evaluation of the antibiotic activity of the samples along the enzymatic treatments showed a decrease around 100% in both cases
All the experimental part of this final project was done at Laboratoire de Biotechnologie Environnementale (LBE) from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, during 6 months (November 2013- May 2014). A fungal biofilter composed of woodchips was designed in order to remove micropollutants from the effluents of waste water treatment plants. Two fungi were tested: Pleurotus ostreatus and Trametes versicolor in order to evaluate their efficiency for the removal of two micropollutants: the anti-inflammatory drug naproxen and the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole,. Although Trametes versicolor was able to degrade quickly naproxen, this fungus was not any more active after one week of operation in the filter. Pleurotus ostreatus was, on contrary, able to survive more than 3 months in the filter, showing good removal efficiencies of naproxen and sulfamethoxazole during all this period, in tap water but also in real treated municipal wastewater. Several other experiments have provided insight on the removal mechanisms of these micropollutants in the fungal biofilter (degradation and adsorption) and also allowed to model the removal trend. Fungal treatment with Pleurotus ostreatus grown on wood substrates appeared to be a promising solution to improve micropollutants removal in wastewater.
BACKGROUND: Reference intervals for many laboratory parameters determined in 24-h urine collections are either not publicly available or based on small numbers, not sex specific or not from a representative sample. METHODS: Osmolality and concentrations or enzymatic activities of sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose, creatinine, citrate, cortisol, pancreatic α-amylase, total protein, albumin, transferrin, immunoglobulin G, α1-microglobulin, α2-macroglobulin, as well as porphyrins and their precursors (δ-aminolevulinic acid and porphobilinogen) were determined in 241 24-h urine samples of a population-based cohort of asymptomatic adults (121 men and 120 women). For 16 of these 24 parameters creatinine-normalized ratios were calculated based on 24-h urine creatinine. The reference intervals for these parameters were calculated according to the CLSI C28-A3 statistical guidelines. RESULTS: By contrast to most published reference intervals, which do not stratify for sex, reference intervals of 12 of 24 laboratory parameters in 24-h urine collections and of eight of 16 parameters as creatinine-normalized ratios differed significantly between men and women. For six parameters calculated as 24-h urine excretion and four parameters calculated as creatinine-normalized ratios no reference intervals had been published before. For some parameters we found significant and relevant deviations from previously reported reference intervals, most notably for 24-h urine cortisol in women. Ten 24-h urine parameters showed weak or moderate sex-specific correlations with age. CONCLUSIONS: By applying up-to-date analytical methods and clinical chemistry analyzers to 24-h urine collections from a large population-based cohort we provide as yet the most comprehensive set of sex-specific reference intervals calculated according to CLSI guidelines for parameters determined in 24-h urine collections.
Wastewater-based epidemiology consists in acquiring relevant information about the lifestyle and health status of the population through the analysis of wastewater samples collected at the influent of a wastewater treatment plant. Whilst being a very young discipline, it has experienced an astonishing development since its firs application in 2005. The possibility to gather community-wide information about drug use has been among the major field of application. The wide resonance of the first results sparked the interest of scientists from various disciplines. Since then, research has broadened in innumerable directions. Although being praised as a revolutionary approach, there was a need to critically assess its added value, with regard to the existing indicators used to monitor illicit drug use. The main, and explicit, objective of this research was to evaluate the added value of wastewater-based epidemiology with regards to two particular, although interconnected, dimensions of illicit drug use. The first is related to trying to understand the added value of the discipline from an epidemiological, or societal, perspective. In other terms, to evaluate if and how it completes our current vision about the extent of illicit drug use at the population level, and if it can guide the planning of future prevention measures and drug policies. The second dimension is the criminal one, with a particular focus on the networks which develop around the large demand in illicit drugs. The goal here was to assess if wastewater-based epidemiology, combined to indicators stemming from the epidemiological dimension, could provide additional clues about the structure of drug distribution networks and the size of their market. This research had also an implicit objective, which