697 resultados para impurities


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IBPOWER is a Project awarded under the 7th European Framework Programme that aims to advance research on intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs). These are solar cells conceived to absorb below bandgap energy photons by means of an electronic energy band that is located within the semiconductor bandgap, whilst producing photocurrent with output voltage still limited by the total semiconductor bandgap. IBPOWER employs two basic strategies for implementing the IBSC concept. The first is based on the use of quantum dots, the IB arising from the confined energy levels of the electrons in the dots. Quantum dots have led to devices that demonstrate the physical operation principles of the IB concept and have allowed identification of the problems to be solved to achieve actual high efficiencies. The second approach is based on the creation of bulk intermediate band materials by the insertion of an appropriate impurity into a bulk semiconductor. Under this approach it is expected that, when inserted at high densities, these impurities will find it difficult to capture electrons by producing a breathing mode and will cease behaving as non-radiative recombination centres. Towards this end the following systems are being investigated: a) Mn: In1-xGax N; b) transition metals in GaAs and c) thin films.


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Helium retention in irradiated tungsten leads to swelling, pore formation, sample exfoliation and embrittlement with deleterious consequences in many applications. In particular, the use of tungsten in future nuclear fusion plants is proposed due to its good refractory properties. However, serious concerns about tungsten survivability stems from the fact that it must withstand severe irradiation conditions. In magnetic fusion as well as in inertial fusion (particularly with direct drive targets), tungsten components will be exposed to low and high energy ion (helium) irradiation, respectively. A common feature is that the most detrimental situations will take place in pulsed mode, i.e., high flux irradiation. There is increasing evidence on a correlation between a high helium flux and an enhancement of detrimental effects on tungsten. Nevertheless, the nature of these effects is not well understood due to the subtleties imposed by the exact temperature profile evolution, ion energy, pulse duration, existence of impurities and simultaneous irradiation with other species. Physically based Kinetic Monte Carlo is the technique of choice to simulate the evolution of radiation-induced damage inside solids in large temporal and space scales. We have used the recently developed code MMonCa (Modular Monte Carlo simulator), presented in this conference for the first time, to study He retention (and in general defect evolution) in tungsten samples irradiated with high intensity helium pulses. The code simulates the interactions among a large variety of defects and impurities (He and C) during the irradiation stage and the subsequent annealing steps. In addition, it allows us to vary the sample temperature to follow the severe thermo-mechanical effects of the pulses. In this work we will describe the helium kinetics for different irradiation conditions. A competition is established between fast helium cluster migration and trapping at large defects, being the temperature a determinant factor. In fact, high temperatures (induced by the pulses) are responsible for large vacancy cluster formation and subsequent additional trapping with respect to low flux irradiation.


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Gasification is a technology that can replace traditional management alternatives used up to date to deal with this waste (landfilling, composting and incineration) and which fulfils the social, environmental and legislative requirements. The main products of sewage sludge gasification are permanent gases (useful to generate energy or to be used as raw material in chemical synthesis processes), liquids (tars) and char. One of the main problems to be solved in gasification is tar production. Tars are organic impurities which can condense at relatively high temperatures making impossible to use the produced gases for most applications. This work deals with the effect of some primary tar removal processes (performed inside the gasifier) on sewage sludge gasification products. For this purpose, analysis of the gas composition, tar production, cold gas efficiency and carbon conversion were carried out. The tests were performed with air in a laboratory scale plant consisting mainly of a bubbling bed gasifier. No catalyzed and catalyzed (10% wt of dolomite in the bed and in the feeding) tests were carried out at different temperatures (750ºC, 800ºC and 850ºC) in order to know the effect of these parameters in the gasification products. As far as tars were concerned, qualitative and quantitative tar composition was determined. In all tests the Equivalence Ratio (ER) was kept at 0.3. Temperature is one of the most influential variables in sewage sludge gasification. Higher temperatures favoured hydrogen and CO production while CO2 content decreased, which might be partially explained by the effect of the cracking, Boudouard and CO2 reforming reactions. At 850ºC, cold gas efficiency and carbon conversion reached 49% and 76%, respectively. The presence of dolomite as catalyst increased the production of H2 reaching contents of 15.5% by volume at 850 °C. Similar behaviour was found for CO whereas CO2 and CnHm (light hydrocarbons) production decreased. In the presence of dolomite, a tar reduction of up to 51% was reached in comparison with no catalyzed tests, as well as improvements on cold gas efficiency and carbon conversion. Several assays were developed in order to test catalyst performance under more rough gasification conditions. For this purpose, the throughput value (TR), defined as kg sludge “as received” fed to the gasifier per hour and per m2 of cross sectional area of the gasifier, was modified. Specifically, the TR values used were 110 (reference value), 215 and 322 kg/h·m2. When TR increased, the H2, CO and CH4 production decreased while the CO2 and the CnHm production increased. Tar production increased drastically with TR during no catalysed tests what is related to the lower residence time of the gas inside the reactor. Nevertheless, even at TR=322 kg/h·m2, tar production decreased by nearly 50% with in-bed use of dolomite in comparison with no catalyzed assays under the same operating conditions. Regarding relative tar composition, there was an increase in benzene and naphthalene content when temperature increased while the content of the rest of compounds decreased. The dolomite seemed to be effective all over the range of molecular weight studied showing tar removal efficiencies between 35-55% in most cases. High values of the TR caused a significant increase in tar production but a slight effect on tar composition.


