989 resultados para kinship - land ownership - Tazania - Zanzibar


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In the rubber hand illusion tactile stimulation seen on a rubber hand, that is synchronous with tactile stimulation felt on the hidden real hand, can lead to an illusion of ownership over the rubber hand. This illusion has been shown to produce a temperature decrease in the hidden hand, suggesting that such illusory ownership produces disownership of the real hand. Here we apply immersive virtual reality (VR) to experimentally investigate this with respect to sensitivity to temperature change. Forty participants experienced immersion in a VR with a virtual body (VB) seen from a first person perspective. For half the participants the VB was consistent in posture and movement with their own body, and in the other half there was inconsistency. Temperature sensitivity on the palm of the hand was measured before and during the virtual experience. The results show that temperature sensitivity decreased in the consistent compared to the inconsistent condition. Moreover, the change in sensitivity was significantly correlated with the subjective illusion of virtual arm ownership but modulated by the illusion of ownership over the full virtual body. This suggests that a full body ownership illusion results in a unification of the virtual and real bodies into one overall entity - with proprioception and tactile sensations on the real body integrated with the visual presence of the virtual body. The results are interpreted in the framework of a"body matrix" recently introduced into the literature.


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Previous studies have examined the experience of owning a virtual surrogate body or body part through specific combinations of cross-modal multisensory stimulation. Both visuomotor (VM) and visuotactile (VT) synchronous stimulation have been shown to be important for inducing a body ownership illusion, each tested separately or both in combination. In this study we compared the relative importance of these two cross-modal correlations, when both are provided in the same immersive virtual reality setup and the same experiment. We systematically manipulated VT and VM contingencies in order to assess their relative role and mutual interaction. Moreover, we present a new method for measuring the induced body ownership illusion through time, by recording reports of breaks in the illusion of ownership ("breaks") throughout the experimental phase. The balance of the evidence, from both questionnaires and analysis of the breaks, suggests that while VM synchronous stimulation contributes the greatest to the attainment of the illusion, a disruption of either (through asynchronous stimulation) contributes equally to the probability of a break in the illusion.


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Based on the Knowledge Production Function framework given by Griliches -1979-, we slightly modify it so that the innovative output depends upon a set of factors related to the firm internal characteristics and are influenced by the environment. Specifically, regarding the firm internal determinants the effect of the concentration of the ownership, the composition of the boards of directors and the effect of the nature of the ownership (foreign and public) are analyzed. Additionally, in order to capture the determinants of the environment in which the firm operates other variables concerning the internationalization of market, the agglomeration economies and the regional knowledge externalities are also considered. In order to assess the impact of these determinants on the number of patents and models of use awarded by the firm, the discreteness of the latter variable has to be taken into account. We apply Poisson and Negative Binomial models for a more comprehensive evaluation of the hypothesis in a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms. The results show patenting activity is positively favoured by being located in an environment with a high innovative activity, due to the existence of knowledge spillovers and agglomeration economies.


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In the last twenty years, in most Western countries, kinship foster care has become an integral part of childcare systems,growing progressively with regard to the numbers of children involved and relative weight as a care resource within thesystem; indeed, in some countries it is even more common than other placement options, such as non-kinship foster careand residential care. Research on this phenomenon is still recent and scarce, and there are few programmes targeting thispopulation. In this article we present the results of a descriptive study on kinship foster care in the city of Barcelona,including information and data from the different stakeholders involved. From a quality of life research perspective weanalyze the perceptions, evaluation and expressed satisfaction of caregivers, children and practitioners from the specialistChild and Adolescent Teams (EAIAs) responsible for the study and follow-up of kinship foster care cases. The researchpresented results are in line with those of current research in this field, and lays the basis for the future development ofkinship foster care programmes


