1000 resultados para física atómica


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This paper describes a review on internal standardization in atomic absorption spectrometry with emphasis to the systematic and random errors in atomic absorption spectrometry and applications of internal standardization in flame atomic absorption spectrometry and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The rules for selecting an element as internal standard, limitations of the method, and some comments about the application of internal standardization in atomic absorption spectrometry and the future of this compensation strategy are critically discussed.


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The toxicity of the major As species present in the environment justifies the effort for quantifying the element in environmental organic samples, which can vary from animal and vegetal tissues to coal and industrial residues. This paper comments about the applicability of the O2 bomb digestion, as a general procedure for all environmental organic materials. A rapid and straightforward method is suggested, which consists in burning the sample in the bomb at high O2 pressure, dissolving the vapours in diluted HNO3 and determining As in the resulting solution by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. The method was applied to certified materials and plant samples.


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In this paper, the atom economy concepts are applied in a series of experiments during an experimental organic chemistry class, to implement "green chemistry" in an undergraduate course.


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A tubular electrochemical flow-cell for iridium deposition on the inner surface of pyrolytic graphite tube for permanent chemical modification is proposed. A transversal heated graphite tube was used as working electrode, a cylindrical piece of graphite inserted into the graphite tube as auxiliary electrode, and a micro Ag/AgCl(sat) as reference electrode. Iridium solution in 1.0 mol L-1 HCl, flowing at 0.55 mL min-1 for 60 min was used to perform the electrochemical modification. The applied potential to the flow-cell was - 0.700 V vs Ag/AgCl. Scanning electron microscopy images were taken for thermal and electrochemical modified graphite surface in order to evaluate the iridium distribution. Selenium hydride trapping was used to verify the performance of the proposed permanent chemical modifier.


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The purpose of this paper is the development of simple strategies to teach basic concepts of atomic spectrometry. Metals present in samples found in the daily lives of students are determined by flame atomic emission spectrometry (FAES). FAES is an accurate, precise, and inexpensive analytical method often used for determining sodium, potassium, lithium, and calcium. Historical aspects and their contextualization for students are also presented and experiments with samples that do not require pre-treatment are described.


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Thermospray flame furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) was used for the total determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in fresh water and seawater samples at µg L-1 levels, and in marine sediment samples at µg g-1 levels. Using a sample loop of 50 µL and a peristaltic pump the samples were transported into the metallic tube placed over an air/acetylene flame, through a ceramic capillary (o.d. = 3.2 mm) containing two parallel internal orifices (i.d = 0.5 mm). The detection limits determined for Cd, Pb and Zn using a synthetic water matrix (2.5% m/v NaCl, 0.5% m/v MgCl2 and 0.8% m/v CaCl2) were 0.32 µg L-1; 2.6 µg L-1 and 0.21 µg L-1 respectively. The methodology by TS-FF-AAS was validated by determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in certified reference materials of water and marine sediment, and the t-test for differences between means was applied. No statistically significant differences were established in fresh water and seawater (p>0.05), whereas differences became apparent in marine sediment (p<0.03).


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La present comunicació neix amb la voluntat d'ordenar i repensar les estratègies que disposa qualsevol educador que treballi des del cos per treure'n el màxim rendiment i així poder fer més eficient el costós procés d'avaluació, que tants mals de cap porta, al mestre d'educació física.


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És de vital importància conèixer els hàbits fisicoesportius dels adolescents com a punt de partida per a la promoció d’estils de vida saludables. Aquesta promoció en l’àmbit educatiu en gran mesura es realitza a través de l’Educació Física, mostrant-se com a un dels principals objectius d’aquesta assignatura al llarg de l’Educació Secundària Obligatòria. Amb aquesta funció tant important cal saber si l’EF influeix en l’adquisició i manteniment d’aquests hàbits per tal d’adaptar-la a les necessitats dels alumnes. Per aquest motiu en el present treball s’analitzen els hàbits esportius, els motius de pràctica i la influència que té l’EF de l’ESO sobre aquests a 74 adolescents de 3r i 4rt d’ESO de l’IES Alt Berguedà. Els resultats mostren que el 78% dels enquestats realitzen alguna activitat fisicoesportiva de forma regular. En relació als motius de pràctica tant en nois com en noies és perquè els agrada l’esport (30% i 25% respectivament). Pel què fa a la influència de l’Educació Física aquesta es mostra pràcticament inexistent on tan sols un 18% dels enquestats ha respost que els hagi influït bastant o molt positivament en els seus hàbits fisicoesportius. Per tant, des de l’àmbit educatiu cal reflexionar sobre com adaptar l’EF per influir en els hàbits dels nostres adolescents.