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Helium retention in irradiated tungsten leads to swelling, pore formation, sample exfoliation and embrittlement with deleterious consequences in many applications. In particular, the use of tungsten in future nuclear fusion plants is proposed due to its good refractory properties. However, serious concerns about tungsten survivability stems from the fact that it must withstand severe irradiation conditions. In magnetic fusion as well as in inertial fusion (particularly with direct drive targets), tungsten components will be exposed to low and high energy ion irradiation (helium), respectively. A common feature is that the most detrimental situations will take place in pulsed mode, i.e., high flux irradiation. There is increasing evidence of a correlation between a high helium flux and an enhancement of detrimental effects on tungsten. Nevertheless, the nature of these effects is not well understood due to the subtleties imposed by the exact temperature profile evolution, ion energy, pulse duration, existence of impurities and simultaneous irradiation with other species. Object Kinetic Monte Carlo is the technique of choice to simulate the evolution of radiation-induced damage inside solids in large temporal and space scales. We have used the recently developed code MMonCa (Modular Monte Carlo simulator), presented at COSIRES 2012 for the first time, to study He retention (and in general defect evolution) in tungsten samples irradiated with high intensity helium pulses. The code simulates the interactions among a large variety of defects and during the irradiation stage and the subsequent annealing steps. The results show that the pulsed mode leads to significantly higher He retention at temperatures higher than 700 K. In this paper we discuss the process of He retention in terms of trap evolution. In addition, we discuss the implications of these findings for inertial fusion.


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The present work focuses on gypsum mortar manufactu red in traditional kilns and used historically as exterior rendering. A documentation survey has been carried out followed by an experimental analysis using geological techniques. Conclusion shows that traditional gypsum is formed by anhydrite and inert active impurities (crystalline amorphous silica; cl ays and hydraulic phases) produced by the craft manufacture process of the system, in a kiln with a 200ºC to 1000ºC temperature interval, and continuo us fuel supply during 36 hours. Anhydrite together wit h the hydraulic phases set at consecutive time peri ods and with the presence of moisture improve the physi cal and mechanical properties of the final product. The hydration system is of great complexity and sho ws a very slow kinetics when in presence of impurities


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The purpose of this research is the mechanical characterisation of multicrystalline silicon crystallised from silicon feedstock with a high content of aluminium for photovoltaic applications. The mechanical strength, fracture toughness and elastic modulus were measured at different positions within the multicrystalline silicon block to quantify the impact of the segregation of impurities on these mechanical properties. Aluminium segregated to the top of the block and caused extensive micro-cracking of the silicon matrix due to the thermal mismatch between silicon and the aluminium inclusions. Silicon nitride inclusions reduced the fracture toughness and caused failure by radial cracking in its surroundings due to its thermal mismatch with silicon. However, silicon carbide increased the fracture toughness and elastic modulus of silicon.


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The intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) has drawn the attention of the scientific community as a means to achieve high-efficiency solar cells. Complete IBSC devices have been manufactured using quantum dots, highly mismatched alloys, or bulk materials with deep-level impurities. Characterization of these devices has led, among other experimental results, to the demonstration of the two operating principles of an IBSC: the production of the photocurrent from the absorption of two below bandgap energy photons and the preservation of the output voltage of the solar cell. This study offers a thorough compilation of the most relevant reported results for the variety of technologies investigated and provides the reader with an updated record of IBSC experimental achievements. A table condensing the reported experimental results is presented, which provides information at a glance about achievements, as well as pending results, for every studied technology.


