905 resultados para identification and validation of knowledge
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) rainfall retrieval algorithms are evaluated in tropical cyclones (TCs). Differences between the Precipitation Radar (PR) and TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) retrievals are found to be related to the storm region (inner core vs. rainbands) and the convective nature of the precipitation as measured by radar reflectivity and ice scattering signature. In landfalling TCs, the algorithms perform differently depending on whether the rainfall is located over ocean, land, or coastal surfaces. Various statistical techniques are applied to quantify these differences and identify the discrepancies in rainfall detection and intensity. Ground validation is accomplished by comparing the landfalling storms over the Southeast US to the NEXRAD Multisensor Precipitation Estimates (MPE) Stage-IV product. Numerous recommendations are given to algorithm users and developers for applying and interpreting these algorithms in areas of heavy and widespread tropical rainfall such as tropical cyclones.
Efficient numerical models facilitate the study and design of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), stacks, and systems. Whilst the accuracy and reliability of the computed results are usually sought by researchers, the corresponding modelling complexities could result in practical difficulties regarding the implementation flexibility and computational costs. The main objective of this article is to adapt a simple but viable numerical tool for evaluation of our experimental rig. Accordingly, a model for a multi-layer SOFC surrounded by a constant temperature furnace is presented, trained and validated against experimental data. The model consists of a four-layer structure including stand, two interconnects, and PEN (Positive electrode-Electrolyte-Negative electrode); each being approximated by a lumped parameter model. The heating process through the surrounding chamber is also considered. We used a set of V-I characteristics data for parameter adjustment followed by model verification against two independent sets of data. The model results show a good agreement with practical data, offering a significant improvement compared to reduced models in which the impact of external heat loss is neglected. Furthermore, thermal analysis for adiabatic and non-adiabatic process is carried out to capture the thermal behaviour of a single cell followed by a polarisation loss assessment. Finally, model-based design of experiment is demonstrated for a case study.
High-resolution melt (HRM) analysis can identify sequence polymorphisms by comparing the melting curves of amplicons generated by real-time PCR amplification. We describe the application of this technique to identify Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis types I, II, and III. The HRM approach was based on type-specific nucleotide sequences in MAP1506, a member of the PPE (proline-proline-glutamic acid) gene family.
Rhodococcus fascians é uma actinomiceta fitopatogénica que induz uma doença, conhecida como irritação frondosa, caracterizada pela indução de múltiplos rebentos, numa vasta gama de plantas herbáceas dicotiledóneas. O principal factor de patogenicidade da bactéria é a produção de uma mistura de 6 citoquininas codificadas pelos genes do operão fas que está localizado num plasmídeo linear associado à virulência, pFiD188. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a análise de dois novos loci deste plasmídeo associados à virulência: GT1 que codifica uma glicosiltransferase e os genes mtr1 e mtr2, grandemente homólogos, que codificam metiltransferases dependentes de SAM. Trabalhos prévios com 21D5, mutante na glicosiltransferase, mostraram que possui uma morfologia de colónia modificada e forma agregados em culturas líquidas. Neste trabalho demonstrou-se que essas características não afectam o crescimento em meio de cultura rico, mas levam à incapacidade de proliferação em condições de privação de nutrientes, tendo um impacto forte na competência epifítica. Este impacto foi demostrado pela atenuação severa da virulência em 21D5, que foi acompanhada de uma expressão alterada dos genes fas e att, essenciais para a virulência, e consequente redução da capacidade de invasão dos tecidos da planta e de produção dos factores de virulência. Demonstrou-se também que a expressão de GT1 é induzida por compostos que são acumulados em plantas nas fases iniciais da infecção, colocando a função de GT1 no começo da interacção. Tal como R. fascians, Streptomyces turgidiscabies possui um operão fas e dois genes mtr associados. R. fascians mutantes nestes genes mtr’s perderam a capacidade de provocar sintomas, mas produziram 2MeS-citoquininas, implicando que outras citoquininas metiladas são cruciais para a indução da doença. De modo a identificar os produtos de reacção das MTRs procedeu-se à análise do perfil de citoquininas de R. fascians em condições que induzem a expressão dos genes do operão fas e de S. turgidiscabies alimentados com SAM e adenina marcadas com 14C em TLC. No entanto, não foi possível a identificação de compostos dependentes de fas ou mtr nos sobrenadantes. Pela determinação do perfil de expressão dos genes mtr in vitro e in planta tornou-se claro que a regulação destes genes é muito complexa, sendo a sua expressão limitada a células de R. fascians que colonizam o hospedeiro. Para possibilitar a identificação dos produtos de recção de MTR, desenvolveu-se um protocolo que permite a expressão in planta em condições in vitro, o que permitirá a repetição dos ensaios de marcação com 14C.
