996 resultados para kartat - Eurooppa - 1500-luku


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En este estudio se examinan las estructuras que expresan causa yfinalidad en el Curial e Güelfa. El estudio cuantitativo de los nexossimples y compuestos evidencia que el autor sigue un modelo retóricoacotado por la tradición de la scripta medieval catalana. A diferenciade los primeros textos, la lengua del Curial es una prosa trabada,alejada de la oralidad, en la que los nexos no suelen ser ambiguos y,por tanto, no se precisan inferencias pragmáticas para interpretar lasrelaciones lógicas existentes entre las proposiciones


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En aquest estudi s’examina la perifèria esquerra del català antic en comparació amb la del castellà antic, i es descriuen les diferències més rellevants


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En aquest estudi s’examina la llengua d’alguns textos de Francesc Eiximenis (concretament, el ‘Dotzè del Crestià’ i les cartes autògrafes publicades per Martí 2002) per tal d’aprofundir en la distribució de l’estructura informativa i el consegüent ordre de mots que utilitza l’autor. L’objectiu d’aquesta comunicació és aprofundir en els casos d’ avantposició del català antic que correspon a una estructura de focalització feble (no contrastiva)


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El objetivo de éste estudio es el análisis diacrónico y comparativo {español-catalán} de la Anteposición de Foco Débil (AFD) en las lenguas románicas medievales


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(INFINITIVE + CLITIC + AUX) is an evidential configuration in Old Spanish and Old Catalan, whereas (PARTICIPLE + CLITIC + AUX) is an instance of weak or unmarked focus fronting. The evidentiality of mesoclitic structures can be put forward on the bases of three main arguments: a) mesoclisis is not compulsory (i.e., whenever you have a clitic, you can either have mesoclisis or proclisis/enclisis); b) mesoclitic futures and conditionals areattested in interrogative sentences (with wh- elements); and c) they are not found in derived adverbial clauses (which is what you expect if they have an evidential value, since they bring about intervention effects corresponding to the derivational account of conditional and temporal sentences, for example - see Haegeman 2007 and ff.), and are related to high modal expressions (thus interfering with MoodPIrrealis)


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The prevalence of anemia across studies on patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is high (30%). Both iron deficiency (ID) and anemia of chronic disease contribute most to the development of anemia in IBD. The prevalence of ID is even higher (45%). Anemia and ID negatively impact the patient's quality of life. Therefore, together with an adequate control of disease activity, iron replacement therapy should start as soon as anemia or ID is detected to attain a normal hemoglobin (Hb) and iron status. Many patients will respond to oral iron, but compliance may be poor, whereas intravenous (i.v.) compounds are safe, provide a faster Hb increase and iron store repletion, and presents a lower rate of treatment discontinuation. Absolute indications for i.v. iron treatment should include severe anemia, intolerance or inappropriate response to oral iron, severe intestinal disease activity, or use of an erythropoietic stimulating agent. Four different products are principally used in clinical practice, which differ in their pharmacokinetic properties and safety profiles: iron gluconate and iron sucrose (lower single doses), and iron dextran and ferric carboxymaltose (higher single doses). After the initial resolution of anemia and the repletion of iron stores, the patient's hematological and iron parameters should be carefully and periodically monitored, and maintenance iron treatment should be provided as required. New i.v. preparations that allow for giving 1000-1500 mg in a single session, thus facilitating patient management, provide an excellent tool to prevent or treat anemia and ID in this patient population, which in turn avoids allogeneic blood transfusion and improves their quality of life.


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F. 1 Calendrier avec saints parisiens. F. 14 Extraits des IV Évangiles. F. 21v Prières à la Vierge : « Obsecro te... », etc. F. 26 Heures de la Vierge, incompl. (usage de Paris). F. 97 Psaumes de la pénitence. F. 110 Litanies. F. 115 et 124 Heures de la Croix et du Saint-Esprit. F. 132 Office des morts (usage de Paris). F. 180 Les XV joies de la Vierge (en français). F. 186 Les VII requêtes à N.-S. (en français). F. 189 Prière à la Croix (en vers français).


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