742 resultados para implementations
The visual responses of neurons in the cerebral cortex were first adequately characterized in the 1960s by D. H. Hubel and T. N. Wiesel [(1962) J. Physiol. (London) 160, 106-154; (1968) J. Physiol. (London) 195, 215-243] using qualitative analyses based on simple geometric visual targets. Over the past 30 years, it has become common to consider the properties of these neurons by attempting to make formal descriptions of these transformations they execute on the visual image. Most such models have their roots in linear-systems approaches pioneered in the retina by C. Enroth-Cugell and J. R. Robson [(1966) J. Physiol. (London) 187, 517-552], but it is clear that purely linear models of cortical neurons are inadequate. We present two related models: one designed to account for the responses of simple cells in primary visual cortex (V1) and one designed to account for the responses of pattern direction selective cells in MT (or V5), an extrastriate visual area thought to be involved in the analysis of visual motion. These models share a common structure that operates in the same way on different kinds of input, and instantiate the widely held view that computational strategies are similar throughout the cerebral cortex. Implementations of these models for Macintosh microcomputers are available and can be used to explore the models' properties.
Efficient hardware implementations of arithmetic operations in the Galois field are highly desirable for several applications, such as coding theory, computer algebra and cryptography. Among these operations, multiplication is of special interest because it is considered the most important building block. Therefore, high-speed algorithms and hardware architectures for computing multiplication are highly required. In this paper, bit-parallel polynomial basis multipliers over the binary field GF(2(m)) generated using type II irreducible pentanomials are considered. The multiplier here presented has the lowest time complexity known to date for similar multipliers based on this type of irreducible pentanomials.
O trabalho aborda o estudo e o desenvolvimento de um interferômetro sensor de alta tensão, baseado em célula Pockels (modulador eletro-óptico) na topologia reflexiva (\"double pass\") e que é parte integrante de um Transformador de Potencial Óptico (TPO), que utiliza sistema interferométrico de luz branca (WLI-White Light Interferometry), que está sendo desenvolvido pelo grupo do Laboratório de Sensores Ópticos (LSO) do PEA-EPUSP, e é capaz de medir diretamente tensões presentes em sistema elétrico de potência (SEP) classe 69kVRMS. Para desenvolver o tema proposto foi feita uma revisão da literatura baseada em livros, artigos e teses para identificar topologias em moduladores eletro-ópticos transmissiva (\"single pass\") e reflexiva (\"double pass\") para definir o tipo de modulador mais adequado para a aplicação em questão. A partir dos estudos e implementações realizadas, verificou-se um enorme potencial para o desenvolvimento e aplicação da topologia \"double pass\" no sensor interferométrico da célula de alta tensão do TPO. A topologia mostrou-se vantajosa em relação aos protótipos dos TPOs desenvolvidos anteriormente, a partir de características tais como: a facilidade de recurso de alinhamento do feixe de luz, construção e reprodução relacionados ao cristal eletro-óptico, diminuição do número de componentes ópticos volumétricos e aumento da rigidez dielétrica da célula sensora. Simulações computacionais foram realizadas mediante a aplicação do método dos elementos finitos (MEF) que contribuíram para o auxílio do projeto da célula sensora, particularmente, para estimativa do valor da voltagem de meia onda, V?, parâmetro importante para o projeto do TPO. Um protótipo do TPO com célula sensora de alta tensão reflexiva foi implementado e testado no laboratório de alta tensão do IEEUSP a partir de ensaios com tensões nominais de 69kVrms a 60Hz e máxima de 140kVrms a 60 Hz. Como resultado deste trabalho, amplia-se o conhecimento e domínio das técnicas de construção de interferômetros sensores de alta tensão na topologia reflexiva aplicadas a TPOs.
Estudo e implementação de sinais de excitação aplicados em identificação de sistemas multivariáveis.
Devido à crescente implementação do Controle Preditivo baseado em Modelo (MPC) em outros processos além de refino e plantas petroquímicas, que geralmente possuem múltiplas entradas e saídas, tem-se um aumento na demanda de modelos gerados por identificação de sistemas. Identificar modelos que representem fielmente a dinâmica do processo depende em grande medida das características dos sinais de excitação dos processos. Assim, o foco deste trabalho é realizar um estudo dos sinais típicos usados em identificação de sistemas, PRBS e GBN, em uma abordagem multivariável. O estudo feito neste trabalho parte das características da geração dos sinais individualmente, depois é feita uma análise de correlação cruzada dos sinais de entrada, observando a influência desta sobre os resultados de identificação. Evitar uma alta correlação entre os sinais de entrada permite determinar o efeito de cada entrada sobre a saída no processo de identificação. Um ponto importante no projeto de sinais de identificação de sistemas multivariáveis é a frequência dos mesmos para conseguir excitar os processos nas regiões de frequência de operação normal e assim extrair a maior informação dinâmica possível do processo. As características estudadas são avaliadas por meio de testes em três plantas simuladas diferentes, categorizadas como mal, medianamente e bem condicionadas. Estas implementações foram feitas usando sinais GBN e PRBS de diferentes frequências. Expressões para a caracterização dos sinais de excitação foram avaliadas identificando os processos em malha aberta e malha fechada. Para as plantas mal condicionadas foram implementados sinais compostos por uma parte completamente correlacionada e uma parte não-correlacionada, conhecido como método de dois passos. Finalmente são realizados experimentos de identificação em uma aplicação em tempo real de uma planta piloto de neutralização de pH. Os testes realizados na planta foram feitos visando avaliar os estudos de frequência e correlação em uma aplicaficção real. Os resultados mostram que a condição de sinais completamente descorrelacionados n~ao deve ser cumprida para ter bons resultados nos modelos identificados. Isto permite ter mais exibilidade na geração do conjunto de sinais de excitação.
