989 resultados para feces incontinence


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Times of in situ incubation (144 and 288h) for determination of internal markers IADF and INDF and the effects of differents procedures (wash or not the nylon bag every 72h incubation) was evaluated in samples of diet, duodenal digesta and cattle feces. The duodenal flow dry matter and fecal production utilizing the internal markers to compare with the external marker chromium oxide there was estimated. The animals were fed with sorgum silage, concentrate or urea. In this experiment, a latin square design was used, in a factorial scheme (two times of incubation × two processing nylon bag). No was observed effect of the incubation time or processing in the internal markers INDF and IADF concentration and the in situ incubation after 144h is adequate to reproduce the indigestible markers fraction in samples. For fecal production estimation, the external marker chromium oxide presented similar result (1.26 kg day-1) as the total fecal collection (1.49 kg day-1). Both the internal markers overestimate the duodenal flow dry matter when compared with the external marker chromium oxide.


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This work aimed to evaluate the effect of increasing dietary fiber levels on the digestibility and gastrointestinal transit time (GTT) for pacu. The digestibility trial used 288 pacu in a completely randomized design, fed in aquaria and transferred to a modified Guelf-type feces collector, using the partial sampling method. The inert marker on the diets was chromic oxide (1%) to establish the diet digestibility. In the GTT assay, 288 pacu were distributed in 24 aquaria in a completely randomized design. Fish were fed with two colored diets - green and white - and feces color was determined after abdominal pressure. The white and green diets used 1% of titanium and chromic oxides, respectively. Total GTT was determined when all fish showed green feces. The apparent digestibility coefficients and GTT of diets decreased as dietary fiber levels increased. These results indicated that 9% dietary fiber can be used in pacu diets without negative effects on energy, protein, crude fiber and ether extract digestibility and GTT.


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This study aimed to determine the activities of trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinant and tannin levels in soybean meal and in raw and processed soy, as well evaluate the protein apparent digestibility coefficient for pacu juveniles. The apparent coefficients of raw, extruded, toasted and milled soy were determined using chromium oxide (0.5%) as marker. A reference diet was created with 26% crude protein and 4,352 kcal kg-1, with each feed containing 30% of the test diet. Feces were collected by abdominal pressure. All analyzed products presented anti-nutritional factors, but the lowest trypsin inhibitor activity was observed in soybean meal. Soy that received thermal treatment presented better digestibility coefficients and lower hemagglutinating activity values than raw soy. No effects of trypsin and tannin inhibitor were observed on the protein digestibility coefficient, but a negative relationship was observed between hemagglutinin levels and protein digestibility coefficient. The use of soybean meal and extruded or toasted soy is recommended for pacu feeding.


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Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) form one of the most important groups of infectious agents and are the cause of serious global health problems. The most important STHs are roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides), whipworms (Trichuris trichiura) and hookworms (Necator americanus or Ancylostoma duodenale); on a global level, more than a billion people have been infected by at least one species of this group of pathogens. This review explores the general concepts of transmission dynamics and the environment and intensity of infection and morbidity of STHs. The global strategy for the control of soil-transmitted helminthiasis is based on (i) regular anthelminthic treatment, (ii) health education, (iii) sanitation and personal hygiene and (iv) other means of prevention with vaccines and remote sensoring. The reasons for the development of a control strategy based on population intervention rather than on individual treatment are discussed, as well as the costs of the prevention of STHs, although these cannot always be calculated because interventions in health education are difficult to measure. An efficient sanitation infrastructure can reduce the morbidity of STHs and eliminates the underlying cause of most poverty-related diseases and thus supports the economic development of a country.


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Background: This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that diabetes and pregnancy detrimentally affect the normal function of urethral striated muscles in rats, providing a model for additional studies related to urinary incontinence. The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological alterations in the urethral striated muscles of diabetic pregnant rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty female Wistar rats were distributed into four experimental groups of five rats as follows: virgin, pregnant, diabetic virgin, and diabetic pregnant. Diabetes was induced using streptozotocin administration (40 mg/kg i.v.). The rats were lethally anesthetized, and the urethra and vagina were extracted as a unit. Cryostat sections (6 μm thick) were cut and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, and immunohistochemical procedures were performed and subjected to morphological and semi quantitative analysis. Results: The urethral striated muscle from the diabetic pregnant rats presented with the following variations: thinning and atrophy, disorganization and disruption associated with the colocalization of fast and slow fibers and a steady decrease in the proportion of fast vs slow fibers. Conclusion: Diabetes and pregnancy impair the urethral striated muscle and alter its fiber type distribution. © Copyright G. Marini et al., 2011.