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Desde hace aproximadamente dos décadas, en la mayoría de los países occidentales, los acogimientos en familia extensa han entrado a formar parte de los sistemas de protección infantil, siguiendo una evolución creciente en cuanto a número y peso especifico como recurso de acogimiento. Las investigaciones sobre este fenómeno son aún recientes y escasas como también lo son los programas dirigidos a esta población. En el presente artículo presentamos los resultados de un estudio descriptivo sobre los acogimientos en familia extensa en la ciudad de Barcelona, donde se recogen datos de los principales agentes implicados en este fenómeno. Desde la perspectiva de los estudios de la calidad de vida se analizan las percepciones, evaluaciones, y satisfacción expresada, por parte de los acogedores, los niños/as acogidos y los profesionales de los Equipos de Atención a la Infancia y Adolescencia (EAIA) que se encargan del estudio y seguimiento de estos acogimientos. La investigación presenta unos resultados acordes con los estudios que actualmente se realizan en este ámbito y sienta las bases para el despliegue futuro de programas dirigidos a los acogimientos en familia extensa


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Invocatio: I.H.W.N.


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Painovuosi nimekkeestä.


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Ostotapahtumassa kiinnitetään usein huomiota hintaan, mutta hankintapäätökseen vaikuttavat myös muutkin kustannukset. Ongelman asiassa aiheuttaa kokonaiskustannusvaikutuksien arvioinnin ja mittauksen haasteellisuus, sekä kunnollisen raportointijärjestelmän puuttuminen. Hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten selvittäminen pitkällä aikavälillä on kuitenkin tärkeää, koska hankintojen osuus yritysten liikevaihdoista on jatkuvassa kasvussa. Työn tarkoituksena oli tarkastella Total cost of ownershipia, eli TCO:ta, elinkaarilaskennan sovellusta. Tarkastelun aluksi työlle luotiin teoreettinen pohja käyttäen hyväksi kirjallisuutta, artikkeleita sekä www-dokumentteja. Teoriaosuus rakentui kustannuslaskennan osalta kustannusten tunnistamisesta, jakamisesta ja kohdistamisesta. TCO:sta luotiin mahdollisimman laaja-alainen teoreettinen kuvaus. Seuraavaksi työssä käsiteltiin TCO:n soveltamista sen perinteisimpiin käyttökohteisiin: taloudellisesti merkittäviin hankintoihin, ulkoistamispäätöksiin, hinnoitteluun sekä toimittajien suorituskyvyn seurantaan ja analysointiin. TCO:n soveltamista käsittelevä osuus päätettiin kotimaisilla esimerkeillä TCO:n soveltamisesta IT-hankintojen apuvälineenä. Työ päätettiin käymällä läpi työtä tehdessä kypsyneet ajatukset sekä johtopäätökset.


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The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of the meaning of ownership in the context of small and medium sized businesses. The research on ownership has increased and widened during the last few years. Ownership is treated increasingly as a psychological phenomenon and it has been noticed that it is common for SME ownermanagers to be mentally linked to their firms. Previous research is suggesting that the central role of an owner-manager in an SME is specifying the concept of SMEs, and that ownership is creating a great heterogeneity within SMEs. This study suggests that there is a variation whitin ownership behaviour of small business owners, and the variation is not totally random or irrational, but following the general patterns of business ownership and of doing business on an SME level. This study is a concept analytical in nature and it builds on the theoretical clarification of the concept of ownership. The theoretical consideration concludes with proposing a definition of ownership: Ownership means a subject’s relatively sustaining position of control in regard to an object. The empirical part of this study consists of five articles, out of which one is conceptual and four are empirical in nature. The notion of contextuality of ownership and the notions of SME characteristics form the basic premise of this study and the theoretical basis for the publications. From the owner-managers point of view, ownership relates the owner also to his or her environment and therefore also to the valuations of the owner-managers. This means that all the dimensions are not equally valued, but certain dimensions in his or her ownership are more important. The presented empirical research is supporting the claim that there is a variation whitin ownership behaviour of small business owners. When bringing the definition of ownership onto a personal and psychological level and into the SME context, it was noticed that ownership is not only a closed system phenomenon occurring between the owner and object owned, but it is also elementarily connected to the environment. Ownership - along with the psychological side of it - is a contextual phenomenon where the fundamental factor is the relatively sustaining position of control with regard to an object. As a contribution of the study, this definition is bringing a new point of view to the discussion on SMEs, SME strategic behaviour and family businesses. The study concludes with pointing out directions for future research.