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Graphene and carbon nanotubes are promising materials for supercapacitor electrodes because of their high specific surface area and excellent electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. However, these materials suffer from a high manufacturing cost and some aggregation of graphene layers or the presence of toxic residual metallic impurities of carbon nanotubes.


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The CdIn2S4 spinel semiconductor is a potential photovoltaic material due to its energy band gap and absorption properties. These optoelectronic properties can be potentiality improved by the insertion of intermediate states into the energy bandgap. We explore this possibility using M = Cr, V and Mn as an impurity. We analyze with first-principles almost all substitutions of the host atoms by M at the octahedral and tetrahedral sites in the normal and inverse spinel structures. In almost all cases, the impurities introduce deeper bands into the host energy bandgap. Depending on the site substitution, these bands are full, empty or partially-full. It increases the number of possible inter-band transitions and the possible applications in optoelectronic devices. The contribution of the impurity states to these bands and the substitutional energies indicate that these impurities are energetically favorable for some sites in the host spinel. The absorption coefficients in the independent-particle approximation show that these deeper bands open additional photon absorption channels. It could therefore increase the solar-light absorption with respect to the host.


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The substitution of Cu, Sn or Zn in the quaternary Cu2ZnSnS4 semiconductor by impurities that introduce intermediate states in the energy bandgap could have important implications either for photovoltaic or spintronic applications. This allows more generation–recombination channels than for the host semiconductor. We explore and discuss this possibility by obtaining the ionization energies from total energy first-principles calculations. The three substitutions of Cu, Sn and Zn by impurities are analyzed. From these results we have found that several impurities have an amphoteric behavior with the donor and acceptor energies in the energy bandgap. In order to analyze the role of the ionization energies in both the radiative and non-radiative processes, the host energy bandgap and the acceptor and the donor energies have been obtained as a function of the inward and outward impurity-S displacements. We carried out the analysis for both the natural and synthetic CZTS. The results show that the ionization energies are similar, whereas the energy band gaps are different.


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With the final goal of integrating III-V materials on silicon substrates for tandem solar cells, the influence of the Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) environment on the minority carrier properties of silicon wafers has been evaluated. These properties will essentially determine the photovoltaic performance of the bottom cell in a III-V-on-Si tandem solar cell. A comparison of the base minority carrier lifetimes obtained for different thermal processes carried out in a MOVPE reactor on Czochralski silicon wafers has been carried out. An important degradation of minority carrier lifetime during the surface preparation (i.e. H2 anneal) has been observed. Three different mechanisms have been proposed for explaining this behavior: 1) the introduction of extrinsic impurities coming from the reactor; 2) the activation of intrinsic lifetime killing impurities coming from the wafer itself; and finally, 3) the formation of crystal defects, which eventually become recombination centers. The effect of the emitter formation by phosphorus diffusion has also been evaluated. In this sense, it has been reported that lifetime can be recovered during the emitter formation either by the effect of the P on extracting impurities, or by the role of the atomic hydrogen on passivating the defects.


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Self-passivating tungsten based alloys will provide a major safety advantage compared to pure tungsten when used as first wall armor of future fusion reactors, due to the formation of a protective oxide layer which prevents the formation of volatile and radioactive WO3 in case of a loss of coolant accident with simultaneous air ingress. Bulk WCr10Ti2 alloys were manufactured by two different powder metallurgical routes: (1) mechanical alloying (MA) followed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of metallic capsules, and (2) MA, compaction, pressureless sintering in H2 and subsequent HIPing without encapsulation. Both routes resulted in fully dense materials with homogeneous microstructure and grain sizes of 300 nm and 1 μm, respectively. The content of impurities remained unchanged after HIP, but it increased after sintering due to binder residue. It was not possible to produce large samples by route (2) due to difficulties in the uniaxial compaction stage. Flexural strength and fracture toughness measured on samples produced by route (1) revealed a ductile-to-brittle-transition temperature (DBTT) of about 950 °C. The strength increased from room temperature to 800 °C, decreasing significantly in the plastic region. An increase of fracture toughness is observed around the DBTT.