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Aims: To discuss the importance of studying animal models to test hypotheses about the mechanisms of urinary continence and pathophysiology of diabetes and urinary incontinence. Source of Data: A literature review was conducted in PubMed and SciELO. The key words used were diabetes, urinary incontinence, urethra, human and rats. Summary of Findings: There is a strong relation between the genesis of urinary incontinence and diabetes mellitus. Due to the similarity of normal distribution of skeletal muscle and urethra anatomy between humans and rats, these animal models have been used in current research about these disorders. Conclusions: The use of rats as an animal model is suitable for experimental studies that test hypotheses about the mechanisms of continence and pathophysiology of the binomial diabetes mellitus and urinary incontinence, thus enabling solutions of great value in clinical practice.


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Four castrated horses were utilized in randomized blocks experimental design. The objective was to study the in vitro acquirement of indigestible fiber, neutral detergent fiber (NDFi) and acid detergent fiber (ADFi), using as inoculum source rumen fluid (RF) or horse feces (HF), to estimate the nutrient digestibility (ND) in horses. Treatments consisted of direct method by total feces collection (TC) and indirect method either by the use of NDFi or ADF by the use of LR or HF as inocula source. The first essay was done with horses fed coast-cross hay exclusively, while for the essay two, the horses were fed of 70% of coast-cross hay and 30% corn grain. For the essay 1, ADFi-HF presented the best marker recuperation rate (RR) (103.67%), being similar to control (TC), while NDFi-RF and ADFi-RF resulted in lower RR (P<0.05), 83.43 and 88.28%, respectively. The ND was adequately estimated by NDFi-HF and ADFi-HF. On the second essay there were no significant effects of the marker type, as well as for the indigestible marker acquirement method, for the marker RR (average value of 101%). The ND was adequately predicted by the ADFi obtained for both innocula source and NDFi obtained by the use of HF as inoculum, for horses fed a mixed diet. It can be concluded that horse feces may be used as inoculum source for the acquirement of NDFi and ADFi in vitro for digestibility determination on horses fed coastcross hay exclusively, as well as for horses fed a mixed diet.


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The protozoa of the genus Cryptosporidium sp. are parasites that complete their life cycle on the surface of epithelial cells of the respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tracts of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish. Affected animals generally are asymptomatic but gastrointestinal disorders sometimes can be present. Criptoporidiosis is considered a zoonosis. Infected animals, especially cattle, are a source of infection for the environment and humans, because they eliminate large numbers of oocysts in their feces. The symptoms when present is characterized by watery diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal pain, weight loss and death, especially in immunosuppressed individuals, and especially in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and children. Therapeutic methods effective to eliminate this agent in animals and humans has not been developed but it is necessary to applied support treatment. Criptosporidiosis is considered by the World Health Organization as an emerging disease. Basic sanitation, use of appropriate methods for the inactivation of oocysts and security of personal hygiene are recommended as Prophylactic methods to minimize the spread of Cryptosporidium. This literature review was aimed at describing the importance of cryptosporidiosis in public health.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate a simple molecular method of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to differentiate Newcastle disease virus strains according to their pathogenicity, in order to use it in molecular screening of Newcastle disease virus in poultry and free-living bird populations. Specific primers were developed to differentiate LaSota-LS-(vaccine strain) and Sao Joao do Meriti-SJM-strain (highly pathogenic strain). Chickens and pigeons were experimentally vaccinated/infected for an in vivo study to determine virus shedding in feces. Validation of sensitivity and specificity of the primers (SJM and LS) by experimental models used in the present study and results obtained in the molecular analysis of the primers by BLAST made it possible to generalize results. The development of primers that differentiate the level of pathogenicity of NDV stains is very important, mainly in countries where real-time RT-PCR is still not used as a routine test. These primers were able to determine the presence of the agent and to differentiate it according to its pathogenicity. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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The use of conventional anthelmintic has been a growing concern among consumers who have become more and stricter toward drug residues in products of animal origin. Thus, this research aimed to evaluate the anthelmintic effect of alcoholic extract of propolis, at 30% of concentration, in naturally infected calves. Twelve calves weighting 60 kg and aging 90 days old were used. The treatments were performed by direct oral administration of 10 mL of EAP. The calves received the extract at every 8 h intervals, for five consecutive days. The results were evaluated comprising the detection of light and heavy eggs counted per gram of feces (EPG), immediately before and after treatment, calculating the percentage of reduction. For the statistical analysis, the results were evaluated by Wilcoxon unilateral test of signed points at 5% probability. Trichostrongylus sp. and Strongyloides sp. were found. After treatment, 83% of animals showed an average decrease of 48.48% per counting of EPG. Therefore, propolis may represent an important adjunctive therapy to control helminthiasis in cattle. It was particularly important in ecological organic and biological-dynamic systems of production, whose use of chemicals is prohibitive and limiting factor for certification.


