1000 resultados para espectroscopia óptica
El creciente peso que han alcanzado los mercados y diferentes actores económicos dentro de la escena política mundial, sugieren que estamos frente a un nuevo paradigma en lo que concierne al funcionamiento del Estado nación. El concepto de Geoeconomía surge como respuesta a los cambios que se han comenzado a configurar a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, a su vez que ilustra como a través de la concepción de estrategias de control económico se puede alcanzar dominio y poder en términos internacionales, bien sea a través de los Estados de manera directa o bajo su influencia o beneplácito a través de grandes grupos económicos. En efecto, el presente trabajo de investigación aborda desde la óptica Geoeconómica la progresiva colonización que ha emprendido el sistema financiero colombiano, y más propiamente el Grupo Bancolombia, sobre una serie de activos financieros estratégicos en Centroamérica. Del mismo modo, explica cómo este fenómeno ha traído consigo cambios sustanciales en la dinámica de las relaciones internacionales de Colombia con sus vecinos, a su vez que ha propiciado las condiciones de legitimidad necesarias para una serie de actores privados que podrían llegar incluso a ser capaces de moldear en cierta medida la política interior y exterior del país, tal y como ha sucedido en algunos episodios recientes.
The increased longevity of humans and the demand for a better quality of life have led to a continuous search for new implant materials. Scientific development coupled with a growing multidisciplinarity between materials science and life sciences has given rise to new approaches such as regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. The search for a material with mechanical properties close to those of human bone produced a new family of hybrid materials that take advantage of the synergy between inorganic silica (SiO4) domains, based on sol-gel bioactive glass compositions, and organic polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS ((CH3)2.SiO2)n, domains. Several studies have shown that hybrid materials based on the system PDMS-SiO2 constitute a promising group of biomaterials with several potential applications from bone tissue regeneration to brain tissue recovery, passing by bioactive coatings and drug delivery systems. The objective of the present work was to prepare hybrid materials for biomedical applications based on the PDMS-SiO2 system and to achieve a better understanding of the relationship among the sol-gel processing conditions, the chemical structures, the microstructure and the macroscopic properties. For that, different characterization techniques were used: Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, liquid and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, X-ray diffraction, small-angle X-ray scattering, smallangle neutron scattering, surface area analysis by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Surface roughness and wettability were analyzed by 3D optical profilometry and by contact angle measurements respectively. Bioactivity was evaluated in vitro by immersion of the materials in Kokubos’s simulated body fluid and posterior surface analysis by different techniques as well as supernatant liquid analysis by inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. Biocompatibility was assessed using MG63 osteoblastic cells. PDMS-SiO2-CaO materials were first prepared using nitrate as a calcium source. To avoid the presence of nitrate residues in the final product due to its potential toxicity, a heat-treatment step (above 400 °C) is required. In order to enhance the thermal stability of the materials subjected to high temperatures titanium was added to the hybrid system, and a material containing calcium, with no traces of nitrate and the preservation of a significant amount of methyl groups was successfully obtained. The difficulty in eliminating all nitrates from bulk PDMS-SiO2-CaO samples obtained by sol-gel synthesis and subsequent heat-treatment created a new goal which was the search for alternative sources of calcium. New calcium sources were evaluated in order to substitute the nitrate and calcium acetate was chosen due to its good solubility in water. Preparation solgel protocols were tested and homogeneous monolithic samples were obtained. Besides their ability to improve the bioactivity, titanium and zirconium influence the structural and microstructural features of the SiO2-TiO2 and SiO2-ZrO2 binary systems, and also of the PDMS-TiO2 and PDMS-ZrO2 systems. Detailed studies with different sol-gel conditions allowed the understanding of the roles of titanium and zirconium as additives in the PDMS-SiO2 system. It was concluded that titanium and zirconium influence the kinetics of the sol-gel process due to their different alkoxide reactivity leading to hybrid xerogels with dissimilar characteristics and morphologies. Titanium isopropoxide, less reactive than zirconium propoxide, was chosen as source of titanium, used as an additive to the system PDMS-SiO2-CaO. Two different sol-gel preparation routes were followed, using the same base composition and calcium acetate as calcium source. Different microstructures with high hydrophobicit were obtained and both proved to be biocompatible after tested with MG63 osteoblastic cells. Finally, the role of strontium (typically known in bioglasses to promote bone formation and reduce bone resorption) was studied in the PDMS-SiO2-CaOTiO2 hybrid system. A biocompatible material, tested with MG63 osteoblastic cells, was obtained with the ability to release strontium within the values reported as suitable for bone tissue regeneration.