focused on initiating the path of wastewater- based epidemiology at the Ecole des Sciences Criminelles of the University of Lausanne. This consisted in gathering the necessary knowledge about the collection, preparation, and analysis of wastewater samples and, most importantly, to understand how to interpret the acquired data and produce useful information. In the first phase of this research, it was possible to determine that ammonium loads, measured directly in the wastewater stream, could be used to monitor the dynamics of the population served by the wastewater treatment plant. Furthermore, it was shown that on the long term, the population did not have a substantial impact on consumption patterns measured through wastewater analysis. Focussing on methadone, for which precise prescription data was available, it was possible to show that reliable consumption estimates could be obtained via wastewater analysis. This allowed to validate the selected sampling strategy, which was then used to monitor the consumption of heroin, through the measurement of morphine. The latter, in combination to prescription and sales data, provided estimates of heroin consumption in line with other indicators. These results, combined to epidemiological data, highlighted the good correspondence between measurements and expectations and, furthermore, suggested that the dark figure of heroin users evading harm-reduction programs, which would thus not be measured by conventional indicators, is likely limited. In the third part, which consisted in a collaborative study aiming at extensively investigating geographical differences in drug use, wastewater analysis was shown to be a useful complement to existing indicators. In particular for stigmatised drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, it allowed to decipher the complex picture derived from surveys and crime statistics. Globally, it provided relevant information to better understand the drug market, both from an epidemiological and repressive perspective. The fourth part focused on cannabis and on the potential of combining wastewater and survey data to overcome some of their respective limitations. Using a hierarchical inference model, it was possible to refine current estimates of cannabis prevalence in the metropolitan area of Lausanne. Wastewater results suggested that the actual prevalence is substantially higher compared to existing figures, thus supporting the common belief that surveys tend to underestimate cannabis use. Whilst being affected by several biases, the information collected through surveys allowed to overcome some of the limitations linked to the analysis of cannabis markers in wastewater (i.e., stability and limited excretion data). These findings highlighted the importance and utility of combining wastewater-based epidemiology to existing indicators about drug use. Similarly, the fifth part of the research was centred on assessing the potential uses of wastewater-based epidemiology from a law enforcement perspective. Through three concrete examples, it was shown that results from wastewater analysis can be used to produce highly relevant intelligence, allowing drug enforcement to assess the structure and operations of drug distribution networks and, ultimately, guide their decisions at the tactical and/or operational level. Finally, the potential to implement wastewater-based epidemiology to monitor the use of harmful, prohibited and counterfeit pharmaceuticals was illustrated through the analysis of sibutramine, and its urinary metabolite, in wastewater samples. The results of this research have highlighted that wastewater-based epidemiology is a useful and powerful approach with numerous scopes. Faced with the complexity of measuring a hidden phenomenon like illicit drug use, it is a major addition to the panoply of existing indicators. -- L'épidémiologie basée sur l'analyse des eaux usées (ou, selon sa définition anglaise, « wastewater-based epidemiology ») consiste en l'acquisition d'informations portant sur le mode de vie et l'état de santé d'une population via l'analyse d'échantillons d'eaux usées récoltés à l'entrée des stations d'épuration. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'une discipline récente, elle a vécu des développements importants depuis sa première mise en oeuvre en 2005, notamment dans le domaine de l'analyse des résidus de stupéfiants. Suite aux retombées médiatiques des premiers résultats de ces analyses de métabolites dans les eaux usées, de nombreux scientifiques provenant de différentes disciplines ont rejoint les rangs de cette nouvelle discipline en développant plusieurs axes de recherche distincts. Bien que reconnu pour son coté objectif et révolutionnaire, il était nécessaire d'évaluer sa valeur ajoutée en regard des indicateurs couramment utilisés pour mesurer la consommation de stupéfiants. En se focalisant sur deux dimensions spécifiques de la consommation de stupéfiants, l'objectif principal de cette recherche était focalisé sur l'évaluation de la valeur ajoutée de l'épidémiologie basée sur l'analyse des eaux usées. La première dimension abordée était