977 resultados para hereditary spastic paraplegia
In this research, we reflect on Body and Poetry: for an Education of the senses. This piece of work has as its objective the comprehension of the body and poetry s interlacement, for an education of the senses, starting from the experience of the Being in the world. With this purpose, we search to understand the poetic creation as the corporal transubstantiation by means of the senses, which is realized in the creative expression and manifests itself in the body language, opening ways to an education felt in the aesthetic experience. In order to comprehend the process of poetic creation, we rely on the phenomenological method of the lived world from Merleau-Ponty, philosophy, always opening forests of questionings and sprouting new doubts in search of other comprehensions about Poetry, Body and Education. These three phenomena were investigated by means of a reflection on my own life trajectory as a poet and Physical Education professor; identification and analysis of poets/reciters; sensitive experiences experience lived in Oficinas de Poesias (Poetry Workshops), held in seven public governmental schools of the State of Rio Grande do Norte and through a permanent dialogue with the works of Merleau-Ponty, Severino Antonio, Paul Zumthor, Petrucia Nóbrega, among other authors. Phenomenology and the sources investigated have permitted us to conclude that poetic creation is not a product of a divine inspiration, of a spirit come from over yonder, nor a hereditary gift, but poetry is created from a dialogue between the poet and the organic and cultural world, revealing at each experience undergone a new world of senses and meanings. It was possible to comprehend the poetic language as a synesthetic and performable manifestation, which ontologically reveals itself and hides itself at each experience, bringing new expressive clarities of the Being in the world. This piece of research has revealed us that poetry as a sensitive experience of the poetic state makes it possible a construction of a sensitive, glad and ludic knowledge for an education of the senses
This study aimed to validate the contents of an Instrument for Nursing Consultation in the Home Visit of people with Spinal Cord Injury (INCEVDOP-LM), based on the Self-Care Deficit Theory. The methodological development study was conducted with spinal cord injured (SCI) people ascribed in the Family Health Units the city of Natal/RN/Brazil, and with the nurses of these institutions. The study was conducted from Januray 2012 to January 2013 in two phases: the first aimed to identify the need for self-care of persons with SCI, and the second to develop and validate the INCEVDOP-LM. The first phase consisted of a census study of people with SCI living in Natal/RN. In the second phase, a non-probabilistic convencience sample of subjects was selected to form two groups: First stage - Group 1 of the first stage was comprised by 73 adults with SCI diagnosed with paraplegia or tetraplegia, with cognitive function preserved and that were registered to some family health unit; Group 2 of the Second phase was composed of six experts that were nurses with doctoral formation, scientific experience in the area of technology development or assistance to persons with SCI, and with publications in periodicals Qualis A2. Data collection of the first phase was conducted through home visits of people with SCI that responded three instruments: Questionnaire I (comprised of demographic and socioeconomic variables), The Competency Rating Scale for Self-care (ASA) and the Barthel Index (an instrument for evaluation of functional capacity). The research for the second phase was conducted in two stages: I-construction of the INCEVDOP LM; II-validation of the INCEVDOP-LM. The instrument and an evaluation form were forwarded to the experts for the validation. The correlations between the responses were analyzed by the Kappa test, with accepting values of>0.75. The evaluation criteria were: organization, clarity, simplicity, readability, appropriateness of vocabulary, objectivity, accuracy, reliability and suitability and the positive responses with frequency values of≥90% were considered excellent. The chi-square test was used to investigate the differences between proportions. The study attended to the principles of Human Rights CNS Resolution 196/96. Results were reported by means of four articles derived from the study. The findings indicate that the items that showed disagreement among experts (k=0.02) were diagnoses, interventions and evaluation of the nursing features pertaining to the domains of Nutrition, Hygiene, Elimination, Physical, Social and Psychological, and of the Ability to perform work activities feature. Agreement among the experts were reported for the other items, with kappa ranging from 0.72 to 1. After removing items with disagreement, all criteria achieved excellent rates and no significant differences were observed between the proportions of responses of evaluation of experts (p>0.05). We conclude that the instrument shows validity to serve as a guide for nurses to conduct a systematic consultation during the home visit to people with spinal cord injury, with emphasis on self-care. The instrument must go through other levels of validation when applied in the clinical setting