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Aim: Current analysis characterizes the effluent from bullfrog-rearing ponds during the grow-out phase; Methods: Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, electric conductivity, turbidity, total phosphorus, N-NH3, N-NO3, BOD5 and COD and the number of thermotolerant coliforms (Escherichia coli) of the inlet and outlet water of the ponds were analyzed twice a week. Assay consisted of a completely randomized experimental design with two treatments (inlet and outlet water) and six repetitions in a split-plot, coupled to collection over time as subplot; Results: All variables were significantly different (p < 0.05) between treatments and over time (p < 0.05). Average rates of temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen levels of the supply water were higher when compared to those of the effluent. The other variables such as conductivity, turbidity, total phosphorus, ammonia, nitrate, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand and E. coli were higher in the effluent when compared to rates in the supply water; Conclusions: The management during grow-out phase caused the deterioration of the water quality, with increasing levels of dissolved nutrients and the number of thermotolerant coliform. Ammonia and phosphorus levels in the effluent, caused by waste food, skin and feces, accelerate the eutrophication process of the receiving water body. Further studies on effluent treatment are required.


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Two assays were conducted to determine the coefficients of digestibility (CD) and the digestible nutrients (DN) of the extruded semi-whole soybean (Assay 1 conventional feeding and Assay 2 feeding for sows, starting at 109 days of pregnancy and during the lactation and for lactating piglets and in the initial phase, with rations without soybean meal). Each assay was divided into two phases (32 and 50 days of age). Eight piglets weaned at 25 days of age were used. Total feces collection method was used. The following variables were analyzed in feed and in feces: dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber and gross energy. The following average values were obtained: CDDM 88.87%; CDCP 86.81%; CDEE 85.41%; CDCF 78.22%; CDGE 80.21% and CMDE 95.71%, which allowed the calculation of the digestible nutrients: DDM 81.28%; DP 34.49%; DEE 14.02%; DF 4.49%; DEa 4087.86 kcal/kg and MEa 3912.73 kcal/kg. The different coefficients of digestibility were not affected by the differential feeding for sows and piglets nor by the different ages of the animals. Moreover, the extruded semi-whole soybean presented good levels of DN, concerning mainly the digestible and metabolizable energy.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of yeast cell wall extract (YCW) in dry diet on the fecal microbiota, concentration of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and on the odor reduction of cats feces. We used 20 animals of both sexes, randomly assigned to four treatments and five repetitions totaling 20 experimental units: 1) dry commercial diet (control); 2) control + 0.2%, 3) control + 0.4%, and 4) control + 0.6% of YCW in dry matter. Enterobacteriaceae and lactic acid bacteria, fecal concentration of acetic, propionic and butyric acids, ammonia nitrogen and sensory panel were performed. There were no significant differences (p> 0.05) for bacterial counts and the concentration of SCFA and ammonia, but in sensory panel a reduction in the odor of feces could be noted with the use of 0.2% of YCW. We concluded that the addition of up to 0.6% YCW had no effect on the microbiology and the concentration of fatty acids, but there is potential for its use as an additive because of the improvement in the odor of feces. However, further studies are needed to understand the mechanisms of action and the effects of prebiotics for domestic cats.


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The transitional cell carcinoma is usually located in the trigone region of the bladder, and shows nonspecific clinical signs of the lower urinary tract such as hematuria, strangury, pollakiuria and urinary incontinence. The urethral and ureteral obstructions occur in some cases. Etiological factors such as endogenous and iatrogenic have been listed as the cause of disease. The objective of this report is to describe the process and treatment of two cases of transitional cell carcinoma presented simultaneously in two dogs, mother and daughter, that showed hematuria and post-renal azotemia, both with tumor in the trigone of bladder. After partial cystectomy ureteroneocistostomia, the diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma was confirmed by histopathological analysis of bladder tissue. Patients received firocoxib as adjuvant to surgery. It is concluded that the surgical procedure associated with the use of specific anti-inflammatory COX-2 provided a better quality of life in both patients.