615 resultados para koe-eläimet
The magnetic behavior of polycrystalline yttrium orthoferrite was studied from the experimental and theoretical points of view. Magnetization measurements up to 170 kOe were carried out on a single-phase YFeO3 sample synthesized from heterobimetallic alkoxides. The complex interplay between weak-ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions, observed in the experimental M(H) curves, was successfully simulated by locally minimizing the magnetic energy of two interacting Fe sublattices. The resulting values of exchange field (H-E = 5590 kOe), anisotropy field (H-A = 0.5 kOe) and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya antisymmetric field (H-D = 149 kOe) are in good agreement with previous reports on this system. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline NiFe(2)O(4) spinel mechanically processed for 350 h have been studied using temperature dependent from both zero-field and in-field (57)Fe Mossbauer spectrometry and magnetization measurements. The hyperfine structure allows us to distinguish two main magnetic contributions: one attributed to the crystalline grain core, which has magnetic properties similar to the NiFe(2)O(4) spinel-like structure (n-NiFe(2)O(4)) and the other one due to the disordered grain boundary region, which presents topological and chemical disorder features(d-NiFe(2)O(4)). Mossbauer spectrometry determines a large fraction for the d-NiFe(2)O(4) region(62% of total area) and also suggests a speromagnet-like structure for it. Under applied magnetic field, the n-NiFe(2)O(4) spins are canted with angle dependent on the applied field magnitude. Mossbauer data also show that even under 120 kOe no magnetic saturation is observed for the two magnetic phases. In addition, the hysteresis loops, recorded for scan field of 50 kOe, are shifted in both field and magnetization axes, for temperatures below about 50 K. The hysteresis loop shifts may be due to two main contributions: the exchange bias field at the d-NiFe(2)O(4)/n-NiFe(2)O(4) interfaces and the minor loop effect caused by a high magnetic anisotropy of the d-NiFe(2)O(4) phase. It has also been shown that the spin configuration of the spin-glass like phase is modified by the consecutive field cycles, consequently the n-NiFe(2)O(4)/d-NiFe(2)O(4) magnetic interaction is also affected in this process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ribbons of nominal composition (Pr(9.5)Fe(84.5)B(6))(0.96)Cr(0.01)(TiC)(0.03) were produced by arc-melting and melt-spinning the alloys on a Cu wheel. X-ray diffraction (XRD) reveals two main phases, one based upon alpha-Fe and the other upon Pr(2)Fe(14)B. The ribbons show exchange spring behavior with H (c) = 12.5 kOe and (BH)(max) = 13.6 MGOe when these two phases are well coupled. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the coupled behavior is observed when the microstructure consists predominantly of alpha-Fe grains (diameter similar to 100 nm.) surrounded by hard material containing Pr(2)Fe(14)B. The microstructure is discussed in terms of a calculation by Skomski and Coey. A first-order-reversal-curve (FORC) analysis was performed for both a well-coupled sample and a poorly coupled sample. The FORC diagrams show two strong peaks for both the poorly coupled sample and for the well-coupled material. In both cases, the localization of the FORC probability suggests magnetizing interactions between particles. Switching field distributions were calculated and are consistent with the sample microstructure.
Ribbons of nominal composition (Pr(9.5)Fe(84.5)B(6))(0.96)Cr(0.01)(TiC)(0.03) were produced by arc-melting and melt-spinning the alloys on a Cu wheel. X-ray diffraction reveals two main phases, one based upon alpha-Fe and the other upon Pr(2)Fe(14)B. The ribbons show exchange spring behavior with H(c)=12.5 kOe and (BH)(max)= 13.6 MGOe when these two phases are well coupled. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the coupled behavior is observed when the microstructure consists predominantly of alpha-Fe grains(diameter similar to 100 nm.) surrounded by hard material containing Pr(2)Fe(14)B. A first-order-reversal-curve (FORC) analysis was performed for both a well-coupled sample and a partially-coupled sample. The FORC diagrams show two strong peaks for both the partially-coupled sample and for the well coupled material. In both cases, the localization of the FORC probability suggests demagnetizing interactions between particles. Switching field distributions were calculated and are consistent with the sample microstructure. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The addition of both Ti-C and Cr as grain refiners in Nd-Fe-B nanocomposites substantially increases the coercive field Hc. This motived our investigation of the effect of Ti-C and Cr on Pr-Fe-B nanocomposites. Melt-spun ribbons of composition (Pr(9.5)Fe(84.5)B(6))(0.97-x)Cr(x)(TiC)(0.03)(x = 0; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1) and (Nd(9.5)Fe(84.5)B(6))(0.97-x)Cr(x)(TiC)(0.03)(x = 0.5 and 1) were produced for study. For a Pr nanocomposite with 1% Cr, Hc = 12.5 kOe. However, the energy product was limited to 13.6 MGOe by the remanence value. Rietveld analysis of X-ray spectra showed the ribbons to consist of predominantly hard (similar to 70 wt%) R(2)Fe(14)B, the soft phase being (similar to 30 wt%) alpha-Fe. Mossbauer measurements at 300 K are consistent with a reduced hyperfine field for the hard magnetic phase due to the Cr addition. Analysis of transmission electron microscopy images showed the Pr nanocomposite with 1% Cr to have an increased average grain size.