This study proposes to develop an equipment that attends the demands of tetraplegic people due to cerebral palsy and that promotes an adequate caregivers postural biomechanics during the shower activity of daily living. First, a bibliographic review was performed to define the terms refering to cerebral palsy, activity of daily living (specifically shower), and assistive technology, besides listing the wheelchairs made on the mainly national assistive technology companies. Therefore, this is a descriptive-exploratory study based on a literature review and on a based-field exploration research. On the field research a survey was adopted as a methodological procedure as it is related to a direct investigation related to a phenomenon, on the case, represented by the current shower situation of the people investigated in this study. Data were collected with the application of a form to the caregivers and consumers of the medical-therapeutic treatment and place used by the participants. Such form, which was made up of open and close questions, tried to identify, besides the personal data of evaluated users and consumers, the characteristics of the current shower activity, such as the place where it takes place in the house, the used equipmentS, in the case there is any, and how often it occurs. The form also was used to identify the caregivers and consumers desires and perceptions in relation to the present characteristics of the new dispositive besides the users and consumers anthropometric data. The evaluation of the results obtained through the form, together with the practice and clinical experience of the researchers and engineers involved in this study, made it possible to develop and make up a real shower chair prototype with the specific adjusts destined to adequate the equipment to be used according to the needs of each user and consumer
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
INTRODUÇÃO: As hemoglobinopatias resultam de alterações hereditárias, sendo prevalentes em muitas regiões do mundo, mas atingem a população brasileira de forma significativa. Elas são decorrentes de alterações em genes estruturais responsáveis pelo aparecimento das hemoglobinas variantes e/ou em genes reguladores, resultando nas talassemias. A identificação dessas patologias tem sido rotineiramente realizada por procedimentos eletroforéticos, contudo nossa experiência laboratorial evidencia que as mesmas nem sempre apresentam resoluções suficientes para a correta caracterização da mutação. CASUÍSTICAS E MÉTODOS: O propósito deste trabalho foi estabelecer uma metodologia válida para a caracterização das hemoglobinas S, C e D em homozigose ou heterozigose, e suas possíveis interações, baseada na amplificação gênica alelo-específica (PCR-AE) com a utilização de primers sense, antisense e primers que se acoplam na posição do alelo mutante e na respectiva posição do alelo normal. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Os resultados evidenciaram a validade dessa metodologia na caracterização das mutações, sendo esse procedimento de fácil realização, reprodutível e possível de ser aplicado em um significativo número de amostras.
Cet article a comme objectif présenter la contribution de la Psychologie Historique-Culturelle pour l'analyse critique de l'évaluation psychoéducationnel traditionnel et postuler les fondements pour la nouvelle modalité évaluative. Cette proposition se justifie à cause de l'actuelle révitalisation de l'usage des testes padronisés pour la mensuration des fonctions psychologiques, dues à la vulgarisation de la neuropsychologie. Historiquement les testes padronisés servent comme instrument pour attester cientifiquement l'idéologie de l'égalité entre les hommes dans la societé capitaliste que se maintient à travers de l'expropriation et de l'exclusion. En outre, il existe une forte tendence à attendre que les résultats expliquent l'intelligence comme inée ou considèrent les prédispositions héréditaires pour apprendre, ce qu'on oppose à la comprehénsion que les fonctions mentales sont formées dans le proccès de développement historique-social à travers l'appropriation de la culture humaine. Il est nécessaire donc une évaluation qui considère les médiations sociales (des instruments et des signes) comme constituants des fonctions psychologiques encourageant le développement de tous les individus et la non légitimation de l'exclusion sociale.
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a term used to characterize an ischemic or hemorrhagic vascular injury, which has got as main clinic manifestations, the motor and reflex function disturbance. In the first stage there is flaccidity and loss of voluntary movements that afterwards is substituted by mass patterns and spasticity. The spasticity brings with itself functional deficits and can generate negative impacts in various motor patterns. The aim of this research was to investigate the hyperreflexia and identify the immediate effects of transcutaneous nervous stimulation (TENS) and cryotherapy in the spasticity and electromyographic activity of hemiparetic subjects. The study is characterized as an almost experimental type, in which were selected, to compose the sample, 16 patients of both sex with CVA sequel. These individuals were evaluated by collecting the amplitude peak to peak and H reflex latency, Motor response (M response) in solear muscle and the electromyography (EMG) of the injured and healthy legs anterior tibial muscles. In the injured limb the evaluations occurred in different days for cryotherapy, TENS and control, in two moments, before and after the interventions. The healthy limb was evaluated one single time to serve as baseline, for comparison with the injured limb. It was used an statistic analysis, the t paired student test to identify the H reflex differences, latency and EMG of the injured and healthy limbs and to compare the results before and after the recourses application. The ANOVA for related samples was used to identify the differences among the recourses used. It was attributed for the statistic tests a significance level of 5%. The amplitude peak to peak of normalized maximum H reflex through the maximum motor response (Hmax/Mmax), showed itself significantly increased in the injured limb (p=0.0245). The H reflex latency was presented reduced in the injured limb (p=0, 0375). The electromyographic activity was showed decreased in the injured limb (p< 0.0001). After the TENS there was a Hmáx/Mmáx ratio decrease (0.60±0.16 versus 0.49.±0.18; P = 0.0006). Nonetheless, Just after the cryotherapy application there was an increase of Hmáx/Mmáx ratio (0.58 ± 0,15 to 0.77 ± 0.13, P=0,0007) and increase of signal latency (30.41 ± 1.87 versus 33.24 ± 2.19; P=0.0001). The electromyographic activity wasn t altered significantly by any resource. It was met statistic significant differences when the Hmáx/Mmáx P<0.0001) ratio and H reflex latency (P<0.0001) were compared between the post TENS, cryotherapy and control. One can conclude that the TENS can be used to spasticity immediate reduction, and that the cryotherapy can increase the hyperreflexia state in spastic patients. Nonetheless, the spasticity decrease or increase didn t provoke lectromyographic activity change in the muscle that is opponent to the spastic one