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The purpose of this research is to characterise the mechanical properties of multicrystalline silicon for photovoltaic applications that was crystallised from silicon feedstock with a high content of several types of impurities. The mechanical strength, fracture toughness and elastic modulus were measured at different positions within a multicrystalline silicon block to quantify the effect of impurity segregation on these mechanical properties. The microstructure and fracture surfaces of the samples was exhaustively analysed with a scanning electron microscope in order to correlate the values of mechanical properties with material microstructure. Fracture stresses values were treated statistically via the Weibull statistics. The results of this research show that metals segregate to the top of the block, produce moderate microcracking and introduce high thermal stresses. Silicon oxide is produced at the bottom part of the silicon block, and its presence significantly reduces the mechanical strength and fracture toughness of multicrystalline silicon due to both thermal and elastic mismatch between silicon and the silicon oxide inclusions. Silicon carbide inclusions from the upper parts of the block increase the fracture toughness and elastic modulus of multicrystalline silicon. Additionally, the mechanical strength of multicrystalline silicon can increase when the radius of the silicon carbide inclusions is smaller than ~10 µm. The most damaging type of impurity inclusion for the multicrystalline silicon block studied in this work was amorphous silicon oxide. The oriented precipitation of silicon oxide at grain and twin boundaries eases the formation of radial cracks between inclusions and decreases significatively the mechanical strength of multicrystalline silicon. The second most influencing type of impurity inclusions were metals like aluminium and copper, that cause spontaneous microcracking in their surroundings after the crystallisation process, therefore reducing the mechanical response of multicrystalline silicon. Therefore, solar cell producers should pay attention to the content of metals and oxygen within the silicon feedstock in order to produce solar cells with reliable mechanical properties.


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In the last decades, an increasing interest in the research field of wide bandgap semiconductors was observed, mostly due to the progressive approaching of silicon-based devices to their theoretical limits. 4H-SiC is an example among these, and is a mature compound for applications. The main advantages offered 4H-SiC in comparison with silicon are an higher breakdown field, an higher thermal conductivity, a higher operating temperature, very high hardness and melting point, biocompatibility, but also low switching losses in high frequencies applications and lower on-resistances in unipolar devices. Then, 4H-SiC power devices offer great performance improvement; moreover, they can work in hostile environments where silicon power devices cannot function. Ion implantation technology is a key process in the fabrication of almost all kinds of SiC devices, owing to the advantage of a spatially selective doping. This work is dedicated to the electrical investigation of several differently-processed 4H-SiC ion- implanted samples, mainly through Hall effect and space charge spectroscopy experiments. It was also developed the automatic control (Labview) of several experiments. In the work, the effectiveness of high temperature post-implant thermal treatments (up to 2000°C) were studied and compared considering: (i) different methods, (ii) different temperatures and (iii) different duration of the annealing process. Preliminary p + /n and Schottky junctions were also investigated as simple test devices. 1) Heavy doping by ion implantation of single off-axis 4H-SiC layers The electrical investigation is one of the most important characterization of ion-implanted samples, which must be submitted to mandatory post-implant thermal treatment in order to both (i) recover the lattice after ion bombardment, and (ii) address the implanted impurities into lattice sites so that they can effectively act as dopants. Electrical investigation can give fundamental information on the efficiency of the electrical impurity activation. To understand the results of the research it should be noted that: (a) To realize good ohmic contacts it is necessary to obtain spatially defined highly doped regions, which must have conductivity as low as possible. (b) It has been shown that the electrical activation efficiency and the electrical conductivity increase with the annealing temperature increasing. (c) To maximize the layer conductivity, temperatures around 1700°C are generally used and implantation density high till to 10 21 cm -3 . In this work, an original approach, different from (c), is explored by the using very high annealing temperature, around 2000°C, on samples of Al + -implant concentration of the order of 10 20 cm -3 . Several Al + -implanted 4H-SiC samples, resulting of p-type conductivity, were investigated, with a nominal density varying in the range of about 1-5∙10 20 cm -3 and subjected to two different high temperature thermal treatments. One annealing method uses a radiofrequency heated furnace till to 1950°C (Conventional Annealing, CA), the other exploits a microwave field, providing a fast heating rate up to 2000°C (Micro-Wave Annealing, MWA). In this contest, mainly ion implanted p-type samples were investigated, both off-axis and on-axis <0001> semi-insulating 4H-SiC. Concerning p-type off-axis samples, a high electrical activation of implanted Al (50-70%) and a compensation ratio below 10% were estimated. In the work, the main sample processing parameters have been varied, as the implant temperature, CA annealing duration, and heating/cooling rates, and the best values assessed. MWA method leads to higher hole density and lower mobility than CA in equivalent ion implanted layers, resulting in lower resistivity, probably related to the 50°C higher annealing temperature. An optimal duration of the CA treatment was estimated in about 12-13 minutes. A RT resistivity on the lowest reported in literature for this kind of samples, has been obtained. 2) Low resistivity data: variable range hopping Notwithstanding the heavy p-type doping levels, the carrier density remained less than the critical one required for a semiconductor to metal transition. However, the high carrier densities obtained was enough to trigger a low temperature impurity band (IB) conduction. In the heaviest doped samples, such a conduction mechanism persists till to RT, without significantly prejudice the mobility values. This feature can have an interesting technological fall, because it guarantee a nearly temperature- independent carrier density, it being not affected by freeze-out effects. The usual transport mechanism occurring in the IB conduction is the nearest neighbor hopping: such a regime is effectively consistent with the resistivity temperature behavior of the lowest doped samples. In the heavier doped samples, however, a trend of the resistivity data compatible with a variable range hopping (VRH) conduction has been pointed out, here highlighted for the first time in p-type 4H-SiC. Even more: in the heaviest doped samples, and in particular, in those annealed by MWA, the temperature dependence of the resistivity data is consistent with a reduced dimensionality (2D) of the VRH conduction. In these samples, TEM investigation pointed out faulted dislocation loops in the basal plane, whose average spacing along the c-axis is comparable with the optimal length of the hops in the VRH transport. This result suggested the assignment of such a peculiar behavior to a kind of spatial confinement into a plane of the carrier hops. 3) Test device the p + -n junction In the last part of the work, the electrical properties of 4H-SiC diodes were also studied. In this case, a heavy Al + ion implantation was realized on n-type epilayers, according to the technological process applied for final devices. Good rectification properties was shown from these preliminary devices in their current-voltage characteristics. Admittance spectroscopy and deep level transient spectroscopy measurements showed the presence of electrically active defects other than the dopants ones, induced in the active region of the diodes by ion implantation. A critical comparison with the literature of these defects was performed. Preliminary to such an investigation, it was assessed the experimental set up for the admittance spectroscopy and current-voltage investigation and the automatic control of these measurements.