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Durant el curs 2010-11 a la Facultat d’Educació de la Universitat de Vic s’ha impartit la primera edició del Màster de Formació del Professorat d’Educació Secundària especialitat d’Educació Física. I enguany s’hi celebra la segona edició. El màster ofertat des la UVic té com a objectiu formar els futurs professionals de l’educació física de Catalunya. En aquesta formació s’inclou també la capacitació del professorat en l’ús i la relació amb les tecnologies de la comunicació i la informació (TIC)


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El asma es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de elevada prevalencia a nivel mundial, siendo el colectivo más afectado el formado por niños y adolescentes. Su sintomatología se caracteriza por la aparición de tos, disnea, sibilancias, sensación de opresión en el pecho y broncoconstricción. Tradicionalmente se había pensado que el deporte y el ejercicio físico estaban contraindicados en pacientes asmáticos. Por otro lado, el paciente asmático suele presentar niveles de condición física y práctica deportiva menores que los sujetos sanos. Actualmente se ha propuesto la actividad física regular como un camino válido para mejorar la percepción y el autoconocimiento personal sobre esta enfermedad. Se aconseja la prescripción de actividad física como forma de mejorar su sintomatología y evolución. La práctica de una actividad física regular en pacientes asmáticos debería ser considerada dentro de los actuales y futuros programas de salud como un objetivo fundamental.


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Este estudio aborda un doble objetivo: a) conocer si existe progresión signi+cativa entre tres valores correspondientes al índice de Borg elicitados por jóvenes deportistas con relación a tres actividades de intensidad creciente; b) analizar la relación existente entre el índice de masa corporal (IMC) de los participantes con los valores de frecuencia cardíaca (FC) y la percepción de intensidad del esfuerzo (RPE). Método: Treinta y cinco deportistas jóvenes con una edad media de 18 y 28 años (21±0,5), realizaron 3 actividades que exigían una intensidad creciente de ejercicio: leve, moderada y vigorosa (ACSM, 2011). Se controló la frecuencia cardíaca mediante el dispositivo telemétrico Polar Team 2 y al +nalizar las tres actividades se administró tres veces la escala de Borg para obtener la RPE para cada actividad. Se ha complementado la metodología observacional indirecta (índices de Borg) con la metodología cuasiexperimental para obtener inferencias causales mediante un diseño sincrónico de variable de asignación conocida y grupo único. Se ha realizado un análisis de regresión múltiple, considerando la FC y la RPE como variables predictoras del IMC. Resultados: la RPE es creciente, acorde a las actividades, en todos los participantes, aunque en ningún caso la tendencia es estadísticamente signi+cativa. Prácticamente la cuarta parte del IMC se puede explicar por la FC y la RPE puesto que los participantes que tienen valores más altos de FC y de índice de Borg tienen también mayores valores de IMC. Este estudio puede proporcionar una visión de evaluación integrada entre los factores IMC, FC y la RPE, que suelen investigarse de modo aislado.


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The use of an internal standard (IS) in ET AAS can be considered a new trend after the commercial introduction of a simultaneous spectrometer. The evaluation of experimental data to choose the most appropriate IS can be done by comparing correlation graphs. They were used to verify the resemblance among the simultaneous measurements obtained for the analyte(s) and the IS by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICPOES). The judicious selection of IS by using correlation graphs for determinations by ET AAS can be exploited to improve the precision and accuracy of the analytical results. Therefore, a new approach for studying the use of IS in ET AAS is presented.


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Affinity reactions have been used for specific detection of their complementary partners and an enormous variety of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) formats are used in research and in routine serological tests. With the advent of the atomic force microscopy (AFM) technique, the immune reactions have been monitored by these devices. In the present article we focus on applications of AFM to immunoassays. After introducing the basic concepts of AFM, a brief discussion on the monitoring of the interactions between antigens and antibodies through both topographic image and biosensor systems is presented.


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This work describes a systematic study for bovine liver sample preparation for Cd and Pb determination by solid sampling electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Samples were prepared using different procedures: (1) drying in a household microwave oven followed by drying in a stove at 60 ºC until constant mass, and (2) freeze-drying. Ball and cryogenic mills were used for grinding. Particle size, sample size and micro sample homogeneity were investigated. All prepared samples showed good homogeneity (He < 10) even for low sample mass, but samples dried in a microwave oven/stove and ground in a ball mill presented the best homogeneity.


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Simple experiments are proposed for measuring molecular absorption of chromate and dichromate ions using an atomic absorption spectrometer. The experiments can help undergraduate students in instrumental analysis courses understand important aspects involving conceptual and instrumental similarities and differences between frequently used analytical techniques. Hollow cathode lamps were selected with wavelengths in the region of molecular absorption of chromate and dichromate. Calibration curves were obtained and the linear dynamic range was evaluated. Results were compared with those obtained in a molecular absorption spectrometer. The molar absorptivities obtained were also compared.