Fatores de risco para síndrome metabólica em cadeirantes: jogadores de basquetebol e não praticantes
A atividade física tem sido sistematicamente estudada como fator preventivo no acometimento de enfermidades crônico-degenerativas, especialmente a síndrome metabólica e doenças cardiovasculares. Sedentarismo está relacionado à diminuição ou ausência de parâmetros mínimos de exigência física diária além do estado de repouso, sendo este fortemente associado à redução na condição de saúde dos indivíduos portadores de deficiência física. As respostas metabólicas do organismo mediante a ausência de determinada musculatura, ou sua inatividade pela falta de estímulos, conduzem a diferenças significativas na estruturação da composição corporal. Esta pesquisa teve como objeto o exercício físico regular e a condição de saúde de indivíduos portadores de deficiência física, através da determinação do perfil antropométrico e bioquímico sangüíneo, e ainda pela determinação da prevalência de fatores de risco para síndrome metabólica. Foram estudados 27 homens com paraplegia (T2-L1), portadores de seqüelas de poliomielite ou amputados, divididos em jogadores de basquetebol cadeirantes (JBC) e não jogadores de basquetebol cadeirantes (NJBC). Os JBC apresentaram circunferência de cintura menor comparada aos NJBC, 76,40±8,44 e 89,25±9,73 cm respectivamente (p<0,05). A pressão arterial sistólica foi significativamente maior nos NJBC 123,33±13,70 e 114,00±9,85 mmHg para JBC (p<0,05), não sendo verificada diferença para PAD. Os NJBC apresentaram valores superiores aos JBC para a bioquímica sangüínea de glicemia, TG, CT e frações, exceto para HDL-C (p<0,05). Os indivíduos NJBC apresentaram alta prevalência para fatores de risco da SM, sendo hipertensão arterial prevalente em 58,33% dos indivíduos, dislipidemia de HDL-C presente em 50% e circunferência de cintura acima da normalidade em 41,66%. Os achados do presente estudo sugerem um papel importante do exercício físico na prevenção da síndrome metabólica, embora estudos adicionais devam ser realizados para a melhor compreensão dos mecanismos que promovem a saúde dos deficientes físicos ativos.
O estudo teve o propósito de verificar a influência da textura do recurso pedagógico no tempo despendido e no índice de retidão para execução de uma atividade de encaixe realizada por indivíduos com paralisia cerebral. Participaram do estudo 6 alunos com sequelas de paralisia cerebral do tipo espástica, com idade entre 7 anos e 8 meses e 28 anos e 1 mês. O participante deveria segurar o objeto e levá-lo a um ponto demarcado previamente para o encaixe e, após, retorná-lo à posição inicial. O objeto foi apresentado nas texturas lisa, intermediária e áspera, de forma aleatória. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada filmagem para posterior leitura pelo programa Kavideo, que possibilitou cálculos para observar o tempo despendido na tarefa e o índice de retidão. Foi realizado o estudo da normalidade das distribuições, verificada por meio do teste de normalidade de Kolmogorov-Smirnov (Teste KS) e a comparação entre as texturas lisa, intermediária e áspera, no movimento de encaixe, por meio da análise de variância de medidas repetidas. Adotou-se para todos os testes nível de significância de 5% de probabilidade para a rejeição da hipótese de normalidade. O resultado do teste de análise de variância de medidas repetidas mostrou que não houve significância para as variáveis estudadas com o recurso apresentado nas três texturas. Porém, os dados da estatística descritiva mostraram que o encaixe do recurso com a textura lisa despendeu um menor tempo para execução da tarefa e, também, determinou um melhor desempenho com relação à trajetória do movimento.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência da flexibilidade da superfície de assento da cadeira na velocidade e no tempo despendido por alunos com paralisia cerebral espástica durante a execução de uma tarefa de manuseio de um objeto na posição sentada. Participaram do estudo 11 alunos, de ambos os gêneros, com diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral espástica, que tinham algum controle de tronco e membros superiores. A quantificação da análise cinemática foi realizada em duas situações experimentais: 1) execução de uma tarefa acadêmica de encaixe, com o indivíduo posicionado em um mobiliário adaptado com assento de lona; 2) execução de uma tarefa acadêmica de encaixe, com o participante posicionado em um mobiliário adaptado com assento de madeira. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e não-paramétrica por meio do teste de Wilcoxon. Os resultados indicaram que: 1) a velocidade média de execução das tarefas não foi influenciada pelo tipo de assento utilizado 2) o tempo de execução da tarefa foi influenciada pelo tipo de assento utilizado. A utilização do assento de lona aumentou o tempo de realização da tarefa. Conclui-se que o assento de um mobiliário escolar para um aluno com paralisia cerebral espástica não deve ser confeccionado com um material muito flexível. Este tipo de assento fornecerá uma base instável que dificultará o desempenho do aluno durante atividades realizadas com os membros superiores.