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O 99mTc é o radionuclídeo mais utilizado em medicina nuclear. No Brasil os geradores de 99Mo/99mTc são produzidos exclusivamente pelo Centro de Radiofarmácia do IPEN-CNEN/SP, com 99Mo importado de diferentes fornecedores. O 99Mo (t1/2 = 66 h), por ser um produto de fissão do 235U, pode conter impurezas radionuclídicas prejudiciais à saúde humana. Dessa forma, para que o gerador seja utilizado de forma segura, é necessário que o 99Mo seja avaliado por ensaios de controle de qualidade e atenda à alguma especificação descrita em farmacopeia. A Farmacopeia Europeia (FE) apresenta monografia, com parâmetros (identificação, pureza radioquímica e pureza radionuclídica), métodos de análise, e limites, para avaliação da qualidade da solução de [99Mo] na forma de molibdato de sódio, que é utilizada como matéria-prima no preparo dos geradores de 99Mo/99mTc. No entanto, observa-se uma dificuldade na implementação e execução dos métodos por parte dos produtores de geradores, com pouca literatura sobre o assunto, provavelmente devido à falta de praticidade dos métodos propostos e à extensa lista de reagentes utilizados. Nesse trabalho foram avaliados vários parâmetros de qualidade do 99Mo descritos na monografia da FE. Foram estudados métodos de separação do 99Mo de suas impurezas radionuclídicas por extração em fase sólida (SPE) e por TLC. Após separação por SPE, foi proposta a quantificação de metais por ICP-OES para avaliar a porcentagem de retenção de Mo e a porcentagem de recuperação de Ru e Te e Sr em diversos tipos de cartuchos, em substituição ao uso de radiotraçadores. Observou-se que a marca de cartucho de SPE para separação do 99Mo recomendada pela FE apresentou baixa recuperação para Ru, quando comparado aos outros cartuchos de troca aniônica disponíveis no mercado. Amostras de 99Mo de diferentes fornecedores mundiais foram analisadas. Observou-se que é possível realizar a quantificação de 103Ru em amostras de 99Mo mesmo com tempos de decaimento acima de 4 semanas. Um método alternativo de separação do 99Mo do 131I por TLC apresentou resultados promissores. Não foi feita a quantificação das impurezas radionuclídicas emissoras beta e alfa. Todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram resultados dentro das especificações da FE para pureza radioquímica (>95%) e pureza radionuclídica.