O presente trabalho consiste da realização de um estudo experimental sobre os efeitos das substituições químicas na irreversibilidade magnética e na magnetocondutividade do supercondutor YBa2Cu3O7-δ. Para tanto, o comportamento da linha de irreversibilidade magnética (LIM) bem como dos regimes de flutuações na magnetocondutividade foram pesquisados em amostras policristalinas e moncristalinas de YBa2-xSrxCu3O7-δ (x = 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.37 e 0.5) e YBa2Cu2.97D0.03O7-δ (D = Zn ou Mg). Além de reduzir drasticamente o valor da temperatura crítica de transição, Tc, os dopantes introduzem um caráter granular nos monocristais. No monocristal puro, o comportamento da LIM é descrito pela lei de potências prevista pelo modelo de "flux creep" gigante para dinâmica de fluxo de Abrikosov convencional. Por outro lado, o comportamento da LIM para as amostras supercondutoras granulares apresenta características própias bastante relevantes. Os dados do limite de irreversibilidade, Tirr(H) seguem a lei de potência ditada pelas teorias de "flux creep" somente em altos campos magnéticos.Na região de baixos campos magnéticos, dois diferentes regimes de dinâmica de fluxo surgem: Nos campos magnéticos mais baixos que 1 kOe, os dados de Tirr(H) seguem uma lei de potência do tipo de Almeida-Thouleess (AT). Perto de 1 kOe, ocorre um "crossover" e em campos magnéticos intermediários passa a ter seu comportamento descrito por uma lei de potências do tipo Gabay-Toulouse (GT). A ocorrência de um comportamento AT-GT na LIM é a assinatura de um sistema frustrado onde a dinâmica de fluxo intergranular ou de Josephson é dominante. Na ausência de teorias específicas para este comportamento em baixos campos, descrevemos o comportamento da LIM de nossos supercondutores granulares, na região de baixo campo, em analogia aos sistemas vidros de spin. No entanto, o comportamento de Tirr(H) na região de altos campos, ocorre de acordo com a teoria de "flux creep" gigante. Particularmente, para valores acima de 20 kOe, a LIM nos monocristais de YBa2-xSrxCu3O7-δ para H // ab, exibe fortes propriedades direcionais para a orientação de H próximo aos planos de maclas (PMCs). Este comportamento é do tipo "cusp", similar ao observado em supercondutores com defeitos colunares, o qual caracteriza uma fase vidro de Bose. Por outro lado, a magnetoresistividade elétrica revela que a transição resistiva dos supercondutores granulares ocorre em duas etapas. Quando a temperatura é decrescida, inicialmente ocorre a transição de pareamento no interior dos grãos. Em temperaturas inferiores, na proximidade do estado de resistência nula, ocorre a transição de coerência, observada pela primeira vez num monocristal. Na transição de coerência, o parâmetro de ordem adquire ordem de longo alcance. Na região de temperaturas imediatamente acima de Tc, nossos resultados de flutuações na magnetocondutividade revelam a ocorrência de regimes críticos e Gaussianos. Abaixo de Tc, na região paracoerente, que antecede à transição de coerência, observaram-se regimes críticos cujo expoente é consistente com o esperado para o modelo 3D-XY com desordem relevante e dinâmica do tipo vidro de spin.
