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Selostus: Vapaan ja rajoitetun maitojuoton vaikutukset ayrshiresonnien kasvuun koko kasvatuskauden aikana ja teurastuloksiin
Tutkielma tarkastelee vapaa alue konseptia osana yritysten kansainvälistä toimitusketjua. Tarkoituksena on löytää keinoja, millä tavoin vapaa alueen houkuttelevuutta voidaan lisätä yritysten näkökulmasta ja millaista liiketoimintaa yritysten on vapaa alueella mahdollista harjoittaa. Tutkielmassa etsitään tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat vapaa alueen menestykseen ja jotka voisivat olla sovellettavissa Kaakkois-Suomen ja Venäjän raja-alueelle ottaen huomioon vallitsevat olosuhteet ja lainsäädäntö rajoittavina tekijöinä. Menestystekijöitä ja liiketoimintamalleja haetaan tutkimalla ja analysoimalla lyhyesti muutamia olemassa olevia ja toimivia vapaa alueita. EU tullilain harmonisointi ja kansainvälisen kaupan vapautuminen vähentää vapaa alueen perinteistä merkitystä tullivapaana alueena. Sen sijaan vapaa alueet toimivat yhä enenevissä määrin logistisina keskuksina kansainvälisessä kaupassa ja tarjoavat palveluita, joiden avulla yritykset voivat parantaa logistista kilpailukykyään. Verkostoituminen, satelliitti-ratkaisut ja yhteistoiminta ovat keinoja, millä Kaakkois-Suomen alueen eri logistiikkapalvelujen tarjoajat voivat parantaa suorituskykyään ja joustavuutta kansainvälisessä toimitusketjussa.
PURPOSE: To test the hypothesis that both coronary anatomy and ventricular function can be assessed simultaneously using a single four-dimensional (4D) acquisition. METHODS: A free-running 4D whole-heart self-navigated acquisition incorporating a golden angle radial trajectory was implemented and tested in vivo in nine healthy adult human subjects. Coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) datasets with retrospective selection of acquisition window width and position were extracted and quantitatively compared with baseline self-navigated electrocardiography (ECG) -triggered coronary MRA. From the 4D datasets, the left-ventricular end-systolic, end-diastolic volumes (ESV & EDV) and ejection fraction (EF) were computed and compared with values obtained from conventional 2D cine images. RESULTS: The 4D datasets enabled dynamic assessment of the whole heart with isotropic spatial resolution of 1.15 mm(3) . Coronary artery image quality was very similar to that of the ECG-triggered baseline scan despite some SNR penalty. A good agreement between 4D and 2D cine imaging was found for EDV, ESV, and EF. CONCLUSION: The hypothesis that both coronary anatomy and ventricular function can be assessed simultaneously in vivo has been tested positive. Retrospective and flexible acquisition window selection allows to best visualize each coronary segment at its individual time point of quiescence. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
In order to improve the efficacy and safety of treatments, drug dosage needs to be adjusted to the actual needs of each patient in a truly personalized medicine approach. Key for widespread dosage adjustment is the availability of point-of-care devices able to measure plasma drug concentration in a simple, automated, and cost-effective fashion. In the present work, we introduce and test a portable, palm-sized transmission-localized surface plasmon resonance (T-LSPR) setup, comprised of off-the-shelf components and coupled with DNA-based aptamers specific to the antibiotic tobramycin (467 Da). The core of the T-LSPR setup are aptamer-functionalized gold nanoislands (NIs) deposited on a glass slide covered with fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO), which acts as a biosensor. The gold NIs exhibit localized plasmon resonance in the visible range matching the sensitivity of the complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor employed as a light detector. The combination of gold NIs on the FTO substrate, causing NIs size and pattern irregularity, might reduce the overall sensitivity but confers extremely high stability in high-ionic solutions, allowing it to withstand numerous regeneration cycles without sensing losses. With this rather simple T-LSPR setup, we show real-time label-free detection of tobramycin in buffer, measuring concentrations down to 0.5 μM. We determined an affinity constant of the aptamer-tobramycin pair consistent with the value obtained using a commercial propagating-wave based SPR. Moreover, our label-free system can detect tobramycin in filtered undiluted blood serum, measuring concentrations down to 10 μM with a theoretical detection limit of 3.4 μM. While the association signal of tobramycin onto the aptamer is masked by the serum injection, the quantification of the captured tobramycin is possible during the dissociation phase and leads to a linear calibration curve for the concentrations over the tested range (10-80 μM). The plasmon shift following surface binding is calculated in terms of both plasmon peak location and hue, with the latter allowing faster data elaboration and real-time display of the results. The presented T-LSPR system shows for the first time label-free direct detection and quantification of a small molecule in the complex matrix of filtered undiluted blood serum. Its uncomplicated construction and compact size, together with the remarkable performances, represent a leap forward toward effective point-of-care devices for therapeutic drug concentration monitoring.
A double side-reaction, consisting in the formation of Fmoc--Ala-OH and Fmoc--Ala-AA-OH, during the preparation of Fmoc protected amino acids (Fmoc-AA-OH) with Fmoc-OSu is discussed. Furthermore, the new Fmoc-2-MBT reagent is proposed for avoiding these side-reactions as well as the formation of the Fmoc-dipeptides (Fmoc-AA-AA-OH) and even tripeptides, which is another important side-reaction when chloroformates such as Fmoc-Cl is used for the protection of the -amino function of the amino acids.
Free induction decay (FID) navigators were found to qualitatively detect rigid-body head movements, yet it is unknown to what extent they can provide quantitative motion estimates. Here, we acquired FID navigators at different sampling rates and simultaneously measured head movements using a highly accurate optical motion tracking system. This strategy allowed us to estimate the accuracy and precision of FID navigators for quantification of rigid-body head movements. Five subjects were scanned with a 32-channel head coil array on a clinical 3T MR scanner during several resting and guided head movement periods. For each subject we trained a linear regression model based on FID navigator and optical motion tracking signals. FID-based motion model accuracy and precision was evaluated using cross-validation. FID-based prediction of rigid-body head motion was found to be with a mean translational and rotational error of 0.14±0.21 mm and 0.08±0.13(°) , respectively. Robust model training with sub-millimeter and sub-degree accuracy could be achieved using 100 data points with motion magnitudes of ±2 mm and ±1(°) for translation and rotation. The obtained linear models appeared to be subject-specific as inter-subject application of a "universal" FID-based motion model resulted in poor prediction accuracy. The results show that substantial rigid-body motion information is encoded in FID navigator signal time courses. Although, the applied method currently requires the simultaneous acquisition of FID signals and optical tracking data, the findings suggest that multi-channel FID navigators have a potential to complement existing tracking technologies for accurate rigid-body motion detection and correction in MRI.
Glucocorticoids have been used for decades in the treatment of ocular disorders via topical, periocular, and more recently intravitreal routes. However, their exact mechanisms of action on ocular tissues remain imperfectly understood. Fortunately, two recently approved intravitreal sustained-release drug delivery systems have opened new perspectives for these very potent drugs. To date, among other retinal conditions, their label includes diabetic macular edema, for which a long-lasting therapeutic effect has been demonstrated both morphologically and functionally in several randomized clinical trials. The rate of ocular complications of intravitreal sustained-release steroids, mainly cataract formation and intraocular pressure elevation, is higher than with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents. Yet, a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying these adverse effects and the search for the minimal efficient dose should help optimize their therapeutic window.