1000 resultados para kansanpuvut - 1700-luku
[Quintessence] - L'incidence du mélanome malin augmente rapidement depuis plus de 50 ans. - La Suisse, avec 1700 nouveaux cas diagnostiqués par an, est, avec la Norvège, le pays d'Europe le plus touché par le mélanome. - Des différences régionales sont récemment apparues avec une incidence plus élevée dans les cantons romands. - Les changements observés en Suisse dans l'attitude et le comportement face au soleil sont trop récents et modestes pour influencer l'incidence. - La détection précoce effectuée depuis près de 20 ans a permis d'augmenter la survie et le taux de mélanomes fins sans toutefois altérer l'incidence des lésions épaisses. - La mortalité associée au mélanome malin a récemment diminué, d'abord chez les femmes. L'efficacité de la prévention devrait se confirmer à terme si les efforts entrepris se poursuivent. [Auteurs] [Summary] - The incidence of malignant melanoma has steadily increased in Caucasian populations over the last 50 years. - With some 1700 new cases per year, Switzerland has, with Norway, the highest rate of melanoma in Europe. - Regional differences within Switzerland are emerging, with a higher incidence in western (French-speaking) cantons. - Observed changes in sun protection attitudes and knowledge in the Swiss population have yet to impact on the incidence trend. - Early detection, as pursued since the mid-1980s in Switzerland, has led to a substantial increase in survival and rates of thin melanoma, without major change in rates of thick melanoma. - Mortality from melanoma has recently decreased, initially in women. The effectiveness of prevention campaigns should eventually be confirmed if current efforts persist. [Authors]
Albitization is a common process during which hydrothermal fluids convert plagioclase and/or K-feldspar into nearly pure albite; however, its specific mechanism in granitoids is not well understood. The c. 1700 Ma A-type metaluminous ferroan granites in the Khetri complex of Rajasthan, NW India, have been albitized to a large extent by two metasomatic fronts, an initial transformation of oligoclase to nearly pure albite and a subsequent replacement of microcline by albite, with sharp contacts between the microcline-bearing and microcline-free zones. Albitization has bleached the original pinkish grey granite and turned it white. The mineralogical changes include transformation of oligoclase (similar to An(12)) and microcline (similar to Or(95)) to almost pure albite (similar to An(0 center dot 5-2)), amphibole from potassian ferropargasite (X-Fe 0 center dot 84-0 center dot 86) to potassic hastingsite (X-Fe 0 center dot 88-0 center dot 97) and actinolite (X-Fe 0 center dot 32-0 center dot 67), and biotite from annite (X-Fe 0 center dot 71-0 center dot 74) to annite (X-Fe 0 center dot 90-0 center dot 91). Whole-rock isocon diagrams show that, during albitization, the granites experienced major hydration, slight gain in Si and major gain in Na, whereas K, Mg, Fe and Ca were lost along with Rb, Ba, Sr, Zn, light rare earth elements and U. Whole-rock Sm-Nd isotope data plot on an apparent isochron of 1419 +/- 98 Ma and reveal significant disturbance and at least partial resetting of the intrusion age. Severe scatter in the whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron plot reflects the extreme Rb loss in the completely albitized samples, effectively freezing Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios in the albite granites at very high values (0 center dot 725-0 center dot 735). This indicates either infiltration of highly radiogenic Sr from the country rock or, more likely, radiogenic ingrowth during a considerable time lag (estimated to be at least 300 Myr) between original intrusion and albitization. The albitization took place at similar to 350-400 degrees C. It was caused by the infiltration of an ascending hydrothermal fluid that had acquired high Na/K and Na/Ca ratios during migration through metamorphic rocks at even lower temperatures in the periphery of the plutons. Oxygen isotope ratios increase from delta O-18 = 7 parts per thousand in the original granite to values of 9-10 parts per thousand in completely albitized samples, suggesting that the fluid had equilibrated with surrounding metamorphosed crust. A metasomatic model, using chromatographic theory of fluid infiltration, explains the process for generating the observed zonation in terms of a leading metasomatic front where oligoclase of the original granite is converted to albite, and a second, trailing front where microcline is also converted to albite. The temperature gradients driving the fluid infiltration may have been produced by the high heat production of the granites themselves. The confinement of the albitized granites along the NE-SW-trending Khetri lineament and the pervasive nature of the albitization suggest that the albitizing fluids possibly originated during reactivation of the lineament. More generally, steady-state temperature gradients induced by the high internal heat production of A-type granites may provide the driving force for similar metasomatic and ore-forming processes in other highly enriched granitoid bodies.
London s financial market underwent dramatic change after 1700. More limitedthan Paris or Amsterdam in the seventeenth century, London became the leadingfinancial centre in Europe in the eighteenth century. There is an extensive andgrowing literature on the causes of this change, but comparatively little on thechange itself. This article provides detailed information on the operation of theLondon financial market around 1700 by describing the operations of a nascentLondon bank.