Póster presentado en SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, 16-19 April 2012.
El campo de procesamiento de lenguaje natural (PLN), ha tenido un gran crecimiento en los últimos años; sus áreas de investigación incluyen: recuperación y extracción de información, minería de datos, traducción automática, sistemas de búsquedas de respuestas, generación de resúmenes automáticos, análisis de sentimientos, entre otras. En este artículo se presentan conceptos y algunas herramientas con el fin de contribuir al entendimiento del procesamiento de texto con técnicas de PLN, con el propósito de extraer información relevante que pueda ser usada en un gran rango de aplicaciones. Se pueden desarrollar clasificadores automáticos que permitan categorizar documentos y recomendar etiquetas; estos clasificadores deben ser independientes de la plataforma, fácilmente personalizables para poder ser integrados en diferentes proyectos y que sean capaces de aprender a partir de ejemplos. En el presente artículo se introducen estos algoritmos de clasificación, se analizan algunas herramientas de código abierto disponibles actualmente para llevar a cabo estas tareas y se comparan diversas implementaciones utilizando la métrica F en la evaluación de los clasificadores.
We analyzed surface-wave propagation that takes place at the boundary between a semi-infinite dielectric and a multilayered metamaterial, the latter with indefinite permittivity and cut normally to the layers. Known hyperbolization of the dispersion curve is discussed within distinct spectral regimes, including the role of the surrounding material. Hybridization of surface waves enable tighter confinement near the interface in comparison with pure-TM surface-plasmon polaritons. We demonstrate that the effective-medium approach deviates severely in practical implementations. By using the finite-element method, we predict the existence of long-range oblique surface waves.
Self-organising neural models have the ability to provide a good representation of the input space. In particular the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) is a suitable model because of its flexibility, rapid adaptation and excellent quality of representation. However, this type of learning is time-consuming, especially for high-dimensional input data. Since real applications often work under time constraints, it is necessary to adapt the learning process in order to complete it in a predefined time. This paper proposes a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) parallel implementation of the GNG with Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). In contrast to existing algorithms, the proposed GPU implementation allows the acceleration of the learning process keeping a good quality of representation. Comparative experiments using iterative, parallel and hybrid implementations are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of CUDA implementation. The results show that GNG learning with the proposed implementation achieves a speed-up of 6× compared with the single-threaded CPU implementation. GPU implementation has also been applied to a real application with time constraints: acceleration of 3D scene reconstruction for egomotion, in order to validate the proposal.
A parallel algorithm for image noise removal is proposed. The algorithm is based on peer group concept and uses a fuzzy metric. An optimization study on the use of the CUDA platform to remove impulsive noise using this algorithm is presented. Moreover, an implementation of the algorithm on multi-core platforms using OpenMP is presented. Performance is evaluated in terms of execution time and a comparison of the implementation parallelised in multi-core, GPUs and the combination of both is conducted. A performance analysis with large images is conducted in order to identify the amount of pixels to allocate in the CPU and GPU. The observed time shows that both devices must have work to do, leaving the most to the GPU. Results show that parallel implementations of denoising filters on GPUs and multi-cores are very advisable, and they open the door to use such algorithms for real-time processing.
Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación están consiguiendo que la información geográfica sea asequible a un mayor número de profesionales a través de las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica. La intervención multidisciplinar en el territorio enriquece la investigación y las formas de aplicación de este tipo de recursos tecnológicos. Pero esta facilidad tecnológica puede suponer el riesgo de un uso inadecuado, por falta de conocimientos técnicos adecuados a la complejidad de la información geográfica o por el mal uso de las aplicaciones informáticas. El trabajo catastral puede beneficiarse mucho del empleo de estas tecnologías de información geográfica, al facilitar el uso, la comunicación y su administración electrónica, pero el desconocimiento de las propiedades geométricas y topológicas de la información geográfica puede llevar a cometer errores de graves consecuencias a profesionales no especializados. En este artículo ofrecemos el resultado de la investigación del trabajo de diversos juristas y técnicos, con el objetivo de desarrollar métodos automatizados y aplicaciones informáticas que permitan a los especialistas no expertos en Cartografía usar este tipo de información con garantías de exactitud al más alto nivel, como una solución eficaz para que la información geográfica con calidad topológica enriquezca la seguridad jurídica en el tráfico inmobiliario.