Considering the social and economic importance that the milk has, the objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence and quantifying antimicrobial residues in the food. The samples were collected in dairy industry of southwestern Paraná state and thus they were able to cover all ten municipalities in the region of Pato Branco. The work focused on the development of appropriate models for the identification and quantification of analytes: tetracycline, sulfamethazine, sulfadimethoxine, chloramphenicol and ampicillin, all antimicrobials with health interest. For the calibration procedure and validation of the models was used the Infrared Spectroscopy Fourier Transform associated with chemometric method based on Partial Least Squares regression (PLS - Partial Least Squares). To prepare a work solution antimicrobials, the five analytes of interest were used in increasing doses, namely tetracycline from 0 to 0.60 ppm, sulfamethazine 0 to 0.12 ppm, sulfadimethoxine 0 to 2.40 ppm chloramphenicol 0 1.20 ppm and ampicillin 0 to 1.80 ppm to perform the work with the interest in multiresidues analysis. The performance of the models constructed was evaluated through the figures of merit: mean square error of calibration and cross-validation, correlation coefficients and offset performance ratio. For the purposes of applicability in this work, it is considered that the models generated for Tetracycline, Sulfadimethoxine and Chloramphenicol were considered viable, with the greatest predictive power and efficiency, then were employed to evaluate the quality of raw milk from the region of Pato Branco . Among the analyzed samples by NIR, 70% were in conformity with sanitary legislation, and 5% of these samples had concentrations below the Maximum Residue permitted, and is also satisfactory. However 30% of the sample set showed unsatisfactory results when evaluating the contamination with antimicrobials residues, which is non conformity related to the presence of antimicrobial unauthorized use or concentrations above the permitted limits. With the development of this work can be said that laboratory tests in the food area, using infrared spectroscopy with multivariate calibration was also good, fast in analysis, reduced costs and with minimum generation of laboratory waste. Thus, the alternative method proposed meets the quality concerns and desired efficiency by industrial sectors and society in general.
The routine analysis for quantization of organic acids and sugars are generally slow methods that involve the use and preparation of several reagents, require trained professional, the availability of special equipment and is expensive. In this context, it has been increasing investment in research whose purpose is the development of substitutive methods to reference, which are faster, cheap and simple, and infrared spectroscopy have been highlighted in this regard. The present study developed multivariate calibration models for the simultaneous and quantitative determination of ascorbic acid, citric, malic and tartaric and sugars sucrose, glucose and fructose, and soluble solids in juices and fruit nectars and classification models for ACP. We used methods of spectroscopy in the near infrared (Near Infrared, NIR) in association with the method regression of partial least squares (PLS). Were used 42 samples between juices and fruit nectars commercially available in local shops. For the construction of the models were performed with reference analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and refractometry for the analysis of soluble solids. Subsequently, the acquisition of the spectra was done in triplicate, in the spectral range 12500 to 4000 cm-1. The best models were applied to the quantification of analytes in study on natural juices and juice samples produced in the Paraná Southwest Region. The juices used in the application of the models also underwent physical and chemical analysis. Validation of chromatographic methodology has shown satisfactory results, since the external calibration curve obtained R-square value (R2) above 0.98 and coefficient of variation (%CV) for intermediate precision and repeatability below 8.83%. Through the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was possible to separate samples of juices into two major groups, grape and apple and tangerine and orange, while for nectars groups separated guava and grape, and pineapple and apple. Different validation methods, and pre-processes that were used separately and in combination, were obtained with multivariate calibration models with average forecast square error (RMSEP) and cross validation (RMSECV) errors below 1.33 and 1.53 g.100 mL-1, respectively and R2 above 0.771, except for malic acid. The physicochemical analysis enabled the characterization of drinks, including the pH working range (variation of 2.83 to 5.79) and acidity within the parameters Regulation for each flavor. Regression models have demonstrated the possibility of determining both ascorbic acids, citric, malic and tartaric with successfully, besides sucrose, glucose and fructose by means of only a spectrum, suggesting that the models are economically viable for quality control and product standardization in the fruit juice and nectars processing industry.
El presente trabajo analiza y estudia, desde la óptica contemporánea, la hibridación de lenguajes y formas que se articulan en torno al actual estatuto de lo documental. Ficción y documental cinematográficos dan paso a una nueva realidad donde las fronteras han de ser redefinidas y en la cual conviven las tradicionales formas cinematográficas con la enorme variedad de tipologías y contenidos que se vuelcan diariamente en la red.