A disfonia espasmódica (DE) é um distúrbio vocal caracterizado por voz tensa-estrangulada, com quebras de sonoridade e que compromete a comunicação do indivíduo. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica dos tratamentos médico e fonoaudiológico proposto para a DE no período entre 2006 e 2010. Os tratamentos descritos foram: injeção de toxina botulínica (TB), miectomia, neurectomia, denervação e reinervação laríngea seletiva adutora, tireoplastia, miotermia tiroaritenóidea com radiofrequência, injeção de lidocaína, homeopatia e tratamento fonoaudiológico (fonoterapia). O uso de injeção de TB mostrou resultados que indicaram a satisfação dos pacientes tratados, embora alguns dos artigos apontassem a necessidade de reaplicação da toxina frequentemente, como desvantagem. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram considerados duradouros e indicados para os pacientes que não quiseram se submeter às aplicações de TB. Tais estudos, no entanto, apresentaram contingência de pacientes restrita e os resultados foram baseados, na maioria das investigações, no julgamento dos próprios pacientes sobre a sua qualidade vocal. Os tratamentos, com uso de lidocaína e homeopatia, mostraram resultados positivos em relação à qualidade vocal dos pacientes e foram sugeridos como uma opção, também, para aqueles que não gostariam de ser submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico ou à aplicação de TB. Os poucos estudos que reportam fonoterapia assinalaram bons resultados quando a mesma foi associada à injeção de TB, mostrando a escassez de informações nesta área. Futuras pesquisas envolvendo a fonoterapia no tratamento da DE são necessárias.
Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) presents changes in posture and movement as a core characteristic, which requires therapeutic monitoring during the habilitation or rehabilitation of children. Besides clinical treatment, it is fundamental that professionals use systems of evaluation to quantify the difficulties presented to the individual and assist in the organization of a therapeutic program. The aim of this study was to quantitatively verify the performance of children with spastic di-paresia type CP.Methods: The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFM) tests were used and classification made through the GMFCS in the assessment of 7 patients with CP, 4 females and 3 males, average age of 9 years old.Results: According to GMFCS scales, 17% (n=1) were level II and 83% (n=6) were level III. The PEDI test and 88 GMFM items were used in the area of mobility. We observed that there was high correlation between mobility and gross motor function with Pearson's correlation coefficient =0.929) showing the likely impact of these areas in the functional skills and the quality of life of these patients.Conclusion: We suggest the impact of the limitation of the areas in functional skills and quality of life of these patients.
This is a case report on Hereditary Multiple Osteochondromatosis (HMO) with rib involvement. The authors present aspects of thoracic surface anatomy, and thoracic images (X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic nuclear resonance), as well as the operating procedure.
Genes on the X chromosome are known to be responsible for more than 200 hereditary diseases. After IVF, the simple selection of embryo sex before uterine transfer can prevent the occurrence of affected offspring among couples at risk for these genetic disorders. The aim of this investigation was to develop a rapid method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the sexing of human embryos, and to compare it to the fluorescence in-situ hybridization technique, considered to be the gold standard. After biopsies were obtained from 40 surplus non-viable embryos for transfer, a total of 98 blastomeres were analysed. It was possible to analyse 24 embryos (60%) by both techniques, generating a total of 70 blastomeres (35 per technique), white 28 blastomeres from 16 embryos (40%) were analysed only by real-time PCR. A rapid and safe method was developed in the present study for the sexual diagnosis of a single human cell (blastomere and buccal cell) using the emerging technology of real-time PCR. (C) 2009, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.