celle épidémiologique ou sociétale. En d'autres termes, il s'agissait de comprendre si et comment l'analyse des eaux usées permettait de compléter la vision actuelle sur la problématique, ainsi que déterminer son utilité dans la planification des mesures préventives et des politiques en matière de stupéfiants actuelles et futures. La seconde dimension abordée était celle criminelle, en particulier, l'étude des réseaux qui se développent autour du trafic de produits stupéfiants. L'objectif était de déterminer si cette nouvelle approche combinée aux indicateurs conventionnels, fournissait de nouveaux indices quant à la structure et l'organisation des réseaux de distribution ainsi que sur les dimensions du marché. Cette recherche avait aussi un objectif implicite, développer et d'évaluer la mise en place de l'épidémiologie basée sur l'analyse des eaux usées. En particulier, il s'agissait d'acquérir les connaissances nécessaires quant à la manière de collecter, traiter et analyser des échantillons d'eaux usées, mais surtout, de comprendre comment interpréter les données afin d'en extraire les informations les plus pertinentes. Dans la première phase de cette recherche, il y pu être mis en évidence que les charges en ammonium, mesurées directement dans les eaux usées permettait de suivre la dynamique des mouvements de la population contributrice aux eaux usées de la station d'épuration de la zone étudiée. De plus, il a pu être démontré que, sur le long terme, les mouvements de la population n'avaient pas d'influence substantielle sur le pattern de consommation mesuré dans les eaux usées. En se focalisant sur la méthadone, une substance pour laquelle des données précises sur le nombre de prescriptions étaient disponibles, il a pu être démontré que des estimations exactes sur la consommation pouvaient être tirées de l'analyse des eaux usées. Ceci a permis de valider la stratégie d'échantillonnage adoptée, qui, par le bais de la morphine, a ensuite été utilisée pour suivre la consommation d'héroïne. Combinée aux données de vente et de prescription, l'analyse de la morphine a permis d'obtenir des estimations sur la consommation d'héroïne en accord avec des indicateurs conventionnels. Ces résultats, combinés aux données épidémiologiques ont permis de montrer une bonne adéquation entre les projections des deux approches et ainsi démontrer que le chiffre noir des consommateurs qui échappent aux mesures de réduction de risque, et qui ne seraient donc pas mesurés par ces indicateurs, est vraisemblablement limité. La troisième partie du travail a été réalisée dans le cadre d'une étude collaborative qui avait pour but d'investiguer la valeur ajoutée de l'analyse des eaux usées à mettre en évidence des différences géographiques dans la consommation de stupéfiants. En particulier pour des substances stigmatisées, telles la cocaïne et l'héroïne, l'approche a permis d'objectiver et de préciser la vision obtenue avec les indicateurs traditionnels du type sondages ou les statistiques policières. Globalement, l'analyse des eaux usées s'est montrée être un outil très utile pour mieux comprendre le marché des stupéfiants, à la fois sous l'angle épidémiologique et répressif. La quatrième partie du travail était focalisée sur la problématique du cannabis ainsi que sur le potentiel de combiner l'analyse des eaux usées aux données de sondage afin de surmonter, en partie, leurs limitations. En utilisant un modèle d'inférence hiérarchique, il a été possible d'affiner les actuelles estimations sur la prévalence de l'utilisation de cannabis dans la zone métropolitaine de la ville de Lausanne. Les résultats ont démontré que celle-ci est plus haute que ce que l'on s'attendait, confirmant ainsi l'hypothèse que les sondages ont tendance à sous-estimer la consommation de cannabis. Bien que biaisés, les données récoltées par les sondages ont permis de surmonter certaines des limitations liées à l'analyse des marqueurs du cannabis dans les eaux usées (i.e., stabilité et manque de données sur l'excrétion). Ces résultats mettent en évidence l'importance et l'utilité de combiner les résultats de l'analyse des eaux usées aux indicateurs existants. De la même façon, la cinquième partie du travail était centrée sur l'apport de l'analyse des eaux usées du point de vue de la police. Au travers de trois exemples, l'utilisation de l'indicateur pour produire du renseignement concernant la structure et les activités des réseaux de distribution de stupéfiants, ainsi que pour guider les choix stratégiques et opérationnels de la police, a été mise en évidence. Dans la dernière partie, la possibilité d'utiliser cette approche pour suivre la consommation de produits pharmaceutiques dangereux, interdits ou contrefaits, a été démontrée par l'analyse dans les eaux usées de la sibutramine et ses métabolites. Les résultats de cette recherche ont mis en évidence que l'épidémiologie par l'analyse des eaux usées est une approche pertinente et puissante, ayant de nombreux domaines d'application. Face à la complexité de mesurer un phénomène caché comme la consommation de stupéfiants, la valeur ajoutée de cette approche a ainsi pu être démontrée.