Los progresos de la informática están íntimamente ligados a los desarrollos de la arquitectura de los procesadores que, a su vez, son posibles gracias a los progresos logrados en otras ramas de la ciencia. La arquitectura de los procesadores $urgió de la conjunción de la electrónica y la noción de "máquina secuencial de programa registrado" formulada por el matemático John von Newman. Este modelo está constituido por dos partes básicas: una memoria 'central y un procesador, que a su vez posee dos partes: la unidad de procesamiento y la unidad de control.
Objetivo: Evaluar mediante tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT) las variaciones de espesor macular producidas a lo largo del tiempo en ojos pseudoafáquicos implantados con una lente intraocular (LIO) transparente en comparación con sus respectivos ojos contralarerales implantados con LIO amarilla. Métodos: El espesor macular de 36 ojos de 18 sujetos fue evaluado mediante OCT. Los sujetos presentaban edades superiores a 65 años y habían sido intervenidos de cataratas en ambos ojos en 2 cirugías independientes. La principal característica de los individuos es que llevaban implantada una LIO con diferente absorción en cada ojo: transparente (absorbente de la radiación ultravioleta) y amarilla (con filtro adicional absorbente de las radiaciones violeta-azul del espectro visible). El espesor macular se evaluó en 2 sesiones separadas en el tiempo por un intervalo de tiempo de 5 años, mediante el sistema Stratus-OCT (protocolo fast macular thickness). Se analizaron estadísticamente las diferencias en la evolución del espesor macular entre ojos con diferente tipo de LIO. Resultados: Tras 5 años de seguimiento, se observó que los ojos implantados con LIO transparente manifestaban una reducción del espesor macular estadísticamente significativa, superior a la esperada por el aumento de la edad. Sin embargo, los ojos implantados con LIOs amarillas mantuvieron su espesor macular estable. La disminución del espesor macular promedio en ojos implantados con LIO transparente fue de 5 ± 8 μm (p = 0,02) y la reducción del espesor foveal fue de 10 ± 17 μm (p = 0,02). Conclusiones: Los cambios de espesor macular producidos en ojos implantados con una LIO amarilla difieren de los cambios manifestados en ojos con LIO transparente. Estas observaciones apuntan a un posible efecto protector de las LIOs amarillas contra los efectos dañinos de la luz en sujetos pseudoafáquicos. Sin embargo, estudios con un mayor tamaño muestral y mayor tiempo de seguimiento son necesarios para confirmar que la protección inducida por este tipo de LIO es clínicamente significativa.
Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear)
Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear)
Com o objetivo de diminuir a incidência das leveduras encapsulas em alginato se aglomerarem na segunda fermentação em garrafa e reduzir custos associados à sua eliminação, pretendeu-se utilizar a metodologia NIR para determinar a quantidade de cálcio no vinho. Foram quantificados outros minerais para avaliar hipotéticos antagonismos iónicos. Observou-se também que este controlo de qualidade poderá ser efetuado no mosto. Atualmente este controlo é realizado por metodologias de análise de referência bastante morosas como EAA. Contudo a metodologia NIR demonstrou ser uma boa alternativa no controlo dos parâ-metros de qualidade na produção de vinho espumante, permitindo a diminuição do tempo de análise e de resíduos. No desenvolvimento dos modelos matemáticos para a calibração do NIR utilizaram-se 79 vinhos brancos e 60 amostras de mosto. Foram desenvolvidos 11 modelos de calibração onde o coeficiente de correlação foi, em aproximadamente 58% dos casos, maior que 0,99; ABSTRACT: In order to reduce the incidence of alginate beads aggregation during the second fermentation in the bottle and to reduce costs associated with their disposal, it was used the NIR technology to quantify calcium content in the wine. Other minerals were also quantified in order to evaluate possible ionic antagonisms. Quality control is usually done in the base wine but it can also be evaluated in the must. Currently this control was carried out by reference analysis methodologies generally rather slow as AAS. However NIR proved to be a good alternative technique in the control of quality parameters of wine production, allowing the reduction of the analysis time and waste. In order to develop mathematical models for the calibration of NIR it was used 79 white wine samples and 60 must samples. Eleven calibration models have been developed, where the correlation coeffi-cient was, in approximately 58% of cases, greater than 0,99.