Ethos is the spirit that motivates ideas and practices. When we talk casually about the ethos of a town, state, or country we are describing the fundamental or at least underlying rationale for action, as we see it. Ideology is a way of looking at things.It is the set of ideas that constitute one’s goals, expectations, and actions. In this brief essay I want to create a space where we might talk about the ethos and ideology in knowledge organization from a particular point of view; combining ideas and inspiration from the Arts and Crafts movement of the early Twentieth Century, critical theory in extant knowledge organization work, the work of Slavoj Žižek, and the work of Thich Nhat Hahn on Engaged Buddhism.I will expand more below, but we can say here and now that there are many open questions about ethos and ideology in and of knowledge organization, both its practice and products. Many of them in classification, positioned as they are around identity politics of race, gender, and other marginalized groups, ask the classificationist to be mindful of the choice of terms and relationships between terms. From this work we understand that race and gender requires special consideration, which manifests as a particular concern for the form of representation inside extant schemes. Even with these advances in our understanding there are still other categories about which we must make decisions and take action. For example, there are ethical decisions about fiduciary resource allocation, political decisions about standards adoption, and even broader zeitgeist considerations like the question of Fordist conceptions (Day, 2001; Tennis 2006) of the mechanics of description and representation present in much of today’s practice.Just as taking action in a particular way is an ethical concern, so too is avoiding a lack of action. Scholars in Knowledge Organization have also looked at the absence of what we might call right action in the context of cataloguing and classification. This leads to some problems above, and hints at larger ethical concerns of watching a subtle semantic violence go on without intervention (Bowker and Star, 2001; Bade 2006).The problem is not to act or not act, but how to act or not act in an ethical way, or at least with ethical considerations. The action advocated by an ethical consideration for knowledge organization is an engaged one, and it is here where we can take a nod from contemporary ethical theory advanced by Engaged Buddhism. In this context we can see the manifestation of fourteen precepts that guide ethical action, and warn against lack of action.
This paper provides rationale for considering precepts for an engaged knowledge organization based on a Buddhist conception of intentional action. Casting knowledge organization work as craft, this paper employs Žižek’s conception of vio- lence in language as a call to action. The paper closes with a listing of precepts for an engaged knowledge organization.
This study aimed to identify the parameters related to the expression of the reactivity in horses during handling and based on that proposed and validated a scale of composite measure reactivity score to characterize horse's reactivity. To this end, the first stage (S1) proposed the scale and the second (S2) validated it. In S1, 364 Lusitano horses were evaluated, 188 were adult breeding mares (4–12 years old), and 176 were foals (males/females, aged from 2 months to 2 years). During hooves trimming, vermifuge application, palpation scores were assigned to behaviors of movement, ears and eyes position, breathing, vocalization, and urination. A response parameter called reactivity was attributed to each animal, ranging from score 1 (nonreactive/calm) to score 4 (very reactive/aggressive). The verification of the possible parameters (age, behavior), which explains the response parameter (reactivity), was taken using ordinal proportional odds model. Movement, breathing, ears and eyes position, vocalization, and age appear to explain the reactivity of horses during handling (P < .01). Therefore, based on these parameters, it was possible to propose two scales of composite measure reactivity score: one to characterize the mares and another the foals. On S2, the proposed scale was validated by the simultaneous application of Forced Human Approach Test, another commonly used test to evaluate the reactivity in horses, with a correlation of 0.97 (P < .05). The assessment of the reactivity of horses during handling by a composite measure reactivity score scale is valid, and easy to apply, without disrupting daily routine and override the impact of individual differences.
Introduction; The awareness of HIV positiveness is important for health of the individual and of the comunity. The identicatio of HIV antibodies is possible both using conventional lab tests and quick result tests. In the bibliography it was made clear that there are no instruments in Portuguese to assert the reactions to the HIV quick tests and it was therefore considered it would be useful to adapt and validate a scale in Portuguese, since the language is the official language of 7 different countries and spoken by more than 250 milion people, Objectives: the purpose is to validate a version in European Portuguese of the HIV Antibody Testing Attitude Scale. Methods: the study refers to methodological research for the adaptation and validation of an instrument of attitude measurement. A translation and back-translation was prepared and a trial test was then carried out. A total of 317 students, lectures and co-workers of a Portuguese University was interviewes. Ethical principles were taken into consideration. the pool was obtained in the seven components of the University campus. Results: 3 trials of factorial testing of the main components of 5, 4 and 3 factors. It ended up a solution of 3 factors that explains 50.82% of the variability. In the analysis of the inter-items correlation values of between 0.018 and 0.749 were observed. The internal consistency reveals an alpha Cronbach coefficient of 0.860 as a whole, and in between 0,865 and 0.659 in the 3 factors. Conclusions: this version of the instrument shows that the psychometric properties allow its use in the Portuguese speaking countries.