Virtual Laboratories are an indispensablespace for developing practical activities in a Virtual Environment. In the field of Computer and Software Engineering different types of practical activities have tobe performed in order to obtain basic competences which are impossible to achieve by other means. This paper specifies an ontology for a general virtual laboratory.The proposed ontology provides a mechanism to select the best resources needed in a Virtual Laboratory once a specific practical activity has been defined and the maincompetences that students have to achieve in the learning process have been fixed. Furthermore, the proposed ontology can be used to develop an automatic and wizardtool that creates a Moodle Classroom using the practical activity specification and the related competences.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the energy cost of linear (EC) and vertical displacement (ECvert), mechanical efficiency and main stride parameters during simulated ski mountaineering at different speeds and gradients, to identify an optimal speed and gradient that maximizes performance. 12 subjects roller skied on a treadmill at three different inclines (10, 17 and 24 %) at three different speeds (approximately 70, 80 and 85 % of estimated peak heart rate). Energy expenditure was calculated by indirect calorimetry, while biomechanical parameters were measured with an inertial sensor-based system. At 10 % there was no significant change with speed in EC, ECvert and mechanical efficiency. At 17 and 24 % the fastest speed was significantly more economical. There was a significant effect of gradient on EC, ECvert and mechanical efficiency. The most economical gradient was the steepest one. There was a significant increase of stride frequency with speed. At steep gradients only, relative thrust phase duration decreased significantly, while stride length increased significantly with speed. There was a significant effect of gradient on stride length (decrease with steepness) and relative thrust phase duration (increase with steepness). A combination of a decreased relative thrust phase duration with increased stride length and frequency decreases ECvert. To minimize the energy expenditure to reach the top of a mountain and to optimize performance, ski-mountaineers should choose a steep gradient (~24 %) and, provided they possess sufficient metabolic scope, combine it with a fast speed (~6 km h(-1)).
Automation was introduced many years ago in several diagnostic disciplines such as chemistry, haematology and molecular biology. The first laboratory automation system for clinical bacteriology was released in 2006, and it rapidly proved its value by increasing productivity, allowing a continuous increase in sample volumes despite limited budgets and personnel shortages. Today, two major manufacturers, BD Kiestra and Copan, are commercializing partial or complete laboratory automation systems for bacteriology. The laboratory automation systems are rapidly evolving to provide improved hardware and software solutions to optimize laboratory efficiency. However, the complex parameters of the laboratory and automation systems must be considered to determine the best system for each given laboratory. We address several topics on laboratory automation that may help clinical bacteriologists to understand the particularities and operative modalities of the different systems. We present (a) a comparison of the engineering and technical features of the various elements composing the two different automated systems currently available, (b) the system workflows of partial and complete laboratory automation, which define the basis for laboratory reorganization required to optimize system efficiency, (c) the concept of digital imaging and telebacteriology, (d) the connectivity of laboratory automation to the laboratory information system, (e) the general advantages and disadvantages as well as the expected impacts provided by laboratory automation and (f) the laboratory data required to conduct a workflow assessment to determine the best configuration of an automated system for the laboratory activities and specificities.
Since its inception in 1994 as a purely online university, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya(UOC) has been able to position itself among the main universities of the Catalan and Spanish university systems. Most of the students at the UOC (currently more than 60,000) are adults who have a profile that could hardly fit into the traditional university system, thus finding in the UOC an opportunity to start or continue their higher education grades, in a very innovative environment. The intensive use of ICT for both theteaching/learning processes and management allowsresearchers and practitioners to obtain data aboutwhat takes place in the UOC Virtual Campus, which is continuously being improved according to suchfindings.