n this master s dissertation a Kerr Magneto Optic s magnetometer effect was set up to do characterization of samples type films fine and ultra thin, these samples will be grown after the implementation of the sputtering technique at the magnetism laboratory of of this department. In this work a cooled electromagnet was also built the water and that it reaches close values to 10kOe with a gap of 22 mm including an area of uniform field of 25mm of diameter. The first chapter treats of the construction of this electromagnet from its dimensioning to the operation tests that involve measures of reached maximum field and temperature of the reels when operated during one hour. The second chapter is dedicated to the revision of the magnetism and the magnetization processes as well as it presents a theoretical base regarding the magnetic energies found in films and magnetic multilayer. In the sequence, the third chapter, is especially dedicated the description of the effects magneto opticians the effect kerr in the longitudinal, traverse and polar configurations, using for so much only the classic approach of the electromagnetism and the coefficients of Fresnel. Distinguished the two areas of observation of the effect regarding thickness of the film. The constructive aspects of the experimental apparatus as well as the details of its operation are explained at the room surrender, also presenting the preliminary results of the measures made in one serializes of permalloy films and concluding with the results of the characterization of the first films of iron and permalloy grown here at the theoretical and experimental physics department at UFRN
We report an experimental and theoretical study of magnetic properties of synthetic eumelanin. The magnetization curves are determined by using both a vibrating sample magnetometer and a superconducting quantum interferometer device in an extended range of magnetic fields ranging from -10 kOe to 10 kOe at different temperatures. We find that the eumelanin magnetization can be qualitatively explained in terms of a simple model of dipolar spheres with an intrinsic magnetic moment. The latter one is experimentally measured by using X-band electron paramagnetic resonance. Our findings indicate that synthetic melanins are superparamagnetic.
Herein we report the synthesis and properties of Fe55Pt45 nanoparticles, both monodisperse and self-assembled into hexagonal close-packed and cubic arrays of 4.0 +/- 0.2 nm size in an L1(0) structure, obtained by a modified polyol process. The new synthetic route improved the control over the particle composition, thereby reducing the temperature required to convert from face-centered cubic (fcc) to face-centered tetragonal (fct) phase by some 30-50 degrees C without additives. Annealing at 550 degrees C for 30 min converts the self-assembled nanoparticles into ferromagnetic nanocrystals with large coercivity, H-C = 11.1 kOe. Reducing the fcc-to-fct (L1(0)) ordering temperature avoided particle coalescence and decreased the loss in particle positional order without compromising the magnetic properties, as is generally observed when additives are used.
The effect of the bath pH on the electrodeposition of nanocrystalline Pd-Co alloys and on their magnetic properties was studied. The pH practically did not affect the alloy composition. Conversely, the pH showed a significant influence on the shape and size of crystallites. Two different crystallites morphology were observed depending on the bath pH. A crystallite size ranging from 18.2 to 30 nm was obtained from X-ray diffractometry (XRD) patterns using the Scherrer's method. Also from the XRD patterns the lattice strain percentage was calculated and correlated with the residual stress, which probably originated during the film electrodeposition on the substrate. Some alloy magnetic properties showed small variations. In contrast, high and unexpected coercivities were obtained reaching a maximum of 1.69 kOe at pH 5.5. The high coercivity values were attributed to the presence of residual stress at the film-substrate interface, which increased as the bath pH and crystallite size decrease, both of them contributing simultaneously to increase in coercivity. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nanocrystalline Pd-Co alloys were obtained by electrodeposition from an ammoniacal chloride bath. The influence of the crystallite size and the residual stress on the magnetic properties of the alloys was investigated. The residual stress increased as the applied current density was increased. It was associated to the high nucleation rate during electrodeposition and correlated to the lattice strain, estimated from the XRD patterns. Also from the XRD patterns the average crystallite size and the lattice constant were determined by Scherrer's and Rietveld's methods, respectively. Both parameters were directly influenced by the applied current density. Magnetic properties such as coercivity, remanence, saturation magnetization and squareness showed strong dependence on the residual stress and crystallite size. Coercivity higher than 1 kOe was achieved when a high current density was applied. High coercivity was attributed to the presence of residual stress and to the small crystallite size of deposits. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The structural and magnetic properties of the cubic spinel oxide Co 2MnO4 (Fd3m space group) doped with different concentrations of bismuth, were investigated by X-ray diffraction and SQUID magnetometry. The Bi3+ ions entering into the CoIII octahedral sites do not alter the effective moment, μeff ∼8.2 μB, whereas both the magnetization M50 kOe at the highest field (50 kOe) and the field-cooled MFC magnetizations increased when increasing the Bi content. The ferrimagnetic character of the parent compound, Co2MnO4, is maintained for all materials although the antiferromagnetic interactions Co2+-Co2+ are affected, resulting in higher values of the Curie-Weiss temperature. Due to the large ionic radius of Bi, octahedra distortions occur as well as valence fluctuations of the Mn ions, giving rise to Jahn-Teller effects and enhancing the exchange interactions. The off-center Bi3+ ion is responsible of non-centrosymmetric charge ordering and should lead to multiferroïsme conditions for the BixCo2-xMnO4 material. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