The migratory endoparasitic nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is the causal agent of pine wilt disease, has phytophagous and mycetophagous phases during its life cycle. This highly unusual feature distinguishes it from other plantparasitic nematodes and requires profound changes in biology between modes. During the phytophagous stage, the nematode migrates within pine trees, feeding on the contents of parenchymal cells. Like other plant pathogens, B. xylophilus secretes effectors from pharyngeal gland cells into the host during infection.We provide the first description of changes in the morphology of these gland cells between juvenile and adult life stages. Using a comparative transcriptomics approach and an effector identification pipeline, we identify numerous novel parasitism genes which may be important for the mediation of interactions of B. xylophilus with its host. In-depth characterization of all parasitism genes using in situ hybridization reveals two major categories of detoxification proteins, those specifically expressed in either the pharyngeal gland cells or the digestive system. These data suggest that B. xylophilus incorporates effectors in a multilayer detoxification strategy in order to protect itself from host defence responses during phytophagy.
Mixed infections in cucurbits are frequently observed in natural conditions between viruses from the Potyvirus genus and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), which significantly decreases productivity. The objectives of the present study was to compare the host range of PRSV-W, WMV, and ZYMV isolates and evaluate the effects of mixed infections with CMV in zucchini plants (Cucurbita pepo L.). Host range studies comprising 23 plant species confirmed some similarities and biological differences among the isolates of PRSV-W, ZYMV, and WMV. RT-PCR confirmed the amplification of DNA fragments of the PRSV-W, WMV, and ZYMV coat protein gene (cp) and cytoplasm inclusion gene (ci). The virus interaction studies in zucchini Caserta plants indicated synergistic interactions, particularly among species from the Potyvirus genus, and some CMV interference with some virus combinations.
This manuscript reports the overall development of a Ph.D. research project during the “Mechanics and advanced engineering sciences” course at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna. The project is focused on the development of a combustion control system for an innovative Spark Ignited engine layout. In details, the controller is oriented to manage a prototypal engine equipped with a Port Water Injection system. The water injection technology allows an increment of combustion efficiency due to the knock mitigation effect that permits to keep the combustion phasing closer to the optimal position with respect to the traditional layout. At the beginning of the project, the effects and the possible benefits achievable by water injection have been investigated by a focused experimental campaign. Then the data obtained by combustion analysis have been processed to design a control-oriented combustion model. The model identifies the correlation between Spark Advance, combustion phasing and injected water mass, and two different strategies are presented, both based on an analytic and semi-empirical approach and therefore compatible with a real-time application. The model has been implemented in a combustion controller that manages water injection to reach the best achievable combustion efficiency while keeping knock levels under a pre-established threshold. Three different versions of the algorithm are described in detail. This controller has been designed and pre-calibrated in a software-in-the-loop environment and later an experimental validation has been performed with a rapid control prototyping approach to highlight the performance of the system on real set-up. To further make the strategy implementable on an onboard application, an estimation algorithm of combustion phasing, necessary for the controller, has been developed during the last phase of the PhD Course, based on accelerometric signals.
Background Echocardiography is the cornerstone in the evaluation of cardiac masses and provides accurate characterization. Despite, its accuracy in diagnosis of cardiac masses (CM) remains challenging and, up to date, no validated diagnostic algorithm is validated. Purpose The aim of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of echocardiography, to identify the echocardiographic predictors of malignancy and to develop and then validate a multiparametric echocardiographic score that could be used to estimate the likelihood of the histological nature of a CM. Materials and methods The final sample consisted of 273 consecutive patients who had a 2D-echocardiographic evaluation and a histologic diagnosis. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate the ability of echocardiographic findings to discriminate benign versus malignant masses, then a scoring system was developed and validated in a separate test cohort. Results Of the 322 patients initially included in the Bologna Cardiac Masses Registry, 13 with a poor acoustic window, 27 with no histological examination patients and 9 extra-cardiac masses were excluded. In the remaining 273 patients, classical 2-D echocardiogram identified 249 masses with a diagnostic accuracy of 88%. A weighted score [Diagnostic Echocardiographic Mass (DEM) Score] ranging from 0 to 9 was obtained from 6 variables: infiltration, polylobate mass, moderate-severe pericardial effusion. The AUC for the score was 0.965 (95% CI [0.938-0.993]). In a logistic regression analysis using the DEM score as a predictor, the likelihood of malignant CM increased more than 4 times for a 1-unit increase in the score (OR=4.468; 95% CI 2.733-7.304). A score < 3 denoted a high probability of a benign diagnosis, and a score ≥ 5 points corresponded to a higher risk of malignancy. Conclusion 2D-Echocardiography provides a high diagnostic accuracy in identifying cardiac masses and our multiparametric echocardiographic score could be useful to predict the histological nature of cardiac masses.