In this paper, parallel Relaxed and Extrapolated algorithms based on the Power method for accelerating the PageRank computation are presented. Different parallel implementations of the Power method and the proposed variants are analyzed using different data distribution strategies. The reported experiments show the behavior and effectiveness of the designed algorithms for realistic test data using either OpenMP, MPI or an hybrid OpenMP/MPI approach to exploit the benefits of shared memory inside the nodes of current SMP supercomputers.
SLAM is a popular task used by robots and autonomous vehicles to build a map of an unknown environment and, at the same time, to determine their location within the map. This paper describes a SLAM-based, probabilistic robotic system able to learn the essential features of different parts of its environment. Some previous SLAM implementations had computational complexities ranging from O(Nlog(N)) to O(N2), where N is the number of map features. Unlike these methods, our approach reduces the computational complexity to O(N) by using a model to fuse the information from the sensors after applying the Bayesian paradigm. Once the training process is completed, the robot identifies and locates those areas that potentially match the sections that have been previously learned. After the training, the robot navigates and extracts a three-dimensional map of the environment using a single laser sensor. Thus, it perceives different sections of its world. In addition, in order to make our system able to be used in a low-cost robot, low-complexity algorithms that can be easily implemented on embedded processors or microcontrollers are used.
The Iterative Closest Point algorithm (ICP) is commonly used in engineering applications to solve the rigid registration problem of partially overlapped point sets which are pre-aligned with a coarse estimate of their relative positions. This iterative algorithm is applied in many areas such as the medicine for volumetric reconstruction of tomography data, in robotics to reconstruct surfaces or scenes using range sensor information, in industrial systems for quality control of manufactured objects or even in biology to study the structure and folding of proteins. One of the algorithm’s main problems is its high computational complexity (quadratic in the number of points with the non-optimized original variant) in a context where high density point sets, acquired by high resolution scanners, are processed. Many variants have been proposed in the literature whose goal is the performance improvement either by reducing the number of points or the required iterations or even enhancing the complexity of the most expensive phase: the closest neighbor search. In spite of decreasing its complexity, some of the variants tend to have a negative impact on the final registration precision or the convergence domain thus limiting the possible application scenarios. The goal of this work is the improvement of the algorithm’s computational cost so that a wider range of computationally demanding problems from among the ones described before can be addressed. For that purpose, an experimental and mathematical convergence analysis and validation of point-to-point distance metrics has been performed taking into account those distances with lower computational cost than the Euclidean one, which is used as the de facto standard for the algorithm’s implementations in the literature. In that analysis, the functioning of the algorithm in diverse topological spaces, characterized by different metrics, has been studied to check the convergence, efficacy and cost of the method in order to determine the one which offers the best results. Given that the distance calculation represents a significant part of the whole set of computations performed by the algorithm, it is expected that any reduction of that operation affects significantly and positively the overall performance of the method. As a result, a performance improvement has been achieved by the application of those reduced cost metrics whose quality in terms of convergence and error has been analyzed and validated experimentally as comparable with respect to the Euclidean distance using a heterogeneous set of objects, scenarios and initial situations.
La educación para la paz ha despertado especial interés en contextos en los que los valores asociados a ésta y los derechos humanos se están viendo cercenados. En Europa, este fenómeno puede equipararse a la situación de crisis económica en la que se encuentran numerosos países. Este artículo pretende ser una contribución a la enseñanza universitaria activa que esté basada en competencias sociales y enmarcada en los principios de la educación para la paz. En este sentido, este trabajo presenta una propuesta de actividades que contribuyen a potenciar los principios y valores que propone la educación para la paz. Se expone el modo de llevar a cabo actividades orales transversales que fomenten la educación para la paz en dos asignaturas de estudios de grado de la Universidad de Alicante, Lengua Inglesa III y Lingüística General I. Como resultado de su implementación, se señala que esta metodología fomenta la adquisición de competencias sociales del alumnado entre las que destacan la resolución de conflictos, la escucha activa o la cooperación.
The goal of this work was to provide professional and amateur writers with a new way of enhancing their productivity and mental well-being, by helping them overcoming writers block and being able to achieve a state of optimal experience while writing. Our approach is based on bringing together different components to create what we call a creative moment. A creative moment is composed by an image, a text, a mood, a location and a color. The color presented in the creative moment varied according to the mood that was associated to the creative moment. With the creative moments we hoped that our users could have a way to easily trigger their creativity and have a kick start in their work. The prototyping of a web crowdsourcing platform, named CreativeWall, and a Microsoft Word Add-In, that was used on the user study performed, is described and their implementations are discussed. The user study reveals that our approach does have a positive influence in the productivity of the participants when compared with another existing approach. The study also revealed that our approach can ease the process of achieving a state of optimal experience by enhancing one of the dimensions presented on the Flow Theory. At the end we present what we consider would be some possible future developments for the concept created during the development of this work.